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How to get the actual drive letter?

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Guest cjschrattenthaler


Is it possible to get the drive letter from the drive the EXE file is run?

Because, I want to create a CD-Menu, and I want to open the Windows Explorer for "Search CD-Rom...", and I want link the user directly to the CD-Rom drive, and not only start the Explorer.



Guest cjschrattenthaler


I found a working solution:

Create a script file "starte_WindowsExplorer.au3":


; AutoIt Version: 3.0

; Author: Christian-Josef Schrattenthaler

; Beschreibung: Dieses Script ermittelt das aktuelle Laufwerk, und startet anschließend den Windows-Explorer.

; Aktuelles Laufwerk ermitteln:

$aktuellesLaufwerk = StringLeft(@ScriptDir, 3)

; Windows-Explorer starten:

Run("Explorer.exe /e," & $aktuellesLaufwerk)

; Ende.


Compile Script to .exe

Create a "fscommand" folder in the same folder as the flash file is.

Copy the AutoIt .exe file in this folder.

Now you can call the AutoIt .exe file over "fscommand("exec","starte_WindowsExplorer");" in the flash file.




Take a look at the command DriveGetDrive as well.

David Nuttall
Nuttall Computer Consulting

An Aquarius born during the Age of Aquarius

AutoIt allows me to re-invent the wheel so much faster.

I'm off to write a wizard, a wonderful wizard of odd...


Func FindCD()

$abc = ""

$found = 0

For $i = 65 To 90

$abc = Chr($i) & ':\'

$cdr = DriveGetType($abc)

If $cdr = 'CDROM' Then $found = 1

Return $abc



If $found = 0 Then

Return 'false'


EndFunc ;==>FindCD


$driveletter = stringleft(@scriptdir, 2)


Take a look at the command DriveGetDrive as well.


As Nutster said this works just as well, this is from the help file

$var = DriveGetDrive( "CDROM" )
If NOT @error Then
    MsgBox(4096,"", "Found " & $var[0] & " drives")
    For $i = 1 to $var[0]
        MsgBox(4096,"Drive " & $i, $var[$i])

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


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