johnnyzero Posted January 15, 2015 Share Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) I came across this existing AutoIT code that works pretty well for what I need: automatically pop up the oncreen keyboard as needed for text input when using "desktop mode" programs on a Windows tablet. Pretty clever: it detects when the cursor changes to an i-beam and assumes you've clicked on a text input field. expandcollapse popup;#RequireAdmin #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #Include <WinAPIEx.au3> ;#include <SendMessage.au3> #include <TrayConstants.au3> Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) ; Use event trapping for tray menu Opt("TrayMenuMode", 3) ; Default tray menu items will not be shown. $iTrayIBeam = TrayCreateItem("Toggle Cursor I-Beam") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "ToggleIBeam") $iTrayDebug = TrayCreateItem("Debug Tooltips") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "DebugMode") TrayCreateItem("") ; Create a separator line. TrayCreateItem("Exit") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "OnTrayMenuExit") TraySetState() TraySetClick(16) ; Set left click TraySetOnEvent($TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYUP, "OnTrayIconClick") TraySetIcon("Resources\Enabled.ico") Global $title,$lastTitle,$cursorBlinking, $editDetected, $visible, $PID, $debugMode, $Address, $useIBeam Global $triggerMethod, $lastTriggerMethod, $debugMsg, $lastDebugMsg Global $enabled = True Global $myError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","ErrorTrapper") ; Initialize COM error handler - used for the Excel hack Global Const $TRIGGER_EXCEL = "XLMAIN" Global const $TRIGGER_BROWSER = "BROWSER" Global Const $TRIGGER_CURSORBLINKING = "CB" Global Const $TRIGGER_IBEAM = "IBEAM" While 1 ; Sleep(100) If RegRead('HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl', 'ConvertibleSlateMode') = 0 And $enabled Then $title = WinGetTitle('[ACTIVE]','') $hwnd=WinGetHandle('[ACTIVE]','') $className = _WinAPI_GetClassName($hwnd) $cursorBlinking=False $editDetected=False ;Check if we're using a browser as these are sandboxed.... Also Excel doesn't seem to be coming through local $browser="" Switch $className Case "Chrome_WidgetWin_1" $browser="Chrome" Case "MozillaWindowClass" $browser="FireFox" Case "IEFrame" $browser="IE" Case "XLMain" ;Kludge...!!! Seems an error is thrown if in edit mode, so let's use that to our advantage! Could stop working at any time... local $excelObj = ObjGet('','Excel.Application') if @error and $visible Then ;bit flaky so had to do this to prevent keyboard bouncing up and down $editDetected =True Else If IsObj($excelObj) Then local $excelActiveCell = $excelObj.ActiveCell.Address if @error then $editDetected = True if DebugMode then ShowDebugMessage("Excel - " & $title & ": " & $excelActiveCell,True) $triggerMethod = $TRIGGER_EXCEL Elseif $debugMode Then ShowDebugMessage("Could not get Excel object") EndIf EndIf EndSwitch ;If we're not already in Edit Mode, check if we've got anything in the browser title to indicate edit mode if $browser<>"" and not $editDetected Then $className=$browser if StringInStr($title," [input]") then $editDetected=True $triggerMethod= $TRIGGER_BROWSER EndIf EndIf ;If we still haven't got anything, look for a 'blinking cursor' if not $editDetected Then $Info = _WinAPI_GetGUIThreadInfo(_WinAPI_GetWindowThreadProcessId($hwnd, $PID)) If Not @error Then $editDetected = ($info[0] = 1) $cursorBlinking=$editDetected if $editDetected then $triggerMethod = $TRIGGER_CURSORBLINKING EndIf ;If all else fails, IBeam cursor... if not $editDetected and $useIBeam Then $cursor = MouseGetCursor() $editDetected = ($cursor =5) ; 5 is for an I-Beam cursor EndIf if $debugMode then $debugMsg="Variables - Keyboard: " & $visible & ", Trigger: " & $triggerMethod & ", Last Trigger: " & $lastTriggerMethod & ", EditDetected: " & $editDetected if $debugMsg <> $lastDebugMsg then ShowDebugMessage ($debugMsg) $lastDebugMsg=$debugMsg EndIf If $editDetected and (not $visible or $title <> $lastTitle) Then $keyboard = ShellExecute('"C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\TabTip.exe"') ;Can we replace this