czardas Posted December 18, 2013 Share Posted December 18, 2013 (edited) LOL at everything I say being out by 1 count. I haven't had time to look at all the examples, but I can guarantee that all sieve methods run into memory allocation issues quite quickly. The sieve of Eratosthenes seems to be the easiest to understand. The following function is a slight improvement on my previous attempt. It is possible to get it to run slightly faster, but I think it's reasonably fast already. First it checks divisibility by 2, 3 and 5, after which multiples of these numbers do not appear again (I may add 7 to this list). Testing the largest prime that AutoIt can handle - 999999999999989 - takes just over 12 seconds on my 2GB RAM machine. I'm unlikely to ever use a prime number as large as this anyway. The function still only checks positive prime numbers. ; Func _IsPrime($number) If Not IsInt($number) Then Return SetError(1) ; Only integers are allowed If $number < 2 Then Return False If $number = 2 Or $number = 3 Or $number = 5 Then Return True Local $nRoot = Sqrt($number) If Not (Mod($number, 2) And Mod($number, 3) And Mod($number, 5)) Or IsInt($nRoot) Then Return False Local $bRet = True, $aFactors[8] = [7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31] For $i = 0 To 7 For $j = $aFactors[$i] To Floor($nRoot) Step 30 If Mod($number, $j) Then ContinueLoop $bRet = False ExitLoop 2 Next Next Return $bRet EndFunc Edited December 18, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jchd Posted December 18, 2013 Share Posted December 18, 2013 (edited) For the record and since the OP mentionned primality testing, here is a raw version using bignums. Of course it's slow as hell because it relies on computations of numbers as strings. Whatever its slowness it produces a (probalislistic) result based on Miller-Rabin. expandcollapse popup#include "..\Include\bignum.au3" ; my own modified version which includes _BigNum_PowerMod (copied below) ; crude _BigNum implementation of probabilistic Miller-Rabin compositeness test ; number to test: here make it >= 100 else the test might fail Local $candidate = "454733717237630011195533075834214747406229320286815590939371" ConsoleWrite($candidate & " is " & (_IsBigNumComposite($candidate) ? "composite." : "probably prime with high probalitity.") & @LF) Func _IsBigNumComposite($n) If $n = "0" Or $n = "1" Then Return True ; technically speaking, $n is not prime If $n = "2" Then Return False ; 2 is always a poison in prime operations! If Mod(StringRight($n, 1), 2) = 0 Then Return True Local $n_1 = _BigNum_Sub($n, "1") Local $t, $q = $n_1 While Mod(StringRight($q, 1), 2) = 0 ; while $q even $t += 1 $q = _BigNum_Div($q, 2) WEnd Local $a, $e, $b, $any For $c = 1 To 10 ; 10 test rounds are enough for demonstration purposes $a = String(Random(2, 100, 1)) ; the range upper bound doesn't really matter as long as it is < $n $b = _BigNum_PowerMod($a, $q, $n) If $b <> "1" Then For $e = 1 To $t If $b = $n_1 Then ContinueLoop $b = _BigNum_Mod(_BigNum_Mul($b, $b), $n) Next If $b <> $n_1 Then Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc #cs ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_PowerMod ; Description ...: Modular Exponentiation Mod($n^$e, $k) ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Pow($n, $e, $k) ; Parameters ....: $n - Positive StringNumber: Digits"0"..."9" ; $e - Positive StringNumber: Exponent ; $k - Positive StringNumber: Modulus ; Return values .: Success - Result Mod($n^$e, $k) ; Failure - -1, sets @error to 1 if $n is not a positive valid StringNumber ; -1, sets @error to 2 if $e is not a positive valid StringNumber ; -1, sets @error to 3 if $k is not a positive valid StringNumber ; Author ........: jchd ; Date ..........: 17.12.13 ; Remarks .......: Fractional exponents not allowed - use BigNum_n_root instead. ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_PowerMod($n, $e, $k) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($n) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($e) Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($k) Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) Local $res = "1" While $e <> "0" If Mod(StringRight($e, 1), 2) Then $res = _BigNum_Mod(_BigNum_Mul($res, $n), $k) $e = _BigNum_Sub($e, "1") EndIf $n = _BigNum_Mod(_BigNum_Mul($n, $n), $k) $e = _BigNum_Div($e, "2") WEnd Return $res EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_PowerMod #ce EDIT: I realize that the function posted won't work unless I provide my modified BigNum.au3. So here it is: expandcollapse popup#include-once ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: BigNum ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Perform calculations with big numbers ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ;_BigNum_Parse ;_BigNum_Add ;_BigNum_Sub ;_BigNum_Mul ;_BigNum_Div ;_BigNum_Pow ;_BigNum_PowerMod ;_BigNum_SQRT ;_BigNum_n_Root ;_BigNum_Mod ;_BigNum_Round ;_BigNum_Compare ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ;__BigNum_Swap ;__BigNum_CheckNegative ;__BigNum_DivAdd ;__BigNum_DivComp ;__BigNum_DivSub ;__BigNum_Div_DivisorGreater14 ;__BigNum_Div_DivisorMaxLen14 ;__BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator ;__BigNum_StringIsDecimal ;__BigNum_IsValid ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; Name...........: _BigNum_Parse ; Description ...: Parses a line using bigNums ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Parse($sLine) ; Parameters ....: $sLine - e.g. "-1-(2-4*3^(2*5))/(-2.5)" ; ^ : Power ; % : Mod ; / : Div ; * : Mul ; + : Add ; - : Sub ; Return values .: Success - Result ; Failure - ? ; Remarks .......: ; Author ........: eukalyptus ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Parse($sLine) $sLine = StringStripWS($sLine, 8) $sLine = StringRegExpReplace($sLine, "([\^%/*+-])", "$1#") Local $aReg = StringRegExp($sLine, "\(([^()]+)\)", 3) If IsArray($aReg) Then $sLine = StringRegExpReplace($sLine, "\([^()]+\)", Chr(1)) For $i = 0 To UBound($aReg) - 1 $sLine = StringReplace($sLine, Chr(1), _BigNum_Parse($aReg[$i]), 1) Next $sLine = _BigNum_Parse($sLine) EndIf Local $aOp[6][2] = [["\^", "_BigNum_Pow"],["%", "_BigNum_Mod"],["/", "_BigNum_Div"],["\*", "_BigNum_Mul"],["\+", "_BigNum_Add"],["-", "_BigNum_Sub"]] Local $iCnt = 0 While $iCnt < 6 $aReg = StringRegExp($sLine, "(-*[0-9.]+)\#*" & $aOp[$iCnt][0] & "\#*(-*[0-9.]+)", 1) If IsArray($aReg) Then $sLine = StringRegExpReplace($sLine, "-*[0-9.]+\#*" & $aOp[$iCnt][0] & "\#*-*[0-9.]+", Call($aOp[$iCnt][1], $aReg[0], $aReg[1]), 1) Else $iCnt += 1 EndIf WEnd $sLine = StringReplace($sLine, "#", "") $sLine = StringReplace($sLine, "--", "+") If StringRegExp($sLine, "^\+[0-9.]+$") Then $sLine = StringReplace($sLine, "+", "") Return $sLine EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Parse ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Add ; Description ...: Addition $sX + $sY ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Add($sX, $sY) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $sY - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; Return values .: Success - Result $sX + $sY ; Failure - 0, sets @error to 1 if $sX/$sY not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Add($sX, $sY) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($sX) Or Not __BigNum_IsValid($sY) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iNeg = __BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sY), $sNeg = "" Switch $iNeg Case 3 $sNeg = "-" Case 1 Return _BigNum_Sub($sY, $sX) Case 2 Return _BigNum_Sub($sX, $sY) EndSwitch Local $iDec = __BigNum_StringIsDecimal($sX, $sY) Local $iTmp = StringLen($sX), $iLen = StringLen($sY), $iCar = 0, $sRet = "" If $iLen < $iTmp Then $iLen = $iTmp For $i = 1 To $iLen Step 18 $iTmp = Int(StringRight($sX, 18)) + Int(StringRight($sY, 18)) + $iCar $sX = StringTrimRight($sX, 18) $sY = StringTrimRight($sY, 18) If ($iTmp > 999999999999999999) Then $iTmp = StringRight($iTmp, 18) $sRet = $iTmp & $sRet $iCar = 1 Else $iTmp = StringRight("000000000000000000" & $iTmp, 18) $sRet = $iTmp & $sRet $iCar = 0 EndIf Next $sRet = StringRegExpReplace($iCar & $sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) If $iDec > 0 Then $sRet = __BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator($sRet, $iDec, $iDec) If $sRet = "0" Then $sNeg = "" Return $sNeg & $sRet EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Add ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Sub ; Description ...: Subtraction $sX - $sY ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Sub($sX, $sY) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $sY - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; Return values .: Success - Result $sX - $sY ; Failure - 0, sets @error to 1 if $sX/$sY not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Sub($sX, $sY) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($sX) Or Not __BigNum_IsValid($sY) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iNeg = __BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sY), $bNeg = False Switch $iNeg Case 3 Return _BigNum_Add("-" & $sX, $sY) Case 1 Return "-" & _BigNum_Add($sX, $sY) Case 2 Return _BigNum_Add($sX, $sY) EndSwitch Local $iDec = __BigNum_StringIsDecimal($sX, $sY) If _BigNum_Compare($sX, $sY) = -1 Then $bNeg = __BigNum_Swap($sX, $sY) Local $iTmp = StringLen($sX), $iLen = StringLen($sY), $iCar = 0, $sRet = "" If $iLen < $iTmp Then $iLen = $iTmp For $i = 1 To $iLen Step 18 $iTmp = Int(StringRight($sX, 18)) - Int(StringRight($sY, 18)) - $iCar $sX = StringTrimRight($sX, 18) $sY = StringTrimRight($sY, 18) If $iTmp < 0 Then $iTmp = 1000000000000000000 + $iTmp $iCar = 1 Else $iCar = 0 EndIf $sRet = StringRight("0000000000000000000" & $iTmp, 18) & $sRet Next $sRet = StringRegExpReplace($iCar & $sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) If $iDec > 0 Then $sRet = __BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator($sRet, $iDec, $iDec) If $bNeg = True And $sRet <> "0" Then Return "-" & $sRet Else Return $sRet EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Sub ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Mul ; Description ...: Multiplication $sX * $sY ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Mul($sX, $sY) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $sY - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; Return values .: Success - Result $sX * $sY ; Failure - 0, sets @error to 1 if $sX or $sY not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Mul($sX, $sY) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($sX) Or Not __BigNum_IsValid($sY) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iNeg = __BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sY), $sNeg = "" Local $iDec = __BigNum_StringIsDecimal($sX, $sY) ;~ Local $aX = StringRegExp($sX, '\A.{' & 6 - (Ceiling(StringLen($sX) / 6) * 6 - StringLen($sX)) & '}|.{6}+', 3) Local $aX = StringRegExp($sX, '(\A\d{1,5}(?=(?:\d{6})*\z)|\d{6})', 3) ;~ Local $aY = StringRegExp($sY, '\A.{' & 6 - (Ceiling(StringLen($sY) / 6) * 6 - StringLen($sY)) & '}|.{6}+', 3) Local $aY = StringRegExp($sY, '(\A\d{1,5}(?=(?:\d{6})*\z)|\d{6})', 3) Local $aRet[UBound($aX) + UBound($aY) - 1] For $j = 0 To UBound($aX) - 1 For $i = 0 To UBound($aY) - 1 $aRet[$j + $i] += $aX[$j] * $aY[$i] Next Next Local $sRet = "", $iCar = 0, $iTmp For $i = UBound($aRet) - 1 To 0 Step -1 $aRet[$i] += $iCar $iCar = Floor($aRet[$i] / 1000000) $iTmp = Mod($aRet[$i], 1000000) ;~ If $iTmp <= 1000000 Then $iTmp = StringRight("000000" & $iTmp, 6) If $iTmp < 100000 Then $iTmp = StringRight("000000" & $iTmp, 6) $sRet = $iTmp & $sRet Next If $iCar > 0 Then $sRet = $iCar & $sRet $sRet = StringRegExpReplace($sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) If ($iNeg = 1 Or $iNeg = 2) And $sRet <> "0" Then $sNeg = "-" If $iDec > 0 Then $sRet = __BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator($sRet, $iDec * 2, $iDec * 2) Return $sNeg & $sRet EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Mul ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Div ; Description ...: Division $sX / $sY ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Div($sX, $sY, [$iD = 0]) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $sY - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $iD [optional] - Number of Decimalplaces; if -1 then $iD = StringLen($sX) + StringLen($sY) ; Return values .: Success - Result $sX / $sY ; Failure - 0, sets @error to 1 if $sX/$sY not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Div($sX, $sY, $iD = -1) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($sX) Or Not __BigNum_IsValid($sY) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iNeg = __BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sY), $sNeg = "" If $iD = -1 Then $iD = StringLen($sX) + StringLen($sY) Local $iDec = __BigNum_StringIsDecimal($sX, $sY), $sMod If $sX = 0 Or $sY = 0 Then Return "0" If $sY = "1" Then Return $sNeg & $sX While StringLeft($sX, 1) = "0" $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, 1) $iDec += 1 WEnd While StringLeft($sY, 1) = "0" $sY = StringTrimLeft($sY, 1) $iDec += 1 WEnd Local $sRet = "", $iLnX = StringLen($sX), $iLnY = StringLen($sY), $iTmp, $iCnt, $sTmp, $iDe1 = 0 If $iD > 0 Then $iDe1 += $iD If $iNeg = 1 Or $iNeg = 2 Then $sNeg = "-" $iTmp = _BigNum_Compare($sX, $sY) If $iTmp = -1 Then For $iCnt = $iLnX To $iLnY $sX &= 0 $iDe1 += 1 Next EndIf If $iTmp = 0 Then Return $sNeg & "1" If $iD = -1 Then $iD = $iDec * 2 For $iCnt = 1 To $iD $sX &= "0" Next If $iLnY > 14 Then $sRet = __BigNum_Div_DivisorGreater14($sX, $sY, $sMod) Else $sRet = __BigNum_Div_DivisorMaxLen14($sX, $sY, $sMod) EndIf If $iDe1 > 0 Then $sRet = __BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator($sRet, $iDe1, $iD) If $sRet = "0" Then Return "0" Else Return $sNeg & $sRet EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Div ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Pow ; Description ...: Exponentiation $n^$e ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Pow($n [, $e = 2]) ; Parameters ....: $n - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $e [optional] - Exponent (must be a positive 64-bit signed integer) ; Default: $e = 2 means result = $nҍ ; Return values .: Success - Result $n^$e ; Failure - -1, sets @error to 1 if $n not valid StringNumber ; -1, sets @error to 2 if $e is not a positive Integer ; Author ........: jennicoattminusonlinedotde ; Date ..........: 9.12.09 ; Remarks .......: Fractional exponents not allowed - use BigNum_n_root instead. ; _BigNum_Pow() offers a drastically better efficiency than looping _BigNum_Mul() ; Reference .....: ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Pow($n, $e = 2) $e = Number($e) If IsInt($e) = 0 Or $e < 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) ;If $e < -2147483648 Or $e > 2147483647 Then Return SetError(-2, 0, -1) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($n) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $res = 1 While $e ;If BitAND($e, 1) Then ; bitoperation is not faster ! If Mod($e, 2) Then $res = _BigNum_Mul($res, $n) $e -= 1 EndIf $n = _BigNum_Mul($n, $n) ;$e = BitShift($e, 1) ; bitoperation is not faster ! $e /= 2 WEnd Return $res EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Pow ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_PowerMod ; Description ...: Modular Exponentiation Mod($n^$e, $k) ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Pow($n, $e, $k) ; Parameters ....: $n - Positive StringNumber: Digits"0"..."9" ; $e - Positive StringNumber: Exponent ; $k - Positive StringNumber: Modulus ; Return values .: Success - Result Mod($n^$e, $k) ; Failure - -1, sets @error to 1 if $n is not a positive valid StringNumber ; -1, sets @error to 2 if $e is not a positive valid StringNumber ; -1, sets @error to 3 if $k is not a positive valid StringNumber ; Author ........: jchd ; Date ..........: 17.12.13 ; Remarks .......: Fractional exponents not allowed - use BigNum_n_root instead. ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_PowerMod($n, $e, $k) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($n) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($e) Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($k) Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) Local $res = "1" While $e <> "0" If Mod(StringRight($e, 1), 2) Then $res = _BigNum_Mod(_BigNum_Mul($res, $n), $k) $e = _BigNum_Sub($e, "1") EndIf $n = _BigNum_Mod(_BigNum_Mul($n, $n), $k) $e = _BigNum_Div($e, "2") WEnd Return $res EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_PowerMod ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_SQRT ; Description ...: Square Root (BigNum) ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_SQRT($n [, $p = -1]) ; Parameters ....: $n - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $p [optional] - Precision (Number of Decimalplaces) (must be positive Integer) ; Default: $p = -1 means automatic precision (stringlen of integer part of $n) ; Return values .: Success - Result SQRT($n) ; @extended = Precicion of result (if $p set to automatic precision) ; @error = Number of Iterations ; Failure - -1, sets @error to -1 if $n not valid StringNumber ; -1, sets @error to -2 if $p is out of valid range ; -1, sets @error to -3 if time-out (>100 iterations) ; Author ........: jennicoattminusonlinedotde ; Date ..........: 8.12.09 ; Remarks .......: use Precision param when u want to obtain the square root of a small number with the desired decimal places. ; References ....: ; "Newton's Method" - before: Heron of Alexandria ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_SQRT($n, $p = -1) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($n) Then Return SetError(-1, 0, -1) $p = Number($p) If IsInt($p) = 0 Or $p < -1 Then Return SetError(-2, 0, -1) Local $l = StringInStr($n, ".") - 1 If $l = -1 Then $l = StringLen($n) If $p < 0 Then $p = $l Local $g = 1, $last For $i = 3 To $l Step 2 $g = _BigNum_Mul($g, 10) Next For $i = 1 To 100 $last = $g $g = _BigNum_Div(_BigNum_Add(_BigNum_Div($n, $g, $p), $g), 2, $p) If $last = $g Then Return SetError($i, $p, $g) Next Return SetError(-3, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_SQRT ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_n_Root ; Description ...: $e-th Root of $n ; Syntax.........: _n_Root($n [, $e=2]) ; Parameters ....: $n - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $e - [optional] Multiplicity of root (power, exponent) (must be a positive 64-bit signed integer > 0) ; Default: $e = 2 (=SQRT) ; $p - [optional] Precision (Number of desired Decimalplaces) (must be positive Integer) ; Default: $p = -1 means automatic precision (stringlen of integer part of $n) ; Return values .: Success - Result $e-root($n) ; @extended = Number of Iterations ; Failure - -1 and sets @error to 1 if $n not valid StringNumber ; -1 and sets @error to 2 if $e out of valid range ; -1 and sets @error to 3 if $p out of valid range ; Author ........: jennicoattminusonlinedotde ; Date ..........: 9.12.09 ; References ....: derived from "Newton's Method" ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_n_Root($n, $e = 2, $p = -1) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($n) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) $e = Number($e) If IsInt($e) = 0 Or $e < 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) $p = Number($p) If IsInt($p) = 0 Or $p < -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) Local $l = StringInStr($n, ".") - 1 If $l = -1 Then $l = StringLen($n) If $p < 0 Then $p = $l Local $g = 1, $last, $i = 0 For $i = 3 To $l Step 2 $g = _BigNum_Mul($g, 10) Next While 1 $i += 1 $last = $g $g = _BigNum_Div(_BigNum_Add(_BigNum_Div($n, _BigNum_Pow($g, $e - 1), $p), _BigNum_Mul($g, $e - 1)), $e, $p) If $last = $g Then Return