ahmedar Posted August 27, 2014 Posted August 27, 2014 (edited) Hi guys, I am trying to automate login to an HP Pro Curve switch web portal. Unfortunately these switches have no remote command line interface... I even spoke with HP Pro Curve support line and they don't have a solution for these switches. No telnet/ssh/CLI interface (other than console cable which beats the point). There are hundreds of switches... and only web portal access. For now I just need to manage to autologin... later I want to alter configuration parameters. I came across AutoIT and I've been able to write a script that automates login to the router which is great, but I can't seem to isolate the correct elements on the switch portal page with AutoIT and need help. For a juniper it was easy to login: #NoTrayIcon #include <ie.au3> if $CmdLine[1] = "Router" Then $Address = "http://" & $CmdLine[2] & ":8080/" $pwd=$CmdLine[3] $oIE = _IECreate ($Address) $oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName ($oIE, "login") for $stuff in $oForm if $stuff.name = "admin_id" then _IEFormElementSetValue ($stuff, "admin") if $stuff.name = "admin_pw" then _IEFormElementSetValue ($stuff, $pwd) If $stuff.value == " Login " Then $stuff.click Next exit EndIf However I can't get $oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName ($oIE, "login") to work on the HP Switch, the elements are not being found... #NoTrayIcon #include <ie.au3> $Address = "" $pwd="mypass" $oIE = _IECreate ($Address) _IELoadWait($oIE) $oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName ($oIE, "maindata") for $stuff in $oForm if $stuff.name = "password" and $stuff.type = "password" then _IEFormElementSetValue ($stuff, $pwd) If $stuff.value == "Login" and $stuff.type = "submit" Then $stuff.click Next exit It doesn't input it at all only errors. --> IE.au3 T3.0-1 Warning from function _IEFormGetObjByName, $_IESTATUS_NoMatch "H:loginToSwitch.au3" (10) : ==> Variable must be of type "Object".: for $stuff in $oForm for $stuff in $oForm^ ERROR >Exit code: 1 Time: 2 Here is the page code: expandcollapse popupameset framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" rows="80,*"> <frameset framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" cols="*,22"></frameset> <frame src="login.html" noresize="" name="loginFrame" scrolling="auto"> #document <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head></head> <body onload="loadConfiguration();"> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> <form onsubmit="return login();" name="tF" method="post" action="login.html"> <table class="container" style="height: 650px"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="container"> <div class="container"> <div class="loginbox"> <!-- Login box HTML code here... --> <table class="login"> <tbody> <tr></tr> <tr> <td class="hdr style2" valign="top"></td> <td class="maindata"> <input id="password" type="password" onkeypress="capsCheck(event);" size="20" name="password" maxlength="16"></input> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> <input class="button" type="submit" style="position: relative; top: 2;" value="Login"></input> <br></br> <span id="passwd" class="default" style="display: none;"></span> </td> </tr> <tr></tr> <tr></tr> </tbody> </table> <span id="wrong" class="warning" style="display: none;"></span> <br></br> <span id="capsmsg" class="warning" style="display: none;"></span> <br></br> It is recommended that you use a minimum of <br></br> Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.5 to view the Inter… <br></br> <br></br> <!-- Login box HTML end... --> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> </form> </body> </html> </frame> </frameset> <noframes></noframes> However if I right click on the page and view page source of <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html><head> <meta name=Copyright content="Copyright (c) 2005 HP Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved."> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <title>HP Networks Web Interface</title> <script src="/mainjs.js" language=javascript type="text/javascript"></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> //<!