TheSaint Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) This version has been discontinued. See the new version here. MANUAL MODE+ ONLY. No longer fully working automatically for price and adding new ebooks. NOTICE - As many of you are probably aware, internal links from the old forum are no longer working in many instances, which is apparently due to how those links were created in the first place. With that in mind, all the broken links here will not be fixed by me just yet, until some time has passed and a Forum rollback is no longer likely. Downloads should be working however, except when Jon may be updating or fixing something. Here's a simple little nifty program ... well it is for me ... and maybe you, if you like to keep tabs on a certain online store's prices for those ebooks you are interested in, but are not in your price range yet. BE AWARE - This is coded using AutoIt version, an oldy but goody, so it may need modification to run or compile with later or current AutoIt. Reportedly not at this point, as all seems fine. BE ADVISED - This is not affiliated or supported or likely appreciated or even recommended by them &/or Partners. As always, use my stuff at your own risk, and I seriously suggest you check out my disclaimer on my Toolbox page (see my signature below). Basically, I haven't tested this much yet, as it is hot off the press, and no prices have changed yet for me to give the ultimate definitive test, but it should work ok ... until they change an important element that the program relies on. I've kept it pretty basic and simple, and others are welcome to add improvements, just so long as they respect me, and share here. This program is only allowed to be shared (made available for download) from the AutoIt Examples forum, until I give permission otherwise. What does it do? It is a simple database, that you populate using web page links from a certain store for their ebooks. I just got mine off my Wishlist pages. It keeps a record of up to four prices for each ebook. Title, Author (or Editor), URL, Price (Start, Current, Lowest, Highest), Date (Start, Last Check), are all stored in the program's INI database. Also, what I am presuming is the ISBN, which is used to make each entry unique. If a price has changed since Start, it will be indicated by an asterisk in the number (first) column. Why? Seller, Publishers and even Authors on occasion, like to play games with ebook prices. Hopefully this little tool, will even the odds in our favor, maybe even put us in front. OLDER NEWS (relocated to 2nd post) NEWS Spoiler (30-04-2015) Advice about impending major change can be found here. (08-05-2015) A minor update while still working on the major v4.0 update. (18-05-2015) A minor update while still working on the major v4.0 update. (02-06-2015) About to investigate a BUG I discovered last night (an important issue for multi users and those who have relocated bought ebooks). Stay tuned! (13-06-2015) Bug resolved and other improvements. (15-06-2015) The program no longer works for price and that element may remain broken. It does however still assist with any current ebooks on the list, and I may add the ability to add more ebooks, and manually paste the current price, etc. Not all is lost. (15-06-2015) I have coded a partial fix, which allows you to manually enter (copy & paste) prices. (16-06-2015) Ebooks can now be added manually. (17-06-2015) More improvements. IMPORTANT - Please update from v1.1 to v1.2 or later, due to a Query bug. WARNING - Before running v1.6 (and later) for first time, you may want to read all notes. IMPORTANT - Before downloading this latest update, or if using it already, please make yourself familiar with some later information here. It may even be better to just wait for the next update, and not use this one. (v3.4) For those who have not kept up with updates since v2.0.KindEbook Price Query.au3 Previously: 113 + 78 downloads KindEbook Price Query Previously: 151 + 57 downloads (v3.5) For those who have kept up with updates. KindEbook Price Query.au3 KindEbook Price Query (v3.6) For those who have kept up with updates & First time users. KindEbook Price Query.au3 KindEbook Price Query (v3.7) For those who have kept up with updates & First time users. KindEbook Price Query.au3 Previously: 30 downloads KindEbook Price Query Previously: 31 downloads (v3.8) For those who have kept up with updates, but not First time users yet. Sources included in the zip file. PARTIAL FIX KindEbook Price Query Previously: 32 downloads (v3.9) For those who have kept up with updates, and First time users. Sources included in the zip file. MANUAL MODE KindEbook Price Query Previously: 26 downloads (v4.0) For those who have kept up with updates, and First time users. Sources included in the zip file. MANUAL MODE+ KindEbook Price Query Previously: 28 downloads IMPORTANT - See this post for extra INI entries to improve web page read for Summary (prior post explains). RECOMMENDED - Users could maybe benefit from reading