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Hi, i've been trying to get text from active Outlook 2013 window to read the mailbody text but it seems i need to do it with com instead, but how do i create the object from the active window and only if it's an actual active window of a mail only then retrieve the text in the body?

Any pointers were to start even would be helpful

Thanx !


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Posted (edited)

Yeah that would be cool if i knew how to connect to the active object still.

Like i know how to open the recent mail like this:

Global Const $InBox = 6

Global $outlook = ObjCreate("Outlook.Application")
Global $NameSpace = $outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")

$InboxItems = $NameSpace.GetDefaultFolder($InBox).Items


Local $myFolder = $NameSpace.GetDefaultFolder($Inbox)
Local $myItem = $myFolder.Items($InboxItems.Count)


But if i allready have a mail open, how do i retrieve that info into a variable?

Edited by smellyfingers

I'm not in my office at the moment but I think you need the ActiveInspector method.

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