anwarbham Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 hi i have been trying to create a gui were when u put in the machine ip or machine name in an GuiCtrlCreateInput it then creates and runs a batch file that tells u what server the machine is connected to what apps are on te machine etc and saves the result in a text file then it deletes the batch file.. now my problem is when i press the ok key it does not run the batch file the batch file is created but when i edit the batch file my machine ip has not been inserted in the file can any one help. code below thanks #include <GuiConstants.au3> ; Create commands in cmd file $file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\_LSS.cmd", 2) ;create gui $box = GuiCreate("asset tool", 400, 400) GuiSetIcon(@SystemDir & "\mspaint.exe", 0) ; asset inputbox GuiCtrlCreateLabel("asset Please",40, 20, 40,40) $input1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput( "",40, 60, 90, 20) ; asset read command ;creates the batch file FileWriteLine($file, '@echo off') FileWriteLine($file, 'set check_ws=%'&$input1&'%') FileWriteLine($file, '') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE \\%'&$input1&'\c$\"PROGRAM FILES"\CA\USD\SD\ASM\CONF\ASM.CNF|FIND "ASMSSLSR =SDCP3CME0">>0%\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, '') FileWriteLine($file, 'ping -n 1 %'&$input1&' | find /i "reply">>0%\..\IP.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO ---------------------------------------------------------->>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO 1] THE IP ADDRESS FOR \\%'&$input1&' IS>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE IP.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO 2] THE LMS FOR \\%'&$input1&' IS >>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE LSS.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\lss.tmp') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE \\%'&$input1&'c$"PROGRAM FILES"\CA\USD\SD\ASM\CONF\ASM.CNF|FIND "ASMUILSR =">>%0\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO 3] THE LOCAL LSS FOR \\%'&$input1&' IS >>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE %0\..\LSS.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\lss.tmp') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO **** sOFTWARE INSTALLED ON WORKSTATION ***>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TREE \\%'&$input1&'\c$\"Program Files"\CA\UAM\CLIENTWS\Software /f>>%0\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE %0\..\LSS.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'echo -----** END WORKSTATION *** -----') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'echo %2 ##############') FileWriteLine($file, 'DEL 0%\..\IP.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, 'DEL 0%\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, '@ECHO') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\result.txt') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\IP.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO -------------------------------------------') FileWriteLine($file, 'FOR /f %%a in (%0\..\WS.TXT) do call %0\..\_lss.cmd %%a') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.') FileClose($file);closes the file $Sendmailbutton = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Send mail", 40, 330, 100, 30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "OKPressed") Func OKPressed() RunWait("\_LSS.cmd") ;run the cmd file ; Delete our file once its done FileDelete("_LSS.cmd") EndFunc GuiSetState() While GuiGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE WEnd
GaryFrost Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 Try the extensions .bat instead of .cmd, should work SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
anwarbham Posted September 15, 2005 Author Posted September 15, 2005 no i renamed the cmd in the code still no luck i think its to to with the ok command its not selecting the input text and adding it to the cmd file and the function is not running the file
GaryFrost Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 expandcollapse popup#include <GuiConstants.au3> opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; Create commands in cmd file $file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\_LSS.cmd", 2) ;create gui $box = GUICreate("asset tool", 400, 400) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit") GUISetIcon(@SystemDir & "\mspaint.exe", 0) ; asset inputbox GUICtrlCreateLabel("asset Please", 40, 20, 40, 40) $input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 40, 60, 90, 20); asset read command ;creates the batch file FileWriteLine($file, '@echo off') FileWriteLine($file, 'set check_ws=%' & $input1 & '%') FileWriteLine($file, '') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE \\%' & $input1 & '\c$\"PROGRAM FILES"\CA\USD\SD\ASM\CONF\ASM.CNF|FIND "ASMSSLSR =SDCP3CME0">>0%\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, '') FileWriteLine($file, 'ping -n 1 %' & $input1 & ' | find /i "reply">>0%\..\IP.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO ---------------------------------------------------------->>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO 1] THE IP ADDRESS FOR \\%' & $input1 & ' IS>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE IP.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO 2] THE LMS FOR \\%' & $input1 & ' IS >>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE LSS.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\lss.tmp') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE \\%' & $input1 & 'c$"PROGRAM FILES"\CA\USD\SD\ASM\CONF\ASM.CNF|FIND "ASMUILSR =">>%0\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO 3] THE LOCAL LSS FOR \\%' & $input1 & ' IS >>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE %0\..\LSS.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\lss.tmp') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO **** sOFTWARE INSTALLED ON WORKSTATION ***>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TREE \\%' & $input1 & '\c$\"Program Files"\CA\UAM\CLIENTWS\Software /f>>%0\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE %0\..\LSS.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'echo -----** END WORKSTATION *** -----') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'echo %2 ##############') FileWriteLine($file, 'DEL 0%\..\IP.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, 'DEL 0%\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, '@ECHO') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\result.txt') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\IP.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO -------------------------------------------') FileWriteLine($file, 'FOR /f %%a in (%0\..\WS.TXT) do call %0\..\_lss.cmd %%a') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.') FileClose($file);closes the file $Sendmailbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Send mail", 40, 330, 100, 30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "OKPressed") GUISetState() While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func OKPressed() RunWait("\_LSS.cmd") ;run the cmd file ; Delete our file once its done FileDelete("_LSS.cmd") EndFunc ;==>OKPressed Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