various comments in Intercept Right-Click Listview Context Menu topic. CHANGES (17-06-2015) (v4.0) MANUAL MODE, but with some more automation. A Query ALL can now start at the currently selected entry, via a prompt. An option to auto close current browser tab (using Ctrl + W), has been added for when getting price in manual mode. Input Box window widened slightly in ADD Ebook manual process. A delay option has been added, to allow a pause for specified seconds between queries during a Query ALL. This delay may be helpful in preventing erroneous detection as a malicious scraper. Ebook cover can now be a .jpg file, in the Image Data folder, where filename matches ISBN ID. Bugfix for whitespace in Price in manual mode (sorry about that). (16-06-2015) (v3.9) MANUAL MODE only for prices and adding ebooks. Program can now have ebooks added to it manually, when in 'manual' mode. The Timer and Wait labels are now dealt with correctly, by being hidden when not required or wanted. An Input Box is continually presented for user to manually add an Ebook's details (Title, etc). No other fix has been added yet, to deal with broken status in regard to automatic price checking. That last, also includes not automatically getting details when adding ebooks. I may do that next. (15-06-2015) (v3.8) PARTIAL FIX - Manual Price adding only. Program is broken as far as getting prices automatically from Amazon, but a 'manual' mode has been added, and set by default, but can be reset to 'automatic' in program settings. The manual mode allows you to do your usual Query (one or ALL), and presents you with an Input box to manually paste the price you have copied from the ebook webpage that has been executed. You can stop at anytime, by clicking the Cancel button. The usual Report will be displayed and any changes stored.NOTE - You cannot currently ADD any new ebooks to the list with this version, but I will address that issue soon. (13-06-2015) (v3.7) NO LONGER WORKING FOR PRICE AND ADDING NEW EBOOKS. A major update that resolves a bug, and perhaps made v4.0 (as originally planned) redundant. Bugfix for Timer Label causing a miscount of control numbers when swapping users in certain scenario. Prompt when making a Query from relocated bought ebooks user. Private Comments are now queried when copying or moving an ebook to another user, if they exist for that ebook. All Shared Comments are now stored and read from the shared file 'Comments.ini', though they still also exist in each user file for now, if no longer referenced or updated there. Any conflicts during this updating change, between users, meant comments were combined but separated by a pipe '|' character. Still advise you read v1.6 notes. PREVIOUS VERSIONS (relocated to 2nd post) NOTE - See extra comments at Post #13. IMPORTANT This program is based on settings in that store, that are relevant to me as a customer from AUS. It also relies on a leading dollar sign at the start of each price (and other currency entry listed in INI file), which is removed during comparisons. I did not remember to include the pound sign, so if you need to, modify the source code. That last will definitely be necessary for others from other countries. I'll add any currencies advised of, in the next update. It is simple enough to change, and I may just make an INI entry, that can be modified by whoever, to suit. ADDENDUM - Relocated to Chat topic. NOTE - This program was initially considered and talked about in this Chat topic. SCREENSHOTS v3.5+ Earlier OLDER (v3.4) Edited February 6, 2018 by TheSaint greater clarity jaberwacky and MikahS 2 Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
TheSaint Posted January 15, 2015 Author Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) OLDER NEWS(17-01-2015) >Update coming, when I get the chance to work on it.(18-01-2015) >One minor issue found, plus new ideas slotted for next update.(19-01-2015) Update v1.3 will be uploaded shortly.(21-01-2015) Couldn't resist, new Update coming, several new features (see screenshot).(21-01-2015) Couldn't resist again (uploading shortly).(28-01-2015) New update ready (uploading shortly) easier access to some things, etc.(28-01-2015) Just had >an idea for one item in the next update.(01-02-2015) Next update ready (upload soon) nothing major, just handy features.(03-02-2015) Now have two ideas for the next update (uploading soon).(05-02-2015) I have noticed the issue regarding selected entry during Query, which became very obvious when using favorites. Just a matter of relocating a few lines up a few lines. Not a bug though, just a visual thing. I've adjusted my code already, so I will upload after I get ideas (Multiple Users, ?) for the next update, and code them.Multiple User code done, uploading v2.1 shortly.(08-02-2015) New update (uploading shortly) automatic backups.(09-02-2015) Currently investigating >an error in my maths, that I noticed yesterday.As it turns out, not a maths error, but something I overlooked. Update shortly.