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InetGet() gets a corrupt Excel file


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How do you know it is corrupt?

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Have you tried flag $INET_FORCERELOAD?

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Have you tried flag $INET_FORCERELOAD?

Sorry for the late response of have been sick the last couple of days.

Yes I have tried $INET_FORCERELOAD.

The exact message I get from Excel is:

The file format and extension of ‘list.xls’ don’t match. The file could be corrupted or unsafe. Unless you trust its source, don’t open it. Do you want to open it anyway?

When I open the file its is not readable.

When I download the file manually the extension is a .xls.

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When I manually download the file, Firefox thinks it downloaded a 223KB file. However, when you examine the actual file it is 992KB. It looks like the file being downloaded with InetGet is compressed. I was able to open it with 7Zip and extract the same 992KB file from within.


Hummm very interesting. I was also able to read it once I unzipped it. I guess I will have to use InetGet() to get the file and then have AutoIt unzip it. Thanks Danp2.

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So upon further research I found that the issue was that the file was being downloaded in gzip format. I thought I would post my code for anyone that ran into a similar problem. This code uses the zLib UDF found >here.

#include "ZLIB.au3"

$sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\list.xls"
$sURL = "https://alachua.lienexpress.net/certificates/list.xls?q=%7B%7D%0A"
InetGet_GZ($sURL, $sFilePath)

Func InetGet_GZ($sDownloadURL, $sFileName)
    $Data = InetRead($sDownloadURL)
    $Data = BinaryToString(_ZLIB_GZUncompress($Data), 1)
    If FileExists($sFileName) Then FileDelete($sFileName)
    FileWrite($sFileName, $Data)
EndFunc   ;==>InetGet_GZ
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