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ok, I have tried ever example that I can find here, but I am at a loss...

I need to connect to a SQl database selct some data from it into a variable, then use the variable and update the database at the end.

So far, I can't even select...argh!

Here is my code, I tried to simpify everything I could find....

I came up with:

$adCN = ObjCreate ("ADODB.Connection")

$adCN.Open ("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=dba;DATABASE=tc;uid=TC_user;pwd=password;") ;

$adCN.Execute("SELECT notam FROM notamlist ")


and I am getting

C:\proxy.au3 (43) : ==> Unable to parse line.:

which is the adcn.execute line

Help please!!!!! Thanks!


Hi mctforhire,

ok, I have tried ever example that I can find here, but I am at a loss...

I need to connect to a SQl database selct some data from it into a variable, then use the variable and update the database at the end.

So far, I can't even select...argh!

Here is my code, I tried to simpify everything I could find....

I came up with:

$adCN = ObjCreate ("ADODB.Connection")

$adCN.Open ("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=dba;DATABASE=tc;uid=TC_user;pwd=password;") ;

$adCN.Execute("SELECT notam FROM notamlist ")


and I am getting

C:\proxy.au3 (43) : ==> Unable to parse line.:

which is the adcn.execute line

Help please!!!!! Thanks!

I am new to AutoIt but have done some work with a MS-SQL 2000 database.

Here is a sample of some code to get you started.

Connection String
"Provider='sqloledb';Data Source='ServerName';Initial Catalog='DatabaseName';" _
"User ID='sa';Password='password';"

Selection String
$sqlString = "select c.Name, c.ContractID from TEBSchemes..Contracts where RaisedGroup=" & $gGroup
$sqlString &= "  order by Name"
$qryCID = _SQLQuery($oDBid, $sqlString)
While not @error                                   ; retrieve all rows
  If Not $qryCID.EOF Then
      $s_RowValues = StringStripWS($qryCID.Fields(0).Value,3)
      $contractID = StringStripWS($qryCID.Fields(1).Value,3)
      GUICtrlSetData($Label2, $s_RowValues)

One problem (still trying to figure out if it is a bug or I am screwing up! ;) ) I have found is that when a value is returned, it is returned as a zero. I now convert the value to a string in the sql statement and it seems to work Ok!



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