(23-01-2015) New update ready (uploading shortly) some important detail to read.(06-02-2015) An >annoying bug discovered, expect an update (v2.2) shortly.(18-02-2015) New update.(28-02-2015) Have some ideas for next update. See >Post #59.(02-03-2015) New update. Uploading shortly.(03-03-2015) >Some ideas already for next update. Stay tuned.(05-03-2015) >Next update uploaded.(09-03-2015) >Idea for next update.(12-03-2015) Update finished & tested, uploading in a while (just got asked to watch something).(12-03-2015) >Next update uploaded.(16-03-2015) >Needs an improvement.(19-03-2015) >Next update uploaded.(23-03-2015) >Next update uploaded.(18-04-2015) >Next update uploaded.(22-04-2015) >Next update uploaded.(22-04-2015) >Another update uploaded on same day.(25-04-2015) >Next update uploaded (minor but informative).PREVIOUS VERSIONS(18-05-2015) (v3.6)Another minor update while still working on the major v4.0 update.Private Comments are now supported and separate from previous Comments, which are now called Shared.Image Data window can now be viewed whether Image Data exists or not.Renaming of a Title or Author, now creates a respective backup key, and has restore options.(08-05-2015) (v3.5) Screenshot addedA minor update while still working on the major v4.0 update.The timer being used and displayed during a Query, is now optional.The 'Settings window has been shortened in height and doubled in width to accommodate new and future features.A 'Restore after last Query' right-click option has been added, to return prices and related to their previous values.Selected Entry Detail (text only) and Selected Entry Detail (image + text) have both been relocated to a submenu called Selected Entry Detail, and renamed to be suitable.(25-04-2015) (>v3.4)If the current price for an ebook entry gains an asterisk during a Query, then this now persists after all but a program closure. This means that you can sort or change user and later return to the original user and any asterisks will be restored.Added a hash (#) indicator in the Current price column, when either a web page is not found or the price cannot be determined, during a Query. The hash does not persist after a sort, change of user or program closure, etc.Time Taken for a Query is now shown on the Report dialog and in the temporary text file.(22-04-2015) (>v3.3) Main screenshot updatedChanged the 'Get Missing -> Image Data' option, so that any existing file can be replaced on OK from a query prompt dialog.(22-04-2015) (>v3.2)Changed the width of the Current (8th) column, so it can accommodate a trailing asterisk. This is a non permanent asterisk that only displays during a Query if the price changed.When adding a new ebook, if CANCEL is clicked on subsequent additions, while the CTRL key is held down, the input field will be filled again by any suitable content on the clipboard.Program Information expanded and improved on second dialog screen.When a Query has finished, instead of displaying (in non Splash mode) the word 'Stopped', it now displays the word 'Finished' and an additional count of changes, until mouse is moved.Timer and field added for Query (hours:mins:secs).Bugfix related to sorting and asterisk.(18-04-2015) (>v3.1) Screenshots updated.Changed the method of determining a connection to the web. A server of User choice and the timeout can now be specified in the program Settings.A count of price changes is now displayed in the embedded non Splash version display.A price change that matches the lowest or highest on record, but not the last price recorded, is now displayed and (depending on settings) recorded.(23-03-2015) (>v3.0)Added a Report Message line limit, plus a temporary 'Report.txt' file of the full report, and access to it via a right-click Query menu item.Some rearrangement of right-click menu items has occurred.(19-03-2015) (>v2.9)Added the option of adding an ebook without a price, via a prompt dialog.If a price returned during a Query is a new lowest or highest, a comparison with Last price, is also reported.(12-03-2015) (>v2.8)Added a right-click List option for the Selected Entry to have price changes for that ebook, removed if a specific difference or below (up to .99).Added a Settings window option, to not store price changes below a difference of .10.Query Results dialog, now also has record number as part of title.USERS sub menu added for right-click on List, and the two USER options relocated to that.Image Data GUI now has UP and DOWN arrows to go to previous or next ebook entry.The text only, Selected Entry Detail option also now allows you to advance to next ebook entry.Added a third checkbox for QUERY, that just duplicates the Query All Non-Favorites settings.(05-03-2015) (>v2.7) ScreenshotsRe-arranged Right-Click context menu entries for List, with some entries now on a sub menu.Added right click options for 'Pre-Order' and 'Query Non-Favorites', plus Copy (or Move) to another user, plus Editing inputs for Title and Author.Image Data existence checked for when adding same ebook for another user, to avoid unnecessary updating.Added ability to attempt detection of a Pre-Order when adding a URL, with Publication Date saved to Comments and an ISBN column indicator.