Mat Posted April 7, 2014 Share Posted April 7, 2014 I haven't done much with AutoIt recently, and had some hours spare waiting for game of thrones, so I started this. Ended up being quite fun so I finished it this afternoon. Currently the following are available: defun quote append rest first second third last butlast listp null list-length * + - / ceiling floor round random if = < <= > >= mapcar eval All the definitions and tests are taken from this page: If you want some examples that work: (defun foo (x) (if (= (second (ceiling x 2)) 0) (+ x 10) (- x 10))) (mapcar 'foo '(1 2 3 4 5)) That defines a function 'foo' that takes one input 'x'. If x is odd then it subtracts 10, and if its even then adds 10. It then applies it to a list (mapcar), so the result is the list, with each value having had foo called on it. expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> ; _ArrayDisplay, _ArraySearch ; Car Type constants. Do NOT use these, use the wrapping functions instead. Global Enum $CT_LIST, $CT_ATOM ; Memory. Do not access directly, use the mem* functions. Global $_MEMORY[1000][3] = [[0, 0, 0]] ; car type, car, cdr Global Const $nil[2] = [$CT_LIST, 0] #cs ; An example of building a list, and evaluating it. ; In this case we evaluate: ; ; (if (= 1 2) 3 (* 4 5)) $mul = consAllocAtom("*") $l = listPushAtom($mul, "4") listPushAtom($l, "5") $eq = consAllocAtom("=") $l = listPushAtom($eq, "1") listPushAtom($l, "2") $if = consAllocAtom("if") $l = listPushList($if, $eq) $l = listPushAtom($l, "3") listPushList($l, $mul) $list = consAllocList($if) listPrint($list) Local $callstack = 0 Local $result = lispEval($callstack, $list), $error = @error, $extended = @extended ConsoleWrite("> " & listToStr($result) & @LF & "Error: " & $error & ", Extended: " & $extended & @LF) If $error Then memDisplay() #ce #cs ; Example of callstack, defun and calling user defined functions. ; ; (defun test () 3) ; ; (defun foo (a b c) (+ a b c)) ; ; (foo 1 (* 2 test) 4) Local $callstack = callstackCreate() $defun = consAllocAtom("defun") listPushAtom($defun, "test") listPushList($defun, 0) listPushAtom($defun, "3") $list = consAllocList($defun) listPrint($list) Local $result = lispEval($callstack, $list), $error = @error, $extended = @extended ConsoleWrite("> " & listToStr($result) & @LF & "Error: " & $error & ", Extended: " & $extended & @LF) If $error Then memDisplay() $param_list = consAllocAtom("a") listPushAtom($param_list, "b") listPushAtom($param_list, "c") $func_body = consAllocAtom("+") listPushAtom($func_body, "a") listPushAtom($func_body, "b") listPushAtom($func_body, "c") $defun = consAllocAtom("defun") listPushAtom($defun, "foo") listPushList($defun, $param_list) listPushList($defun, $func_body) $list = consAllocList($defun) listPrint($list) Local $result = lispEval($callstack, $list), $error = @error, $extended = @extended ConsoleWrite("> " & listToStr($result) & @LF & "Error: " & $error & ", Extended: " & $extended & @LF) If $error Then memDisplay() $mul = consAllocAtom("*") $l = listPushAtom($mul, "2") listPushAtom($l, "test") $code = consAllocAtom("foo") listPushAtom($code, "1") listPushList($code, $mul) listPushAtom($code, "4") $list = consAllocList($code) listPrint($list) Local $result = lispEval($callstack, $list), $error = @error, $extended = @extended ConsoleWrite("> " & listToStr($result) & @LF & "Error: " & $error & ", Extended: " & $extended & @LF) If $error Then memDisplay() #ce #cs ; Tests the lexer and parser ; ; (foo 1 (* 2 test) 4) $lexer = lexerCreate("(foo 1 '(* 2 test) ""This is a String"")") While 1 $t = lexerGetToken($lexer) If $t = "" Then ExitLoop ConsoleWrite($t & " ") WEnd ConsoleWrite(@LF) $lexer = lexerCreate("(foo 1 '(* 2 test) ""This is a String"")") Local $list = parserParse($lexer) ConsoleWrite("> " & listToStr($list) & @LF) #ce ; Example of using a read-eval-loop ; ; Uses InputBox to read user input, and MsgBox to show the result. relGo(reader, writer) Func reader() Local $ret = InputBox("Enter line", "Press cancel to stop rel.") If @error Then Return SetError(1) Return $ret EndFunc ;==>reader Func writer($str) MsgBox(0, "Test", $str) EndFunc ;==>writer #Region Read-Eval-Loop Func relGo($reader, $writer) Local $line, $result, $error, $extended Local $callstack = callstackCreate() While 1 $line = Call($reader) If @error Then ExitLoop If $line = "" Then ContinueLoop $result = relEval($callstack, $line) $error = @error $extended = @extended If Not $error Then Call($writer, listToStr($result)) Else Call($writer, "Error: " & $error & ", Extended: " & $extended) EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>relGo Func relEval(ByRef $callstack, $line) Local $lexer = lexerCreate($line) Local $list = parserParse($lexer) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Parser or Lexer threw an error ConsoleWrite($line & @LF) ConsoleWrite("> " & listToStr($list) & @LF) Local $result = lispEval($callstack, $list) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $result) EndFunc ;==>relEval #EndRegion Read-Eval-Loop #Region Lexer ; Currently very very very basic. Does the job though. ; Creates a lexer. Func lexerCreate($str) Local $lexer[6] $lexer[0] = $str ; Data $lexer[1] = 1 ; Line $lexer[2] = 1 ; Column $lexer[3] = 1 ; Absolute $lexer[4] = "" ; Name. $lexer[5] = 0 ; Tail. Return $lexer EndFunc ;==>lexerCreate ; Gets the next token from the lexer. Func lexerGetToken(ByRef $lexer) If IsArray($lexer[5]) Then Return lexerGetToken($lexer[5]) ; Currently this is the most basic lexer possible. ; All tokens are 1 character, whitespace is ignored. Local $c, $tok ; Ignore leading whitespace Do $c = _lexerGetChar($lexer) Until Not StringIsSpace($c) Local Enum $stNone = 0, $stString, $stInt, $stSymbol, $stFloat Local $st = 0 While 1 Switch $st Case $stNone Select Case '' $tok = "" ExitLoop Case $c = '(' Or $c = ')' Or $c = '.' Or $c = '''' $tok = $c ExitLoop Case $c = '"' $st = $stString Case StringIsDigit($c) $tok = $c $st = $stInt Case Not StringRegExp($c, "[^[:graph:]]") $tok = $c $st = $stSymbol Case Else ConsoleWrite("Invalid character: '" & $c & "'." & @LF) Return SetError(200, 0, 0) ; Invalid character. EndSelect Case $stString If $c = '\' Then ; Escape Sequence $c = _lexerGetChar($lexer) Switch $c Case '\' $tok &= '\' Case 'n' $tok &= @CRLF Case 't' $tok &= @TAB Case '"' $tok &= '"' Case Else ConsoleWrite("Unknown escape sequence: '\" & $c & "'" & @LF) Return SetError(201, 0, 0) ; Unknown escape sequence EndSwitch ElseIf $c = '"' Then ExitLoop Else $tok &= $c EndIf Case $stSymbol If $c = ')' Then _lexerPutbackChar($lexer, $c) ExitLoop ElseIf StringIsSpace($c) Or $c = '' Then ExitLoop ElseIf Not StringRegExp($c, "[^[:graph:]]") Then $tok &= $c Else ConsoleWrite("Invalid character: '" & $c & "'." & @LF) Return SetError(200, 0, 0) ; Invalid character. EndIf Case $stInt If StringIsDigit($c) Then $tok &= $c ElseIf $c = '.' Then $tok &= $c $st = $stFloat ElseIf $c = ')' Then _lexerPutbackChar($lexer, $c) ExitLoop ElseIf StringIsSpace($c) Or $c = '' Then ExitLoop Else ConsoleWrite("Invalid character: '" & $c & "'." & @LF) Return SetError(200, 0, 0) ; Invalid character. EndIf Case $stFloat If StringIsDigit($c) Then $tok &= $c ElseIf $c = ')' Then _lexerPutbackChar($lexer, $c) ExitLoop ElseIf StringIsSpace($c) Or $c = '' Then ExitLoop Else ConsoleWrite("Invalid character: '" & $c & "'." & @LF) Return SetError(200, 0, 0) ; Invalid character. EndIf EndSwitch $c = _lexerGetChar($lexer) WEnd Return $tok EndFunc ;==>lexerGetToken Func _lexerPutbackChar(ByRef $lexer, $c) _lexerGetChar($lexer, $c) EndFunc ;==>_lexerPutbackChar ; Gets the next character from the stream, and increments counters. ; CRLF is treated as 1 character. Func _lexerGetChar(ByRef $lexer, $cLast = '') Local $c = StringMid($lexer[0], $lexer[3], 1) Local Static $cPrev = '' If $cLast <> '' Then $cPrev = $cLast Return EndIf If $cPrev <> '' Then $c = $cPrev $cPrev = '' Return $c EndIf If $c = "" Then ; Out of bounds. Return "" EndIf If $c = @CR Then ; Check for LF If StringMid($lexer[0], $lexer[3] + 1, 1) = @LF Then $c = @CRLF $lexer[3] += 1 EndIf EndIf If StringInStr(@CRLF, $c) Then ; Newline $lexer[1] += 1 $lexer[2] = 1 Else $lexer[2] += 1 EndIf $lexer[3] += 1 Return $c EndFunc ;==>_lexerGetChar #EndRegion Lexer #Region Parser ; Dead basic. Very little error checking, it assumes that anything it doesn't ; expect is an atom, so will accept garbage. Func parserParse(ByRef $lexer) Local $list = parserParseList($lexer) Return consAllocList($list) EndFunc ;==>parserParse Func parserParseList(ByRef $lexer) Local $tok, $top = 0 While 1 $tok = lexerGetToken($lexer) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Lexer threw an error EndIf If $tok = "" Then ExitLoop If $tok = "(" Then If Not $top Then $top = parserParseList($lexer) Else listPushList($top, parserParseList($lexer)) EndIf ElseIf $tok = "'" Then Local $q = consAllocAtom("quote") $tok = lexerGetToken($lexer) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Lexer threw an error EndIf If $tok = "(" Then listPushList($q, parserParseList($lexer)) Else listPushAtom($q, $tok) EndIf If Not $top Then $top = $q Else listPushList($top, $q) EndIf ElseIf $tok = "." Then ; Not Implemented! Return SetError(301, 0, 0) ; Not Implemented ElseIf $tok = ")" Then ExitLoop Else If Not $top Then $top = consAllocAtom($tok) Else listPushAtom($top, $tok) EndIf EndIf WEnd Return $top EndFunc ;==>parserParseList #EndRegion Parser #Region Symbol Table ; Todo. ; This will be required before defun and user library functions can be written. Func callstackCreate() Local $callstack[200] ; Global scope is first scope. $callstack[0] = 1 ; Count $callstack[1] = callstackCreateFrame() ; $callstack[1] is global scope. Return $callstack EndFunc ;==>callstackCreate Func callstackCreateFrame() Local $frame[10][4] $frame[0][0] = 0 ; Count in [0][0] ; Frame has a row for each symbol. ; [symbol, params, num_params, code] Return $frame EndFunc ;==>callstackCreateFrame Func callstackDefun(ByRef $callstack, $symbol, $params, $num_params, $code) Return callstackFrameDefun($callstack[$callstack[0]], $symbol, $params, $num_params, $code) EndFunc ;==>callstackDefun Func callstackFrameDefun(ByRef $frame, $symbol, $params, $num_params, $code) $frame[0][0] += 1 If $frame[0][0] = UBound($frame) - 1 Then ReDim $frame[$frame[0][0] + 10][UBound($frame, 2)] EndIf $frame[$frame[0][0]][0] = $symbol $frame[$frame[0][0]][1] = $params $frame[$frame[0][0]][2] = $num_params $frame[$frame[0][0]][3] = $code Return $frame[0][0] EndFunc ;==>callstackFrameDefun Func callstackEnterFunc(ByRef $callstack, $params, $num_params, $param_values) Local $frame = callstackCreateFrame() Local $p = $params, $v = $param_values While $p callstackFrameDefun($frame, consGetCarData($p), 0, 0, consGetCar($v)) $p = consGetCdr($p) $v = consGetCdr($v) If $p And Not $v Then Return SetError(111, 0, 0) ; Incorrect number of parameters given. EndIf WEnd Return callstackEnter($callstack, $frame) EndFunc ;==>callstackEnterFunc Func callstackEnter(ByRef $callstack, $frame) $callstack[0] += 1 If $callstack[0] = UBound($callstack) Then ; Stack overflow? Can't just keep increasing the stack. ConsoleWrite("STACK OVERFLOW" & @LF) Return SetError(108, 0, 0) ; Stack Overflow EndIf $callstack[$callstack[0]] = $frame Return $callstack[0] EndFunc ;==>callstackEnter Func callstackLeave(ByRef $callstack) If $callstack[0] = 1 Then ; Attempting to leave global frame? Return SetError(109, 0, 0) ; Stack Underflow EndIf $callstack[$callstack[0]] = 0 $callstack[0] -= 1 Return $callstack[0] EndFunc ;==>callstackLeave Func callstackLookup(ByRef $callstack, $symbol) Local $ret[2], $i If $callstack[0] > 1 Then ; Check top frame. $i = callstackFrameLookup($callstack[$callstack[0]], $symbol) If $i <> -1 Then $ret[0] = $callstack[0] $ret[1] = $i Return $ret EndIf EndIf ; Check global frame $i = callstackFrameLookup($callstack[1], $symbol) If $i <> -1 Then $ret[0] = 1 $ret[1] = $i Return $ret EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>callstackLookup Func callstackFrameLookup(ByRef $frame, $symbol) Return _ArraySearch($frame, $symbol, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0) EndFunc ;==>callstackFrameLookup #EndRegion Symbol Table #Region Error Handling ; Who needs error handling anyway. ; Functions returning errors return a (hopefully) unique error code. This ; should then be returned by the caller. @extended contains the con pair ; pointer. #EndRegion Error Handling #Region Lisp Functions ; Evaluates a list/atom. ; Returns a cons value. Func lispEval(ByRef $callstack, $cons) If $cons = 0 Then ; nil Return $nil ElseIf consIsAtom($cons) Then ; Atom on its own. If StringIsInt(consGetCarData($cons)) Or StringIsFloat(consGetCarData($cons)) Then Return consGetCar($cons) Else Local $ret = lispCallFunction($callstack, consGetCarData($cons), $nil) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, $ret) EndIf Return $ret EndIf EndIf Local $list = consGetCarData($cons) If consIsList($list) Then Return SetError(101, $list, 0) ; Expected a function name. EndIf Local $ret = lispCallFunction($callstack, consGetCarData($list), consGetCdr($list)) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, $ret) EndIf Return $ret EndFunc ;==>lispEval ; Calls a function. ; $fnAtom - The atom the function is associated with. ; $cons - The head of the parameter list. Func lispCallFunction(ByRef $callstack, $fnAtom, $list) Local $ret Local $fn = lispGetFunction($fnAtom) If $fn <> -1 Then $ret = Call(libraryGetFunctions()[$fn][1], $callstack, $list) If @error = 0xDEAD And @extended = 0xBEEF Then Return SetError(102, $list, 0) ; Function does not exist. ElseIf @error Then ; Error reported by function call Return SetError(@error, @extended, $ret) EndIf ElseIf IsArray($callstack) Then $fn = callstackLookup($callstack, $fnAtom) If Not IsArray($fn) Then Return SetError(102, $list, 0) ; Function does not exist. EndIf Local $frame = $callstack[$fn[0]] If consIsList($frame[$fn[1]][3]) Or $frame[$fn[1]][2] Then callstackEnterFunc($callstack, $frame[$fn[1]][1], $frame[$fn[1]][2], $list) $ret = lispEval($callstack, $frame[$fn[1]][3]) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) EndIf callstackLeave($callstack) Else $ret = consGetCar($frame[$fn[1]][3]) EndIf Else Return SetError(102, $list, 0) ; Function does not exist. EndIf Return $ret EndFunc ;==>lispCallFunction ; Looks up a function. Func lispGetFunction($atom) Local $a = libraryGetFunctions() Return _ArraySearch($a, $atom, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0) EndFunc ;==>lispGetFunction ; DEfine FUNction - defines a macro in LISP. ; Syntax is: ; (defun foo (a b c d) (+ a b c d)) ; user macro is then