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_ArraySearch , need EXACT match

Go to solution Solved by mikell,

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Posted (edited)

Local $aValues[2][2] = [["JobTitle1","Health Assistant, Health Aide"],["JobTitle2","Health Advisor"]]
Local $sSearchTerm = "Health"
Local $bMatchFound = False

For $i = 0 To UBound($aValues, 1) -1
    For $j = 0 To UBound($aValues, 2) -1
        If $aValues[$i][$j] == $sSearchTerm Then ; We found the exact term so do something.
            ConsoleWrite("Match found at $aValues[" & $i & "][" & $j & "]" & @LF) ; Show array syntax in SciTE console
            $bMatchFound = True
            ExitLoop 2 ; Or not, if you wish to continue searching

MsgBox(0, "Exact Match Found", $bMatchFound)

For case insensitive search replace == with a single equals sign.

Edited by czardas
Posted (edited)

That's it Jos  :)

I tried the regex in _ArraySearch with flag 3 in the loop (redundant and heavy way though), but it fails on $i = 0 because _ArraySearch thinks that this 0 value is the default one meaning "search whole array"

For $i = 0 To UBound($aValues) - 1
    ConsoleWrite($aValues[$i][0] & " > ")
   ; ConsoleWrite(StringRegExp($aValues[$i][1], '(?i)(^|,)\h*' & $sSearch & '(?!\h*\w+)') & @CR)
    ConsoleWrite(_ArraySearch($aValues, '(?i)(^|,)\h*' & $sSearch & '(?!\h*\w+)', $i, $i, 0, 3, 1, 1) & @CR)

Anyway why not (as JohnOne suggested) use in a simple loop the proper working regular expression ?

Edited by mikell
Posted (edited)

mikell, I don't understand what you are trying to do. You are matching variable numbers of spaces and word characters. The OP didn't ask for that.


Reading again, I see that the OP doesn't want an exact match (case insensitivity). This request is not clear to me.

The following code should have arraysearch fail both tests.

While "Health" is contained within both rows they are not exact matches.

Edited by czardas

I believe this _ArraySearch example using a regular expression finds all occurrences of the $sSearch string in "Col 1" of the array.

#include <Array.au3>

Local $aValues[3][2] = [["JobTitle1", "Health Advisor, Aide Health"],["JobTitle2", "Health Assistant, Health Advisor"],["JobTitle3", "Health Assistant, Health"]]
Local $sSearch = "Health Advisor" ; "Health Assistant" ; "Health" ;
For $i = 0 To UBound($aValues) - 1
    $i = _ArraySearch($aValues, '(^|,\h*)(' & $sSearch & ')(,|$)', $i, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1)
    If ($i < 0) Then
        MsgBox(0, "", 'Found :"' & $aValues[$i][1] & '" @ $aValues[' & $i & '][1]')
Posted (edited)


I agree, this "exact match" notion is not completely clear, so there is a bit of interpretation to do  :)

For instance, in the array cell content "Health Assistant, Health Aide", the terms "Health Assistant" and "Health Aide" must match, but not "Health" or "Assistant"

That's why I managed this using a regex to fit these requirements, including the possibility of erratic white spaces

Considering also that only a true/false return is wanted, matching an "extended" pattern works nice - please see my comment in post #18


I really believe that using _ArraySearch is a too heavy way

#include <Array.au3>

Local $aValues[3][2] = [["JobTitle1", " Health Advisor , Aide Health"],["JobTitle2", "Health Assistant ,  Health Advisor "],["JobTitle3", " Health Assistant , Health"]]
Local $sSearch = "Health   Advisor" ; "Health Assistant" ; "Health" ;

$sSearch = StringRegExpReplace($sSearch, '\h+', '\\h+')
For $i = 0 To UBound($aValues) - 1
   If StringRegExp($aValues[$i][1], '(?i)(^|,)\h*' & $sSearch & '\h*(,|$)') Then _
        MsgBox(0, "", 'Found :"' & $aValues[$i][1] & '" @ $aValues[' & $i & '][1]')

Edit typos

Edited by mikell
Posted (edited)

I understand, but the rules are not clearly defined. Should 'Not Health Advisor' be a match, or 'Advisor for Health'? It seems the OP does not want an exact match, and without knowing what constitutes a match, this is simply a guessing game.

For instance, in the array cell content "Health Assistant, Health Aide", the terms "Health Assistant" and "Health Aide" must match, but not "Health" or "Assistant"


This appears at first glance to be a contradiction. From what I can gather it seems you are treating it as if you only want to match the search term as a substring, and not otherwise - basically an inexact match. But how inexact can it be?

Edited by czardas
Posted (edited)

From what I can gather it seems you are treating it as if you only want to match the search term as a substring, and not otherwise - basically an inexact match. But how inexact can it be?


You pointed it out precisely, the search term(s) must be treated as a substring with *requirements* - meaning not less not more than the whole substring in the cell content part(s) limited by start, comma(s) and end ... checking extra spaces in the regex being only an additional precaution in case of WS typos (the needed accuracy degree is left at the discretion of the OP)

A more explicit approach could be the use of StringSplit($aValues[$i][1], ",") before checking, then StringStripWS and finally the "==" test  :)

Edited by mikell

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