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I have created a Gui with a number of GUICtrlCreateButton()

When I click on them with the mouse, the response by my script is very slow (1-2 secs), but if I navigate the buttons using the arrow keys and activate them with the Enter key, the response is fairly instant. Has anyone else seen this, and perhaps solved it?


  • Moderators


Perhaps posting your script so we can test it might be good idea. ;)


Public_Domain.png.2d871819fcb9957cf44f4514551a2935.png Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind

Open spoiler to see my UDFs:


ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area



I can, but it's not going to be easy for anyone to run it as it is pulling in data over USB. it also relies on some ini files.

Global $GUIHandle = 0
Global $GUI2Handle = 0
Global $bb = 1
Global $repeats = 0
Global $Do
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_ExitLoop")
Global $hDll_ntdll = DllOpen("ntdll.dll")
Dim $bitarray[8]=[1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128]
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <ColorConstants.au3>
#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <Math.au3>
#include <Timers.au3>
#include <FTD2XX.dll_UDF.au3>

$IniFile = @ScriptDir&"\FPGA_Comms.ini"
$Combined =  Number(IniRead ($IniFile,"Settings","Combined",1))
$IniArray = IniReadSection($IniFile, "Ini_List")
$NoInis = $IniArray[0][0]
$buttonHeight = 20
$width = 150
$height = $NoInis * $buttonHeight
$GUIHandle = GUICreate ( "FPGA Comms (Esc to quit)" , $width , $height ,-1,-1,BitOR($WS_MINIMIZEBOX , $WS_CAPTION))
Dim $IniButtonArray[$NoInis +1]
For $b = 1 to $NoInis
    $IniButtonArray[$b] = GUICtrlCreateButton($IniArray[$b][0],0,($b-1)*$buttonHeight,$width,$buttonHeight)
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUIHandle)
$IniFile = ""
while $IniFile = ""
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    if $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE then _Terminate()
    For $b = 1 to $NoInis
        if $msg = $IniButtonArray[$b] then
            $IniFile = @ScriptDir&"\"&$IniArray[$b][1]
    if $bb = $repeats then _Terminate()
Dim $ButtonArray = IniReadSection($IniFile, "Buttons")
if Not @error then
    $NoButs = $ButtonArray[0][0]
    $NoButs = 0

$Ini_Name = @ScriptDir&"\"&IniRead ($IniFile,"Settings","DataIniFile","")
$repeats = Number(IniRead ($IniFile,"Settings","repeats",0))
$outstring = IniRead ($IniFile,"Settings","outstring","T")
$interval = Number(IniRead ($IniFile,"Settings","interval",1000))*1000
$datalength = Number(IniRead ($IniFile,"Settings","datalength",1))
$PartName = IniRead ($IniFile,"Settings","Part","")
$LabelsPerCol = Number(IniRead ($IniFile,"Settings","LabelsPerCol",40))
$stepping = 1
if $repeats = 0 then
    $repeats = 1
    $stepping = 0
$IniSectionArray = IniReadSectionNames($Ini_Name)
$LabelHeight = 16
$ListWidth = 32
$ListHeight = $LabelHeight

if Mod($IniSectionArray[0],$LabelsPerCol)>0 then
$Columns = int($IniSectionArray[0]/$LabelsPerCol)+$t
$GUIHandle = GUICreate ( "" , 10 , 10)
Dim $LabelWidths[$Columns]
Dim $ColumnWidths[$Columns+1]

