gottygolly Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 I started to make this just for fun and for some reason on line 103 (ControlMove($gui,"",$obj,10,-50)) it moves the button with the variable ($5_button) if i comment out the button it then moves the bank part if I comment out the bank part then it moves the health part, I can't figure this out and it's driving me insane because it doesn't make any sense. Please help me, a simple explanation would be perfect I can fix the code myself if you don't feel like doing so. expandcollapse popup#include<guiconstants.au3> Global $obj,$prog,$turret,$damage,$prog_b,$turrent,$turret_range Opt("GUIOnEventMode",1) ;Opt("GUICoordMode",1) $gui = GUICreate("Box TowerDefense",@desktopwidth-500,@desktopheight-500,-1,-1) $bal = 250 $bank = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Bank: $"&$bal,500,5,150,30) $lives = 100 $live = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Health: "&$lives&"/100",500,25,150,30) npc() Local $s_lastsec = @SEC,$b_la = @SEC $5_damage = GUICtrlCreateButton("Upgrade Damage +1 [$250]",500,100,150,30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($5_damage,"damage_upg") $i = 0 $t = 0 $dead = False $damage = 1 GUISetOnEvent(-3,"_Exit") $round = 10 GUISetState() While 1 $b = @SEC movement() damage() death() If $b <> $b_la Then GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,$gui_hide) rangecheck() $b_la = $b EndIf WEnd Func damage_upg() ;#cs If $bal - 250 * $damage >= 0 Then $bal = $bal - 250 * $damage GUICtrlSetData($bank,"Bank: $"&$bal) $damage = $damage + 1 Else MsgBox(0,"Error","Insufficient Funds") EndIf ; #ce EndFunc Func damage() $cp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$obj) $cp_turret = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$turret) $cp_range = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$turret_range) $t += 1 $hp_change = $round * 2/5 If $cp[0] + $cp[2] >= $cp_range[0] And $cp[1] >= $cp_range[1] And $cp[0] <= $cp_range[0]+$cp_range[2] And $cp[1] <= $cp_range[1]+$cp_range[3] And $t >= $hp_change Then $cp_hp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$prog) $new_hp = $cp_hp[0] - $damage ;GUICtrlSetData($prog,$new_hp) ControlMove($gui,"",$prog,$cp_hp[0],$cp_hp[1],$cp_hp[2]-$damage) ;ControlMove($gui,"",$prog_b,$cp_hp[0],$cp_hp[1],$cp_hp[2],$cp_hp[3]) $t = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func npc() $turret_range = GUICtrlCreateGroup("",50,-40,250,240) GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,$gui_hide) $obj = GUICtrlCreateInput("",10,0,50,50) $turret = GUICtrlCreateInput("",150,50,50,50) GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,128) GUICtrlSetState($turret,$gui_disable) GUICtrlSetBkColor($turret,0x0000FF) GUICtrlSetState($obj,$gui_disable) $prog = GUICtrlCreateButton("",0,-20,75,13) GUICtrlSetBkColor($prog,0x00A000) GUICtrlSetState($prog,$gui_disable) GUICtrlSetBkColor($obj,0x000000) Sleep(10) EndFunc Func movement() $s = @SEC If $s <> $s_lastsec Then $i += 1 $cp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$obj) $cp_turret = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$turret) $cp_gui = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$gui) If $cp[0] < 300 And $cp[1] < 300 And $dead = False Then If $cp[1] < 0 Then ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0],$cp[1]+1) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-25,$cp[1]-20) ControlMove($gui,"",$prog_b,$cp[0]-25,$cp[1]-20) Else ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0],$cp[1]+1) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-10,$cp[1]-20) EndIf EndIf If $cp[1] < 400 And $cp[1] >= 300 And $dead = False Then ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0]+1,$cp[1]) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-10,$cp[1]-20) EndIf If $cp[0] = 400 And $cp[1] < 550 And $dead = False Then ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0],$cp[1]+1) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-10,$cp[1]-20) EndIf If $cp[1] >= 550 Then ControlMove($gui,"",$obj,10,-50) ControlMove($gui,"",$prog,0,-70) lifelost() EndIf GUISetOnEvent(-3,"_Exit") Sleep(10) EndIf EndFunc Func death() $cp_hp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$prog) If $cp_hp[2] = 0 And $dead = False Then $cp5 = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$obj) GUICtrlDelete($obj) GUICtrlDelete($prog) $exp = GUICtrlCreateInput("",$cp5[0]-25,$cp5[1]-35,100,100) GUICtrlSetState($exp,$gui_disable) GUICtrlSetBkColor($exp,0xFF0000) $dead = True deathreward() Sleep(1000) npc() $dead = False GUICtrlDelete($exp) EndIf EndFunc Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc Func rangecheck() $mp = GUIGetCursorInfo($gui) $cp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$turret) ; If $mp[0] >= $cp[0] And $mp[0] <= $cp[0]+$cp[2] And $mp[1] >= $cp[1] And $mp[1] <= $cp[1]+$cp[3] Then ; GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,$gui_show) ; EndIf If $mp[0] >= $cp[0] And $mp[1] >= $cp[1] And $mp[0] <= $cp[0]+$cp[2] And $mp[1] <= $cp[1]+$cp[3] Then GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,$gui_show) Else GUICtrlSetState($turret,$gui_hide) EndIf EndFunc Func lifelost() $lives = $lives - 2 GUICtrlSetData($live,"Health: "&$lives&"/100") EndFunc Func deathreward() $bal = $bal + 15 GUICtrlSetData($bank,"Bank: $"&$bal) EndFunc Thanks in advance!