(02-03-2015) (>v2.6) New Screenshots.Added right click options to specify which entry to Start the Query ALL at, and/or to End at.A total count of all ebook entries is now displayed.An open Program Folder button added to Settings window.The ebook Image Data file is now deleted when that entry is removed, unless it is shared by another user.Price History has now been given a display check limit of 20 items, which can be manually edited in the 'Settings.ini' file.The flashing 'Please Wait' label has been moved slightly to the right.(18-02-2015) >(v2.5)Added an option to have an embedded flashing 'Please Wait!' during a Query, instead of the floating Splash Screen version. Rate of flashing is adjustable.Bracketed 'Lowest', 'Highest' and 'Last' now added to end of Price Change record, to make it obvious what value was compared. This stops the guessing or wondering, that even I was apt to do.Added a separate right-click entry for 'Current Difference' only. Probably not needed, but handy.(09-02-2015) >(v2.4) Screenshots updated.Added a Fix (Improvement) for Price Changes (Report & Records).Added an optional automatic resort after an ebook entry is Removed (Deleted).This resort, is also based on the currently selected sort arrangement, selecting the previous entry (if any) after resort has completed.Sort state (column number) is reset to zero index on User change.(08-02-2015) >(v2.3)Added a Backup facility for all user files, that happens at program start or when the option is selected. Up to Five backups are cycled per user, and are only created if modified date/time has changed. Backups are optional, and are stored in a program folder called 'Backups'. When all five slots are filled, next backup will cause second oldest backup to overwrite oldest backup and so on.Added missing check for Bought username, so that Relocating Bought ebooks is disabled when that user is currently selected.(06-02-2015) >(v2.2) Important Bugfix.Added a right-click option to relocate Bought ebooks, to what is essentially another username.Bugfix for missing Else statement, so CANCEL works with recursive ADD ebook URL.Added missing rename entry process for SAVED file location, so each user has their own.(05-02-2015) >(v2.1) Main GUI screenshot updated.Added a Multi User ability, so individual users of same PC can have their own list.Fixed a visual issue where the wrong entry appeared to be being processed during a Query.This was especially evident when just querying favorites. It was visual only though.Comments are now listed in a dropdown combo (instead of input), with each element having its own line.SETTINGS button added, to replace that item on the right-click context menu, which has now become an ADD another USER or REMOVE one, option.Some buttons etc resized to accomodate changes.(03-02-2015) >(v2.0) See screenshots below.Added an option to make selected ebooks a favorite, with an entry in the ISBN column and sortable.The options to store & view up to the last five Query results, have now been changed to user specified (0 to 99 slots).The STOP facility for Query, can now be made optional.Checkbox added, to allow a Query just for favorites.(01-02-2015) >(v1.9) Settings screenshot updated.Added an option to keep the URL InputBox presenting until Cancel is clicked.Optional splash screen for no price changes result from a Query (mouse move closes).Added a STOP facility for Query.The URL InputBox now exits from a cancel, without the unnecessary URL message.Improved some code.(30-01-2015) >(v1.8) See screenshots below.Added an option to store and view up to the last five Query results.Both the 'Settings.ini' and 'Catalog.ini' files can be viewed via a button on the SETTINGS window.The SAVE LIST button, can now save a comma delimited csv file of current list state, or using either CTRL or SHIFT keys, view the 'Catalog.ini' or last saved file.'Price History' and 'View price results' menu items have swapped positions, with 'Query Results' menu item added.(28-01-2015) >(v1.7) See screenshots below.Added little fix to Summary (Book Description) read, for too many blank lines occasionally.Two more List context menu items added - "Price History" and "SETTINGS".'Price History' means you can now disable it showing in "Selected Entry Detail" dialog, if you wish.'SETTINGS' is a window to access all settings that previously required manual editing of INI file.This quick easy 'Settings' access, also has options to restore defaults.'Remove' and 'ON TOP' buttons on main window, have now swapped positions.Main 'Information' dialog updated for a missing element from last version.