called using: ; (foo 1 2 3 4) ; > 10 Func lispDefun(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[defun] Local $symbol, $params, $num_params, $code If Not IsArray($callstack) Then Return SetError(112, $list, 0) ; Defun: callstack must be defined. EndIf If consIsList($list) Then Return SetError(103, $list, 0) ; Defun: symbol invalid. EndIf $symbol = consGetCarData($list) If lispGetFunction($symbol) <> -1 Then Return SetError(104, $list, 0) ; Defun: symbol already exists. EndIf If consIsTail($list) Then Return SetError(105, $list, 0) ; Defun: 3 parameters required. EndIf $list = consGetCdr($list) If Not consIsList($list) Then ; Single parameter. $params = $list $num_params = 1 Else $params = consGetCarData($list) $num_params = listGetLength($params) EndIf If consIsTail($list) Then Return SetError(105, $list, 0) ; Defun: 3 parameters required. EndIf $code = consGetCdr($list) callstackDefun($callstack, $symbol, $params, $num_params, $code) Return $nil EndFunc ;==>lispDefun #EndRegion Lisp Functions #Region Library ; For testing purposes, a manually maintained array of functions would be a ; pain in the arse. ; To solve this, a list is generated from the source code. Any functions with ; the comment LISP[...] are added, associated with the atom ... ; For obvious reasons this doesn't work compiled. Use ; _libraryFunctionsArrayCode() to get an array. ; ; ; Returns the array of library functions, in the form: ; [Function Atom, AutoIt Function] Func libraryGetFunctions() Local Static $aFunctions = _libraryParseFunctions() Return $aFunctions EndFunc ;==>libraryGetFunctions ; Gets the function list from source code. Func _libraryParseFunctions() Local $a = StringRegExp(FileRead(@ScriptFullPath), _ "(?m)(?i)^Func\s+([[:alnum:]]+)\s*\(.*\)\s*;\s*LISP\[([^\]]+)\].*$", 3) Local $aRet[UBound($a) / 2][2] For $i = 0 To UBound($a) - 1 Step +2 $aRet[$i / 2][0] = $a[$i + 1] $aRet[$i / 2][1] = $a[$i] Next Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>_libraryParseFunctions ; Returns the function library, as parsed from the source code, as an AutoIt ; array. Func _libraryFunctionsArrayCode() Local $a = libraryGetFunctions() Local $ret = "Global $_FUNCTIONS[" & UBound($a) & "][2] = [ _" & @CRLF For $i = 0 To UBound($a) - 1 $ret &= @TAB & @TAB & _ "[""" & $a[$i][0] & """, " & $a[$i][1] & "], _" & @CRLF Next $ret = StringTrimRight($ret, StringLen(", _" & @CRLF)) & "]" Return $ret EndFunc ;==>_libraryFunctionsArrayCode ; (quote foo) = foo Func lispQuote(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[quote] Return $list EndFunc ;==>lispQuote #Region List Operators ; Todo: ; assoc ; cons ; consp ; getf ; list ; mapc ; mapcan ; mapcar ; mapcon ; maplist ; member ; pop ; push ; pushnew ; rplaca ; rplacd ; set-difference ; union Func lispAppend(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[append] Local $l = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Eval threw an error. If Not consIsList($l) Then Return SetError(402, $list, 0) ; Append should have list arguments Local $ret = consGetCarData($l), $last = listGetTail(consGetCarData($l)) While Not consIsTail($list) $list = consGetCdr($list) $l = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Eval threw an error. If Not consIsList($l) Then Return SetError(402, $list, 0) ; Append should have list arguments If consIsNil($l) Then ContinueLoop consSetCdr($last, consGetCarData($l)) $last = listGetTail(consGetCarData($l)) WEnd Return consAllocList($ret) EndFunc ;==>lispAppend Func lispRest(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[rest] Local $l = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Eval threw an error. If Not consIsList($l) Then Return $nil Return consGetCdr(consGetCarData($l)) EndFunc ;==>lispRest Func lispFirst(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[first] Local $l = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Eval threw an error. If Not consIsList($l) Then Return $nil Return consGetCar(consGetCarData($l)) EndFunc ;==>lispFirst Func lispSecond(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[second] Local $l = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Eval threw an error. If Not consIsList($l) Then Return $nil Return consGetCar(consGetCdr(consGetCarData($l))) EndFunc ;==>lispSecond Func lispThird(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[third] Local $l = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Eval threw an error. If Not consIsList($l) Then Return $nil Return consGetCar(consGetCdr(consGetCdr(consGetCarData($l)))) EndFunc ;==>lispThird Func lispLast(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[last] Local $l = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Eval threw an error. If consIsAtom($l) Then Return $nil $l = consGetCarData($l) Local $count = 1 If Not consIsTail($list) Then $list = consGetCdr($list) Local $c = lispEval($callstack, $list) If