mLipok Posted June 20, 2014 Posted June 20, 2014 (edited) Today, in the end as well, worked out using the Acrobat Reader ActiveX COM Object "AcroPDF.PDF.1" expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <Constants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <MenuConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> ;~ Thanks to BrewManNH ;~ ;~ Thanks to mikell ;~ ; Install a custom error handler Global $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_ComErrFunc") Global $__hExampleGUI Global $__idOPEN Global $_fExit Global $__hACROBAT_GUI = '' Global $__idACROBAT_GUI_CTRL_AX = '' Global $__oACROBAT_READER = '' #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> ;~ GUIRegisterMsg($WM_ERASEBKGND, "_WM_EXTRACTOR") ;~ GUIRegisterMsg($WM_PAINT, "_WM_EXTRACTOR") ;~ GUIRegisterMsg($WM_ACTIVATE, "_WM_EXTRACTOR") ;~ GUIRegisterMsg($WM_CAPTURECHANGED, "_WM_EXTRACTOR") ;~ GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DEVICECHANGE, "_WM_EXTRACTOR") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_EXITSIZEMOVE, "_WM_EXTRACTOR") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND, "_WM_EXTRACTOR") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SYSCOMMAND, "_WM_EXTRACTOR") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_HSCROLL, "_WM_EXTRACTOR") _ExampleProgram_Gui() While 1 Sleep(10) If $_fExit Then _ACROBAT_GUI_DELETE() DeleteGui() Exit EndIf WEnd Func DeleteGui() GUIDelete($__hExampleGUI) EndFunc ;==>DeleteGui Func _ExampleProgram_Gui() ; Create a GUI with various controls. $__hExampleGUI = GUICreate("Example") $__idOPEN = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Open", 310, 370, 85, 25) ; Display the GUI. GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $__hExampleGUI) EndFunc ;==>_ExampleProgram_Gui #Region ACROBAT FUNCTION Func _AcrobatInit() $__oACROBAT_READER = ObjCreate("AcroPDF.PDF.1"); Return $__oACROBAT_READER.GetVersions EndFunc ;==>_AcrobatInit Func _Acrobat_Events(ByRef $aMSG) If $aMSG[1] = $__hACROBAT_GUI Then Switch $aMSG[0] Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _ACROBAT_GUI_DELETE() EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Acrobat_Events Func _ACROBAT_Destroy() $__oACROBAT_READER = "" ;~ MsgBox(1,'test','destroyed') EndFunc ;==>_ACROBAT_Destroy Func _AcrobatShow($sFile, $sTitle = "PDF ", $iLeft = 50, $iTop = 0, $iWidth = 1000, $iHeight = 700) If FileExists($sFile) Then _AcrobatInit() ; Set option $__oACROBAT_READER.src = $sFile $__oACROBAT_READER.SetLayoutMode(4) $__oACROBAT_READER.SetPageMode(1) $__oACROBAT_READER.SetShowToolbar(0) $__oACROBAT_READER.SetView(1) ; Create GUI $__hACROBAT_GUI = GUICreate($sTitle, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iLeft, $iTop, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GUI, $WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)) $__idACROBAT_GUI_CTRL_AX = GUICtrlCreateObj($__oACROBAT_READER, 5, 5, $iWidth - 20, $iHeight - 10) GUICtrlSetStyle($__idACROBAT_GUI_CTRL_AX, $WS_VISIBLE) GUISetState() EndIf EndFunc ;==>_AcrobatShow Func _ACROBAT_Refresh() If IsObj($__oACROBAT_READER) Then Local $hPreviouslyGui = GUISwitch($__hACROBAT_GUI) GUISetState(@SW_LOCK) Local $iGUI_PDFWidth = WinGetPos($__hACROBAT_GUI)[2] - 20 Local $iGUI_PDFHeight = WinGetPos($__hACROBAT_GUI)[3] - 40 Local $sFile = $__oACROBAT_READER.src ; this below line do not works with Acro Reader ; Local $iCurrentPage = $__oACROBAT_READER.GetNumber Local $iCurrentPage = 0 _ACROBAT_Destroy() GUICtrlDelete($__idACROBAT_GUI_CTRL_AX) _AcrobatInit() $__idACROBAT_GUI_CTRL_AX = GUICtrlCreateObj($__oACROBAT_READER, 5, 5, $iGUI_PDFWidth, $iGUI_PDFHeight) $__oACROBAT_READER.src = $sFile ;~ $__oACROBAT_READER.SetCurrentPage($iCurrentPage) GUISetState(@SW_UNLOCK) GUISwitch($hPreviouslyGui) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ACROBAT_Refresh