Somerset Posted September 22, 2005 Posted September 22, 2005 (edited) this RecursiveDir.au3 searches and returns and array of files and folders. From a target folder you select. Please feel free to let me know how it works for you other than that enjoy... Thanks Larry alot. expandcollapse popup;;; RecursiveDir.au3;;; #include-once ; ; the target folder will be recursively searched through ; and returns an array of files and folder together with full path. ; thanks in big part to Larry for the script which i modified ; useage : _Recursive($Sourcedir) ; please sectect only folders not drive letters by themselves. ; Beerman ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Func _Recursive($Sourcedir) $a = 0 $f = 0 $d = 0 $grand = "" While 1 $Fold = $Sourcedir $reject = StringLen($Fold) If $reject = 3 Then MsgBox(0, 'Rejected', "This routine is only meant for folders only. Slect Again") $dirrejected = FileSelectFolder("Choose a folder this time not a drive letter.", "") If $dirrejected = "" Then Exit $Sourcedir = $dirrejected Else $Stack = $Fold & ">" $FileList = $Fold & ">" While $Stack <> "" $root = StringLeft($Stack, StringInStr($Stack, ">") - 1) & "\" $Stack = StringTrimLeft($Stack, StringInStr($Stack, ">")) $h = FileFindFirstFile($root & "*.*") If $h > - 1 Then $FileFound = FileFindNextFile($h) While Not @Error And $FileFound <> "" If $FileFound <> "." And $FileFound <> ".." And _ StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($root & $FileFound), "D") Then $Stack = $Stack & $root & $FileFound & ">" $FileList = $FileList & $root & $FileFound & "<" $d = $d + 1 $a = $a + 1 Else If $FileFound = "." Or $FileFound = ".." Then Else $f = $f + 1 $a = $a + 1 $FileList = $FileList & $root & $FileFound & "<" EndIf EndIf $len = StringLen($FileList) If $len > 10000 Then $grand = $grand & $FileList $FileList = "" Else EndIf ToolTip("Building List: Files-" & $f & " Folders-" & $d & " Total-" & $a, 0, 0) $FileFound = FileFindNextFile($h) WEnd FileClose($h) EndIf WEnd $grand = $grand & $FileList $FileList = $grand $cleanup = StringReplace($FileList, ">", "<") $outputsubdirs = StringSplit($cleanup, "<", 1) Return $outputsubdirs Exit EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Recursive Edited September 28, 2005 by beerman
Somerset Posted September 23, 2005 Author Posted September 23, 2005 (edited) here is a recursive folder to folder copy with a progress bar. expandcollapse popup#include "RecursiveDir.au3" $dir = FileSelectFolder("Choose a Folder to copy.", "") $dirdestination = FileSelectFolder("Choose a Destination Folder.", "") ProgressOn("Files Copying", "Please be patient", "0 percent") $all = _Recursive ($dir) $Folder = $all[1] While 1 $Source = StringInStr($Folder, "\") If $Source = 0 Then ExitLoop Else $Folder = StringTrimLeft($Folder, 1) EndIf WEnd $searchanddestroy = StringReplace($all[1], $Folder, "") $z = $all[0] - 1 $x = 0 $CountLines = $all[0] $CountLines = $CountLines / 100 If $CountLines < 1 Then $CountLines = $CountLines + 1 Else EndIf $wholenumber = $CountLines While 1 $counter = StringIsDigit($wholenumber) If $counter = 0 Then $doublechecking = StringTrimRight($wholenumber, 1) $wholenumber = $doublechecking Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd $zed = 1 $beta = 0 While $z <> - 1 $beta = $beta + 1 For $zed = 1 To $wholenumber $x = $x + 1 $z = $z - 1 If @error = 1 Then ExitLoop If $z = -1 Then ExitLoop $typeof = FileGetAttrib($all[$x]) If $typeof = "D" Then $resultingdir = StringReplace($all[$x], $searchanddestroy, "") $showing = $resultingdir While 1 $Source = StringInStr($showing, "\") If $Source = 0 Then ExitLoop Else $showing = StringTrimLeft($showing, 1) EndIf WEnd ProgressSet($beta, $beta & " percent", $showing) DirCreate($dirdestination & "\" & $resultingdir) Else $resultingfile = StringReplace($all[$x], $searchanddestroy, "") $showing = $resultingfile While 1 $Source = StringInStr($showing, "\") If $Source = 0 Then ExitLoop Else $showing = StringTrimLeft($showing, 1) EndIf WEnd ProgressSet($beta, $beta & " percent", $showing) FileCopy($all[$x], $dirdestination & "\" & $resultingfile) EndIf Next If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop If $beta <> 101 And $beta < 101 Then Sleep(100) ProgressSet($beta, $beta & " percent", "Files Coping. ") Else $beta = $beta - 2 EndIf WEnd ProgressSet(100, "Done", "Complete") ProgressOff() Edited September 28, 2005 by beerman
Somerset Posted September 28, 2005 Author Posted September 28, 2005 I hapy speeded up the recursive search alittle. a folder that once took me 2 or more minutes to build and array, now only takes about 7 seconds. i fiddled around and found out that if the string sized is trimmed down , every so often it keeps the search speed way up. an array of 100,000+ seems to bog down the search so i told it if greater than 10,000 tranfer the content to another varible then continue the search. it speeds it up a lot doing this. i also modified the copy progress script to display the file that is being copied. I also added a tool tip to the recursive it gives you a count of the folders and files found. i find it to make it easier for the waiting procress if alot of files are involved. enjoy the scripts are above in the first two posts...
