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Posted (edited)

Hi, im able to send or click on a vmware virtual machine, example:

WinActivate("[TITLE:M1 - VMware Workstation]", "")
MouseClick("Right",233, 979)

But when it comes to controlclick, or controlsend nothing happens:

Autoit window info:
>>>> Window <<<<
Title: M1 - VMware Workstation
Class: VMUIFrame
Position: -8, -8
Size: 1936, 1056
Style: 0x17CF0000
ExStyle: 0x00000100
Handle: 0x00000000000306D0
>>>> Control <<<<
Class:  MKSEmbedded
Instance:   4
ClassnameNN:    MKSEmbedded3
Advanced (Class):   [CLASS:MKSEmbedded; INSTANCE:4]
Text:   MKSWindow#0
Position:   202, 94
Size:   1699, 884
ControlClick Coords:    456, 374
Style:  0x50000000
ExStyle:    0x00000000
Handle: 0x00000000000E0AC0

Tested controlclick and controlsend code:

WinActivate("[TITLE:M1 - VMware Workstation]", "")
$tempo = ControlSend("M1 - VMware Workstation", "","","ic")
$tempo = ControlClick("M1 - VMware Workstation", "","","left",1,456, 374)
$tempo = ControlSend("[CLASS:MKSEmbedded; INSTANCE:4]", "MKSWindow#0","","x")
$tempo = ControlSend("[CLASS:VMUIFrame]", "","","x")

Thank you.

EDIT: Tested sending something to VMWare and it worked, but when it comes to the actual virtual machine it keeps doing nothing.

Tested code to send alt+h to vmware, not working when i try it with the virtual machine.

$tempo = ControlSend("M1 - VMware Workstation", "","","!H")

Ok, all control send are giving me a 0 as output wich means "Returns 0 if window/control is not found.", except the one thats being sent to VMWare software, wich gives me a 1, anyone able to help? :S

Edited by adrigalilea
Posted (edited)

Is the VM station also a windows box?  If so, you could run a scripts from the host to the VM.

Can't run nothing inside the virtual machines. ;)

Edited by adrigalilea

What app are you trying to automate?

i need to automate certain tasks, on different OS's on different VM's and the needs will be changing from time to time, "low interaction needed"  so my idea was a fast universal solution, nothing fancy: a autoit script runing on host, controlling the multiple VM's in the background.

Not as easy as i thought though.


In my experience once you mouseclick in the VM the mouse becomes 'owned' by the VM OS until you release it back to the host.  You said you cannot automate inside the VM.  looks like you are using the VMware player.  Have you looked for an API the player?  I think you can automate it from this: https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vix-api/

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In my experience once you mouseclick in the VM the mouse becomes 'owned' by the VM OS until you release it back to the host.  You said you cannot automate inside the VM.  looks like you are using the VMware player.  Have you looked for an API the player?  I think you can automate it from this: https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vix-api/

This is not what i've experienced, i can make multiple clicks or sends without trouble, but cant make CONTROLclick nor CONTROLsend, i checked the API and i thank you the idea, but nothing over there will help me :S

BTW Im using VMWare workstation 10

Or if the VMs are on the same network, go the psexec route. I have a customer that works in a VDI scenario, and that is what they do.

psexec wont work hence, i need this not for only other non windows platforms too but completely isolated from other networks machines (the VM's for testing suspicious exe's etc...).

Sorry for my english.


You're probably going to have to use MouseClick because there are no controls that ControlClick can see other than the VM window, anything inside of it is invisible to the host computer.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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simple idea, create individual scripts (EXE´s) for each of the VM environments, and use the send command to launch the one you need in the specific VM...

Other idea (just something to explor, I don´t really have details here),  give a different IP address to each of the VM´s, create a TCP client script, which is running at all VMs at the same time,  then a TCP Server on the host machine, which will send commands/instructions to the specific Client....

sorry I can´t provide details / code, I´m not really an expert, just trying to help giving you some options.

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