(23-01-2015) >(v1.6) See screenshot below.Rewrote the code for making a right-clicked list entry the selected entry. Hot item was giving mixed and odd results.Swapped out the scroll command (used during a Query to make sure selected Listview entry is always visible), when I discovered the ensure visible command.Added two more List right-click context menu items - "View price results" and "Bought this ebook".ISBN column will display the leading text of "Bought - " for any ebooks designated as such.ISBN column sorts by title alphabetically, placing all designated "Bought" ebooks first."View price results" option displays any changes to price for selected ebook, comparing the four values (Start, Low, High, Current)."Bought this ebook" option prompts with an input box, of current price and date, which can be edited and/or added or set blank and removed.When this program version (and any later updates to an earlier installed version) runs for the first time, prices for each ebook are compared, and where appropriate a "changes" entry created.From now on, all price changes are recorded during a query, and added to that entry, on a line plus line basis.Advice - >read all notes(21-01-2015) >(v1.5) Seemingly the same day as v1.4, but I've slept between.Fix added for unexpected </DIV> tag, when getting Summary.A few buttons and a permanent Comments field (which can be updated there) added to Image Data GUI.The Buttons replicate some of the List right-click context menu options.Two further Dates added - Changed and Previous.Added all currently known odd character replacements to code.You won't get these additions, unless it is a first time install or you clear that setting (characters=).Don't forget to comment out that setting instead, for any additions you may have made to it.Then add any missing ones from your additions, onto the end of the updated program values.Comments now supports multiline (indicated by pipes or spaces in certain views).(21-01-2015) >(v1.4) See screenshot below.More items added to right-click context menu entry.[1] Go to web page - executes the URL in default browser.[2] Copy URL to clipboard.[3] Selected Entry Detail (text only) - renamed slightly and now includes Summary on the dialog.[4] Selected Entry Detail (image + text) - GUI version with embedded IE and Image data with text.[5] Add a comment - a user comment can now be added for each ebook.[6] Get missing summary - Summary is now part of ADD, but for earlier added ebooks use this to update.[7] Get missing image data - obtaining image data is now part of ADD, but for previous ebooks without it, use this option to update.As an aid to issues with the HTML read, when adding an ebook via URL, the 'reduction' text value (number of characters) is now written to the 'Settings.ini' file.(19-01-2015) >(v1.3) See screenshot below.URL column changed to Author, and sort for author changed from ISBN column to Author column.Column widths improved to accommodate changes, and Author (Editor) removed from Comment field display.Comment field widened, after relocating ON TOP button, and resizing that and the Remove button.Price difference on Report dialog, now contains leading zeroes if change is under ten cents (etc).Right-click menu added to List, for Selected Entry Detail, with copy to clipboard option.Query ALL process improved by List scrolling to show first entries at start (when not visible).Some in-program information updated.(18-01-2015) >(v1.2)Bugfix for Query where $ was concerned.Stopped the current click effect after a Query ALL.A dialog is displayed after a Query ALL, showing titles where prices have changed (if any).Added another sort (via Low column), so that those titles where the price is lower, are placed first on the list, and those higher placed last.Check added to prevent adding a book again, that already exists in the database.Relaxed the rule governing the type of URL (which can be reapplied by a setting in the INI file if needed).Icon edited to give a 16 and 48 pixel element.(16-01-2015) >(v1.1)Warning for URL (with advice), as previously mentioned has been added.Sorting on four columns added (ISBN column acts as Author/Editor sort).Inclusion of pound or facility for another currency via INI entry (decimal based only).Icon added for EXE.Thanks added. I've stuck to using the simple approach to get the information from HTML source ... no regex etc for me, just basic StringSplit and StringInString. If someone wants to get clever and make it more reliable and/or even update for latest AutoIt, then by all means do so, and share here. It runs well for me on WIN XP and WIN 7.If you have any errors with the program, then please report here, and don't forget the store page link for an ebook where it failed. During initial testing, a few failed due to multiple authors or just an editor. They are now catered for, but there could be other issues. If any required detail is not gleaned, then the entry fails to be added to the database. It will fail, if there is no title, price or author/editor.It can be quite slow to query a lot of entries, with the Query ALL option (checkbox). Still, it is much faster than manually going to those pages. The idea, is you do a full query (ALL), probably once a day. Edited June 13, 2015 by TheSaint Relocation here of some stuff from first post Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