Bert Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 Game automation is against forum rules. The Vollatran project  My blog:
gottygolly Posted November 27, 2014 Author Posted November 27, 2014 It isnt game automation....Run the code Its a little box towerdefense thing I just can't figure out why it moves those variables.
TheSaint Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 I haven't run your code, so with only a quick look, I'm just presuming this is just a simple game you have created? If you are moving controls around, by their ID, then that ID is a number, designated at create time, and is based on preceding number creation. This means, that if you remove an earlier number, then all latter ID numbers are reduced by one. I'm not sure if this is what is happening, but that is what has occurred to me initially without taking your code apart, for which I don't have the testing facility at the moment. So this is just a quick reply that may help. Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
gottygolly Posted November 27, 2014 Author Posted November 27, 2014 I'm using controlmove along with controlgetpos to move the objects around. I have a checker for when the 1 npc moves off the bottom of the screen and when it moves off the screen it's supposed to move the health bar and the npc back to the top where it can move through the course again but for some reason it moves the button.
TheSaint Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 Use MsgBox's throughout your code, to test on assigned values (variables). That's all I can suggest at this point, sorry. I'm part of the Quick Response Squad , no doubt someone will look more in-depth shortly (sooner or later). Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
gottygolly Posted November 27, 2014 Author Posted November 27, 2014 (edited) Thanks for the quick replies. Edited November 27, 2014 by gottygolly TheSaint 1
Solution gottygolly Posted November 27, 2014 Author Solution Posted November 27, 2014 (edited) I fixed the problem, I had a function in there that I made myself but when I deleted it I forgot to get rid of the variables. Thanks for all the help guys. If $cp[0] < 300 And $cp[1] < 300 And $dead = False Then If $cp[1] < 0 Then ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0],$cp[1]+1) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-25,$cp[1]-20) ControlMove($gui,"",$prog_b,$cp[0]-25,$cp[1]-20) ;This is the error, just delete "$prog_b" Else ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0],$cp[1]+1) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-10,$cp[1]-20) EndIf EndIf Edited November 27, 2014 by gottygolly TheSaint and Bert 2
Bert Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 It isnt game automation....Run the code Its a little box towerdefense thing I just can't figure out why it moves those variables. OK, I looked....NICE!!!!! My apologies for not understanding and overreacting. Good work! The Vollatran project  My blog:
Luigi Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 @gottygolly, I want help you, but I can't understand everything you want... If you want explain in PM. Â Detefon Visit my repository
gottygolly Posted November 28, 2014 Author Posted November 28, 2014 (edited) I figured out the problem. I had a function in there before but I deleted the function but I kept all the variables associated with the function. If you copy and paste the code into the SciTE editor you'll see that it moves the wrong thing which was the problem but if you delete line 88 (Or comment it out) and also take out the variable --$prog_b-- in the global on line 2 it'll fix the problem. Thanks for offering the help Detefon and Bert it's cool, I can see why you would assume that it is a bot but it's just a little towerdefence game im messing around with. I added in some new features but I ran into another error where the npc spawns in dead...I'll keep looking unless someone  wants to help me out. expandcollapse popup#include<guiconstants.au3> Global $obj,$prog,$turret,$damage,$turrent,$turret_range,$bal,$bank,$lives,$live Opt("GUIOnEventMode",1) ;Opt("GUICoordMode",1) $gui = GUICreate("Box