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While Not Func1() And Func2() vs While Not Func1() And Not Func2()

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I´m getting mixed up!

What´s the difference between:

While NOT Func1() AND Func2()  


While NOT Func1() AND NOT Func2()



I´m using lots of these and it works find,

but now that I´m rewriting my script I´m mixing things up and getting unsure.

Edited by guestscripter
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In the first example NOT is only effective for Func1.

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Cheers for the quick and simple response!

Although even better for the future would be to have a grip on why.

It says in the helpfile:

When more than one operator is used in an expression the order in which things happen is controlled by operator precedence. The precedence used in AutoIt is given below. Where two operators have the same precedence the expression is evaluated left to right.

From highest precedence to lowest:

    * /
    + -
    < > <= >= = <> ==
    And Or

So since "Not" has the highest precedence, including over "And",

wouldn´t it apply to the remaining statements in a line like: ?

While NOT Func1() AND Func2()

...So I guess the answer is it wouldn´t.


P.S. I mean in terms of understanding the precedences,

While NOT (Func1() AND Func2())

would I guess apply to both functions, but that would have more to do with the brackets than the precendence between And and Not...


While NOT Func1() AND Func2() 
;is the same as 
While (NOT Func1()) AND Func2() 

While NOT Func1() AND NOT Func2()
;is the same as 
While NOT (Func1() AND Func2()) 

yes? :-)

Edited by guestscripter
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It seen as While (Not Func1()) And Func2()

Edited by BrewManNH

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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