Func _ACROBAT_GUI_DELETE() _ACROBAT_Destroy() if IsHWnd($__hACROBAT_GUI) then GUIDelete($__hACROBAT_GUI) EndFunc ;==>_ACROBAT_GUI_DELETE #EndRegion ACROBAT FUNCTION #Region MSG and ERROR HANDLER Func _WM_EXTRACTOR($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) ;~ ConsoleWrite('! $hWnd = ' & $hWnd & ' $iMsg = ' & $iMsg & '('&HEX($iMsg)&')'& ' $wParam = ' & $wParam & ' $lParam = ' & $lParam & @CRLF) If $hWnd = ControlGetHandle($__hACROBAT_GUI, '', $__idACROBAT_GUI_CTRL_AX) Then ConsoleWrite('! -------------- $hWnd = ' & $hWnd & ' $iMsg = ' & $iMsg & '(' & Hex($iMsg) & ')' & ' $wParam = ' & $wParam & ' $lParam = ' & $lParam & @CRLF) EndIf If $hWnd = $__hACROBAT_GUI Then Switch $iMsg Case $WM_COMMAND #cs Case $WM_ACTIVATE Local $test = BitAND($wParam, 0x00000004) if $test <> 0 then MsgBox(1,'$WM_ACTIVATE','test') _ACROBAT_Refresh() EndIf Case $WM_ERASEBKGND WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") if $__hACROBAT_GUI <> _WinAPI_GetWindow ( $__hACROBAT_GUI, $GW_HWNDPREV ) then ConsoleWrite('! Case $WM_ERASEBKGND' & @CRLF) _ACROBAT_Refresh() _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($__hACROBAT_GUI,0,0,$RDW_NOERASE) EndIf Case $WM_PAINT _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($__hACROBAT_GUI,0,0,$RDW_NOERASE) Case $WM_CAPTURECHANGED _ACROBAT_Refresh() Case $WM_DEVICECHANGE _ACROBAT_Refresh() #ce Case $WM_EXITSIZEMOVE _ACROBAT_Refresh() Case $WM_SYSCOMMAND ;~ Local $test = BitAND($wParam, 0xFFF0) Local $test = BitAND($wParam, 0x0000FFFF) Switch $test Case $SC_CLOSE _ACROBAT_GUI_DELETE() Case $SC_CONTEXTHELP Case $SC_DEFAULT Case $SC_HOTKEY Case $SC_HSCROLL Case $SC_KEYMENU Case $SC_MAXIMIZE _ACROBAT_Refresh() Case $SC_MINIMIZE Case $SC_MONITORPOWER Case $SC_MOUSEMENU Case $SC_MOVE ;~ _ACROBAT_Refresh() Case $SC_NEXTWINDOW ;~ _ACROBAT_Refresh() Case $SC_PREVWINDOW ;~ _ACROBAT_Refresh() Case $SC_RESTORE _ACROBAT_Refresh() Case $SC_SCREENSAVE Case $SC_SIZE Case $SC_TASKLIST Case $SC_VSCROLL EndSwitch EndSwitch EndIf If $hWnd = $__hExampleGUI Then Switch $iMsg Case $WM_COMMAND Local $nID = BitAND($wParam, 0x0000FFFF) Local $hCtrl = $lParam Switch $nID Case $__idOPEN if not IsObj($__oACROBAT_READER) then _AcrobatShow(FileOpenDialog("Choose PDF", "C:\Temp", "PDF Files(*.pdf)", 3)) ; put your own start folder here) EndIf EndSwitch Case $WM_SYSCOMMAND Local $test = BitAND($wParam, 0xFFF0) Switch $test Case $SC_CLOSE $_fExit = True Case $SC_CONTEXTHELP Case $SC_DEFAULT Case $SC_HOTKEY Case $SC_HSCROLL Case $SC_KEYMENU Case $SC_MAXIMIZE Case $SC_MINIMIZE Case $SC_MONITORPOWER Case $SC_MOUSEMENU Case $SC_MOVE Case $SC_NEXTWINDOW Case $SC_PREVWINDOW Case $SC_RESTORE Case $SC_SCREENSAVE Case $SC_SIZE Case $SC_TASKLIST Case $SC_VSCROLL EndSwitch EndSwitch EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>_WM_EXTRACTOR Func _ComErrFunc() Local $HexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number, 8) MsgBox(0, "AutoItCOM Test", _ "We intercepted a COM Error !" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "err.description is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.description & @CRLF & _ "err.windescription:" & @TAB & $oMyError.windescription & @CRLF & _ "err.number is: " & @TAB & $HexNumber & @CRLF & _ "err.lastdllerror is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _ "err.scriptline is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.scriptline & @CRLF & _ "err.source is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.source & @CRLF & _ "err.helpfile is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.helpfile & @CRLF & _ "err.helpcontext is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.helpcontext _ ) SetError(1) EndFunc ;==>_ComErrFunc #EndRegion MSG and ERROR HANDLER Any comments are welcome. Cheers mLipok Edited July 1, 2019 by mLipok fix code highlighitng mesale0077 and Parsix 2 Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *  My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"  , be   and    \\//_. Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