$width = 160
if $Combined <> 1 Then
    $width = 0
if $NoButs = 0 then
    $width = 0
For $b = 0 to $Columns-1
    For $a=$LabelsPerCol*$b +1 to _Min($LabelsPerCol*($b+1),$IniSectionArray[0])
        $tt = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $IniSectionArray[$a], 0, 0)
        $t = ControlGetPos ( $GUIHandle, "", $tt)
        GUICtrlDelete ($tt)
        If $t[2] > $LabelWidths[$b] Then
            $LabelWidths[$b] = $t[2]
    $ColumnWidths[$b+1] = $ListWidth + $LabelWidths[$b]
    $width = $width + $ColumnWidths[$b+1]
$GUIHandle = GUIDelete($GUIHandle)
$height = _Min($IniSectionArray[0],$LabelsPerCol) * $LabelHeight
if $Combined = 1 Then
    $height = _Max($NoButs*40,_Min($IniSectionArray[0],$LabelsPerCol) * $LabelHeight)
$GUIHandle = GUICreate ( "FPGA Data (Esc to quit)" , $width , $height ,-1,-1,BitOR($WS_MINIMIZEBOX , $WS_CAPTION))
Dim $Data_Array[$IniSectionArray[0]]
Dim $Label_Array[$IniSectionArray[0]]
For $a = 1 to $IniSectionArray[0]
    $Column = int(($a-1)/$LabelsPerCol)
    $X = 0
    for $b = 0 to $Column
        $X = $X + $ColumnWidths[$b]
    $Row = $a - ($LabelsPerCol*$Column)-1
    $Label_Array[$a-1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $IniSectionArray[$a], $X, $Row*$LabelHeight, $LabelWidths[$Column] , $LabelHeight ,BitOR($SS_SUNKEN,$SS_CENTER))
    $Data_Array[$a-1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( "", $X + $LabelWidths[$Column], $Row*$LabelHeight , $ListWidth, $ListHeight, BitOR($SS_SUNKEN,$SS_CENTER))
    GUICtrlSetColor($Data_Array[$a-1], $COLOR_RED)
    GUICtrlSetBkColor($Data_Array[$a-1], $COLOR_WHITE)
    $t=ControlGetPos ( $GUIHandle, "", $Label_Array[$a-1])
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUIHandle)

if $NoButs > 0 then
    if $Combined <> 1 Then
        $GUI2Handle = GUICreate ( "Control" , 150 , $NoButs*40 ,-1,-1,$WS_MINIMIZEBOX + $WS_CAPTION + $WS_POPUP)
    $buttonX = $width-150
    If $Combined <> 1 Then
        $buttonX = 0
    Dim $GUIButtonArray[$NoButs +1]
    For $b = 1 to $NoButs
        $GUIButtonArray[$b] = GUICtrlCreateButton($ButtonArray[$b][0],$buttonX+0,($b-1)*40,150,40)
    if $Combined <> 1 Then
        GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI2Handle)
$Do = _FT_CreateDeviceInfoList($lpdwNumDevs)
If $Do <> 0 then
    msgbox(0,"","Something wrong!")
$Do = _FT_GetDeviceInfoList($pDest, $lpdwNumDevs)
$NumDevices = DllStructGetData($lpdwNumDevs, 1)
If  $NumDevices < 1 then
    msgbox(0,"","No part attached")
    $iDevice = -1
    for $pvArg1 = 0 to $NumDevices - 1
        $pvArg2 = DllStructCreate('char[100]')
        $Do = _FT_ListDevices($pvArg1, $pvArg2, BitOR($FT_LIST_BY_INDEX, $FT_OPEN_BY_SERIAL_NUMBER))
        $Part = DllStructGetData($pvArg2,1)
        if $Part = $PartName Then
            if $iDevice = -1 Then
                $iDevice = $pvArg1
                msgbox(0,"","More than 1 Device found!")
    If $iDevice = -1 Then
        msgbox(0,"","Part "&$PartName&" Not Found")
$Do = _FT_Open($iDevice, $fthandle)

If $Do <>0 then 
    msgbox(0,"","Failed to Open Port," & _USBFT_ErrorDescription($Do))
$Do = _FT_SetBaudRate($FT_HANDLE, 250000)
$uWordLength = $FT_BITS_8
$uStopBits = $FT_STOP_BITS_1
$uParity = $FT_PARITY_NONE
$Do = _FT_SetDataCharacteristics($FT_HANDLE, $uWordLength, $uStopBits, $uParity)
$usFlowControl = $FT_FLOW_NONE
$uXon = 'A'
$uXoff = 'C'
$Do = _FT_SetFlowControl($FT_HANDLE, $usFlowControl, $uXon, $uXoff)
$framcounter = 0
$starttime = _Timer_Init()
for $bb = $stepping to $repeats step $stepping
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    if $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE then _ExitLoop()
    if $NoButs > 0 then
        For $b = 1 to $NoButs
            if $msg = $GUIButtonArray[$b] then
                $t = $ButtonArray[$b][1]
    DllStructSetData($lpBuffer, 1, $t)
    $dwBytesToWrite = StringLen($t)
    $Do = _FT_Write($FT_HANDLE, $lpBuffer, $dwBytesToWrite, $lpdwBytesWritten)