-- checkFrame(); // Ensure we are not within a frame implementLoginFrames('login.html'); document.write('<noframes>'); //--> </script> </head> <body BGCOLOR="#DAE3EB"> <center> <font color="#008BD1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><B>Please ensure that your browser supports Frames and Javascript, and that they are both enabled.</b></font> </center> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> //<!-- document.write('<\/noframes>'); //--> </script> </body> </html> And the main.js contains these: expandcollapse popupfunction GUIpopup(winObj, page, title, scroll, hlp) { // winObj is a global variable object stored in top.html: wizTop or helpTop var width = screen.width; var height = screen.height; popup = eval(winObj); // Note: !popup.location is an Opera fix if ( !popup || popup.closed || !popup.location ) { if ( hlp != "yes" ) hlp = 300; else hlp = 500; if ( scroll != "yes" && scroll != "no" ) scroll = "yes"; //default winOptions = "width=566,height="+hlp+",toolbar=no,status=no,scrollbars="+scroll+",resizable=yes,menubar=no"; popup = window.open("", "", winOptions); popup.moveTo((screen.width-566)/2,(screen.height-300)/2); } popup.focus(); popup.location = page; popup.document.title = title; eval(winObj + ' = popup'); } function gURL(pageURL) { location=pageURL; } function wURL(pageURL) { myWindow = window.open(); myWindow.location.href = pageURL; } function checkFrame() { var pl = parent.location.href; var start = pl.lastIndexOf('/')+1; var end = pl.length; var subStr = pl.substring(start, end); if ( subStr != "index.html" ) { top.location = "/index.html"; } } function implementLoginFrames(pageURL) { document.write('<frameset rows="80,*" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0"> '); document.write('<frameset cols="*,22" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0"> '); document.write('<frame scrolling="no" name="topFrame" noresize src="top_logout.html" >'); document.write('<frame scrolling="no" name="dataFrame" noresize src="poll_blank.html">'); document.write('</frameset>'); document.write('<frame scrolling="auto" name="loginFrame" noresize src="'+pageURL+'" >'); document.write('</frameset>'); } /* capsCheck() * Description: * CAPS LOCK check for password entry. * A warning message is displayed if CAPS LOCK is left on. * The warning message is a hidden block with the ID of 'capsmsg'. * * Usage: onKeyPress="capsCheck(event);" */ function capsCheck( e ) { var asciiKey=0; var shiftState=false; if( !e ) { e = window.event; } if( !e ) { document.getElementById('capsmsg').style.display = "none"; return; } asciiKey = e.which ? e.which : ( e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : ( e.charCode ? e.charCode : 0 ) ); shiftState = e.shiftKey || ( e.modifiers && ( e.modifiers & 4 ) ); // Upper case letters are seen without depressing the Shift key, therefore Caps Lock is on if ( ( asciiKey >= 65 && asciiKey <= 90 ) && !shiftState ) { document.getElementById('capsmsg').style.display = ""; // Lower case letters are seen while depressing the Shift key, therefore Caps Lock is on } else if ( ( asciiKey >= 97 && asciiKey <= 122 ) && shiftState ) { document.getElementById('capsmsg').style.display = ""; } else { document.getElementById('capsmsg').style.display = "none"; } } Edited August 27, 2014 by ahmedar
ahmedar Posted August 27, 2014 Author Posted August 27, 2014 The page itself is just this to start with only a password:
Moderators Melba23 Posted August 27, 2014 Moderators Posted August 27, 2014 ahmedar.Can I now mark #2864 as resolved? Was my suggestion correct? M23 ahmedar 1 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
Inververs Posted August 27, 2014 Posted August 27, 2014 You need to read about frames and look at the functions _IEFrameGetObjByName and _IEFrameGetCollection
ahmedar Posted August 27, 2014 Author Posted August 27, 2014 (edited) ahmedar. Can I now mark #2864 as resolved? Was my suggestion correct? M23 Just sent you a MP You need to read about frames and look at the functions _IEFrameGetObjByName and _IEFrameGetCollection Any examples? Sorry I am new to AutoIT and inexperienced, but loving it so far. I am only experienced in VBscript, VBA and VB.NET Still got lots to learn! Edited August 27, 2014 by ahmedar
