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Dear forum members,

Filepath, app name and app version in one funtion, which can be use separately, is this possible?


_MyFunction($MyAppPath, $sMyApp, $sMyAppVer); separated to call

#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

Global $sMyProgDir
Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)

Global $ProgramFilesDir = EnvGet('ProgramFiles(x86)') ; for 64bit Win it will return a valid path.
If Not $ProgramFilesDir Then $ProgramFilesDir = @ProgramFilesDir ; for 32bit Win this will "repair" the broken return from above.

Local $Gui = GUICreate("My Program info", 343, 197, 192, 124)
Local $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("show", 91, 62, 161, 73)

While 1
    Local $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Button1
            MsgBox(4096, "My Program overview", Overview()) ; just for testing purposes

Func Overview()
    Local $sInfo = _
            "OS architecture: " & @OSArch & @CRLF & _
            "OS Build: " & @OSBuild & @CRLF & _
            "My Program directory: " & MyProgDir() & @CRLF & _
            "My Program version: " & MyProgVersion()
    Return $sInfo
EndFunc   ;==>Overview

; Func _MyFunction($MyAppPath, $sMyApp, $sMyAppVer); separate to call
Func MyProgDir()
    Local $sRegKey, $iKey, $sHold, $sMyProgRegKey
    If @OSArch = "X64" Then
        ;x64 Key
        $sRegKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"
        ;x86 Key
        $sRegKey = "HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"
    $iKey = 1
    While 1
        $sHold = RegEnumKey($sRegKey, $iKey)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        $iKey += 1
        If RegRead($sRegKey & $sHold, "DisplayName") = 'My Program' Then
            $sMyProgRegKey = RegRead($sRegKey & $sHold, "InstallLocation")
            If Not @error Then
                MsgBox(0, $sHold, $sMyProgRegKey) ;debug
    If FileExists($sMyProgRegKey) Then
        $sMyProgDir = StringTrimRight($sMyProgRegKey, 1)
        MsgBox(0, "Found through REGKey", $sMyProgDir) ;installed with a installer
    ElseIf FileExists($ProgramFilesDir & "\My Program") Then
        MsgBox(0, "Found through ProgramFiles Dir", $ProgramFilesDir) ;maybe it's installed with 7-zip, no regkey found
        $sMyProgDir = $ProgramFilesDir & "\My Program"
    ElseIf FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\MyProg.exe") Then
        MsgBox(0, "Found through Script Dir", @ScriptDir) ;maybe it's portable
        $sMyProgDir = @ScriptDir & "\"
        MsgBox(0, "Not one is true", "What are doing?") ;debug
        $sMyProgDir = False
    ;MsgBox(,"installed:",$sMyProgDir) ; installed location
    Return $sMyProgDir

    ;====================== My Program version =================
;~  If $sMyProgDir = False Then
;~      Return "My Program, not installed"
;~  Else
;~      Local $sMyApp = $sMyProgDir & "\MyProg.exe"
;~      If FileExists($sMyApp) Then
;~          Local $sMyAppVer = StringTrimRight(FileGetVersion($sMyApp), 2)
;~          Return $sMyProgDir & @CRLF & $sMyApp & @CRLF & $sMyAppVer
;~      Else
;~          Return "MyProg.exe not found"
;~      EndIf
;~  EndIf

EndFunc   ;==>_MyProgDir

; separate function for version info

Func MyProgVersion()
    If $sMyProgDir = False Then
        Return "My Program, not installed"
        Local $sMyApp = $sMyProgDir & "\MyProg.exe"
        If FileExists($sMyApp) Then
            Local $sMyAppVer = StringTrimRight(FileGetVersion($sMyApp), 2)
            Return $sMyAppVer
            Return "MyProg.exe not found"
EndFunc   ;==>_MyProgVersion

Greetings from Holland


@wayfarer, do you mean is individual values? I see in your script you placed their values in one variable so I assume that is the case. 

My method may be a bit odd and I don't mind being told so but you could return the values you get within your function using an array.

