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Deleting Hidden Folders listed in text file with DirRemove

Go to solution Solved by User71,

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I'm a newbie to both forum and AutoIT, please excuse me if this is a question with an obvious answer. I use the forums a lot so thanks for all the past help you guys have given me.

I'm trying to write a simple script to find hidden folders in a location I specify in a variable, and then delete those folders using DirRemove or similar. So far I'm running a cmd with dir to make a List.txt containing paths to hidden folders and trying to read the list.txt line by line and delete the folders. I've had varying success but never 100% reliable so I thought I must be doing it wrong.

Here's the current code I'm messing with: (Excuse the includes, can't remember whcih ones I need for this script :unsure:)

#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <file.au3>

Local $Path1 = "C:\List1.txt"

Local $Path2 = "C:\List2.txt"

Local $FileOpen1 = FileOpen($Path1, 0)

Local $FileOpen2 = FileOpen($Path2, 2)

While 1
    $FileReadLine1 = FileReadLine($FileOpen1)
    ;MsgBox(0, "", $FileReadLine)
    ;MsgBox(0, "", $FileOpen2)
    $FileWriteLine = FileWriteLine($FileOpen2, """" & $FileReadLine1 & """")
    If $FileReadLine1 = "" Then ExitLoop

While 1

    $FileReadLine2 = FileReadLine($Path2)
    ;MsgBox(0, "", $FileReadLine2)
    ;$DirRemove = DirRemove($FileReadLine2, 1)
    ;MsgBox(0, "", $DirRemove)
    ;Local $RD = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & "RD /S /Q " & $FileReadLine2, @WindowsDir, @SW_HIDE)
    If $FileReadLine2 = "" Then ExitLoop


;$DirRemove = DirRemove("X:\2\1\New Folder", 1)

This is my current "lets see what works and what doesn't" kinda mess script. As you can see the first bit takes the paths given by dir and puts "" around them to be sure I can't be suckered that way. That bit works, the deleting bit does not unless I use the bottom line with manually written path.

Please let me know where I'm going wrong, at least just on the deleting bit if not my scripting generally :) , the script was shorter but grew as I experimented trying to make it work!

Thanks in advance

Posted (edited)

I haven't really studied what your code is doing, yet, but I did notice that you are quoting double quotes with double quotes.

If you want them to work properly, quote double with singles, and when necessary, single with doubles.

$FileWriteLine = FileWriteLine($FileOpen2, '"' & $FileReadLine1 & '"')


Other than that, your code seems ok, though not seeing the lines in your first text file, I'm not sure if the quotes are the only issue. I'm presuming you are using something similar to what Spider001 listed to fill that first text file?

Edited by TheSaint

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I may have the Artistic Liesense ;) to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)


  • Solution
Posted (edited)

Thank you both for your replies, I will investigate further when I'm not being forced to Xmas shop!

Thanks Saint for reminding me of the quotes, I will go through and change them when I can.

And thanks Spider, never seen that function it looks interesting, I guess it would mainly change the DirRemove part of my code to look at the array with a nth variable to count the array entries? So DirRemove($Array [$nthEntry], 1)

I forgot to add my dir line I'm running (which does work), just because I prepopulated the text files first this time as I was troubleshooting.

I run this first normally but as said, I was trying to simplify to find the problem so I just made the C:List1.txt and put in   X:21New Folder   which becomes    "X:21New Folder"    in C:List2.txt.

Local $DIRCMDPath = "X:\2\1" & " > "

Local $HiddenDirPath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\SBackup\Logs\HiddenDir.txt"

Local $DIRCMD = "dir /S /B /A:HD " & $DIRCMDPath & $HiddenDirPath

Local $DetectHidden = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $DIRCMD, @WindowsDir, @SW_HIDE)

Thanks :)


I have successfully used Spider001 suggestion of an array in the following script, but it does give an error as seen below:

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <file.au3>
#include <Array.au3>


Func Array()
    Global $Array = _FileListToArrayRec("X:\2\1", "*", $FLTAR_FOLDERS, 0, 0, $FLTAR_FULLPATH)
    If @error Then Exit
    _ArrayDisplay($Array, "Display all first level folders with full path")
EndFunc   ;==>Array

Local $nth = 1

While 1
    $FileAttr = FileGetAttrib($Array[$nth])
    If StringInStr($FileAttr, "H") Or StringInStr($FileAttr, "S") Then
        DirRemove($Array[$nth], 1)
    $nth = $nth + 1
    If $FileAttr = "" Then ExitLoop
"X:\Software\AutoIT\Tutorial Tests\TestSpacev2.au3" (16) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:
$FileAttr = FileGetAttrib($Array[$nth])
$FileAttr = FileGetAttrib(^ ERROR

The script does work, but it wants to go on to FileGetAttrib from a non existent part of the array which I think is the cause of the error, e.g. trying to access $array[4] when only $array[0] to [3] exists.

Any suggestions to solve the error? If so I think it might be case closed :)


Think I managed to sort it; feel free to suggest a neater way though:

Global $input2_data = Somepath

$DirGetSizeArray = DirGetSize($Input2_Data, 3)

        Local $ArrayFolders = _FileListToArrayRec($Input2_Data, "*", $FLTAR_FOLDERS, 0, 0, $FLTAR_FULLPATH)
            _ArrayDisplay($ArrayFolders, "Display no hidden or system folders")

            If IsArray($ArrayFolders) Then
                Global $ArraySize = UBound($ArrayFolders) - 1

            Local $nth = 1

            While 1
                If $DirGetSizeArray[2] = 0 Then ExitLoop
                $FileAttr = FileGetAttrib($ArrayFolders[$nth])
                If StringInStr($FileAttr, "H") Or StringInStr($FileAttr, "S") Then
                    DirRemove($ArrayFolders[$nth], 1)
                If $nth = $ArraySize Then ExitLoop
                $nth = $nth + 1

            Local $ArrayFiles = _FileListToArrayRec($Input2_Data, "*", $FLTAR_FILES, 0, 0, $FLTAR_FULLPATH)
            _ArrayDisplay($ArrayFiles, "Display no hidden or system files")

            If IsArray($ArrayFiles) Then
                Global $ArraySize = UBound($ArrayFiles) - 1

            Local $nth = 1

            While 1
                If $DirGetSizeArray[1] = 0 Then ExitLoop
                $FileAttr = FileGetAttrib($ArrayFiles[$nth])
                If StringInStr($FileAttr, "H") Or StringInStr($FileAttr, "S") Then
                    FileSetAttrib($ArrayFiles[$nth], "-SHRA")
                If $nth = $ArraySize Then ExitLoop
                $nth = $nth + 1
Edited by User71

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