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Sorry for my little english I am french

I am a newbe and I begin with AutoIt

I need it for silent install applications

I had my first succes with this little application :

; Lance email back up


; Initialisation

WinWaitActive("Email Backup - InstallShield Wizard", "&Suivant")


; License

WinWaitActive("Email Backup - InstallShield Wizard", "&J'accepte")



WinWaitActive("Email Backup - InstallShield Wizard", "&Suivant")


; Dossier d'installation

WinWaitActive("Email Backup - InstallShield Wizard", "&Suivant")


; Installer

WinWaitActive("Email Backup - InstallShield Wizard", "&Installer")


; Terminer

WinWaitActive("Email Backup - InstallShield Wizard", "&Terminer")


Wich works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I woold like to use the ControlClick command to click on a buttom wich is the buttom 4

I dont find how may I do that be cause I dont know how use the syntax I read in the help file:

ControlClick ( "title", "text", controlID [, button] [, clicks]] )

Where I have to indicate the buttom I whant to click

May be there is an other way? My buttom doent work like others with a lettet or ENTER, you need absolutely to click o, and thanks to auto it windows info I know it is the buttom 4

An other question please:

When I have to write a serial, how cab I type it automaticlly at is palce when I am asking for

Thank you verymuch for your help I a m not a professionnal as you see

Thank you a lot


Welcome to the forums!

If the button to click is reported as 'Button4' by AutoIt Window Info then you would issue this command:

controlClick("(window title)", "(window text)", "Button4")

You would obviously need to correct the window title and text.

P.S. Please post your questions to the 'v3 Support' forum next time! ;)


thank you very much LXP tou are very nice

And to put a serial number into his case when the application ask for? Do you know which is the command to do?

Thank you again

Next time i will put my qustions at the right place excuse me


And to put a serial number into his case when the application ask for? Do you know which is the command to do?

Use ControlSetText for this, use AutoIt Window Info to get the name of the serial field control, example:

ControlSetText("(window title)","(window text)","Here the name of the serial field control","The serial")

Hope it helps you...

Sorry for my English, I'm Dutch... =DMedia UDFINet Adv UDF

Thank you very much svennie I will try it

But now I am fighting with that :

; Lancer Post It


; Initialisation

controlClick("(Aide mémoire - v2.3)", "(Aide mémoire - v2.3)", "Button4")

; Accepter License

controlClick("(Aide mémoire - v2.3)", "(Concepteur - Licence)", "Button6")

; lancer l'installation

controlClick("(Aide mémoire - v2.3)", "(Concepteur - Licence)", "Button8")

; Chartre

controlClick("(Aide mémoire - v2.3)", "(Charte de qualité ;)", "Button11")

; Utilisation

controlClick("(Aide mémoire - v2.3)", "(Utilisation sur un ordinateur personnel.)", "Button15")

; Options

controlClick("(Aide mémoire - v2.3)", "(Dossier d'installation)", "Button23")

; Terminer

controlClick("(Aide mémoire - v2.3)", "(Terminer)", "Button3")

; Fermer fenêtre d'installation

WinWaitActive("(Aide mémoire)", "(Affichage des aides mémoires)")

WinClose("Aide mémoire")

It Doesn't work !!!

What is wrong in your mind?

When you speak about "windows text", you speak about the first text you see into "status bar" in the autowindows info, I think

Thank you for your help

Posted (edited)


EXAMPLE ControlClick("Untitled -", "", "MDIClient1")

remove all of the other brackets... like this

controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Terminer", "Button3")

************** UNLESS that is part of what you actually see


i don't see the part where you want to send the serial number


Edited by Valuater



; Lancer Post It


; Initialisation

controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Button4")

; Accepter License

controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Concepteur - Licence", "Button6")

; lancer l'installation

controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Concepteur - Licence", "Button8")

; Chartre

controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Charte de qualité", "Button11")

; Utilisation

controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Utilisation sur un ordinateur personnel.", "Button15")

; Options

controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Dossier d'installation", "Button23")

; Terminer

controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Terminer", "Button3")

; Fermer fenêtre d'installation

WinWaitActive("Aide mémoire", "Affichage des aides mémoires")

WinClose("Aide mémoire")

; Fermer fenêtre explorer

WinWaitActive("Aide mémoire")

WinClose("Aide mémoire")

It does not work anymore

It makes me a lot of autoit icons in the tray bar

Do you know an app which records all the keylogs I do to install an application ?

IF it would exist in autoit for example, It would be genius because it would write the script itself without any error

In fact what I am loocking for is very simple

I just whant to record all the manipulations whom are needed to install an app, for being intalled later directly by the script

But I am dreaming I think

Could you see what it does not work in my script

Thant you for your help

you are patient and very nices


I replied to your question of serial number in the other forum where you posted the same question. Did that work? Cheers...

