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after scrolling parameters dont change

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hello! how it possible, i load a siote, i send a scroll (send up) or simpley scroll by scrollbar, and the after and pre datas are same?

i mean

;~ l(_IEPropertyGet($l,"browsery"))
;~ l(_IEPropertyGet($l,"screeny"))

;~ l(_IEPropertyGet($l,"top"))

so these parameters dont change after effect.. is it possible?

$l is a html element on page! i wanted to scroll up to be visible, but i cant check its coordniates because those dont change!!!

and if i try mousewheel lthere is not happen any, only in my editor scrolling but ie window dont!

can i check anyway that given html element is in the lookable area and if not i scrolll and is it succesfull?

i tried this only.


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