ahmedar Posted August 27, 2014 Author Posted August 27, 2014 (edited) I tried, 0,1,2,3 on the frame (saw one example mentioning picking frame number) $oIE = _IECreate ($Address) _IELoadWait($oIE) $o_frame = _IEFrameGetCollection($oIE, 1) $oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName ($o_frame, "loginbox") for $stuff in $oForm if $stuff.name = "password" and $stuff.type = "password" then _IEFormElementSetValue ($stuff, $pwd) If $stuff.value == "Login" and $stuff.type = "submit" Then $stuff.click Next exit I also tried $o_frame = _IEFrameGetCollection($oIE, "loginFrame") as I see that mentioned in the code. Edited August 27, 2014 by ahmedar
Noddle Posted August 28, 2014 Posted August 28, 2014 (edited) Hi, I'm not sure if this will help, But I been using it for my "Web" Login stuff also, depending on the page, I changed some of the code, ie, If $oUser.Type = 'text' Then to If $oUser.Type = 'Email' Then or If $oUser.Type = 'Email' or $oUser.Type = 'text' Then and If $oButton.Type = 'submit' Then to If $oButton.Type = 'Sign In' Then Nigel Edited August 28, 2014 by Noddle
junkew Posted August 28, 2014 Posted August 28, 2014 @ahmedar: Depending on what you want you could try '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> with the simplespy it should become relatively easy to logon in your form for the basic elements FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
ahmedar Posted August 28, 2014 Author Posted August 28, 2014 (edited) Hi, I'm not sure if this will help, But I been using it for my "Web" Login stuff also, depending on the page, I changed some of the code, ie, If $oUser.Type = 'text' Then to If $oUser.Type = 'Email' Then or If $oUser.Type = 'Email' or $oUser.Type = 'text' Then and If $oButton.Type = 'submit' Then to If $oButton.Type = 'Sign In' Then Nigel I got the first code working with logging into my router no problem, opens page, waits to load, enters user/pass, logs in, boom.. but for the switches, it appears to be framed and generated or something along those lines.. no matter what I did I could not quite get it work... That's why I pasted the HTML and javascript code in hopes of someone understanding it better than I did. Edited August 28, 2014 by ahmedar
ahmedar Posted August 28, 2014 Author Posted August 28, 2014 @ahmedar: Depending on what you want you could try '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> with the simplespy it should become relatively easy to logon in your form for the basic elements I am definitely interested... let me read a bit and see what I need to download and try.
ahmedar Posted August 28, 2014 Author Posted August 28, 2014 (edited) Haha.. I just tried spy.au3... it crashes when I try CTRL+W on the login box in IE //TODO codetemplates.txt not available An error occurred when reading the file."C:Program Files (x86)AutoIt3UIAsimplespy.au3" (104) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.: $oTW.getparentelement($oparentHandle[$i-1],$oparentHandle[$i]) $oTW.getparentelement($oparentHandle[$i-1],^ ERROR Also if I try CTRL+R (to record) it crashes right away too... Edited August 28, 2014 by ahmedar
junkew Posted August 28, 2014 Posted August 28, 2014 change this in simplespy (I assume you have a deep tree more then 10 (grand)parents so change it to 50 and 49 local $oParentHandle[10] ; Max 10 (grand)parents ;~ at least 1 $i=0 $oTW.getparentelement($oUIElement,$oparentHandle[$i]) $oParentHandle[$i]=objcreateinterface($oparentHandle[$i],$sIID_IUIAutomationElement, $dtagIUIAutomationElement) If IsObj($oParentHandle[$i]) = 0 Then msgbox(1,"No parent", "UI Automation failed",10) Else while ($i <=9) and (IsObj($oParentHandle[$i])=true) $i=$i+1 $oTW.getparentelement($oparentHandle[$i-1],$oparentHandle[$i]) $oParentHandle[$i]=objcreateinterface($oparentHandle[$i],$sIID_IUIAutomationElement, $dtagIUIAutomationElement) wend $parentCount=$i-1 ;~ consolewrite($parentCount & " parents found" & @crlf) EndIf FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
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