consIsList($c) Then Return SetError(401, $list, 0) ; Expected count atom EndIf $count = consGetCarData($c) If $count <= 0 Then Return $nil EndIf Local $len = listGetLength($l) - $count If $len <= 0 Then Return $nil Local $ret = $l For $i = 1 To $len $ret = consGetCdr($ret) Next Return $ret EndFunc ;==>lispLast Func lispButLast(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[butlast] Local $l = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Eval threw an error. If consIsAtom($l) Then Return $nil $l = consGetCarData($l) Local $count = 1 If Not consIsTail($list) Then $list = consGetCdr($list) Local $c = lispEval($callstack, $list) If consIsList($c) Then Return SetError(401, $list, 0) ; Expected count atom EndIf $count = consGetCarData($c) If $count <= 0 Then Return $l EndIf Local $len = listGetLength($l) - $count If $len <= 0 Then Return $nil Local $top = consDuplicate($l), $here = $top, $next For $i = 1 To $len - 1 $next = consDuplicate(consGetCdr($here)) consSetCdr($here, $next) $here = $next Next consSetCdr($here, 0) Return $top EndFunc ;==>lispButLast Func lispListp(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[listp] Local $l = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Eval threw an error. If consIsList($l) Then Return pairCreateAtom(1) Else Return $nil EndIf EndFunc ;==>lispListp Func lispNull(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[null] Local $l = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Eval threw an error. If consIsNil($l) Then Return pairCreateAtom(1) Else Return $nil EndIf EndFunc ;==>lispNull Func lispListLength(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[list-length] Local $l = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Eval threw an error. If Not consIsList($l) Then Return pairCreateAtom(0) If listIsCyclic($l) Then Return $nil Return pairCreateAtom(listGetLength(consGetCarData($l))) EndFunc ;==>lispListLength #EndRegion List Operators #Region Maths ; (* a b c d ...) Func lispMul(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[*] Local $product = 1 Local $val Do $val = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; listEval returned an error EndIf If consIsList($val) Then Return SetError(113, $list, 0) ; Undefined: multiplication of lists EndIf $product *= Number(consGetCarData($val)) $list = consGetCdr($list) Until Not $list Return pairCreateAtom($product) EndFunc ;==>lispMul ; (+ a b c d ...) Func lispAdd(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[+] Local $sum = 0 Local $val Do $val = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; listEval returned an error EndIf If consIsList($val) Then Return SetError(103, $list, 0) ; Undefined: addition with lists. EndIf $sum += Number(consGetCarData($val)) $list = consGetCdr($list) Until Not $list Return pairCreateAtom($sum) EndFunc ;==>lispAdd ; (- a b c d ...) Func lispMinus(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[-] Local $sum = 0, $first = True Local $val Do $val = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; listEval returned an error EndIf If consIsList($val) Then Return SetError(103, $list, 0) ; Undefined: addition with lists. EndIf If $first Then If consIsTail($list) Then $sum = -Number(consGetCarData($val)) Else $sum = Number(consGetCarData($val)) EndIf $list = consGetCdr($list) $first = False Else $sum -= Number(consGetCarData($val)) $list = consGetCdr($list) EndIf Until Not $list Return pairCreateAtom($sum) EndFunc ;==>lispMinus ; (/ a b c d ...) Func lispDiv(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[/] Local $product = 0, $first = True Local $val Do $val = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; listEval returned an error EndIf If consIsList($val) Then Return SetError(103, $list, 0) ; Undefined: addition with lists. EndIf If $first Then If consIsTail($list) Then $product = 1 / Number(consGetCarData($val)) Else $product = Number(consGetCarData($val)) EndIf $list = consGetCdr($list) $first = False Else $product /= Number(consGetCarData($val)) $list = consGetCdr($list) EndIf Until Not $list Return pairCreateAtom($product) EndFunc ;==>lispDiv Func _lispRound(ByRef $callstack, $list, $predicate) Local $number, $divisor $number = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) EndIf If Not consIsAtom($number) Then Return SetError(403, $number, 0) ; If: number must be an atom. EndIf $number = consGetCarData($number) If consIsTail($list) Then $divisor = 1 Else $divisor = lispEval($callstack, consGetCdr($list)) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) EndIf If Not consIsAtom($divisor) Then Return SetError(404, $divisor, 0) ; If: number must be an atom. EndIf $divisor = consGetCarData($divisor) EndIf Local $quotient = $predicate($number / $divisor) Local $remainder = $number - $quotient * $divisor Local $ret = consAllocAtom($quotient) listPushAtom($ret, $remainder) Return