with a PostMessage??? $visible = True ElseIf not $editDetected and $visible Then HideKeyboard() $visible = False EndIf $lastTitle = $title $lastTriggerMethod = $triggerMethod EndIf WEnd Func OnTrayMenuExit() Exit EndFunc ;Toggle Enabled/Disabled mode Func OnTrayIconClick() if $enabled Then TraySetIcon("Resources\Disabled.ico") $enabled=False Else TraySetIcon("Resources\Enabled.ico") $enabled=True EndIf ;ConsoleWrite("Single" & @CRLF) EndFunc Func ErrorTrapper() Local $err = $myError.number If $err = 0 Then $err = -1 SetError($err) ; to check for after this function returns if $debugMode then ShowDebugMessage ("[ErrorTrapper] Error Code: " & $err) Endfunc ;Tray Menu - Show us what's happening... Func DebugMode() $debugMode = not $debugMode SetTrayMenuCheck($iTrayDebug, $debugMode) EndFunc ;Tray Menu -Toggle use of I-Beam as a fallback edit mode check method Func ToggleIBeam() $useIBeam = not $useIBeam SetTrayMenuCheck($iTrayIBeam, $useIBeam) EndFunc Func SetTrayMenuCheck($controlID, $checked) Local $state If $checked then $state = $TRAY_CHECKED Else $state = $TRAY_UNCHECKED EndIf TrayItemSetState($controlID, $state) EndFunc Func HideKeyboard() Local Const $WM_MESSAGE = 0x112 Local Const $WM_WPARAM = 0xF060 ;Local Const $AUTOIT_CLASS = "IPTip_Main_Window" Local $hClass = _WinAPI_FindWindow("IPTip_Main_Window","") ;WinGetHandle("[CLASS:IPTip_Main_Window]") if @error then If $debugMode Then ShowDebugMessage("[HideKeyboard] Error occured in getting keyboard handle");$hClass = GetKBHandle() Else If $debugMode Then ShowDebugMessage("[HideKeyboard] Handle " & $hClass) EndIf if not @error Then if $debugMode then ShowDebugMessage ("[HideKeyboard] Hidekeyboard called") Local $dll = DllOpen("User32.dll") Local $res=DllCall($dll, "bool", "PostMessage", "HWND", $hClass,"UINT",$WM_MESSAGE, "WPARAM",$WM_WPARAM,"LPARAM","0") if @error and $debugMode then ShowDebugMessage("[HideKeyboard] Error occured in PostMessage") Else if $debugMode then ToolTip("[HideKeyboard] error occured in getting handle") EndIf EndFunc Func ShowDebugMessage($msg, $toolTipOnly = False) ToolTip ($msg,MouseGetPos(0)+20, MouseGetPos(1)-50) if not $toolTipOnly then ConsoleWrite($msg & @CRLF) EndFunc For the most part, it works perfectly. However, if you click on a text field in a Metro app (or the Search field on the Start screen), the keyboard pops up as it should, but it gets stuck and then you can't get rid of it. Metro already has the ability to automatically popup/hide the onscreen keyboard as needed, and I assume my script is conflicting with that. So I think I need to use WinActive or some other function to exclude the following window classes: Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow (Metro apps) ImmersiveLauncher (the Start screen) I'm not a programmer (just a bit of experience with AutoIT and Autohotkey), so any help or advice will be much appreciated. Please note: by design, this script will only pop up the keyboard if it detects that you're in "tablet mode" by checking for a 0 dword value of the following registry key: HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlPriorityControlConvertibleSlateMode So if you want to test the script on a non-tablet Windows 8 device, you'll need to temporarily set that value in your registry. Or, you could remove that part of the code. Thanks! Edited January 15, 2015 by johnnyzero powerofos 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
powerofos Posted February 19, 2018 Share Posted February 19, 2018 (edited) <snip> Hey guys, I appreciate your code, but its not works right now, my tablet pc is lenovo miix520, system; win10 HOME edition, can you figure out what happens? regards, ZQY Edited February 19, 2018 by Melba23 Quote removed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderators Melba23 Posted February 19, 2018 Moderators Share Posted February 19, 2018 powerofos, When you reply, please use the "Reply to this topic" button at the top of the thread or the "Reply to this topic" editor at the bottom rather than the "Quote" button - it just pads the thread unnecessarily. M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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