LWC Posted July 28, 2015 Posted July 28, 2015 I've updated the "add a column" feature to be able to actually add a column and not replace it:; add column with values $insert_column = 3 ; which column to enter ReDim $aData[$aData[0][0]+1][ubound($aData, 2)+1] For $i=1 To $aData[0][0] For $j=ubound($aData, 2)-1 to $insert_column Step -1 $aData[$i][$j]=$aData[$i][$j-1] next $aData[$i][$insert_column-1]= 'Foobar' Next _ArrayDisplay($aData) ; display the result@Terenz, i really hope that by now you started coding it by yourself, rather than waiting for my reply. if you did, you probably already have it working, and you won't be needing this:#include <Array.au3> #include "_filearray2d.au3" ; declare variables Dim $aData[1] Global $sFile=@ScriptDir&'\data.txt' _FileToArray2D($sFile,$aData,' - ') ; get initial data _ArrayDisplay($aData) ; display it for verification ; add index For $i=1 To $aData[0][0] $aData[$i][0]&=$i $aData[$i][1]&=$i Next _ArrayDisplay($aData) ; display the result ; add column with values ReDim $aData[$aData[0][0]+1][3] For $i=1 To $aData[0][0] $aData[$i][2]=$aData[$i][1]&' in 3rd column' Next _ArrayDisplay($aData) ; display the result ; remove columns except 1st ReDim $aData[$aData[0][0]+1][1] _ArrayDisplay($aData) ; display the resultthis is based on the functions i mentioned earlier, but slightly modified. save this code by the name "_filearray2d.au3" in the same folder as the script above:expandcollapse popup#include-Once #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: FileArray2D ; AutoIt Version : 3.2.10++ ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Functions for creating en reading 2D arrays. ; Author(s) .....: Frans (SnArF) Ordelman ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #NO_DOC_FUNCTION# ============================================================================================================= ; Not working/documented/implemented at this time ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ;_FileToArray2D ;_FileFromArray2D ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _FileToArray2D ; Description ...: Creates a 2D array from a file. ; Syntax.........: _FileToArray2D($aFile, ByRef $aArray, $aDelim = ";", $aStartRow = 1, $aEndRow = 0) ; Parameters ....: $aFile - File to read ; $aArray - 2D Array to create ; $aDelim - [Optional] String delimiter, default is ";" ; $aStartRow - [Optional] Row to start, default is 1 ; $aEndRow = [Optional] Row to end, default is 0 (all) ; Return values .: Success - Index of last added item ; Failure - -1, sets @error ; Author ........: Frans (SnArF) Ordelman ; Modified.......: orbs (31/12/2013): added flag = 1 to StringSplit (2 calls) ; Remarks .......: $aEndRow positive stops importing at file-line nr. in file, ; a negative value will import all lines - last nr off lines ; Related .......: _FileFromArray2D ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileToArray2D($aFile, ByRef $aArray, $aDelim = ";", $aStartRow = 1, $aEndRow = 0) Local $aRead, $aRows, $aColums, $aString, $i, $k $aRead = FileOpen($aFile) If $aStartRow < 1 Then $aStartRow = 1 $aRows = _FileCountLines($aFile) + 1 - $aStartRow If $aEndRow > 0 Then $aRows = $aRows - ($aRows - $aEndRow + $aStartRow - 1) If $aEndRow < 0 Then $aRows = $aRows + $aEndRow $aColums = UBound(StringSplit(FileReadLine($aRead, $aStartRow), $aDelim,1)) - 1 FileSetPos($aRead, 0, $FILE_BEGIN) FileReadLine($aRead, -1 + $aStartRow) Local $aArrayTemp[$aRows + 1][$aColums] $aArrayTemp[0][0] = $aRows For $i = 1 To $aRows $aString = StringSplit(FileReadLine($aRead), $aDelim,1) For $k = 0 To $aColums - 1 $aArrayTemp[$i][$k] = $aString[$k + 1] Next Next FileClose($aRead) $aArray = $aArrayTemp EndFunc ;==>_FileToArray2D ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _FileFromArray2D ; Description ...: Creates a file from a 2D array. ; Syntax.........: _FileFromArray2d($aFile, $aArray, $aDelim = ";", $aWriteMode = 2, $aStartRow = 0, $aEndRow = 0, $aStartCol = 0, $aEndCol = -1) ; Parameters ....: $aFile - File to create ; $aArray - 2D Array to read ; $aDelim - [Optional] String delimiter, default is ";" ; $aWriteMode - [Optional] Mode to open the file in, default is 2 ; $aStartRow - [Optional] Row to start, default is 0 ; $aEndRow = [Optional] Row to end, default is 0 (all) ; $aStartCol = [Optional] Colum to start, default is 0 ; $aEndCol = [Optional] Column to end, default is -1 (all) ; Return values .: Success - Index of last added item ; Failure - -1, sets @error ; Author ........: Frans (SnArF) Ordelman ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: $aEndRow positive stops importing at row nr. in array, ; a negative value will import all rows - last nr off rows ; Related .......: _FileToArray2D ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileFromArray2d($aFile, $aArray, $aDelim = ";", $aWriteMode = 2, $aStartRow = 0, $aEndRow = 0, $aStartCol = 0, $aEndCol = -1) Local $aWrite, $aUboundRow, $aUboundCol, $aLine, $aDelimNr, $i, $k If Not IsArray($aArray) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf $aWrite = FileOpen($aFile, $aWriteMode) If $aWrite = -1 Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf $aUboundRow = UBound($aArray, 1) - 1 $aUboundCol = UBound($aArray, 2) - 1 $aDelimNr = StringLen($aDelim) If $aEndRow > $aUboundRow Or $aEndRow = 0 Then $aEndRow = $aUboundRow If $aEndRow < 0 Then $aEndRow = $aUboundRow + $aEndRow If $aEndCol > $aUboundCol Or $aEndCol = -1 Then $aEndCol = $aUboundCol If $aEndRow < $aStartRow Then SetError(3) Return 0 EndIf For $i = $aStartRow To $aEndRow $aLine = "" For $k = $aStartCol To $aEndCol $aLine &= $aArray[$i][$k] & $aDelim Next $aLine = StringTrimRight($aLine, $aDelimNr) FileWriteLine($aWrite, $aLine) Next FileClose($aWrite) EndFunc ;==>_FileFromArray2dsave your data in the text file "data.txt" in the same folder as the script, then launch the script. enjoy!
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