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Posted (edited)

I am trying to read text from Firefox with ff.au3, but i want it to read text from a specified background tab, while I am working/browsing through other tabs.

RIght now, its not possible because with command _FFReadtext(), it reads just text from the currently active tab.

Here is an example what i am trying to do,

#include <FF.au3>

_FFStart("http://www.wetter.de/","", 2)

$lookfor= "Der Wettertrend vom 26.02.2014"


$text = _FFReadtext()
$result=BinaryToString($text, "4")

Until StringInStr($result, $lookfor) > 1
MsgBox(4096, "'" & $lookfor & "' found.", "'" & $lookfor & "' found.",2)

But as I said, the _FFReadtext() command  will just continue reading the text from the currently opened window/tab, but I want that it keeps on reading the Tab/WIndow that i specified, no mater which Window/tab i am currently using/browsing .


Thank you for your help

Edited by Orao

Change to the tab you want to control : _FFTabSetSelected


I tried your suggestion, but this function will Activate the Tab and bring it to the front.

I want to be able to browse on other tabs, while the script executes on a Tab which i specified (the Tab is  in Background).

How could i do this?


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