    $framcounter = $framcounter + 1
    $starttime2 = _Timer_Init()
    $Do = _FT_GetStatus($FT_HANDLE, $lpdwAmountInRxQueue, $lpdwAmountInTxQueue, $lpdwEventStatus)
    ;msgbox(0,"", DllStructGetData($lpdwAmountInTxQueue, 1))

    $dwBytesToRead = 0
    while $dwBytesToRead <$datalength
        $Do = _FT_GetStatus($FT_HANDLE, $lpdwAmountInRxQueue, $lpdwAmountInTxQueue, $lpdwEventStatus)
        $dwBytesToRead = DllStructGetData($lpdwAmountInRxQueue, 1)
        if _Timer_Diff($starttime)>5000 then
            msgbox(0,"Rx issue","Rx Timeout")
    if DllStructGetData($lpdwAmountInRxQueue, 1) > $datalength then
        msgbox(0,"Rx Issue",DllStructGetData($lpdwAmountInRxQueue, 1)&" Bytes, expected: "&$datalength)
    if $bb < $repeats then  
        $dwBytesToRead = DllStructGetData($lpdwAmountInRxQueue, 1)
        DllStructSetData($lpBuffer, 1, '')
        $Do = _FT_Read($FT_HANDLE, $lpBuffer, $dwBytesToRead, $lpdwBytesReturned)
        if $Do <> 0 then msgbox(0,"","oh")
        $data=DllStructGetData($lpBuffer, 1)
        for $a = 0 to $IniSectionArray[0]-1
            $Sect = $IniSectionArray[$a+1]
            $Bytes = IniRead ( $Ini_Name, $Sect, "Bytes",0)
            If $Bytes = 0 Then
                $ByteNum = IniRead ( $Ini_Name,$Sect,"Byte",-1)
                $Bits = IniRead ( $Ini_Name,$Sect,"Bits",-1)
                If $Bits = -1 Then
                    If BitAND ($bitarray[IniRead ( $Ini_Name,$Sect,"Bit",-1)] , Dec(StringMid($data,($ByteNum*2)+3,2))) >0 Then
                        $SectData = 1
                        $SectData = 0
                    For $b = $Bits to 1 step -1
                        If BitAND ($bitarray[IniRead ( $Ini_Name,$Sect,"Bit"&$b,-1)] , Dec(StringMid($data,($ByteNum*2)+3,2))) >0 Then
                            $SectData = $SectData + 2^($b-1)
                For $b = $Bytes to 1 step -1
                    $ByteNum = IniRead ( $Ini_Name,$Sect,"Byte"&$b,-1)
                    $SectData = $SectData & StringMid($data,($ByteNum*2)+3,2)
            GUICtrlSetData ($Data_Array[$a], $SectData)
        $t = int(_Timer_Diff($starttime)*1000)
        If $t < $interval Then
        $starttime = _Timer_Init()

Func _ExitLoop()
    $bb = $repeats
Func _Terminate()
    ;if $Do <> 0 then 
    If $GUIHandle > 1 Then
    If $GUI2Handle > 1 Then

Func _HighPrecisionSleep($iSleep)
    DllCall($hDll_ntdll, "dword", "NtDelayExecution", "int", 0, "int64*", -10 * $iSleep)

here's FPGA_Comms.ini

Combined = 1

GLM_V1 = GLM_Lone_Test_settings.ini
73_Digital_OP_Test = 73_Digital_OP_Settings.ini
73_Digital = 73_Digital_Settings.ini


DataIniFile = 73_Digital_data.ini
LabelsPerCol = 46
repeats = 0
interval = 500
datalength = 128
outstring = T
Part = GLM_V1

Reset Faults = R
MTU Control = M
MTU Up = N
MTU Down = P
O/P Test Mode Enable = o
Next = N
Previous = P
Toggle Output = t
Loadbank Mode = L
Ammeter Test = A
Speedo Test = S
Probe Sim = p
Probe 1 Speed Toggle = 1
Probe 2 Speed Toggle = 2
Probe 3 Speed Toggle = 3
Probe 4 Speed Toggle = 4

