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Hi Geeks,

I am very new to AutoIt. Currently, I am trying to write automated testing framework for windows application form.

Unfortunately, Many commands are returning unexpected results. For example, i am trying to switch infragistics tab index from 0 to 1 by using following script

but it never works

$tab = ControlGetHandle("Title", "", "[NAME:ultraTabControl1]")
_GUICtrlTab_SetCurSel($tab, 1)

I guess that AutoIt does not capable to handle infragistics controls. is it true? 



Posted (edited)

Welcome to the forum.

You should provide more information, so we can help you.

- Post your FULL script.

- Post URL or program name, so we can test your script.

- Show the console output of your test, so we can guess about the error.

My first guess is: Your window title does not contain the literal "Title".

BTW: This thread would better fit into the "General Help and Support" forum.

Edited by Exit

App: Au3toCmd              UDF: _SingleScript()                             


The Infragistics Silverlight and WPF suites of controls supports Microsoft UI Automation. You find an AutoIt implementation of the UI Automation interfaces here.


Welcome to the forum.

You should provide more information, so we can help you.

- Post your FULL script.

- Post URL or program name, so we can test your script.

- Show the console output of your test, so we can guess about the error.

My first guess is: Your window title does not contain the literal "Title".

BTW: This thread would better fit into the "General Help and Support" forum.


Thanks for your replay, i will create my new post at General Help and Support.

following script can do the tab right option

ControlCommand ("Title", "","[NAME:ultraTabControl1]" ,"TabRight", "")

but the above mentioned script,

$tab = ControlGetHandle("Title", "", "[NAME:ultraTabControl1]")
_GUICtrlTab_SetCurSel($tab, 1)

can not do the tab selection with respect tab index.

For both cases, i am using infragistics tab control as well as "Title" is my window name

Can you help me to find this issue?


Try _GUICtrlTab_ActivateTab()?


Hi , thanks for your response, i have tried following script but tab index remains same state

_GUICtrlTab_ActivateTab("[NAME:ultraTabControl1]", 1) ; and it returns 0

FYI, i also tried following functions _GUICtrlTab_ClickTab(),_GUICtrlTab_FindTab(),_GUICtrlTab_GetItem(),_GUICtrlTab_GetImageList() and it returned either 0 or -1

Can you provide some other technique to change the tab index.


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