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Posted (edited)

Hi, i wrote a script that can replace multiple strings in a xml file works fine but so slow!

I've used StringReplace ,_ReplaceStringInFile, StringRegExpReplace, all the same very slow,.

The number of replacements in the file about 8000

Any help would be greatly appreciated

#include <File.au3>
$path = @ScriptDir & '\xmlfo.xml'
$OXML = FileOpen($path, 256)
$XML = FileRead($OXML)

$term = 'post'
$nofr = 1
Local $aArray = StringRegExp($XML, '(?s)<entry[^>]*>.*?</entry>', 3)
$XL = $XML
If Not @error Then
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1
        ;get data start
        ;ConsoleWrite ( $aArray[0] &' '&$i& @CRLF)
        $date = StringRegExp($aArray[$i], '(?i)<published>(.*?)</published>', 3)
        If @error Then
            $date = StringRegExp("date err", "(.{33,}?(?:\s)|.+)", 3)
        ElseIf Not @error Then
            ;ConsoleWrite($date[0] & ' ' & $i & @CRLF)
        $kind = StringRegExp($aArray[$i], '(?i)<category>(.*?)</category>', 3)
        If @error Then
            $kind = StringRegExp("kind err", "(.{33,}?(?:\s)|.+)", 3)
            ;ConsoleWrite ( $kind[0] &' '&$i& @CRLF)
        ElseIf Not @error Then
            ;ConsoleWrite ( $kind[0] &' '&$i& @CRLF)
        If $kind[0] = $term And Data(getdate($date[0], 'year'), getdate($date[0], 'month')) = True Then

            _ReplaceStringInFile($path, $aArray[$i], '')

            If Not @error Then
                ConsoleWrite($nofr & ' ' & $i & @CRLF)
                $nofr = $nofr + 1
            ;FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\XML_output.xml')
            ;FileWrite (@ScriptDir & '\XML_output.xml', StringToBinary ( StringReplace($temp, $aArray[$i], "") , 4) )
            ConsoleWrite ('err0x0'& @CRLF)
Edited by DCCD
  • Moderators
Posted (edited)

Well, you have a huge issue with loading and unloading 100mb's into memory over and over.

Every call to _ReplaceStringInFile opens the file twice.

So... 2 suggestions I can think of.

1.  Ditch _ReplaceStringInFile() and just read the file into memory once, enum each line, keep what you want, remove what you don't (would require a second string to write back to the file, I say a second string because _ArrayDelete ReDims the array every time).

2.  Read the file into chunks and repeat step 1.


If this is some type of database script, sqlite would make a lot more sense.

Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

  • Moderators

You're going to have us guess without your code and an example file of what you've tried aren't you :( ... ?

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.


Well, you have a huge issue with loading and unloading 100mb's into memory over and over.

Every call to _ReplaceStringInFile opens the file twice.

So... 2 suggestions I can think of.

1.  Ditch _ReplaceStringInFile() and just read the file into memory once, enum each line, keep what you want, remove what you don't (would require a second string to write back to the file, I say a second string because _ArrayDelete ReDims the array every time).

2.  Read the file into chunks and repeat step 1.


If this is some type of database script, sqlite would make a lot more sense.


each text string need to be replaced may contain more than 500 characters/numbers.

  • Moderators
Posted (edited)

I'm sorry, I don't see the relevance to your statement/reply.



This would speed up your script exponentially.

#include <File.au3>
$path = @ScriptDir & '\xmlfo.xml'
$OXML = FileOpen($path, 256)
$XML = FileRead($OXML)

$term = 'post'
$nofr = 1
Local $aArray = StringRegExp($XML, '(?s)<entry[^>]*>.*?</entry>', 3)