And here's 73_Digital_data.ini

[Speedo Test Active]
Byte = 30
Bit = 6
OK = 1
[Probe Sim Active]
Byte = 39
Bit = 7
OK = 1
[Probe 1 Speed]
Byte = 38
Bit = 4
[Probe 2 Speed]
Byte = 38
Bit = 5
[Probe 3 Speed]
Byte = 38
Bit = 6
[Probe 4 Speed]
Byte = 38
Bit = 7
[Ammeter Test Active]
Byte = 30
Bit = 7
OK = 1
[Loadbank Mode Active]
Byte = 39
Bit = 0
OK = 1
[MTU Mode Active]
Byte = 39
Bit = 1
OK = 1
[O/P Test Mode Active]
Byte = 19
Bit = 7
OK = 1
[Output Selected]
Bytes = 1
Byte1 = 27
;Byte = 14
;Bit = 6
;Flt = 1
;Byte = 12
;Bit = 5
;Flt = 1
;Byte = 12
;Bit = 7
;Flt = 1
;Byte = 13
;Bit = 0
;Flt = 1
;Byte = 13
;Bit = 1
;Flt = 1
;Byte = 13
;Bit = 2
;Flt = 1
;Byte = 14
;Bit = 3
;Flt = 1
;Byte = 14
;Bit = 4
;Flt = 1
;Byte = 13
;Bit = 7
;Flt = 1
;Byte = 14
;Bit = 0
;Flt = 1
;Byte = 14
;Bit = 1
;Flt = 1
;Byte = 14
;Bit = 2
;Flt = 1
;[Field ILOCK]
;Byte = 14
;Bit = 5
;Flt = 0
;Byte = 12
;Bit = 4
;Flt = 0
;Byte = 12
;Bit = 6
;Flt = 0
;Byte = 13
;Bit = 3
;Flt = 0
;Byte = 13
;Bit = 4
;Flt = 0
;Byte = 13
;Bit = 5
;Flt = 0
;Byte = 13
;Bit = 6
;Flt = 0
;[Probe 1 Supply OK]
;Byte = 18
;Bit = 4
;Flt = 0
;[Probe 2 Supply OK]
;Byte = 18
;Bit = 5
;Flt = 0
;[Probe 3 Supply OK]
;Byte = 18
;Bit = 6
;Flt = 0
;[Probe 4 Supply OK]
;Byte = 18
;Bit = 7
;Flt = 0
[Current Balance Relay]
Byte = 0
Bit = 7
Flt = 0
[Field Overload relay]
Byte = 1
Bit = 1
Flt = 0
[Arm1 Overload]
Byte = 2
Bit = 3
Flt = 0
[Arm 2 Overload]
Byte = 2
Bit = 4
Flt = 0
[Arm 3 Overload]
Byte = 2
Bit = 5
Flt = 0
[Arm 4 Overload]
Byte = 2
Bit = 6
Flt = 0

[TM1 Isolation Switch]
Byte = 1
Bit = 3
OK = 1
[O/P 04 Close TM1 Armature]
Byte = 20
Bit = 4
OK = 1
[Armature  Contactor 1 Proving]
Byte = 1
Bit = 7
OK = 1
[O/P 08 Motor 1 Isolate Indicator]
Byte = 21
Bit = 0
Flt = 1
[O/P 14 TM1 Field Isolator]
Byte = 22
Bit = 4
Flt = 0
[Field 4 Isolator Proving]
Byte = 2
Bit = 7
Flt = 0

[TM2 Isolation Switch]
Byte = 1
Bit = 4
OK = 1
[O/P 05 Close TM2 Armature]
Byte = 20
Bit = 5
OK = 1
[Armature  Contactor 2 Proving]
Byte = 2
Bit = 0
OK = 1
[O/P 09 Motor 2 Isolate Indicator]
Byte = 21
Bit = 1
Flt = 1
[O/P 15 TM2 Field Isolator]
Byte = 22
Bit = 5
Flt = 0
[Field 2 Isolator Proving]
Byte = 3
Bit = 0
Flt = 0

