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I'm attempting to decrypt a file previously encrypted with the encrypt file function; then read that file into an array and display it. When I read the file into an array it still shows me garbled text if any at all. What am I doing wrong here? 

$serial = "stepping through array var"
        $FileHandle = "C:\XXX\Serial.txt"
        If FileExists($FileHandle) Then

                  $Password = "password"
                _Crypt_DecryptFile($FileHandle, $FileHandle, $Password, $CALG_RC4)

                $FileArray = 0 ;initilze computer list array
               _FileReadToArray($FileHandle, $FileArray) 
               _ArrayDisplay($FileArray) ;why is this showing encrpyted data?!?!

               FileWriteLine($FileHandle, $serial)
               FileWriteLine($FileHandle, $serial)

            $Password = "password"
            _Crypt_EncryptFile( $FileHandle, $FileHandle, $Password, $CALG_RC4)


Any help is greatly appreciated! :) 



Might be because you are decrypting to the same file.

Add this, and check the error that occurs:

_Crypt_DecryptFile($FileHandle, $FileHandle, $Password, $CALG_RC4)

Yep decrypting to the same file was the problem. 

Posted (edited)

It works when I change the file vars between encrypt and decrypt

#include <Crypt.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
$serial = "stepping through array var"
$File = @DesktopDir & "\Serial.txt"
$File2 = @DesktopDir & "\Serial2.txt"
$Password = "password"
Local $FileArray[1];initilze computer list array
If Not FileExists($File) Then
    FileWrite($File,"add something in")
    ConsoleWrite(FileRead($File) & @CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite(FileRead($File2) & @CRLF)

$iSuccess = _Crypt_DecryptFile($File2,$File,$Password,$CALG_RC4)
ConsoleWrite(FileRead($File3) & @CRLF)
Edited by jdelaney
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