mLipok Posted July 4, 2014 Author Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) Below I would like to introduce a new version of "AcrobatReaderViewer.au3," which uses my new UDF file: "GUIRegisterMsg_API.au3"  mLipok  EDIT: added link EDIT: I forgot about example: expandcollapse popup#include "AcrobatReaderViewer.au3" #include "GUIRegisterMsg_API.au3" Global $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_ComErrFunc") Global $_hExampleGUI Global $_idOPEN Global $_bExit Main() Func Main() _GUIRegisterMsg_API_Start() ; here you add support for _MY_CURRENT_GUI_WM_EXTRACTOR _GUIRegisterMsg_API_AddFunc(_MY_CURRENT_GUI_WM_EXTRACTOR) ; here you add support for _ACROBAT_WM_EXTRACTOR _GUIRegisterMsg_API_AddFunc(_ACROBAT_WM_EXTRACTOR) ; here you can chceck what happen when you remove Remove Function from $__aGUIRegisterMsg_API[] by using _GUIRegisterMsg_API_RemoveFunc ; _GUIRegisterMsg_API_RemoveFunc(_ACROBAT_WM_EXTRACTOR) _ExampleProgram_Gui() While 1 Sleep(10) If $_bExit Then _ACROBAT_GUI_DELETE() DeleteGui() Exit EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>Main Exit #Region EXAMPLE GUI Func DeleteGui() GUIDelete($_hExampleGUI) EndFunc ;==>DeleteGui Func _ExampleProgram_Gui() ; Create a GUI with various controls. $_hExampleGUI = GUICreate("Example") $_idOPEN = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Open", 310, 370, 85, 25) ; Display the GUI. GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $_hExampleGUI) EndFunc ;==>_ExampleProgram_Gui #EndRegion EXAMPLE GUI #Region _MY_CURRENT_GUI_WM_EXTRACTOR Func _MY_CURRENT_GUI_WM_EXTRACTOR($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) If $hWnd = $_hExampleGUI Then Switch $iMsg Case $WM_COMMAND Local $nID = BitAND($wParam, 0x0000FFFF) Local $hCtrl = $lParam Switch $nID Case $_idOPEN If Not IsObj($__oACROBAT_READER) Then _AcrobatShow(FileOpenDialog("Choose PDF", "C:\Temp", "PDF Files(*.pdf)", 3)) ; put your own start folder here) EndIf EndSwitch Case $WM_SYSCOMMAND Local $test = BitAND($wParam, 0xFFF0) Switch $test Case $SC_CLOSE $_bExit = True Case $SC_CONTEXTHELP Case $SC_DEFAULT Case $SC_HOTKEY Case $SC_HSCROLL Case $SC_KEYMENU Case $SC_MAXIMIZE Case $SC_MINIMIZE Case $SC_MONITORPOWER Case $SC_MOUSEMENU Case $SC_MOVE Case $SC_NEXTWINDOW Case $SC_PREVWINDOW Case $SC_RESTORE Case $SC_SCREENSAVE Case $SC_SIZE Case $SC_TASKLIST Case $SC_VSCROLL EndSwitch EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc ;==>_MY_CURRENT_GUI_WM_EXTRACTOR #EndRegion _MY_CURRENT_GUI_WM_EXTRACTOR btw. _EXAMPLE_RegisterMsg() is not used so I removed them. AcrobatReaderViewer.au3.Download.html Edited July 4, 2014 by mLipok Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *  My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"  , be   and    \\//_. Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
Biatu Posted August 11, 2014 Posted August 11, 2014 Using this would there be a way to export text/tables/generated graphics from a pdf? If you want an example PDF: What is what? What is what.
mLipok Posted August 11, 2014 Author Posted August 11, 2014 No. This is just a viewer based on Acrobat Reader ActiveX control. But you  can try to use my Debenu Quick PDF UDF Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *  My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"  , be   and    \\//_. Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
