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Tesseract examples wont work for me


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Hi Guys

I am trying the tessearct.au3 file with no joy, I have read everything I have found on the forum and can't get anything working.

This is what I have/done

Installed Tesseract 3.02.02 to

C:Program Filestesseracttesseract.exe

Tesseract.au3 is in Autoit3Include folder, version is

Title: Tesseract UDF Library for AutoIt3
Filename: Tesseract.au3
Description: A collection of functions for capturing text in applications.
Author: seangriffin
Version: V0.6
Last Update: 17/03/09

Changed line 58 to

Global $tesseract_temp_path = @ProgramFilesDir & "tesseracttesseract.exe"

Running this simple code

#include <Tesseract.au3>#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
$OCR_Result = _TesseractScreenCapture(0,"",1,1,94,121,147,166,1)
MsgBox(0, "Result: ", $OCR_Result)

All I get is this screenshot, My os is XP Pro, screen res is 1280 x 800 when installing tessearct it created Tesseract-OCR folder which I renamed to tesseract as most posts I read either showed or stated this change.

If someone could just tell me where I am going wrong or a reason why it wont work that would be greatly appreciated, many thanks.



Edited by Phaser
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