MikahS Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) Doesn't need updating (more or less I could find nothing that needed updating). Ran it through the Au3Stripper as well, no errors. Au3 Version: Very nice, already added a couple into my list. Edited January 15, 2015 by MikahS TheSaint 1 Snips & Scripts My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvarsMy Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4 Feel free to use any of my code for your own use. Forum FAQ
MikahS Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) One thing I've noticed, now that I have open and closed the program (and I have more than 1 e-book). It is only saving 1 e-book into the application when I close it. So, if I add 3 in, when I open it back up, there is only 1 and it is the last one. I have tried hitting the save list button, but only 1 entry shows up. thoughts? ebooks: Just placeholders to see if it worked. Edited January 20, 2015 by MikahS Snips & Scripts My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvarsMy Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4 Feel free to use any of my code for your own use. Forum FAQ
TheSaint Posted January 15, 2015 Author Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) All my links start with the same path, before what I presume is the ISBN number. The program strips off from the start to begin getting that presumed ISBN. That is a required element for the program to work adding an item. How did you get your links? P.S. All 27 ebooks I added are the same in that regard. The two methods I used to get their links was from copying the link in my store wishlist, or by browsing to the ebook in question, and copying the link from the address field (Firefox). Remember, this only works for them ebooks, not regular store books. It must be the right type of address. Edited January 16, 2015 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
MikahS Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) The program strips off from the start to begin getting that presumed ISBN. That is a required element for the program to work adding an item. How did you get your links? Ah I see, I did not get them from my wishlist, I will give that a try and post results in this reply. ======= UPDATE -- It works, as long as I got them from my wishlist, everything works perfect (they did not have the /dp/ISBN#/ before). Closing and opening keeps all 3 entries. Glad it was just my fault. before I was just getting them from the URL from the store searching for books. Edited January 20, 2015 by MikahS Snips & Scripts My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvarsMy Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4 Feel free to use any of my code for your own use. Forum FAQ
TheSaint Posted January 15, 2015 Author Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) I just visited the link for the paperback version of one of mine, and I got a similar address to yours, as a result. The exact page, is different to the page where the type is listed as an alternative purchase. I will have to add a warning if the link is not as expected, and endeavor to explain why and what to do about it. Edited January 16, 2015 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
MikahS Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 Thank you for doing so for me, as I will be using this quite a bit. I was keeping an excel spreadsheet, and was excited about the chat topic that you started. I got excited when I saw "When I get some time, I'll do it all properly and build a database as well." As I was about to start making one. Lo and behold you made one, thank you & my kindle thanks you as well! TheSaint 1 Snips & Scripts My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvarsMy Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4 Feel free to use any of my code for your own use. Forum FAQ
TheSaint Posted January 15, 2015 Author Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) Lo and behold you made one, thank you & my kindle thanks you as well! Glad you like it, and that someone feels the same as I. Thanks for using and commenting etc. Please let me know if you see a price change, as who knows how long before I will see it. I've had most of my items on my wishlist for a while, and I haven't noticed a lot of change in recent times. The last change, was around Christmas for some of them ... probably a quiet spell now. P.S. Usually when an author releases a new book, that's when you see regular changes to the previous ones, as they try to capitalize on current interest. Edited January 16, 2015 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
MikahS Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 Please let me know if you see a price change, as who knows how long before I will see it. Will do, I'm sure once spring hits we will start to see some changes. Snips & Scripts My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvarsMy Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4 Feel free to use any of my code for your own use. Forum FAQ