Biatu Posted August 11, 2014 Posted August 11, 2014 I tried that before, but I couldn't do much with the eval version, thanks though What is what? What is what.
mike13 Posted September 19, 2017 Posted September 19, 2017 old topic but... is there a way to open password-protected PDF by providing the password internally? it would be not strong protection but for some user impossible to crack the way of open some confidential information ....
Qwerty212 Posted September 22, 2019 Posted September 22, 2019 On 9/19/2017 at 5:30 PM, mike13 said: old topic but... is there a way to open password-protected PDF by providing the password internally? it would be not strong protection but for some user impossible to crack the way of open some confidential information .... I'm just looking for the same right now
seadoggie01 Posted September 25, 2019 Posted September 25, 2019 @Qwerty212 There aren't any command line parameters for opening a PDF like that in Acrobat. If you're looking to manipulate it, I've used a python library to concatenate encrypted PDFs and I post the name of it tomorrow. If you just want to open it, start it minimized, wait for the popup, fill it out, and maximize it again. Alternately, decrypt it with a python library and encrypt it again when you are done All my code provided is Public Domain... but it may not work.  Use it, change it, break it, whatever you want. Spoiler My Humble Contributions:Personal Function Documentation - A personal HelpFile for your functionsAcro.au3 UDF - Automating Acrobat ProToDo Finder - Find #ToDo: lines in your scriptsUI-SimpleWrappers UDF - Use UI Automation more Simply-erKeePass UDF - Automate KeePass, a password managerInputBoxes - Simple Input boxes for various variable types
Qwerty212 Posted October 10, 2019 Posted October 10, 2019 On 9/25/2019 at 2:46 AM, seadoggie01 said: @Qwerty212 There aren't any command line parameters for opening a PDF like that in Acrobat. If you're looking to manipulate it, I've used a python library to concatenate encrypted PDFs and I post the name of it tomorrow. If you just want to open it, start it minimized, wait for the popup, fill it out, and maximize it again. Alternately, decrypt it with a python library and encrypt it again when you are done I would really appreciate it. I need to open pdf's files from an ftp (ideally without downloading them to the local disc). I have tried to use a secured version of SumatraPDF, but it can not open password protected files and it can not also play embedded media inside the pdfs, so I thought that creating a GUI with Acrobat Reader embedded might be a good alternative.  Greets from Barcelona
seadoggie01 Posted October 10, 2019 Posted October 10, 2019 @Qwerty212 The python library I used was PyPDF2. It's very quick and seems quite reliable. Good luck! All my code provided is Public Domain... but it may not work.  Use it, change it, break it, whatever you want. Spoiler My Humble Contributions:Personal Function Documentation - A personal HelpFile for your functionsAcro.au3 UDF - Automating Acrobat ProToDo Finder - Find #ToDo: lines in your scriptsUI-SimpleWrappers UDF - Use UI Automation more Simply-erKeePass UDF - Automate KeePass, a password managerInputBoxes - Simple Input boxes for various variable types
mLipok Posted October 10, 2019 Author Posted October 10, 2019 1 hour ago, Qwerty212 said: I need to open pdf's files from an ftp (ideally without downloading them to the local disc). You can do this with QucikPDF UDF..... Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *  My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"  , be   and    \\//_. Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
