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Posted (edited)

Hello, is there any way to achieve in current AutoIt versions old style looking FileSelectFolder, like in v.
I can't operate on COMs, maybe anyone knows the way, has a code?
It looked like this (attachement):

I don't like new style, some features don't work for me properly.


Edited by monter

monter.FM [font="Tahoma;"]Full programs:[/font][font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"] LogOnOff - keeps alive user session, after set time it performs logoff (instead of locking [acronym="Personal Computer"]PC[/acronym], useful in some corporations working with [acronym="Active Directory"]AD[/acronym]).[/font] ČharCönvěr - character set converter. [font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"]CDTray - automated opening/closing the [acronym="Compact Disc"]CD[/acronym] tray.[/font] [font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"]Example scripts: [/font][font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"]RecentFolders - managing recently used folder list with combobox.[/font] [font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"]AutoUpdater - periodic auto-checking, auto-updating and auto-relaunching newest script version.[/font] Changed host from monter.homeip.net to monter.homenet.org - replace address in my scripts to get back them to work.


Try this, straight from china  :)



Yes! That's it!

I added a flag 6:

_FileSelectFolder('demoAPI', 0, 6)

and it looks like I wanted to see:

Thank you! :)


monter.FM [font="Tahoma;"]Full programs:[/font][font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"] LogOnOff - keeps alive user session, after set time it performs logoff (instead of locking [acronym="Personal Computer"]PC[/acronym], useful in some corporations working with [acronym="Active Directory"]AD[/acronym]).[/font] ČharCönvěr - character set converter. [font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"]CDTray - automated opening/closing the [acronym="Compact Disc"]CD[/acronym] tray.[/font] [font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"]Example scripts: [/font][font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"]RecentFolders - managing recently used folder list with combobox.[/font] [font="'Microsoft Sans Serif';"]AutoUpdater - periodic auto-checking, auto-updating and auto-relaunching newest script version.[/font] Changed host from monter.homeip.net to monter.homenet.org - replace address in my scripts to get back them to work.

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