anwarbham Posted September 15, 2005 Author Posted September 15, 2005 thanks it ran the code but didint put in the value from the gui input box so i ammended the code by adding an input box before it seem to like that way cheers code below for any one else #include <GuiConstants.au3> opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; Create commands in cmd file $file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\_LSS.cmd", 2) ;create gui $box = GUICreate("asset tool", 400, 400) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit") GUISetIcon(@SystemDir & "\mspaint.exe", 0) $input1 = InputBox("asset", "Please Enter machine name") ; asset inputbox GUICtrlCreateLabel("asset Please", 40, 20, 40, 40) $input2 = GUICtrlCreateInput($input1, 40, 60, 90, 20); asset read command $Sendmailbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Send mail", 40, 330, 100, 30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "OKPressed") GUISetState() While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func OKPressed() ;creates the batch file FileWriteLine($file, '@echo off') FileWriteLine($file, 'set check_ws=%' & $input1 & '%') FileWriteLine($file, '') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE \\%' & $input1 & '\c$\"PROGRAM FILES"\CA\USD\SD\ASM\CONF\ASM.CNF|FIND "ASMSSLSR =SDCP3CME0">>0%\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, '') FileWriteLine($file, 'ping -n 1 %' & $input1 & ' | find /i "reply">>0%\..\IP.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO ---------------------------------------------------------->>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO 1] THE IP ADDRESS FOR \\%' & $input1 & ' IS>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE IP.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO 2] THE LMS FOR \\%' & $input1 & ' IS >>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE LSS.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\lss.tmp') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE \\%' & $input1 & 'c$"PROGRAM FILES"\CA\USD\SD\ASM\CONF\ASM.CNF|FIND "ASMUILSR =">>%0\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO 3] THE LOCAL LSS FOR \\%' & $input1 & ' IS >>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE %0\..\LSS.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\lss.tmp') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO **** sOFTWARE INSTALLED ON WORKSTATION ***>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TREE \\%' & $input1 & '\c$\"Program Files"\CA\UAM\CLIENTWS\Software /f>>%0\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE %0\..\LSS.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'echo -----** END WORKSTATION *** -----') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'echo %2 ##############') FileWriteLine($file, 'DEL 0%\..\IP.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, 'DEL 0%\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, '@ECHO') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\result.txt') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\IP.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO -------------------------------------------') FileWriteLine($file, 'FOR /f %%a in (%0\..\WS.TXT) do call %0\..\_lss.cmd %%a') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.') FileClose($file);closes the file RunWait("\_LSS.cmd") ;run the cmd file ; Delete our file once its done FileDelete("_LSS.cmd") EndFunc ;==>OKPressed Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit
Dickb Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 I gave it a quick look changed some things. You use the _lss.cmd file in different ways. For example: In FileOpen: @ScriptDir & "\_LSS.cmd" In RunWait: "\_LSS.cmd" In FileDelete "_LSS.cmd" This can work if you are in the root directory, else it will give problems. Also create and close the file in the same function is the best way to do in this case. Well, I didn't look into the generated script code, but give this a try and let me know what the result is. Maybe more adjustments are needed. Dick expandcollapse popup#include <GuiConstants.au3> opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; Create commands in cmd file ;create gui $box = GUICreate("asset tool", 400, 400) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit") GUISetIcon(@SystemDir & "\mspaint.exe", 0) ; $input1 = InputBox("asset", "Please Enter machine name") ; asset inputbox GUICtrlCreateLabel("asset Please", 40, 20, 40, 40) $input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 40, 60, 90, 20); asset read command $Sendmailbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Send mail", 40, 330, 100, 30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "OKPressed") GUISetState() While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func OKPressed() $Input = GuiCtrlRead($input1) ;creates the batch file $file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\_LSS.cmd", 2) FileWriteLine($file, '@echo off') FileWriteLine($file, 'set check_ws=%' & $Input & '%') FileWriteLine($file, '') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE \\%' & $Input & '\c$\"PROGRAM FILES"\CA\USD\SD\ASM\CONF\ASM.CNF|FIND "ASMSSLSR =SDCP3CME0">>0%\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, '') FileWriteLine($file, 'ping -n 1 %' & $Input & ' | find /i "reply">>0%\..\IP.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO ---------------------------------------------------------->>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO 1] THE IP ADDRESS FOR \\%' & $Input & ' IS>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE IP.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO 2] THE LMS FOR \\%' & $Input & ' IS >>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE LSS.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\lss.tmp') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE \\%' & $Input & '\c$"PROGRAM FILES"\CA\USD\SD\ASM\CONF\ASM.CNF|FIND "ASMUILSR =">>%0\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO 3] THE LOCAL LSS FOR \\%' & $Input & ' IS >>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE %0\..\LSS.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\lss.tmp') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO **** sOFTWARE INSTALLED ON WORKSTATION ***>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'TREE \\%' & $Input & '\c$\"Program Files"\CA\UAM\CLIENTWS\Software /f>>%0\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'TYPE %0\..\LSS.TMP>>%0\..\rESULT.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'echo -----** END WORKSTATION *** -----') FileWriteLine($file, ' ') FileWriteLine($file, 'echo %2 ##############') FileWriteLine($file, 'DEL 0%\..\IP.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, 'DEL 0%\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, '@ECHO') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\result.txt') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\LSS.TMP') FileWriteLine($file, 'del %0\..\IP.TXT') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO -------------------------------------------') FileWriteLine($file, 'FOR /f %%a in (%0\..\WS.TXT) do call %0\..\_lss.cmd %%a') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.') FileWriteLine($file, 'ECHO.') FileClose($file);closes the file ;run the cmd file RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\_LSS.cmd") ; Delete our file once its done FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\_LSS.cmd") EndFunc ;==>OKPressed Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit
anwarbham Posted September 16, 2005 Author Posted September 16, 2005 Cheers dudue that works fine i dont have to use a seprate msg box now and it deleted the cmd later too thanks a lot
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