...by the way, it's pronounced: "JIF"... Bob Berry --- inventor of the GIF format

ok.... First lets slow it down.... autoit is very very fast

SAVE THIS AS A DIFFERENT FILE NAME.... then we can check yours later

check the spelling... spaces and anythin in the "TITLE" line

$timer = (2000)

; Lancer Post It
WinWaitActive(""); waits for the last ran window to become active

; Initialisation
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "", "Button4")

; Accepter License
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "", "Button6")

; lancer l'installation
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "", "Button8")

; Chartre
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "", "Button11")

; Utilisation
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "", "Button15")

; Options
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3","", "Button23")

; Terminer
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "", "Button3")

; Fermer fenêtre d'installation
WinWaitActive("Aide mémoire")
WinClose("Aide mémoire")

; Fermer fenêtre explorer
WinWaitActive("Aide mémoire")
WinClose("Aide mémoire")

when you post use these

[ code ] ; no spaces

; past your script here

[ /code ] ; no spaces

try this

we can change the speed anytime




It does not work anymore

It makes me a lot of autoit icons in the tray bar

It sounds like perhaps you have compiled your script to PostIt.exe, and so the script is calling itself repeatedly.

After renaming your script (or your setup file), you may wish to try the script script and see if it takes you further. Please notice that I have added WinWait() instructions before each new window -- otherwise it won't wait for the control to exist before clicking it -- it would instead fail and move to the next instruction.

Also, take note of the Opt() line -- this will cause the AutoIt icon to display the currently-running line if you place your mouse over it. This is very important information if your script appears to 'freeze' at some point.

opt("trayIconDebug", 1)

 winWait("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Aide mémoire - v2.3")
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Button4")

winWait("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Concepteur - Licence")
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Concepteur - Licence", "Button6")
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Concepteur - Licence", "Button8")

winWait("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Charte de qualité")
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Charte de qualité", "Button11")

winWait("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Utilisation sur un ordinateur personnel.")
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Utilisation sur un ordinateur personnel.", "Button15")

 winWait("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Dossier d'installation")
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Dossier d'installation", "Button23")

winWait("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Terminer")
controlClick("Aide mémoire - v2.3", "Terminer", "Button3")

winWait("Aide mémoire", "Affichage des aides mémoires")
winClose("Aide mémoire")
winWaitClose("Aide mémoire")

 winWait("Aide mémoire")
winClose("Aide mémoire")

Thank you very much for your helps

first : to Jefhal : thank you I saw your answer for applications where I will need a serial and I will try it as soon as I will have resolved the post it application. So as soon as I will have tried it I will tell you if i succed Thank you again foryour help

to LXP and Valuater : I tried each of your solution and I have the same error in the tray bar I propose you to send you the applicaation by MP if it is possible then you will understand where i am failing in use of aoto it

Do you agrée? It is le light application

I am going to try to send it to you


Okay, give this script a try and let us know if it works as you like:

; This string is used many times, so creating it as a constant is a good idea
 local const $TITLE = "Aide mémoire - v2.3"
; This will make the script faster
 opt("winWaitDelay", 100)
; Start the installer
; Wait for the splash screen
; Close it
; Wait for the main window
 winWait($TITLE, "Quitter")
; Tick the box on the Licence tab
 controlCommand($TITLE, "Quitter", "Button6", "Check")
; Click 'Installer'
 controlClick($TITLE, "Quitter", "Button23")
; Wait for installation progress window
 winWait($TITLE, "Ouvrir le dossier")
; The installation is complete when an Explorer window opens
 opt("winTitleMatchMode", 4)
 winWait("classname=CabinetWClass", "LSI\Aide mémoire")
; Close the Explorer window
 winClose("classname=CabinetWClass", "LSI\Aide mémoire")
; Close the installation progress window
 controlClick($TITLE, "Ouvrir le dossier", "Button2")
; The installed program will open
; Wait for it to appear
 winWait("Aide mémoire", "Affichage des aides mémoires")
; Close it
 winClose("Aide mémoire", "Affichage des aides mémoires")

Do you know an app which records all the keylogs I do to install an application ?

If you have Scite4AutoIt3, then look at AutoItMacroGenerator. It will record the automation of the installation. It is made by VoSs2000 and has a webpage also.

You mention Installshield on your 1st post. Installshield can record an answer file to silently install the program. If you want a program to help you with silent installations, then have a look at CMenu. CMenu has Identify Installer in the rightclick menu for dealing with installers plus alot more.

These programs may help you create AutoIt scripts very quick. Simply using /r parameter on this installer may give you an easy solution, or if it is webpackaged then try /a /r.


hiii it worksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


MHZ for the applications wich are very very usefull. Now I understand how to make a command I use the automate and then I loock at what it did and I learn the command and the use of this command Thanks again You understood exactly what I was loocking for, despite my english

LXP and VALUATER for their first advicess and their efficience with a beginner, thanks to them I was persevering. You have been very nice with beginner

Jefhal : It does work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for serial !!!At the first try !!! What a great man!

Your are all of you very nice and I wanted to thank you after getting sleep at 5 am here in France. It was a hard but very passion night

See all of you later I am confortable in this place and surely I am going to ask you again and again (sorry)


No problem pianoteur. Thank you for your effort, courtesy and gratitude -- I wish that all newcomers were like you! ;)

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