TowerDefense",@desktopwidth-500,@desktopheight-500,-1,-1) $bal = 25000 ;<= Edit this for more $ to play around. $bank = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Bank: $"&$bal,500,5,150,30) $lives = 100 ;<= Incase something happens. $live = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Health: "&$lives&"/100",500,25,150,30) $round = 23 ;<= Editing this will allow you to adjust the round, note line 63 as it will increase the health. $rounds = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Round: "&$round,500,45,150,30) npc() Local $s_lastsec = @SEC,$b_la = @SEC $5_damage = GUICtrlCreateButton("Upgrade Damage +1 [$250]",500,100,150,30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($5_damage,"damage_upg") $i = 0 $t = 0 $dead = False $damage = 1 ;<= Starting damage GUISetOnEvent(-3,"_Exit") GUISetState() While 1 $b = @SEC movement() damage() death() If $b <> $b_la Then GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,$gui_hide) rangecheck() $b_la = $b If $round = 25 Then $msgbox = MsgBox(4,"Winner!","Congratulations you have reached round 25!"&@CRLF&"Do you wish to keep playing?") If $msgbox = 6 Then Sleep(100) $round += 1 GUICtrlSetData($rounds,"Round: "&$round) Sleep(100) Else sleeper() EndIf ;ExitLoop EndIf EndIf WEnd Func damage_upg() ;#cs If $bal - 250 * $damage >= 0 Then $bal = $bal - 250 * $damage GUICtrlSetData($5_damage,"Upgrade Damage +1 [$"&250*$damage&"]") GUICtrlSetData($bank,"Bank: $"&$bal) $damage = $damage + 1 Else MsgBox(0,"Error","Insufficient Funds") EndIf ; #ce EndFunc Func damage() $cp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$obj) $cp_turret = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$turret) $cp_range = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$turret_range) $t += 1 $hp_change = $round * 2/5 If $cp[0] + $cp[2] >= $cp_range[0] And $cp[1] >= $cp_range[1] And $cp[0] <= $cp_range[0]+$cp_range[2] And $cp[1] <= $cp_range[1]+$cp_range[3] And $t >= $hp_change Then $cp_hp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$prog) $new_hp = $cp_hp[0] - $damage ;GUICtrlSetData($prog,$new_hp) ControlMove($gui,"",$prog,$cp_hp[0],$cp_hp[1],$cp_hp[2]-$damage) ;ControlMove($gui,"",$prog_b,$cp_hp[0],$cp_hp[1],$cp_hp[2],$cp_hp[3]) $t = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func npc() $turret_range = GUICtrlCreateGroup("",50,-40,250,240) GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,$gui_hide) $obj = GUICtrlCreateInput("",10,0,50,50) $turret = GUICtrlCreateInput("",150,50,50,50) GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,128) GUICtrlSetState($turret,$gui_disable) GUICtrlSetBkColor($turret,0x0000FF) GUICtrlSetState($obj,$gui_disable) $prog = GUICtrlCreateButton("",0,-20,75,13) GUICtrlSetBkColor($prog,0x00A000) GUICtrlSetState($prog,$gui_disable) GUICtrlSetBkColor($obj,0x000000) Sleep(10) EndFunc Func movement() $s = @SEC If $s <> $s_lastsec Then $i += 1 $cp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$obj) $cp_turret = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$turret) $cp_gui = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$gui) If $cp[0] < 300 And $cp[1] < 300 And $dead = False Then If $cp[1] < 0 Then ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0],$cp[1]+1) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-25,$cp[1]-20) ;ControlMove($gui,"",$prog_b,$cp[0]-25,$cp[1]-20) Else ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0],$cp[1]+1) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-10,$cp[1]-20) EndIf EndIf If $cp[1] < 400 And $cp[1] >= 300 And $dead = False Then ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0]+1,$cp[1]) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-10,$cp[1]-20) EndIf If $cp[0] = 400 And $cp[1] < 550 And $dead = False Then ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0],$cp[1]+1) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-10,$cp[1]-20) EndIf If $cp[1] >= 550 Then ControlMove($gui,"",$obj,10,-50) ;Here's the error. ControlMove($gui,"",$prog,0,-70) lifelost() EndIf GUISetOnEvent(-3,"_Exit") Sleep(10) EndIf EndFunc Func death() $cp_hp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$prog) If $cp_hp[2] = 0 And $dead = False Then $cp5 = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$obj) GUICtrlDelete($obj) GUICtrlDelete($prog) $exp = GUICtrlCreateInput("",$cp5[0]-25,$cp5[1]-35,100,100) GUICtrlSetState($exp,$gui_disable) GUICtrlSetBkColor($exp,0xFF0000) deathreward() $round += 1 GUICtrlSetData($rounds,"Round: "&$round) Sleep(1000) $dead = False GUICtrlDelete($exp) npc() EndIf EndFunc Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc Func rangecheck() $mp = GUIGetCursorInfo($gui) $cp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$turret) ; If $mp[0] >= $cp[0] And $mp[0] <= $cp[0]+$cp[2] And $mp[1] >= $cp[1] And $mp[1] <= $cp[1]+$cp[3] Then ; GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,$gui_show) ; EndIf If $mp[0] >= $cp[0] And $mp[1] >= $cp[1] And $mp[0] <= $cp[0]+$cp[2] And $mp[1] <= $cp[1]+$cp[3] Then GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,$gui_show) Else GUICtrlSetState($turret,$gui_hide) EndIf EndFunc Func lifelost() $lives = $lives - 2 GUICtrlSetData($live,"Health: "&$lives&"/100") EndFunc Func deathreward() $bal = $bal + 15 GUICtrlSetData($bank,"Bank: $"&$bal) EndFunc Func sleeper() Do Sleep(10) Until GUIGetMsg() = -3 Exit EndFunc Edited November 28, 2014 by gottygolly
Luigi Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 For me, I see a red box, it disappears. And a black box down. Only this. Visit my repository
gottygolly Posted November 28, 2014 Author Posted November 28, 2014 (edited) Like the red box appears then disappears and a black box appears and there is nothing else in the gui? --Just put the background/colors in-- expandcollapse popup#include<guiconstants.au3> Global $obj,$prog,$turret,$damage,$turrent,$turret_range,$bal,$bank,$lives,$live Opt("GUIOnEventMode",1) ;Opt("GUICoordMode",1) $gui = GUICreate("Box TowerDefense",@desktopwidth-500,@desktopheight-500,-1,-1) GUISetBkColor(0x009900) $toggles_back = 0x999999 $toggles = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",495,5,@DesktopWidth-1000,@DesktopHeight-510) GUICtrlSetBkColor($toggles,$toggles_back) $bal = 25000 ;<= Edit this for more $ to play around. $bank = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Bank: $"&$bal,500,15,150,30) GUICtrlSetBkColor($bank,$toggles_back) $lives = 100 ;<= Incase something happens. $live = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Health: "&$lives&"/100",500,35,150,30) GUICtrlSetBkColor($live,$toggles_back) $round = 23 ;<= Editing this will allow you to adjust the round, note line 63 as it will increase the health. $rounds = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Round: "&$round,500,55,150,30) GUICtrlSetBkColor($rounds,$toggles_back) npc() road() Local $s_lastsec = @SEC,$b_la = @SEC $5_damage = GUICtrlCreateButton("Upgrade Damage +1 [$250]",500,100,150,30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($5_damage,"damage_upg") $i = 0 $t = 0 $dead = False $damage = 1 ;<= Starting damage GUISetOnEvent(-3,"_Exit") GUISetState() While 1 $b = @SEC movement() damage() death() If $b <> $b_la Then GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,$gui_hide) rangecheck() $b_la = $b If $round = 25 Then $msgbox = MsgBox(4,"Winner!","Congratulations you have reached round 25!"&@CRLF&"Do you wish to keep playing?") If $msgbox = 6 Then Sleep(100) $round += 1 GUICtrlSetData($rounds,"Round: "&$round) Sleep(100) Else sleeper() EndIf ;ExitLoop EndIf EndIf WEnd Func damage_upg() ;#cs If $bal - 250 * $damage >= 0 Then $bal = $bal - 250 * $damage GUICtrlSetData($5_damage,"Upgrade Damage +1 [$"&250*$damage&"]") GUICtrlSetData($bank,"Bank: $"&$bal) $damage = $damage + 1 Else MsgBox(0,"Error","Insufficient Funds") EndIf ; #ce EndFunc Func damage() $cp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$obj) $cp_turret = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$turret) $cp_range = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$turret_range) $t += 1 $hp_change = $round * 2/5 If $cp[0] + $cp[2] >= $cp_range[0] And $cp[1] >= $cp_range[1] And $cp[0] <= $cp_range[0]+$cp_range[2] And $cp[1] <= $cp_range[1]+$cp_range[3] And $t >= $hp_change Then $cp_hp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$prog) $new_hp = $cp_hp[0] - $damage ;GUICtrlSetData($prog,$new_hp) ControlMove($gui,"",$prog,$cp_hp[0],$cp_hp[1],$cp_hp[2]-$damage) ;ControlMove($gui,"",$prog_b,$cp_hp[0],$cp_hp[1],$cp_hp[2],$cp_hp[3]) $t = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func npc() $turret_range = GUICtrlCreateGroup("",50,-40,250,240) GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,$gui_hide) $obj = GUICtrlCreateInput("",10,0,50,50) $turret = GUICtrlCreateInput("",150,50,50,50) GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,128) GUICtrlSetState($turret,$gui_disable) GUICtrlSetBkColor($turret,0x0000FF) GUICtrlSetState($obj,$gui_disable) $prog = GUICtrlCreateButton("",0,-20,75,13) GUICtrlSetBkColor($prog,0x00A000) GUICtrlSetState($prog,$gui_disable) GUICtrlSetBkColor($obj,0x000000) Sleep(10) EndFunc Func movement() $s = @SEC If $s <> $s_lastsec Then $i += 1 $cp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$obj) $cp_turret = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$turret) $cp_gui = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$gui) If $cp[0] < 300 And $cp[1] < 300 And $dead = False Then If $cp[1] < 0 Then ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0],$cp[1]+1) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-25,$cp[1]-20) ;ControlMove($gui,"",$prog_b,$cp[0]-25,$cp[1]-20) Else ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0],$cp[1]+1) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-10,$cp[1]-20) EndIf EndIf If $cp[1] < 400 And $cp[1] >= 300 And $dead = False Then ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0]+1,$cp[1]) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-10,$cp[1]-20) EndIf If $cp[0] = 400 And $cp[1] < 550 And $dead = False Then ControlMove("","",$obj,$cp[0],$cp[1]+1) ControlMove("","",$prog,$cp[0]-10,$cp[1]-20) EndIf If $cp[1] >= 550 Then ControlMove($gui,"",$obj,10,-50) ;Here's the error. ControlMove($gui,"",$prog,0,-70) lifelost() EndIf GUISetOnEvent(-3,"_Exit") Sleep(10) EndIf EndFunc Func death() $cp_hp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$prog) If $cp_hp[2] = 0 And $dead = False Then $cp5 = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$obj) GUICtrlDelete($obj) GUICtrlDelete($prog) $exp = GUICtrlCreateInput("",$cp5[0]-25,$cp5[1]-35,100,100) GUICtrlSetState($exp,$gui_disable) GUICtrlSetBkColor($exp,0xFF0000) deathreward() $round += 1 GUICtrlSetData($rounds,"Round: "&$round) Sleep(1000) $dead = False GUICtrlDelete($exp) npc() EndIf EndFunc Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc Func rangecheck() $mp = GUIGetCursorInfo($gui) $cp = ControlGetPos($gui,"",$turret) ; If $mp[0] >= $cp[0] And $mp[0] <= $cp[0]+$cp[2] And $mp[1] >= $cp[1] And $mp[1] <= $cp[1]+$cp[3] Then ; GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,$gui_show) ; EndIf If $mp[0] >= $cp[0] And $mp[1] >= $cp[1] And $mp[0] <= $cp[0]+$cp[2] And $mp[1] <= $cp[1]+$cp[3] Then GUICtrlSetState($turret_range,$gui_show) Else GUICtrlSetState($turret,$gui_hide) EndIf EndFunc Func lifelost() $lives = $lives - 2 GUICtrlSetData($live,"Health: "&$lives&"/100") EndFunc Func deathreward() $bal = $bal + 15 GUICtrlSetData($bank,"Bank: $"&$bal) EndFunc Func sleeper() Do Sleep(10) Until GUIGetMsg() = -3 Exit EndFunc Func road() $road_1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",0,0,80,360) GUICtrlSetBkColor($road_1,0x775511) $road_2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",70,270,390,90) GUICtrlSetBkColor($road_2,0x775511) $road_3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",380,360,80,170) GUICtrlSetBkColor($road_3,0x775511) EndFunc Edited November 28, 2014 by gottygolly
Luigi Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 Hum... now I understand, you have a black box, it is a enimy, move in the path. I can't see the path becouse in my pc, the size of gui is wrong. Now is later here, time sleep. I will change ideas with you. Detefon. Visit my repository
gottygolly Posted November 28, 2014 Author Posted November 28, 2014 I need to edit the code a bit to work better with different monitors, I'm going to bed for now though.
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