TheSaint Posted January 15, 2015 Author Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) Decided to add a screenshot after all. The SAVE LIST option is nothing more than opening the INI file in Notepad. I was gonna do a more elegant solution, but decided I probably wouldn't use it much, if at all. Anyway, it does the trick well enough I reckon, and a good way to save a backup. I could go over the top, and do all sorts of fancy things with the program, but other than maybe having a better way to recognize when a cheaper price occurs (perhaps some kind of coloring), it would just be overkill. I'm still in two minds about whether to add column sorting ... sort the titles alphabetically ... maybe prices too. Edited January 16, 2015 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
MikahS Posted January 15, 2015 Posted January 15, 2015 Sorting of the names and prices (just current or all) would be nice if say you had 25+ items. Snips & Scripts My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvarsMy Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4 Feel free to use any of my code for your own use. Forum FAQ
TheSaint Posted January 16, 2015 Author Posted January 16, 2015 (edited) UPDATED - see first post. IMPORTANT - Please update to v1.2 due to a Query bug. (v1.1) Warning for URL (with advice), as previously mentioned has been added. Sorting on four columns added (ISBN column acts as Author/Editor sort). Icon added for EXE. Thanks added. Oops, forgot to mention inclusion of pound and facility for other currency via INI entry (decimal based only). NOTE If you are wondering what some of the Settings.ini entries are for, it is mostly just testing. However, the 'increase' key in the 'Html Read' section can be assigned a number of characters to restore what is normally jettisoned to speed things up. Use it if there is a related reading failure. Normally, the first third and last third portions of text are removed from the source read, as they are irrelevant. This does not apply for a query. The extra files created, are for troubleshooting any source reads, either by me or you (if you are happy to modify the au3 file and recompile). Edited January 17, 2015 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
TheSaint Posted January 16, 2015 Author Posted January 16, 2015 (edited) Modified some posting elements to be less confronting to a certain type of visitor ... no wish to antagonize or defame anyone's good name. I suggest others do likewise. Checkout the Special BB Code acronym option. Please use hashes # in any web links. EDIT Doh! Just noticed the OP Tags ..... ha ha ha ... changed! Edited January 16, 2015 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
TheSaint Posted January 16, 2015 Author Posted January 16, 2015 (edited) Well, joy of joys, I can confirm my query option does indeed work, as it reported one book had changed price today ... going up by 7 cents ... which is not a joy ... but that book is pretty cheap anyway ... just not a high priority ... bargain basement material. Edited January 16, 2015 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
TheSaint Posted January 17, 2015 Author Posted January 17, 2015 (edited) Update coming, when I get the chance to work on it. It will involve a flag to stop the current click effect after a Query ALL. A dialog will be displayed after a Query ALL, showing the titles where prices have changed (but only if any have). Considering adding another sort, so that those titles where the price has changed, are placed first on the list. I should also probably look at some check to deal with the same book being added, at least as far as preventing previous dates and prices being overwritten, which we won't want to happen. I'm not that keen to do many more updates (except required), as the program already does what it says on the box, and then some. That current Click effect is pretty 'B' grade though, so I will fix that and add other improvements & attractive features while I'm at it. I will probably show the price difference as well on the Dialog after a Query ALL. It has been suggested to me, that I could embed a hidden IE object and then use some scraping to better get the prices etc, but I've never had any experience with that, so unless some enterprising person wants to do that or show me how, I will only investigate that when I get the drive and opportunity. Edited January 17, 2015 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
