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Hide Windows error message when you remove an usb in use

Go to solution Solved by MikahS,

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Good evening! What I want to do today is a script that hide or bypasses the Windows error message that appears when you remove a usb key currently in use.

For precision this is the error: '>

Anyone has any ideas? Thanks in advance!

  • Solution
Posted (edited)

Local $title = "Problem Ejecting USB Mass Storage Device"

While 1
    If WinExists("[TITLE:" & $title & "]") Then
       WinClose("[TITLE:" & $title & "]")

something like this? :)

Edited by MikahS

Snips & Scripts

My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvars
My Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4

Feel free to use any of my code for your own use.                                                                                                                                                           Forum FAQ


Posted (edited)

Thank you so much for writing the code! :) I will try it!


I seem to be in an all to generous mood today, but it's my pleasure. ;)

Edited by MikahS

Snips & Scripts

My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvars
My Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4

Feel free to use any of my code for your own use.                                                                                                                                                           Forum FAQ


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