#include <array.au3>

$arrSysInfo = Overview()
Func Overview()
    Local $aSysInfo[4]
    $aSysInfo[0] = @OSArch
    $aSysInfo[1] = @OSBuild
    $aSysInfo[2] = MyProgDir()
    $aSysInfo[3] = MyProgVersion()

I found this handy when I collect a number of details related to a specific program, (paths, registry value, etc) and want them available to other functions. If this is not what you are looking for, perhaps it gives you an idea?


gritts, good idea arrays

But what I mean something like this _MyFunction($MyAppPath, $sMyApp, $sMyAppVer)

Let say I make another function, and I want to have some returns from MyProgDir()

instead of Call("MyProgDir") I use ($MyAppPath, $sMyApp) it's called ByRef keyword I think

Another simple question about parentheses?

You have used Return($aSysInfo) with parentheses and not Return $aSysInfo is there rule for it?





gritts, good idea arrays

But what I mean something like this _MyFunction($MyAppPath, $sMyApp, $sMyAppVer)

Let say I make another function, and I want to have some returns from MyProgDir()

instead of Call("MyProgDir") I use ($MyAppPath, $sMyApp) it's called ByRef keyword I think

Another simple question about parentheses?

You have used Return($aSysInfo) with parentheses and not Return $aSysInfo is there rule for it?



@Mecano, I have to admit, I am not that versed on ByRef and would have to play with its use to understand it further.

I have not used Call in the past so bear with me  :ermm: . I created an example that might answer your question (as well as "edumicate" me). Let me know if this helps...


Func _MyCompName($cmpName)
    ConsoleWrite("Computer name: "&$cmpName&@CRLF)

Func _MyComspec($cmspec)
    ConsoleWrite("Comspec value: "&$cmspec&@CRLF)

Func _IReturnStuff($stuffHere)
    Local $retStuff
    $retStuff = "The length of the string you passed is "&StringLen($stuffHere)&" characters."&@CRLF
    Return $retStuff

Func _MyComputer()
    Local $retVal
    Call(_MyCompName,"My random stuff")
    $retVal = Call(_IReturnStuff,"My string of words")
    ConsoleWrite(Call(_IReturnStuff,"My string of words"))
    ConsoleWrite("Deja-vu: "&$retVal)
    Call(_MyCompName,Call(_IReturnStuff,"My string of words")) ;Just to make my head spin

As to the Return with the parentheses, I use them out of habit. So far it does not seem to have caused issues in the apps I have developed. I read the help entry for Return (several times over as the caffeine has not yet kicked in) and I may need to change how some of my apps are written. ByRef looks interesting. Perhaps someone can provide another "for instance" to shed more lite on ByRef and Return?

Posted (edited)

@gritts, I'm still learning, practicing  AutoIt, (kind off solving puzzles).
If there was a lynda.com AutoIt video tutorial, I would definitely buy it  :ILA:>
Nice example you wrote,  going to study this  :thumbsup:
helps me a lot and thanks for explaining Return with the parentheses

ByRef looks interesting. Perhaps someone can provide another "for instance" to shed more lite on ByRef and Return?

I hope, practicing and learning won't harm, keeps your brain in top condition

Again thanks for the answers


This is a example what I mean


instead of call("_ShowBytes")

Func MEM()
    Local $mem = MemGetStats()
    Local $filesize = $mem[1]
    Return "Installed memory: " & _ShowBytes($filesize)

Func _ShowBytes($kbbytes)
    Local $x, $bytes_suffix[5] = [" KB", " MB", " GB", " TB", " PB"]
    While $kbbytes > 1023
        $x += 1
        $kbbytes /= 1024
    Return Round($kbbytes) & $bytes_suffix[$x]
Edited by Mecano

@Mecano you are welcome. I like what you did in your script sample for determining the suffix to use. :thumbsup:  I had not seen that approach before. Nice and simple.


@gritts, The example function (ByteSuffix) is from Spiff59 :thumbsup:

something like this I'm looking for
Return MyProgDir($sMyApp)


Return MyProgDir($sMyAppVer)


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