[TM3 Isolation Switch]
Byte = 1
Bit = 5
OK = 1
[O/P 06 Close TM3 Armature]
Byte = 20
Bit = 6
OK = 1
[Armature  Contactor 3 Proving]
Byte = 2
Bit = 1
OK = 1
[O/P 0A Motor 3 Isolate Indicator]
Byte = 21
Bit = 2
Flt = 1
[O/P 16 TM3 Field Isolator]
Byte = 22
Bit = 6
Flt = 0
[Field 3 Isolator Proving]
Byte = 3
Bit = 1
Flt = 0

[TM4 Isolation Switch]
Byte = 1
Bit = 6
OK = 1
[O/P 07 Close TM4 Armature]
Byte = 20
Bit = 7
OK = 1
[Armature  Contactor 4 Proving]
Byte = 2
Bit = 2
OK = 1
[O/P 0B Motor 4 Isolate Indicator]
Byte = 21
Bit = 3
Flt = 1
[O/P 17 TM4 Field Isolator]
Byte = 22
Bit = 7
Flt = 0
[Field 4 Isolator Proving]
Byte = 3
Bit = 2
Flt = 0

[O/P 38 Fan Stop]
Byte = 28
Bit = 0
[O/P 26 Derate]
Byte = 24
Bit = 6
[O/P 25 Power Earth Fault]
Byte = 24
Bit = 5
[O/P 23 Either Cab Active]
Byte = 24
Bit = 3
OK = 1
[O/P 22 Wheelslip Indicator]
Byte = 24
Bit = 2
Flt = 1
[O/P 20 General Fault]
Byte = 24
Bit = 0
Flt = 1
[O/P 21 ETS ON indicator]
Byte = 24
Bit = 1
OK = 1
[O/P 1F Automatic Sanding]
Byte = 23
Bit = 7
PK = 1
[O/P 1D Gx ON]
Byte = 23
Bit = 5
OK = 1
[Gx Contactor Proving]
Byte = 4
Bit = 2
OK = 1
[O/P 12 Engine Stop]
Byte = 22
Bit = 2
[O/P 0C SSF]
Byte = 21
Bit = 4
Byte = 0
Bit = 0
[O/P 37 Close HSCB]
Byte = 26
Bit = 7
OK = 1
[HSCB Proving]
Byte = 0
Bit = 1
OK = 1
[HSCB 0]
Byte = 19
Bit = 0
[HSCB 1]
Byte = 19
Bit = 1
[Shoe Valve Close]
Byte = 0
Bit = 2
[O/P 02 Close Line]
Byte = 20
Bit = 2
OK = 1
[Line Contactor Proving]
Byte = 0
Bit = 3
OK = 1
[O/P 10 Reverser FWD]
Byte = 22
Bit = 0
[Reverser FWD Proving]
Byte = 0
Bit = 4
[O/P 11 Reverser REV]
Byte = 22
Bit = 1
[Reverser REV Proving]
Byte = 0
Bit = 5
[O/P 01 Close Pre-Charge]
Byte = 20
Bit = 1
OK = 1
[Pre Charge Proving]
Byte = 0
Bit = 6
OK = 1
[O/P 03 Close TM Field]
Byte = 20
Bit = 3
OK = 1
[Field Contactor Proving]
Byte = 1
Bit = 0
OK = 1
[Fire Alarm Return]
Byte = 1
Bit = 2

;[Auxiliary Changeover 1 proving]
;Byte = 3
;Bit = 3
;[Auxiliary Changeover  2 proving]
;Byte = 3
;Bit = 4
;[Auxiliary Changeover  3 proving]
;Byte = 3
;Bit = 5
;[Auxiliary Changeover  4 proving]
;Byte = 3
;Bit = 6
;[Auxiliary Changeover  5 proving]
;Byte = 3
;Bit = 7
;[Auxiliary Changeover  6 proving]
;Byte = 4
;Bit = 0
;[Auxiliary Changeover  7 proving]
;Byte = 4
;Bit = 1

