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Hello everyone,

I've got a very cr.. err low cost IP camera and I'd like to capture its video stream with autoit and save it to a file.

I've found this IP Camera script which looks to work ok for other people, unfortunately it doesn't with mine:

'?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>

I've played with FireBug and finally got the right URL which brings me straight to the video stream (only when using the below HTML):

<img onload="load_video()" src="http://IP:PORT/videostream.cgi?rate=0&amp;user=USERNAME&amp;pwd=PASSWORD&amp;next_url=tempsnapshot.jpg&amp;count=7" alt="video" id="imgDisplay">

This works great as it refresh almost instantaneously (I managed to get it to work with VLC too, but it's way slower in refreshing - talking of 10, 15 seconds delays).

Is there a way to capture this video stream and save it to a video format file?

I could then go ahead and try to build something around it.


  • 2 weeks later...
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This is url based?  Is there a standard API that your cr... err low cost camera has?

If it's only retrieving snapshots, have you tried InetRead() or InetGet()?

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.


Hi SmOke_N,


If it's only retrieving snapshots, have you tried InetRead() or InetGet()?


Thanks for your reply. No, I have not. Do you actually think it's a series of snapshots being updated? The video is very smooth but it might be.

As far as I know there's no API for it, this is the camera:


How would you use inetRead/Get in the case it's a sequence of pictures? Shall I run an infinite loop and save them all in a tmp folder and once done implement an avi builder (which I've seen on the forum if I'm not mistaking).

Thanks a lot :)


Me again.

I've tried the below, which got the snapshots but it's way too slow so I'm missing most of the "action".

#include <InetConstants.au3>

$sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\jpgs"
$sFileName = "testimage"
$sFileExt = ".jpg"


While 1

    $hDownload = InetGet("http://IP:PORT/snapshot.cgi?user=myuser&amp;pwd=mypwd", $tempFileName,$INET_FORCERELOAD)

  • Moderators

Can you post the "load_video()" javascript (<script>data here</script>) function?

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.


I'm afraid it's not going to be very helpful, this is what I see with FireBug:

<td valign="middle" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" align="center">
<img src="videostream.cgi?rate=0">

There's also an option to see the camera with a lower resolution (Mobile view) and that one is given by the below:

<img id="imgDisplay" onload="load_video()" src="http://IP:Port/snapshot.cgi?user=myusername&pwd=mypassword&next_url=tempsnapshot.jpg&count=41" alt="video">

I've also tried this with no luck:

#include <InetConstants.au3>

$sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\jpgs"
$sFileName = "testimage"
$sFileExt = ".jpg"


While 1

    $hDownload = InetGet('<img onload="load_video()" src="http://IP:PORT/snapshot.cgi?rate=0&amp;user=myusername&amp;pwd=mypassword&amp;next_url=tempsnapshot.jpg&amp;count=7" alt="video" id="imgDisplay">', $tempFileName,$INET_FORCERELOAD)


Thanks for your support

  • Moderators

Just trying to narrow down the actual stream and not the snapshot jpgs.

Might play around with directly (through the browser) seeing if you can connect to the videostream.cgi?rate=0

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.



InetGet needs a correct url, try this instead :

$hDownload = InetGet("http://IP:PORT/snapshot.cgi?rate=0&user=myusername&pwd=mypassword&next_url=tempsnapshot.jpg&count=7", $tempFileName, $INET_FORCERELOAD)

Don't forget to replace the IP/PORT etc.
I'm wondering what is the "count" parameter for.
Br, FireFox.

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