Bert Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 Look in the example area on how to use ff.au3. There are MANY examples on how to do what you are asking for. By the way - we are trying to help you. You are making it quite difficult seeing you keep REALLY SAYING you want to work with Firefox and complain when we tell you what to do. The Vollatran project My blog:
Arclite86 Posted February 23, 2014 Author Posted February 23, 2014 If have read some window functions and a few idea's came to my mind but i dont know if they are possible: "Winactive": Activates (gives focus to) a window. description: You can use the WinActive function to check if WinActivate succeeded. If multiple windows match the criteria, the window that was most recently active is the one activated. WinActivate works on minimized windows. However, a window that is "Always On Top" could still cover up a window you Activated. Is it possible to focus this function only on firefox and do other things on the chrome browser so the script will run and I could do other things at the same time is that possible? winsetontop: description: Third-party programs which add an "Always On Top" context menu entry might not update their menu entry to reflect the AutoIt-induced change in TOPMOST status. if this is always on top and are you able to do other things on your computer while the script is running?
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted February 26, 2014 Moderators Posted February 26, 2014 (edited) I finally got a chance to look into tweepi further, and compared to Twitter's support page. Would this not indicate services like Tweepi are not wanted? I also noticed on Tweepi's page that a number of functions have been removed, as Twitter blocked usage of them. From Edited February 26, 2014 by JLogan3o13 "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
Arclite86 Posted February 26, 2014 Author Posted February 26, 2014 I finally got a chance to look into tweepi further, and compared to Twitter's support page. Would this not indicate services like Tweepi are not wanted? I also noticed on Tweepi's page that a number of functions have been removed, as Twitter blocked usage of them. From Twitter TOS.png some tweepi functions have been removed (I could get them back if i sign up as a member and pay $$ per month)the only thing tweepi does is add 20 users in one time instead of 1 user at a time so using tweepi is only faster... I contacted the tweepi admin and ask him for some info he told me I could use a javascript instead of using his old function. thats al I know, but now I have tried to create a whole new UDF function like the title says but i cant get it too work, so I found a better and faster way to get the same results but I could use some help with that to because i have discovert that the "_FFXPath" has some issue's tracking some elements '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> I have opened a new thread because its an other subject, I dont hope thats a problem
Bert Posted February 26, 2014 Posted February 26, 2014 Have you thought of using a greasemonkey script? The Vollatran project My blog:
Arclite86 Posted February 27, 2014 Author Posted February 27, 2014 Have you thought of using a greasemonkey script? looks interesting, do you know how I can activate the script that I will add in Greasemonkey if I could activate it with a FF udf function it would be great
Bert Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 GreaseMonkey does not work like that. It is a addon for Firefox that allows you to customize your web experience. I strongly suggest you go to the site and do a bit of research. The Vollatran project My blog:
Bert Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 The Vollatran project My blog:
MrNumbers Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 If you're still interested in using your "Bookmark" method, have you looked into the "ControlSend" function? For instance, the following code will open a new tab in a minimized firefox window (This was tested on an OUTDATED version of firefox - I'm too lazy to download the newest to test Not to mention I use chrome anyways..) ControlSend("[CLASS:MozillaWindowClass]","","","^t")
Bert Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 ControlSend does not work on webpages that Firefox renders. Only controls that are built into Firefox itself. The Vollatran project My blog:
MrNumbers Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 Ah, my apologies. I rarely ever use the function, let alone use autoit with internet browsers
Arclite86 Posted March 1, 2014 Author Posted March 1, 2014 (edited) GreaseMonkey does not work like that. It is a addon for Firefox that allows you to customize your web experience. I strongly suggest you go to the site and do a bit of research. Thanks for the suggestion Im almost done but I have one last problem When i try to run this with greasemonkey: // ==UserScript== // @name tweepi // @namespace tweepi // @description tweepi // @include * ; the website's * = all site's // @version 1 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var input=document.createElement("input"); input.type="button"; input.value="GreaseMonkey Button"; input.onclick = showAlert; document.body.appendChild(input); function showAlert() { alert("Hello World"); } It works fine it shows a button under every page But when i try to do this // ==UserScript== // @name tweepi // @namespace tweepi // @description tweepi // @include // @version 1 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var input=document.createElement("input"); input.type="button"; input.value="GreaseMonkey Button"; input.onclick = showAlert; document.body.appendChild(input); function showAlert() { javascript:(function(){var%20a=function(b,c,d){return%20a=document.getElementsByClassName?function(a,b,c){c=c||document;for(var%20g,d=c.getElementsByClassName(a),e=b?new%20RegExp('\\b'+b+'\\b','i'):null,f=[],h=0,i=d.length;i>h;h+=1)g=d[h],(!e||e.test(g.nodeName))&&f.push(g);return%20f}:document.evaluate?function(a,b,c){b=b||'*',c=c||document;for(var%20i,j,d=a.split('%20'),e='',f='',g=document.documentElement.namespaceURI===f?f:null,h=[],k=0,l=d.length;l>k;k+=1)e+='[contains(concat(\'%20\',%20@class,%20\'%20\'),%20\'%20'+d[k]+'%20\')]';try{i=document.evaluate('.//'+b+e,c,g,0,null)}catch(m){i=document.evaluate('.//'+b+e,c,null,0,null)}for(;j=i.iterateNext();)h.push(j);return%20h}:function(a,b,c){b=b||'*',c=c||document;for(var%20g,i,d=a.split('%20'),e=[],f='*'===b&&c.all?c.all:c.getElementsByTagName(b),h=[],j=0,k=d.length;k>j;j+=1)e.push(new%20RegExp('(^|\\s)'+d[j]+'(\\s|$)'));for(var%20l=0,m=f.length;m>l;l+=1){g=f[l],i=!1;for(var%20n=0,o=e.length;o>n&&(i=e[n].test(g.className),i);n+=1);i&&h.push(g)}return%20h},a(b,c,d)},b=function(a,b){if(-1==a.className.indexOf('x-grid3-row-selected')){var%20c=document.createEvent('MouseEvents');c.initMouseEvent('mousedown',!0,!0,window,0,0,0,0,0,b,b,b,b,0,null),a.dispatchEvent(c);var%20d=document.createEvent('MouseEvents');d.initMouseEvent('click',!0,!0,window,0,0,0,0,0,b,b,b,b,0,null),a.dispatchEvent(d)}};try{if(-1==window.location.href.indexOf(''))throw'';var%20c=document.createElement('script');c.textContent='window.fua();',(document.head||document.documentElement).appendChild(c),c.parentNode.removeChild(c);var%20d=a('x-grid3-rows','div',document.getElementById('tweepiGridDiv'));if(d.length<=0)return;b(d[0],!1),b(d[d.length-1],!0)}catch(e){alert('!%20'+e)}})(); } it doesn't work and there is not button bellow every page, could somebody please help me with this or just help me to track this function with a javascript code "#x-auto-303" Edited March 2, 2014 by Arclite86
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