[Traction Motor Blower 1 CB Proving]
Byte = 4
Bit = 3
OK = 1
[Traction Motor Blower 2 CB Proving]
Byte = 4
Bit = 4
OK = 1
[Engine Room Fan CB Proving]
Byte = 4
Bit = 5
OK = 1
[Line Inductor Fan CB Proving]
Byte = 4
Bit = 6
OK = 1
[Compressor CB Proving]
Byte = 4
Bit = 7
[O/P 0E Close train Heat Contactor]
Byte = 21
Bit = 6
[Train Heat Contactor Proving]
Byte = 5
Bit = 0
[Train Heat Overload]
Byte = 5
Bit = 1
[Chopper Fan PSU Breaker Proving]
Byte = 5
Bit = 2
[Pressure Low]
Byte = 5
Bit = 3
[74V DVT Trainline PSU ON]
Byte = 5
Bit = 4
[Loadbank Pressure Switch Interlock]
Byte = 5
Bit = 5
[Reset Relay]
Byte = 5
Bit = 6
[MTU DC Link Voltage Reached]
Byte = 5
Bit = 7
[O/P 00 Electric/Diesel Changeover]
Byte = 20
Bit = 0
[Mode Changeover Proving N/O]
Byte = 6
Bit = 0
[Mode Changeover Proving N/C]
Byte = 6
Bit = 1
[Engine Running]
Byte = 6
Bit = 2
[Alarm- MTU Eng Cold]
Byte = 6
Bit = 3
[PEFR Power Detected]
Byte = 6
Bit = 4
[PEFR –Ve Earth Fault]
Byte = 6
Bit = 5
[Alarm - MTU Derate]
Byte = 6
Bit = 6
[Control Earth Fault]
Byte = 6
Bit = 7
[PEFR +Ve Earth Fault]
Byte = 7
Bit = 0
[Earth Fault Iso Switch (Diesel Only)]
Byte = 7
Bit = 1
[Master Switch Forward]
Byte = 7
Bit = 2
OK = 1
[Master Switch Reverse]
Byte = 7
Bit = 3
OK = 1
[Cab 1 Active]
Byte = 7
Bit = 4
OK = 1
[Cab 2 Active]
Byte = 7
Bit = 5
OK = 1
[Diesel Mode]
Byte = 7
Bit = 6
[Electric Mode / Engine Stop]
Byte = 7
Bit = 7
[Engine Start]
Byte = 8
Bit = 0
Byte = 8
Bit = 1
[Up/Mast Run Back]
Byte = 8
Bit = 2
OK = 1
[Up/Mast Hold]
Byte = 8
Bit = 3
OK = 1
[Up/Mast Series]
Byte = 8
Bit = 4
OK = 1
[Up/Mast Parallel]
Byte = 8
Bit = 5
OK = 1
[Up/Mast Notch Up / Weak Field]
Byte = 8
Bit = 6
OK = 1
[Up/Mast OFF – Cab 2]
Byte = 8
Bit = 7
OK = 1
[Up/Mast OFF – Cab 1]
Byte = 9
Bit = 0
OK = 1
[Low/Mast AAR Input A]
Byte = 9
Bit = 1
OK = 1
[Low/Mast AAR Input B]
Byte = 9
Bit = 2
OK = 1
[Low/Mast AAR Input C]
Byte = 9
Bit = 3
OK = 1
[Low/Mast AAR Input D]
Byte = 9
Bit = 4
OK = 1
[Low/Mast Power On]
Byte = 9
Bit = 5
OK = 1
[Low/Mast Active]
Byte = 9
Bit = 6
OK = 1
[Low/Mast Engine Start Enable]
Byte = 9
Bit = 7
OK = 1
Byte = 10
Bit = 0
[Low/Mast Diesel On]
Byte = 10
Bit = 1
OK = 1
[Up/Mast Diesel On]
Byte = 10
Bit = 2
OK = 1
[Smart Relay Status]
Byte = 10
Bit = 3
[Webasto Status]
Byte = 10
Bit = 4
[Electric Pre-Heat Status]
Byte = 10
Bit = 5
[Battery Charger Input Contactor proving]
Byte = 10
Bit = 6
[Compressor Over Temp]
Byte = 10
Bit = 7
[O/P 28 Inverter 1 Contactor]
Byte = 25
Bit = 0
[Inverter 1 OK]
Byte = 11
Bit = 0
[O/P 29 Inverter 2 Contactor]
Byte = 25
Bit = 1
[Inverter 2 OK]
Byte = 11
Bit = 1
[O/P 2A Inverter 3 Contactor]
Byte = 25
Bit = 2
[Inverter 3 OK]
Byte = 11
Bit = 2
[O/P 2B Inverter 4 Contactor]
Byte = 25
Bit = 3
[Inverter 4 OK]
Byte = 11
Bit = 3
[O/P 2C Battery Charger Contactor]
Byte = 25
Bit = 4
[Battery Charger OK]
Byte = 11
Bit = 4
[Low Fuel Warning]
Byte = 11
Bit = 5
[74V DVT PSU Ok]
Byte = 11
Bit = 6
Byte = 11
Bit = 7
Byte = 12
Bit = 0
Byte = 12
Bit = 1
Byte = 12
Bit = 2
Byte = 12
Bit = 3
Flt = 1