consAllocList($ret) EndFunc ;==>_lispRound Func lispCeiling(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[ceiling] Return _lispRound($callstack, $list, Ceiling) EndFunc ;==>lispCeiling Func lispFloor(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[floor] Return _lispRound($callstack, $list, Floor) EndFunc ;==>lispFloor Func lispRound(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[round] Return _lispRound($callstack, $list, Round) EndFunc ;==>lispRound Func lispRandom(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[random] Local $max $max = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) EndIf If Not consIsAtom($max) Then Return SetError(403, $max, 0) ; Random: max must be an atom. EndIf $max = Number(consGetCarData($max)) Local $result = Random() * $max If IsInt($max) Then $result = Int($result) Return pairCreateAtom($result) EndFunc ;==>lispRandom #EndRegion Maths #Region Equality+Logical+If ; (if <expr> <true_value> <false_value>) Func lispIf(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[if] If $list = 0 Then Return SetError(105, $list, 0) ; If: At least 2 parameters required. EndIf ; Evaluate the expression Local $expr = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) EndIf If Not consIsAtom($expr) Then Return SetError(108, $expr, 0) ; If: <expr> must be an atom. EndIf ; Get boolean result Local $result If consIsNil($expr) Then $result = False Else $result = Number(consGetCarData($expr)) EndIf ; Get true and false expressions If consIsTail($list) Then Return SetError(105, $list, 0) ; If: At least 2 parameters required. EndIf Local $true_code, $false_code $true_code = consGetCdr($list) $false_code = consGetCdr($true_code) Local $ret If $result Then $ret = lispEval($callstack, $true_code) Else $ret = lispEval($callstack, $false_code) EndIf Return $ret EndFunc ;==>lispIf ; (= a b c d ...) Func lispEquals(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[=] Return lispCompare($callstack, $list, compareEqual) EndFunc ;==>lispEquals Func compareEqual($a, $b) Return ($a = $b) EndFunc ;==>compareEqual ; (< a b c d ...) Func lispLess(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[<] Return lispCompare($callstack, $list, compareLess) EndFunc ;==>lispLess Func compareLess($a, $b) Return ($a < $b) EndFunc ;==>compareLess ; (<= a b c d ...) Func lispLessOrEqual(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[<=] Return lispCompare($callstack, $list, compareLessOrEqual) EndFunc ;==>lispLessOrEqual Func compareLessOrEqual($a, $b) Return ($a <= $b) EndFunc ;==>compareLessOrEqual ; (> a b c d ...) Func lispGreater(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[>] Return lispCompare($callstack, $list, compareGreater) EndFunc ;==>lispGreater Func compareGreater($a, $b) Return ($a > $b) EndFunc ;==>compareGreater ; (>= a b c d ...) Func lispGreaterOrEqual(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[>=] Return lispCompare($callstack, $list, compareGreaterOrEqual) EndFunc ;==>lispGreaterOrEqual Func compareGreaterOrEqual($a, $b) Return ($a >= $b) EndFunc ;==>compareGreaterOrEqual ; Compares a list values according to a predicate. Func lispCompare(ByRef $callstack, $list, $predicate) ; As a naive operators, it wouldn't make sense for this to optimise the ands Local $result = True Local $a, $b, $br If $list = 0 Then Return SetError(105, $list, 0) ; =: At least 2 parameters required. EndIf ; Evaluate a and b $a = $list $b = consGetCdr($a) If $b = 0 Then Return SetError(105, $list, 0) ; =: At least 2 parameters required. EndIf $a = lispEval($callstack, $a) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) EndIf Do $br = lispEval($callstack, $b) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) EndIf Local $result If Not consIsAtom($a) Then If Not consIsAtom($br) Then ; Compare lists $result = $result And False Else $result = $result And False EndIf Else If Not consIsAtom($br) Then $result = $result And False Else ; Compare atoms. $result = $result And $predicate(consGetCarData($a), consGetCarData($br)) EndIf EndIf $b = consGetCdr($b) $a = $br Until Not $b If $result Then Return pairCreateAtom(1) Else Return $nil EndIf EndFunc ;==>lispCompare #EndRegion Equality+Logical+If #Region Functions, Evaluation and flow control ; (mapcar fn lists) Func lispMapCar(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[mapcar] Local $fn Local $lists[listGetLength($list) - 1] Local $nils = 0 ; Evaluate the expression Local $fn = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) EndIf If Not consIsAtom($fn) Then Return SetError(108, $fn, 0) ; If: <expr> must be an atom. EndIf $fn = consGetCarData($fn) For $i = 0 To UBound($lists) - 1 $list = consGetCdr($list) $lists[$i] = lispEval($callstack, $list) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) If consIsAtom($lists[$i]) Then Return SetError(405, $list, 0) ; Expected a list EndIf $lists[$i] = consGetCarData($lists[$i]) If consIsNil($lists[$i]) Then $nils += 1 Next Local $ret = 0, $r, $retTail = 0 Local $l, $next, $top Do $top = consDuplicate($lists[0]) $l = $top For $i = 1 To UBound($lists) - 1 $next = consDuplicate($lists[$i]) consSetCdr($l, $next) $l = $next Next consSetCdr($l, 0) $r = lispCallFunction($callstack, $fn, $top) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Calling the function returned an error If $ret = 0 Then $ret = consDuplicate($r) $retTail = $ret Else $r = consDuplicate($r) consSetCdr($retTail, $r) $retTail = $r EndIf For $i = 0 To UBound($lists) - 1 If $lists[$i] Then $lists[$i] = consGetCdr($lists[$i]) If Not $lists[$i] Then $nils += 1 EndIf Next Until $nils = UBound($lists) Return consAllocList($ret) EndFunc ;==>lispMapCar Func lispFnEval(ByRef $callstack, $list) ; LISP[eval] Local $l = lispEval($callstack, $list) Return lispEval($callstack, $l) EndFunc ;==>lispEval #EndRegion Functions, Evaluation and flow control #EndRegion Library #Region Pair functions ; Pairs are 2d arrays that are convenient for passing car values around without ; using memory. Think of them a bit like registers. Func pairCreate($a, $b) Local $aRet[2] = [$a, $b] Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>pairCreate Func pairCreateAtom($data) Return pairCreate($CT_ATOM, $data) EndFunc ;==>pairCreateAtom Func pairCreateList($ptr) Return pairCreate($CT_LIST, $ptr) EndFunc ;==>pairCreateList #EndRegion Pair functions #Region List functions ; Functions that manipulate and work with lists. ; Unlike cons values, input to these functions must be in memory. ; Returns the tail of the list. Func listGetTail($list) If consIsTail($list) Then Return $list Else Return listGetTail(consGetCdr($list)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>listGetTail ; Creates a new cons pair, with the given car value, sets it as the tail of the ; list, and returns the new tail. ; Should be used by the user. Use one specific listPush* functions. Func listPush($list, $carType, $carData) Local $new = consAlloc($carType, $carData) If Not consIsTail($list) Then $list = listGetTail($list) EndIf consSetCdr($list, $new) Return $new EndFunc ;==>listPush ; Creates a new cons pair, with the given car list, sets it as the tail of the ; list, and returns the new tail. Func listPushList($list, $ptr) Return listPush($list, $CT_LIST, $ptr) EndFunc ;==>listPushList ; Creates a new cons pair, with the given car atom, sets it as the tail of the ; list, and returns the new tail. Func listPushAtom($list, $atom) Return listPush($list, $CT_ATOM, $atom) EndFunc ;==>listPushAtom ; Prints a list to the console. Func listPrint($list) ConsoleWrite(listToStr($list) & @LF) EndFunc ;==>listPrint ; Returns the string representation of a list. ; As an added bonus, this function will accept car data as an array, rather ; than just a pointer to a list in memory. Func listToStr($list) If consIsNil($list) Then Return "NIL" If IsArray($list) Then ; Car value. If consIsList($list) Then Return "(" & listToStr(consGetCarData($list)) & ")" Else Return String(consGetCarData($list)) EndIf Else ; Pointer If $list = 0 Then Return "" ; End of list Local $ret = listToStr(consGetCar($list)) Local $cdr = consGetCdr($list) If $cdr Then $ret &= " " & listToStr($cdr) EndIf Return $ret EndIf EndFunc ;==>listToStr ; Checks if a list is cyclic Func listIsCyclic($list) Local $start = $list While Not consIsTail($list) $list = consGetCdr($list) If $list = $start Then Return True WEnd Return False EndFunc ;==>listIsCyclic ; Gets the length of a list. Func listGetLength($list) If $list = 0 Then Return 0 ElseIf consIsTail($list) Then Return 1 Else Return 1 + listGetLength(consGetCdr($list)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>listGetLength ; Compares two lists. ; Only a shallow compare. Func listCompare($a, $b) If $a = $b Then Return True Do If consGetCarType($a) <> consGetCarType($b) _ Or consGetCarData($a) <> consGetCarData($b) Then Return False Else $a = consGetCdr($a) $b = consGetCdr($b) EndIf Until Not $a And Not $b Return True EndFunc ;==>listCompare #EndRegion List functions #Region Cons pair functions ; Cons values can be either pointers to memory, or local pairs. ; If the input is an array then it is treated as a pair, all functions can ; handle both types, even if this just means returning an error. ; Checks if this cons pair is the tail of a list (no following pair) Func consIsTail($cons) If IsArray($cons) Then Return True Else Return consGetCdr($cons) = 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>consIsTail ; Checks if the cons value is an atom. ; nil is a special case. It is both an atom and a list. Func consIsAtom($cons) Return (consGetCarType($cons) = $CT_ATOM) _ ; Is an atom Or (consGetCarData($cons) = 0) ; Is nil EndFunc ;==>consIsAtom ; Checks if the cons value is a list. Func consIsList($cons) Return