w0uter Posted September 28, 2005 Posted September 28, 2005 or you could just use DOS commands My UDF's:;mem stuff_Mem;ftp stuff_FTP ( OLD );inet stuff_INetGetSource ( OLD )_INetGetImage _INetBrowse ( Collection )_EncodeUrl_NetStat_Google;random stuff_iPixelSearch_DiceRoll
Somerset Posted September 28, 2005 Author Posted September 28, 2005 or you could just use DOS commands well i wanted to do it all without the assisst of dos and having to write it to a file. it is all done in memory with autoit.
w0uter Posted September 28, 2005 Posted September 28, 2005 (edited) well i wanted to do it all without the assisst of dos and having to write it to a file. it is all done in memory with autoit.dos doesnt need to write a file ... (STD I/O)but if you had fun doing it thats what its all about. Edited September 28, 2005 by w0uter My UDF's:;mem stuff_Mem;ftp stuff_FTP ( OLD );inet stuff_INetGetSource ( OLD )_INetGetImage _INetBrowse ( Collection )_EncodeUrl_NetStat_Google;random stuff_iPixelSearch_DiceRoll
Somerset Posted September 28, 2005 Author Posted September 28, 2005 oh i know your right there it was fun. i also did it so some of the newbs don't have to do it. besides if i figue out a way faster than dos then woohoo. i am gonna keep plugging away at it until. either until i do make it faster or i go bald from trying to do it.
w0uter Posted September 28, 2005 Posted September 28, 2005 (edited) try to be faster then this. (finds all the .bat's in the C: drive in like 944 ms on my pc) Func _FileSearch($s_Mask = '') Local $s_Buf = '', $i_Pid = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c dir /B /S "' & $s_Mask & '"', @WorkingDir, @SW_HIDE, 2) ProcessSetPriority($i_Pid, 5) While Not @error $s_Buf &= StdoutRead ($i_Pid) WEnd Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($s_Buf, 2), @CRLF, 1) EndFunc;==>_FileSearch $t = TimerInit() $var = _FileSearch('C:\*.bat') ConsoleWrite(Timerdiff($t) & @CRLF) For $i = 1 to $var[0] ConsoleWrite($var[$i] & @LF) Next Edited September 30, 2005 by w0uter My UDF's:;mem stuff_Mem;ftp stuff_FTP ( OLD );inet stuff_INetGetSource ( OLD )_INetGetImage _INetBrowse ( Collection )_EncodeUrl_NetStat_Google;random stuff_iPixelSearch_DiceRoll
LxP Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 w0uter, one small suggestion -- wrapping the search mask with double quotes (for successful searches when using spaces): $i_Pid = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c dir /B /S "' & $s_Mask & '"', @WorkingDir, @SW_HIDE, 2)
livewire Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 This seems to be the fastest search that I have found.-Livewire
w0uter Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 if i search on "E:\*.au3" larry: 7845.45631005728 mine: 1065.01133811206 My UDF's:;mem stuff_Mem;ftp stuff_FTP ( OLD );inet stuff_INetGetSource ( OLD )_INetGetImage _INetBrowse ( Collection )_EncodeUrl_NetStat_Google;random stuff_iPixelSearch_DiceRoll
livewire Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 @wOuter Yep yours is faster...way faster...I must have got them mixed up when I was testing. -Livewire
Celeri Posted October 28, 2005 Posted October 28, 2005 if i search on "E:\*.au3"larry: 7845.45631005728mine: 1065.01133811206Well that's not fair! Hardly a worthwhile comparison unless both of the following are true:1. Your computer has exactly the same files/configuration/hardware as Larry's2. Your buffer didn't kick in to change the results (specially if it's larger than Larry's)Ok well that last one didn't quite come out the way I wanted but you understand So obviously running from a Dos console is faster, but then what's the use if you want to work on each file as they are found? There's obviously STDIO but I would still rather have AutoIT handle the whole thing itself.BTW I'm not sure who's got the paternity of this idea but the first time I saw it it was from Jos VanderZande.P.S.: Dunno when it's going to be finished but I'm working on a way of encapsulating the whole thing in a function. The hard part is handling the filespecs (*.*) since if you put a filespec in this search function (say, "*.au3"), you'll obviously miss the subfolders (hence, no recursivity). I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins.SpockMy UDFs:Deleted - they were old and I'm lazy ... :)My utilities:Comment stripperPolicy lister 1.07AutoIT Speed Tester (new!)
