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Hey All,

I have some basic SQL background and have been dabbling in autoit now for over a year.

I realized I need to learn some other languages to continue my development.  I started reading up on C# a bit and I can follow so far; although it's a pretty mind blowing experience for me so far and I'm taking it slow.

I started messing around with a WPF form and C# in Visual Studio and it seems pretty cool so far.

I'd like to learn more about web design as well and someone said WPF's can be stand alone applications or you can host like a website.  Not sure on that one yet.

Would any of you vets give me some recommendations as to what's viable or good to learn for the future.

Any of my coding experience has come from online and just looking to grow and get better.  I'd like to eventually make some interactive workflows for the company I work for, involving shipment status where I can run queries and group shipments by status and have a lot of functionality to do other things as well.




C# is a fantastic language to learn, it was my first language after Autoit, and other members that have made the same transition have good things to say about it.

Why is it a good language to learn? Because the tools are brilliant, the error messages are precise and understandable, and the online resources (the community ones anyhow) are also fantastic.

Only thing I would say is that it's tempting to start with the big projects you want to do. Don't. The learning curve is so steep you'll just keep writing off the project before you get anywhere. Start with small projects while you learn :-)


Thanks for the comments Mat!  Yeah I started a step by step guide since there is a lot to intake.  That's good to hear that it will be a beneficial language. I've done some of the Microsoft Virtual Academy material on it as well.  Thanks for the input!


I am also learning C#.  I found http://www.csharp-station.com/tutorial.aspx, which helped me very much.

Also, look up Patrick WashingtonDC's "C# programming tutorial - Step by Step" on youtube.  I thought he did an excellent job explaining.

Interestingly, I see many similarities between C# and AutoIt.  Though the syntax of AutoIt isn't the same as C#, it is obvious that many of the concepts and keywords are shared from C# (or maybe C++?).  If you're already familiar with AutoIt, it helps your learning curve a bit.


I agree that C# is a great language. I did the same as Mat when I wanted to broaden my languages knowledge.

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Updated: 22/04/2018


C# starts to hurt you when its about security and portability, that's the only reason I never started anything in C#, however I believe that's a great language with a lot of amazing tools. Everything is much simpler in C#.


I think C# is a great language for C++ programmers, not for beginner programmers. Learn C++ first and then move to C#, and you will get more benefit from C#.

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