Byte = 14
Bit = 7
Byte = 15
Bit = 0
Byte = 15
Bit = 1
Byte = 15
Bit = 2
Byte = 15
Bit = 3
Byte = 15
Bit = 4
[Zero Current]
Byte = 15
Bit = 5
;[ARM1 FAN1]
;Byte = 15
;Bit = 6
;[ARM1 FAN2]
;Byte = 15
;Bit = 7
;[ARM2 FAN1]
;Byte = 16
;Bit = 0
;[ARM2 FAN2]
;Byte = 16
;Bit = 1
;[ARM3 FAN1]
;Byte = 16
;Bit = 2
;[ARM3 FAN2]
;Byte = 16
;Bit = 3
;[ARM4 FAN1]
;Byte = 16
;Bit = 4
;[ARM4 FAN2]
;Byte = 16
;Bit = 5
;Byte = 16
;Bit = 6
;Byte = 16
;Bit = 7
;Byte = 17
;Bit = 0
;Byte = 17
;Bit = 1
;Byte = 17
;Bit = 2
;Byte = 17
;Bit = 3
;Byte = 17
;Bit = 4
;Byte = 17
;Bit = 5
;Byte = 17
;Bit = 6
;Byte = 17
;Bit = 7
;Byte = 18
;Bit = 0
;Byte = 18
;Bit = 1
Byte = 18
Bit = 2
Byte = 18
Bit = 3
[Fan24v OK]
Byte = 19
Bit = 2
[Probe 1]
Byte = 19
Bit = 3
[Probe 2]
Byte = 19
Bit = 4
[Probe 3]
Byte = 19
Bit = 5
[Probe 4]
Byte = 19
Bit = 6
[Mode State]
Bytes = 1
Byte1 = 31
[IO I/P Fault]
Byte = 32
Bit = 0
Flt = 1
[IO O/P Fault]
Byte = 32
Bit = 1
Flt = 1
[PreCharge Bank]
Bytes = 1
Byte1 = 33
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 34
Byte2 = 35

Bytes = 1
Byte1 = 36
Byte = 37
Bit = 0
Byte = 37
Bit = 1

Byte = 32
Bit = 2
Flt = 1
Byte = 32
Bit = 3
Flt = 1
Byte = 32
Bit = 4
Byte = 32
Bit = 5
Byte = 32
Bit = 6
Byte = 32
Bit = 7
Byte = 37
Bit = 2
Byte = 37
Bit = 4
Byte = 37
Bit = 3
Byte = 37
Bit = 5
Byte = 37
Bit = 6
Byte = 37
Bit = 7
Byte = 38
Bit = 0
Byte = 38
Bit = 1
Byte = 38
Bit = 2
Byte = 38
Bit = 3
[INV C OK 1]
Byte = 39
Bit = 2
[INV C OK 2]
Byte = 39
Bit = 3
[INV C OK 3]
Byte = 39
Bit = 4
[INV C OK 4]
Byte = 39
Bit = 5
Byte = 39
Bit = 6
[Power Calc]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 40
Byte2 = 41
[MTU NBit 0]
Byte = 23
Bit = 0
OK = 1
[MTU NBit 1]
Byte = 23
Bit = 1
OK = 1
[MTU NBit 2]
Byte = 23
Bit = 2
OK = 1
[MTU NBit 3]
Byte = 23
Bit = 3
OK = 1
[MTU NBit 4]
Byte = 23
Bit = 4
OK = 1
[TM 1 On]
Byte = 42
Bit = 0
OK = 1
[TM 2 On]
Byte = 42
Bit = 1
OK = 1
[TM 3 On]
Byte = 42
Bit = 2
OK = 1
[TM 4 On]
Byte = 42
Bit = 3
OK = 1