If Not @error Then
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1
        ;get data start
        ;ConsoleWrite ( $aArray[0] &' '&$i& @CRLF)
        $date = StringRegExp($aArray[$i], '(?i)<published>(.*?)</published>', 3)
        If @error Then
            $date = StringRegExp("date err", "(.{33,}?(?:\s)|.+)", 3)
        ElseIf Not @error Then
            ;ConsoleWrite($date[0] & ' ' & $i & @CRLF)
        $kind = StringRegExp($aArray[$i], '(?i)<category>(.*?)</category>', 3)
        If @error Then
            $kind = StringRegExp("kind err", "(.{33,}?(?:\s)|.+)", 3)
            ;ConsoleWrite ( $kind[0] &' '&$i& @CRLF)
        ElseIf Not @error Then
            ;ConsoleWrite ( $kind[0] &' '&$i& @CRLF)
        If $kind[0] = $term And Data(getdate($date[0], 'year'), getdate($date[0], 'month')) = True Then
            $XML = StringReplace($XML, $aArray[$i], '')
            ;_ReplaceStringInFile($path, $aArray[$i], '')

            If Not @error Then
                ConsoleWrite($nofr & ' ' & $i & @CRLF)
                $nofr = $nofr + 1
            ;FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\XML_output.xml')
            ;FileWrite (@ScriptDir & '\XML_output.xml', StringToBinary ( StringReplace($temp, $aArray[$i], "") , 4) )
            ConsoleWrite ('err0x0'& @CRLF)

Global $ghOpen = FileOpen($path, $FO_UTF8_NOBOM + $FO_OVERWRITE)
FileWrite($ghOpen, $XML)

Here, as suggested before, we are only opening the file, reading the file, and writing to the file 1 time.

Your way, it was opening, reading to memory, writing as many times as the loop was long.

One thing is different, the FileOpen at the bottom of the script, you never told _ReplaceStringInFile how to write the data back to the file, so it was writing it regularly, I added $FO_UTF8_NOBOM strictly because that's how you opened it before in your code example.

So you may want to backup your xml file before using this code (just FYI).

Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.


I'm sorry, I don't see the relevance to your statement/reply.



This would speed up your script exponentially.

#include <File.au3>
$path = @ScriptDir & '\xmlfo.xml'
$OXML = FileOpen($path, 256)
$XML = FileRead($OXML)

$term = 'post'
$nofr = 1
Local $aArray = StringRegExp($XML, '(?s)<entry[^>]*>.*?</entry>', 3)

If Not @error Then
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1
        ;get data start
        ;ConsoleWrite ( $aArray[0] &' '&$i& @CRLF)
        $date = StringRegExp($aArray[$i], '(?i)<published>(.*?)</published>', 3)
        If @error Then
            $date = StringRegExp("date err", "(.{33,}?(?:\s)|.+)", 3)
        ElseIf Not @error Then
            ;ConsoleWrite($date[0] & ' ' & $i & @CRLF)
        $kind = StringRegExp($aArray[$i], '(?i)<category>(.*?)</category>', 3)
        If @error Then
            $kind = StringRegExp("kind err", "(.{33,}?(?:\s)|.+)", 3)
            ;ConsoleWrite ( $kind[0] &' '&$i& @CRLF)
        ElseIf Not @error Then
            ;ConsoleWrite ( $kind[0] &' '&$i& @CRLF)
        If $kind[0] = $term And Data(getdate($date[0], 'year'), getdate($date[0], 'month')) = True Then
            $XML = StringReplace($XML, $aArray[$i], '')
            ;_ReplaceStringInFile($path, $aArray[$i], '')

            If Not @error Then
                ConsoleWrite($nofr & ' ' & $i & @CRLF)
                $nofr = $nofr + 1
            ;FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\XML_output.xml')
            ;FileWrite (@ScriptDir & '\XML_output.xml', StringToBinary ( StringReplace($temp, $aArray[$i], "") , 4) )
            ConsoleWrite ('err0x0'& @CRLF)

Global $ghOpen = FileOpen($path, $FO_UTF8_NOBOM + $FO_OVERWRITE)
FileWrite($ghOpen, $XML)

Here, as suggested before, we are only opening the file, reading the file, and writing to the file 1 time.

Your way, it was opening, reading to memory, writing as many times as the loop was long.

One thing is different, the FileOpen at the bottom of the script, you never told _ReplaceStringInFile how to write the data back to the file, so it was writing it regularly, I added $FO_UTF8_NOBOM strictly because that's how you opened it before in your code example.

So you may want to backup your xml file before using this code (just FYI).


@SmOke_N, Thank you for all your help  ^_^ and I apologize for the late response :sweating:

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