consGetCarType($cons) = $CT_LIST EndFunc ;==>consIsList ; Checks if the cons value is nil. Func consIsNil($cons) Return consIsList($cons) And (consGetCarData($cons) = 0) EndFunc ;==>consIsNil ; Gets the type of the cons value (returns one of the $CT_* constants). ; This should NOT be used by the user. You should be using one of the consIs* ; functions above, as these will deal with special cases such as nil. Func consGetCarType($cons) If IsArray($cons) Then Return $cons[0] Else Return memGet($cons, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>consGetCarType ; Gets the data of the car element of the cons pair. Func consGetCarData($cons) If IsArray($cons) Then Return $cons[1] Else Return memGet($cons, 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>consGetCarData ; Gets the car part of the cons pair. ; This is returned as a pair. Func consGetCar($cons) If IsArray($cons) Then Return $cons Else Return pairCreate(consGetCarType($cons), consGetCarData($cons)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>consGetCar ; Sets the type of the car part of the cons pair. Func consSetCarType(ByRef $cons, $carType) If IsArray($cons) Then $cons[0] = $carType Else memSet($cons, 0, $carType) EndIf EndFunc ;==>consSetCarType ; Sets the data of the car part of the cons pair. Func consSetCarData(ByRef $cons, $carData) If IsArray($cons) Then $cons[1] = $carData Else memSet($cons, 1, $carData) EndIf EndFunc ;==>consSetCarData ; Sets the car value of the cons pair. Func consSetCar(ByRef $cons, $carType, $carData) consSetCarType($cons, $carType) consSetCarData($cons, $carData) EndFunc ;==>consSetCar ; Sets the car value of the cons pair (from a given pair) Func consSetCarP(ByRef $cons, $car) Return consSetCar($cons, $car[0], $car[1]) EndFunc ;==>consSetCarP ; Gets the cdr part of the cons pair. Func consGetCdr($cons) If IsArray($cons) Then Return SetError(104, 0, 0) ; Operation only valid on pairs in memory Else Return memGet($cons, 2) EndIf EndFunc ;==>consGetCdr ; Sets the cdr part of the cons pair. Func consSetCdr($cons, $cdr) If IsArray($cons) Then Return SetError(104, 0, 0) ; Operation only valid on pairs in memory Else memSet($cons, 2, $cdr) EndIf EndFunc ;==>consSetCdr ; Allocates a new cons pair in memory, and assigns the car value. ; Should be used by the user. Use one specific consAlloc* functions. Func consAlloc($carType, $carData) Local $ptr = memAlloc() consSetCar($ptr, $carType, $carData) Return $ptr EndFunc ;==>consAlloc ; Create a duplicate of a cons cell in memory. Func consDuplicate($cons) Local $ret = consAlloc(consGetCarType($cons), consGetCarData($cons)) consSetCdr($ret, consGetCdr($cons)) Return $ret EndFunc ;==>consDuplicate ; Allocates a new cons pair in memory, and assigns the car list Func consAllocList($ptr) Return consAlloc($CT_LIST, $ptr) EndFunc ;==>consAllocList ; Allocates a new cons pair in memory, and assigns the car atom Func consAllocAtom($atom) Return consAlloc($CT_ATOM, $atom) EndFunc ;==>consAllocAtom #EndRegion Cons pair functions #Region Memory Functions ; Currently very basic. Just allocates a car,cdr pair in an array and returns ; the index. ; Could be made a lot more complex, $_MEMORY is never accessed directly. ; Unfortunately with this model, $_MEMORY has to be a global in order to be ; redimmed. ; Allocated a cons pair of memory and returns a pointer Func memAlloc() $_MEMORY[0][0] += 1 ; Expand memory as required If $_MEMORY[0][0] >= UBound($_MEMORY) Then ReDim $_MEMORY[$_MEMORY[0][0] + 1000][3] EndIf ; Zero Memory $_MEMORY[$_MEMORY[0][0]][0] = 0 $_MEMORY[$_MEMORY[0][0]][1] = 0 $_MEMORY[$_MEMORY[0][0]][2] = 0 Return $_MEMORY[0][0] EndFunc ;==>memAlloc ; Frees memory. Func memFree(ByRef $ptr) ; Meh. Just leave it. EndFunc ;==>memFree ; Retrieves the cons pair property $v at index $i Func memGet($i, $v) If $i = 0 Then ConsoleWrite("SIGSEGV: Attempt to dereference null pointer" & @LF) Return 0 EndIf Return $_MEMORY[$i][$v] EndFunc ;==>memGet ; Sets the cons pair property $v at index $i Func memSet($i, $v, $value) If $i = 0 Then ConsoleWrite("SIGSEGV: Attempt to dereference null pointer" & @LF) Return 0 EndIf $_MEMORY[$i][$v] = $value EndFunc ;==>memSet ; Displays memory (debug) Func memDisplay() ; Redim the array to be the same size as memory. Local $a = $_MEMORY ReDim $a[$a[0][0] + 1][UBound($a, 2)] _ArrayDisplay($a) EndFunc ;==>memDisplay #EndRegion Memory Functions Hopefully it's not too hard to read and understand. It was a bit of fun to put together. Matt czardas 1 AutoIt Project Listing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JohnQSmith Posted April 8, 2014 Share Posted April 8, 2014 Very nice simple Lisp interpreter. Good job. Whenever someone says "pls" because it's shorter than "please", I say "no" because it's shorter than "yes". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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