TheSaint Posted January 17, 2015 Author Posted January 17, 2015 (edited) UPDATED - see first post. IMPORTANT - Please update to v1.2 due to a Query bug in v1.1. (v1.2) [1] Bugfix for Query where $ was concerned (Pound and other currencies not affected). This crept in when I added support for other currencies, and was a silly oversight (logic was sleeping). [2] Stopped the current click effect after a Query ALL. Now using a combination of select and scroll, except for last entry. [3] A dialog is displayed after a Query ALL, showing titles where prices have changed (only if any have changed). Includes an option to copy results to clipboard. [4] Added another sort (using the Low column header), so that those titles where the price is lower, are placed first on the list, and those higher placed last. The rest is sorted lowest to highest, based on the Current price values. [5] Check added to prevent adding a book again, that already exists in the database. User notified and any addition rejected. [6] Relaxed the rule governing the type of URL, which can be reapplied by a setting in the INI file if needed. URL's as seen at Post #4 should now hopefully, also work ... though I've barely tested this. A split is now performed on "/dp/" to get the ISBN. It appears from my limited testing that the pages may be identical to the type I was recommending ... hopefully so anyway, which will make life easier for users, when adding after doing a search or any other browsing that results in that type of URL. [7] Icon edited to give a 16 and 48 pixel element. Was an old icon I created years ago, that was only 32 x 32. EDIT Part of the reason that bug got missed, is because I am creating on one PC (no internet connection) and testing on another (with Internet, but no AutoIt install). Means I have to be twice as careful with the logic. P.S. Another book on my list has changed price today, being a $1.34 cheaper. A definitive test for v1.2. Edited January 17, 2015 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
TheSaint Posted January 18, 2015 Author Posted January 18, 2015 (edited) Oops! Discovered a minor issue just now, where the Report dialog needs a few zeroes added, when a price change is only in the cents. I'd thought to add a leading zero, but not considered when the change was only a cent or so, as happened for me just now with three ebooks. Easy enough to fix, and no biggie, as it doesn't impact anything. So if you see $.4 that mean 4 cents, and will be corrected (eventually) with an update, to $0.04. I suspect that the price change (for me), is related to the value of the Aussie dollar ... though strange that not more are affected ... though this may be just due to Publisher or Author diligence in that regard, as I think they get to set the price. EDIT It has just occurred to me, that the URL column is not really needed, so I might replace that with an Author column, and remove authors and editors from the Comment field. This should improve things visually. Maybe even add a right-click menu to list to get properties for an entry. The mind just keeps ticking over. Edited January 18, 2015 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
TheSaint Posted January 19, 2015 Author Posted January 19, 2015 (edited) UPDATED - see first post. (v1.3) URL column changed to Author, and sort for author changed from ISBN column to Author column. Column widths improved to accommodate changes, and Author (Editor) removed from Comment field display. Comment field widened, after relocating ON TOP button, and resizing that and the Remove button. Price difference on Report dialog, now contains leading zeroes if change is under ten cents (etc). Right-click menu added to List, for Selected Entry Detail, with copy to clipboard option (NOTE - normally right-clicking an entry does not make it the selected entry, but in this instance I have made it so - makes for less clicking when checking multiple entries). Query ALL process improved by List scrolling to show first entries at start (when not visible). Some in-program information updated. EDIT Quite a few of the ebooks on my list have gone up a few cents since my last post, two have reduced in price by more than a dollar (one of those a lot more, enough to make a purchase, possibly both). Edited January 19, 2015 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
TheSaint Posted January 19, 2015 Author Posted January 19, 2015 (edited) Always something that occurs to you later, though I don't know how I didn't think of this one, until now. Be nice, if an entry on the new right-click List context menu, was for opening the ebook URL in your browser. A definite that, for the next version, though I have nothing more in mind at the moment, so it may be a while ... though irritation can work wonders, so I'm guessing it won't take long before I update my version. P.S. I believe I can now say, that the program has paid dividends for me, as I may have been unlikely to have noticed the significant discount on an item buried deep in my wishlist pages. And I was right on top of the change in price. At the very least, I may not have found out for a few days, maybe weeks or just missed it. Sometimes they just drop out of circulation after so many sales or lack of sales, etc. Edited January 19, 2015 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
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