peter1234 Posted October 28, 2005 Posted October 28, 2005 Celeri: I am looking forward to your function. It would be handy to be able to search folders and modify files from within AutoIt. I would like to write an encryption script, but my problelm is finding all of the file names in the folders. Your script would be of help to me.
w0uter Posted October 28, 2005 Posted October 28, 2005 1. i meant larry's function and my function. not our pc's 3. if you want to use the results just use a for loop after the call to loop through the path's and im sorry but i dont understand the rest of your post My UDF's:;mem stuff_Mem;ftp stuff_FTP ( OLD );inet stuff_INetGetSource ( OLD )_INetGetImage _INetBrowse ( Collection )_EncodeUrl_NetStat_Google;random stuff_iPixelSearch_DiceRoll
leecole Posted October 29, 2005 Posted October 29, 2005 @wOuterYep yours is faster...way faster...I must have got them mixed up when I was testing.-LivewireIn my own tests, the _FileSearch was faster (about twice as fast) but failed to list a couple of subdirs finding a total of 284.630588524519 count=38while RecursDir found all the files and subdirs 443.834342074202 count=71Lee Cole Talking Clock Headlines, I sits and thinkssometimes, I just sits
Celeri Posted October 30, 2005 Posted October 30, 2005 1. i meant larry's function and my function. not our pc's 3. if you want to use the results just use a for loop after the call to loop through the path'sand im sorry but i dont understand the rest of your post uhmmm you're missing point 2 My point was the following (and hopefully I can say something clearly this time - man it's hard!)Ok two scenariosThe first, DOS-based way of doing things1. Get data from "DIR *.* /S > dir.txt"2. ... or get information from STDIO3. Process information4. Run a function on each entryAnd the complete AutoIT way 1. Start filesearch2. Get individual filenames3. Operate on each file4. Loop until finished.While AutoIT will still be slower in the end, I reckon the AutoIT way still holds many advantages. I have integrated this function in my stuff for a while now and I still am very satisfied with it's speed.Don't forget also that STDIO has a serious problem. My WinXP is in french and if I have files and folders with accents, they come out as garbage and need to be "translated". And so far I've tried every single dirty trick I could come up with and got only mitigated results (for some reason not all DOS programs accept to play nice with the code page function).So there you have it Gotta go, I have some base64 butt to kick I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins.SpockMy UDFs:Deleted - they were old and I'm lazy ... :)My utilities:Comment stripperPolicy lister 1.07AutoIT Speed Tester (new!)
ahha Posted June 30, 2006 Posted June 30, 2006 Beerman - I know it's been a while since you wrote this and was wondering if there are any updates. I'm interested in generating a dirlist of all files and using DOS am running at 200K/min. Currently your routine is at about 77K/min. Pretty good speed however on a large disk (400GB) I have over 1.2M files so either way it's taking 5 minutes just to build the dirlist. Thanks. ahha this RecursiveDir.au3 searches and returns and array of files and folders. From a target folder you select. Please feel free to let me know how it works for you other than that enjoy... Thanks Larry alot. expandcollapse popup;;; RecursiveDir.au3;;; #include-once ; ; the target folder will be recursively searched through ; and returns an array of files and folder together with full path. ; thanks in big part to Larry for the script which i modified ; useage : _Recursive($Sourcedir) ; please sectect only folders not drive letters by themselves. ; Beerman ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Func _Recursive($Sourcedir) $a = 0 $f = 0 $d = 0 $grand = "" While 1 $Fold = $Sourcedir $reject = StringLen($Fold) If $reject = 3 Then MsgBox(0, 'Rejected', "This routine is only meant for folders only. Slect Again") $dirrejected = FileSelectFolder("Choose a folder this time not a drive letter.", "") If $dirrejected = "" Then Exit $Sourcedir = $dirrejected Else $Stack = $Fold & ">" $FileList = $Fold & ">" While $Stack <> "" $root = StringLeft($Stack, StringInStr($Stack, ">") - 1) & "\" $Stack = StringTrimLeft($Stack, StringInStr($Stack, ">")) $h = FileFindFirstFile($root & "*.*") If $h > - 1 Then $FileFound = FileFindNextFile($h) While Not @Error And $FileFound <> "" If $FileFound <> "." And $FileFound <> ".." And _ StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($root & $FileFound), "D") Then $Stack = $Stack & $root & $FileFound & ">" $FileList = $FileList & $root & $FileFound & "<" $d = $d + 1 $a = $a + 1 Else If $FileFound = "." Or $FileFound = ".." Then Else $f = $f + 1 $a = $a + 1 $FileList = $FileList & $root & $FileFound & "<" EndIf EndIf $len = StringLen($FileList) If $len > 10000 Then $grand = $grand & $FileList $FileList = "" Else EndIf ToolTip("Building List: Files-" & $f & " Folders-" & $d & " Total-" & $a, 0, 0) $FileFound = FileFindNextFile($h) WEnd FileClose($h) EndIf WEnd $grand = $grand & $FileList $FileList = $grand $cleanup = StringReplace($FileList, ">", "<") $outputsubdirs = StringSplit($cleanup, "<", 1) Return $outputsubdirs Exit EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Recursive
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