Qwerty212 Posted October 14, 2019 Posted October 14, 2019 On 10/10/2019 at 3:59 PM, mLipok said: You can do this with QucikPDF UDF..... I didn't know it. Thanks a lot! Is it possible to read pdf with embedded videos with this udf?  Greets from Barcelona
mLipok Posted October 14, 2019 Author Posted October 14, 2019 (edited) I do not know... never tried before. Just ask in the support topic, but could you post any example pdf file? Edit: as far I only embend xml, and html file in pdf. Edited October 14, 2019 by mLipok Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *  My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"  , be   and    \\//_. Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
mLipok Posted March 26, 2021 Author Posted March 26, 2021 (edited) For current AcrobatReader UDF BETA version check the attached file. Edited March 26, 2021 by mLipok Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *  My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"  , be   and    \\//_. Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
mLipok Posted March 26, 2021 Author Posted March 26, 2021 (edited) I have still few problems with this implementation, which I try to describe later this weekend.  Edited March 26, 2021 by mLipok Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *  My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"  , be   and    \\//_. Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
dmob Posted March 26, 2021 Posted March 26, 2021 (edited) I get 5 of these at lines 112 to 116, but it does open the pdf file. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Edited March 30, 2021 by dmob Sorry I attached wrong images, cant seem to remove them.
mLipok Posted March 29, 2021 Author Posted March 29, 2021 Here is second example like a "Slide Show" AcrobatReader_Example_2_Folder_SlideShow.au3 Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *  My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"  , be   and    \\//_. Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
mLipok Posted March 29, 2021 Author Posted March 29, 2021 On 3/26/2021 at 4:19 PM, dmob said: This is because this few lines use properties or method which exist only for ArobatReader object, and not for Foxit. Just comment these few lines.  Check here: and take a look here: Also take a look here:  Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *  My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"  , be   and    \\//_. Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
mLipok Posted March 29, 2021 Author Posted March 29, 2021 On 3/26/2021 at 3:35 PM, mLipok said: I have still few problems with this implementation, which I try to describe later this weekend. please check: Just now, mLipok said: Here is second example like a "Slide Show" AcrobatReader_Example_2_Folder_SlideShow.au3 560 B · 0 downloads This example ask for directory with PDF files. It shows how how the window is still "blinking" when the next PDF files are loaded, Any one have any idea how to prevent "blinking". ?  Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *  My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"  , be   and    \\//_. Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
mLipok Posted March 30, 2021 Author Posted March 30, 2021 On 3/26/2021 at 4:19 PM, dmob said: I get 5 of these at lines 112 to 116, but it does open the pdf file......... In edit you wrote that "Sorry I attached wrong images, cant seem to remove them."  Try to edit post and then focus on the panel below the text you edit. There are listed all files and screenshot. Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *  My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"  , be   and    \\//_. Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
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