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Hi. I am trying whole day yesterday and today to make script work. Code shouldnt be a problem but I just dont understand how some characters work. I will try to explain. I have a bunch of chars that I picked up from http://fsymbols.com/emoji/ and if you paste them in facebook page they work fine. But if you paste more then 20 or 40 (I am not sure anymore) they will not show well. Same thing happens in a script. When I had less then 20 everything worked fine. Now when I put much more it wont work. For example if code is "ΓÿÇ" then I need to get " " when it goes trough code and that worked fine. When I put much more in a script it just wouldnt work. Same happens on facebook page. I have just checked it shows first 40 and then it wont decode others. Same happens in script. I even changed a bit way it works and instead that code is inside script i have put it in a .txt file so it will just load a line i need trough scrip (to make it work somehow) but it just doesnt work. Can anyone solve this ghost inside a script?

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

$hGUI = GUICreate("v3.00", 752, 418, -1, -1)
;GUICtrlSetStyle(-1, )
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, 0, "MS Shell Dlg", 5)
$oIE = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2")
;GUICtrlSetStyle(-1, )
$hPic = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 13, 33, 16, 16)
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "E:\0\autoit\2014-03-31 Facebook Spec Chars\img\01.bmp")
$hPic2 = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 13, 51, 16, 16)
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "E:\0\autoit\2014-03-31 Facebook Spec Chars\img\02.bmp")
$hButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("#", 37, 33, 16, 16)
$hButton2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("#", 37, 51, 16, 16)
$hButton3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("#", 37, 69, 16, 16)
$hButton4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("#", 37, 87, 16, 16)
$hButton5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("#", 37, 105, 16, 16)
$hButton6 = GUICtrlCreateButton("#", 37, 123, 16, 16)
$hButton7 = GUICtrlCreateButton("#", 37, 141, 16, 16)

While 1
    $hMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $hMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $hMsg = $hButton
            ClipPut("ðŸ") ; those are chars that needs to be inserted in a facebook
        Case $hMsg = $hButton2
            ClipPut("â˜") ; here also
        Case $hMsg = $hButton3
        Case $hMsg = $hButton4
        Case $hMsg = $hButton5
        Case $hMsg = $hButton7

At the end I need to get "


Emoticons and stuff like that are processed by the site. Emoji are usually Fonts that just change how chars are represented. 

If it's a problem of them not showing it would likely be because of the chars or collection of chars conflicting with each other. 
Basically you need either time between each paste and/or Spaces between them. 

Or I could be completely confused as to what you're after. 

A true renaissance man

Posted (edited)

First of all much thanks for your answer because I am desperate to solve this. Strange thing about this is that sometimes I get from a script one result and then complitely other. Its not connected to a browser or a site. But similar thing happens on a site. Since I cant paste them here you could look at some examples in here: (cant post direct link but search for "Interesting-WEB-Links"). Its new group I oppened to test stuff so it has nothing to do with advertising. Since it reacts same way as script I see no better way to show my problem...  Here results are breaking the code and cant be shown... There I did some tests and I can paste you there exact results which I am getting from a script.

EDIT: If anyone had problem with a special chars that goes trough autoit code and then change itself for no proper reason (at least known to me), please give me some hint. Thank you! OS is XP...

REEDIT: In some emotic0ns there was 4th char missing and that caused a bug. Dont know how because those ones wasnt even triggered by user (me)... now I am trying to reedit the whole thing...

Edited by Fr33b0w

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