[O/P 39 Protection LED]
Byte = 28
Bit = 1
[O/P 3A Protection G/nR]
Byte = 28
Bit = 2
Flt = 0
[O/P 3B Aux LED]
Byte = 28
Bit = 3
[O/P 3C Aux G/nR]
Byte = 28
Bit = 4
Flt = 0
[O/P 3D Field LED]
Byte = 28
Bit = 5
[O/P 3E Field G/nR]
Byte = 28
Bit = 6
Flt = 0
[O/P 3F Arm LED 1]
Byte = 28
Bit = 7
[O/P 40 Arm LED 2]
Byte = 29
Bit = 0
[O/P 41 Arm LED 3]
Byte = 29
Bit = 1
[O/P 42 Arm LED 4]
Byte = 29
Bit = 2
[O/P 43 ARM 1 G/nR]
Byte = 29
Bit = 3
Flt = 0
[O/P 44 ARM 2 G/nR]
Byte = 29
Bit = 4
Flt = 0
[O/P 45 ARM 3 G/nR]
Byte = 29
Bit = 5
Flt = 0
[O/P 46 ARM 4 G/nR]
Byte = 29
Bit = 6
Flt = 0
[O/P 47 ARM 1 PWM Off]
Byte = 29
Bit = 7
OK = 0
[O/P 48 ARM 2 PWM Off]
Byte = 30
Bit = 0
OK = 0
[O/P 49 ARM 3 PWM Off]
Byte = 30
Bit = 1
OK = 0
[O/P 4A ARM 4 PWM Off]
Byte = 30
Bit = 2
OK = 0
[O/P 4B Field PWM Off]
Byte = 30
Bit = 3
OK = 0
[O/P 4C Aux PWM Off]
Byte = 30
Bit = 4
OK = 0

[Load Clamp]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 64
Byte2 = 65
[Eng Load]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 66
Byte2 = 67
[V Line]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 68
Byte2 = 69
[V Filt]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 70
Byte2 = 71
[I TS]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 72
Byte2 = 73
[V Rect]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 74
Byte2 = 75
[I Aux]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 76
Byte2 = 77
[V Aux]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 78
Byte2 = 79
[Temp Arm 1]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 80
Byte2 = 81
[Temp Arm 2]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 82
Byte2 = 83
[Temp Arm 3]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 84
Byte2 = 85
[Temp Arm 4]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 86
Byte2 = 87
[Temp Field]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 88
Byte2 = 89
[Temp Aux]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 90
Byte2 = 91
[Temp Prot]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 92
Byte2 = 93
[Temp LI1]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 94
Byte2 = 95
[Temp LI2]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 96
Byte2 = 97
[I Shoe 1]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 98
Byte2 = 99
[I Shoe 2]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 100
Byte2 = 101
[Pot 1]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 102
Byte2 = 103
[Pot 2]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 104
Byte2 = 105
[Pot 3]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 106
Byte2 = 107
[Pot 4]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 108
Byte2 = 109
[Temp Cubicle]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 110
Byte2 = 111
[Temp Ambient]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 112
Byte2 = 113
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 114
Byte2 = 115
[IA DMD 1]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 116
Byte2 = 117
[IA DMD 2]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 118
Byte2 = 119
[IA DMD 3]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 120
Byte2 = 121
[IA DMD 4]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 122
Byte2 = 123
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 124
Byte2 = 125
[V Lim]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 126
Byte2 = 127
[V trac]
Bytes = 2
Byte1 = 62
Byte2 = 63
[Eng Ready]
Byte = 30
Bit = 5
OK = 1

That will be enough to make the last button work on the first window. Bypassing the USB comms will be interesting!

(and yes, I know it's a mess, It's grown a bit randomly as new features were added)

  • Moderators


That is of no help at all. You provide a reproducer script that shows the delay and I will happily help you debug it, but just posting a mess of code which does not even have all the UDFs needed (what is FTD2XX.dll_UDF.au3?) and which you admit will not be easy to run is not going to tempt me, nor I suspect anyone else, to spend time looking at it in detail. ;)


Public_Domain.png.2d871819fcb9957cf44f4514551a2935.png Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind

Open spoiler to see my UDFs:


ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area


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