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Posted (edited)

Is there a way I can create an array inside a dictionary this way (without creating a variable first):

Local $myDictionary = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary")
$myDictionary.Add("firstDictionary", ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary")) ;this is ok
$myDictionary.Add("firstarray", []) ;this is wrong

_ArrayAdd($myDictionary.Item("firstArray"), "first element in firstArray")
_ArrayAdd($myDictionary.Item("firstArray"), "second element in firstArray")

This caused a popup with "Error in expression"
Shouldn't this [] return an empty sized array?

And for some reason I cannot add elements when an array is inside a dictionary:

Local $newArray[1]
Local $myDictionary = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary")
_ArrayAdd($newArray,101) ;this is ok
$myDictionary.Add("firstArray", $newArray)

;_ArrayAdd($myDictionary.Item("firstArray"), 102)  ; this is wrong
_ArrayAdd(($myDictionary.Item("firstArray")), 102)  ; this does not change the dictionary array
_ArrayDisplay(($myDictionary.Item("firstArray")))  ; this still shows 101
Edited by somedude12

The scripting dictionary can only store strings, so the only way to store an array is to convert it to a string first.

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."- Rick Cook

Posted (edited)

Try this...


#include <Array.au3>

;~ Is there a way I can create an array inside a dictionary this way (without creating a variable first):
Global Const $SD = "Scripting.Dictionary"
Local $myDictionary = ObjCreate($SD)
;~ I agree, this way work!
$myDictionary.Add("firstDictionary", ObjCreate($SD)) ;this is ok
;~ you are write, this way does not work...
;~ $myDictionary.Add("firstarray", []) ;this is wrong

;~ If you put an array in SD, try this...

Local $arr[1] = ["item_1"]
$myDictionary.Add("array", $arr)
_ArrayDisplay(($myDictionary.Item("array"))) ; to display an array inside SD, put it between ()

Add_Obj_Array($myDictionary, "array", "item_2")

;_ArrayAdd( ($myDictionary.Item("array")), "teste_2")

Func Add_Obj_Array(ByRef $oo, $array, $element)
    Local $arr = $oo.Item($array)
    _ArrayAdd($arr, $element)
    $oo.Item($array) = $arr
EndFunc   ;==>Add_Obj_Array

obs: see this, I work with SD too, and for me, I can not see this code work without SD.

Edited by Detefon

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Posted (edited)

You are right Detefon, thank you brother. Sometimes dictionaries can get really messy by it's syntax, but I cannot leave AutoIt.

Edited by somedude12

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