SetExtended($i, $g) WEnd EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_n_Root ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Mod ; Description ...: Modulo Mod($sX, $sY) ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Mod($sX, $sY) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $sY - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; Return values .: Success - Result Mod($sX, $sY) ; Failure - 0, sets @error to 1 if $sX or $sY not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Mod($sX, $sY) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($sX) Or Not __BigNum_IsValid($sY) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If $sY = 0 Or $sY = 1 Then Return "0" Local $sRes = $sX Local $iNeg = __BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sY) Local $iDec = __BigNum_StringIsDecimal($sX, $sY) If _BigNum_Compare($sX, $sY) < 0 Then Return $sRes Local $sRet = "", $iLnX = StringLen($sX), $iLnY = StringLen($sY) If $iLnY > 14 Then __BigNum_Div_DivisorGreater14($sX, $sY, $sRet) Else __BigNum_Div_DivisorMaxLen14($sX, $sY, $sRet) EndIf $sRet = __BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator($sRet, $iDec, StringLen($sRet)) If ($iNeg = 3 Or $iNeg = 1) And $sRet <> "0" Then $sRet = "-" & $sRet Return $sRet EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Mod ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Round ; Description ...: Round $sX to $iD Decimalplaces ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Round($sX, $iD) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $iD - Number of Decimalplaces ; Return values .: Success - Result Round($sX, $iD) ; Failure - 0, sets @error to 1 if $sX not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Round($sX, $iD) If Not __BigNum_IsValid($sX) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $sTmp = 0, $sRet, $sRes = $sX Local $iNeg = __BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sTmp) Local $iDec = __BigNum_StringIsDecimal($sX, $sTmp) If $iD > $iDec Or $iDec = 0 Then Return $sRes $sTmp = StringLeft(StringRight($sX, $iDec - $iD), 1) $sRet = StringTrimRight($sRes, $iDec - $iD) If $sTmp >= 5 And $iD > 0 Then If $iNeg = 1 Then $sRet = _BigNum_Add($sRet, "-0." & StringFormat("%0" & String($iD) & "u", "1")) Else $sRet = _BigNum_Add($sRet, "0." & StringFormat("%0" & String($iD) & "u", "1")) EndIf ElseIf $sTmp >= 5 And $iD = 0 Then If $iNeg = 1 Then $sRet = _BigNum_Add($sRet, "-1") Else $sRet = _BigNum_Add($sRet, "1") EndIf Else If StringRight($sRet, 1) = "." Then $sRet = StringTrimRight($sRet, 1) EndIf Return $sRet EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Round ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Compare ; Description ...: Compares $sX $sY ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Compare($sX, $sY) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $sY - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; Return values .: Success - Return: ; |0 - $sX and $sY are equal ; |1 - $sX is greater than $sY ; |-1 - $sX is less than $sY ; Failure - sets @error to 1 if $sX/$sY not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: eXirrah ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Compare($sX, $sY) ;Algorithm No.2 Local $iNeg = __BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sY) Switch $iNeg Case 1 ; sX = negative Return -1 Case 2 ; sY = negative Return 1 Case 3 ; both negative __BigNum_Swap($sX, $sY) EndSwitch __BigNum_CompEqualizeLength($sX, $sY) Return StringCompare($sX, $sY) EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Compare ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ #Region Internal Functions Func __BigNum_CompEqualizeLength(ByRef $sX, ByRef $sY) Local $iXDotPos = StringInStr($sX, ".") Local $iYDotPos = StringInStr($sY, ".") Local $iXLen = StringLen($sX) Local $iYLen = StringLen($sY) Local $iLeading, $iTrailing ;Calculation leading and trailing zeroes If $iXDotPos == 0 And $iYDotPos <> 0 Then $iLeading = $iXLen - ($iYDotPos - 1) $iTrailing = -1 * ($iYLen - $iYDotPos) $sX &= "." ElseIf $iXDotPos <> 0 And $iYDotPos == 0 Then $iLeading = ($iXDotPos - 1) - $iYLen $iTrailing = $iXLen - $iXDotPos $sY &= "." ElseIf $iXDotPos == 0 And $iYDotPos == 0 Then $iLeading = $iXLen - $iYLen Else $iLeading = $iXDotPos - $iYDotPos $iTrailing = ($iXLen - $iXDotPos) - ($iYLen - $iYDotPos) EndIf ;adding leading and trailing zeroes If $iLeading < 0 Then $sX = __BigNum_CompStringAddZeroes($sX, -1 * $iLeading, 0, 0) ElseIf $iLeading > 0 Then $sY = __BigNum_CompStringAddZeroes($sY, $iLeading, 0, 0) EndIf If $iTrailing < 0 Then $sX = __BigNum_CompStringAddZeroes($sX, -1 * $iTrailing, 1, 0) ElseIf $iTrailing > 0 Then $sY = __BigNum_CompStringAddZeroes($sY, $iTrailing, 1, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>__BigNum_CompEqualizeLength Func __BigNum_CompStringAddZeroes($sString, $iCount, $bTrailing = 0, $bToLength = 1) ;$bToLength is set when the user wants to add the nescessary amount ;of zeroes to the string so it is with length $iCount (Default) If $bToLength Then $iCount -= StringLen($sString) EndIf Local $i = 0 Local $s = "" While $i < $iCount $s &= "0" $i += 1 WEnd ;$bTrailing is set when the user wants the zeroes to be added at the ;right side of the string. By defaut zeroes are added at the left side of the string If $bTrailing Then Return $sString & $s EndIf Return $s & $sString EndFunc ;==>__BigNum_CompStringAddZeroes Func __BigNum_Swap(ByRef $sX, ByRef $sY) Local $sSwap = $sX $sX = $sY $sY = $sSwap Return True EndFunc ;==>__BigNum_Swap Func __BigNum_Div_DivisorGreater14($sX, $sY, ByRef $sM) $sM = "0" If $sY = "1" Then Return $sX If $sX = "0" Or $sY = "0" Or $sX = "" Or $sY = "" Then Return "0" Local $iLnY = StringLen($sY), $bRed = False Local $sRet = "", $sRem = StringLeft($sX, $iLnY), $sTmp = "", $sTm2 = "", $iCnt, $iLen = 1 $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, $iLnY) Do If __BigNum_DivComp($sRem, $sY) = -1 Then $sTmp = StringLeft($sX, 1) $sRem &= $sTmp $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, 1) If StringLen($sTmp) > 0 Then $iLen += 1 EndIf $sTmp = $sY $sTm2 = "0" If __BigNum_DivComp($sRem, $sY) >= 0 Then For $iCnt = 1 To 9 $sTm2 = $sTmp $sTmp = __BigNum_DivAdd($sTmp, $sY) If __BigNum_DivComp($sRem, $sTmp) < 0 Then ExitLoop Next Else $iCnt = 0 EndIf If StringLen($sX) = 0 Then $bRed = True $sM = $sRem $sRem = __BigNum_DivSub($sRem, $sTm2) If $iCnt > 0 Then $sM = $sRem $sRet &= StringFormat("%0" & String($iLen) & "u", $iCnt) $iTrm = $iLnY - StringLen($sRem) $sTmp = StringLeft($sX, $iTrm) $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, $iTrm) $iLen = StringLen($sTmp) $sRem &= $sTmp Until $bRed $sM = StringRegExpReplace($sM, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) Return StringRegExpReplace($sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) EndFunc ;==>__BigNum_Div_DivisorGreater14 Func __BigNum_Div_DivisorMaxLen14($sX, $sY, ByRef $sM) $sM = "0" If $sY = "1" Then Return $sX If $sX = "0" Or $sY = "0" Or $sX = "" Or $sY = "" Then Return "0" Local $sRet = "", $iRem = StringLeft($sX, 15), $iTmp = 0, $iTrm = 6, $iLen $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, 15) $iTmp = Floor($iRem / $sY) $sRet &= $iTmp $iRem -= $iTmp * $sY While StringLen($sX) > 0 $iTrm = 15 - StringLen($iRem) $iTmp = StringLeft($sX, $iTrm) $iLen = StringLen($iTmp) $iRem &= $iTmp $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, $iTrm) $iTmp = Floor($iRem / $sY) $iTmp = StringRight("000000000000000" & $iTmp, $iLen) $sRet &= $iTmp $iRem -= $iTmp * $sY WEnd $sM = String($iRem) Return StringRegExpReplace($sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) EndFunc ;==>__BigNum_Div_DivisorMaxLen14 Func __BigNum_DivComp($sX, $sY) $sX = StringRegExpReplace($sX, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) $sY = StringRegExpReplace($sY, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) Local $iLnX = StringLen($sX), $iLnY = StringLen($sY) If $iLnX < $iLnY Then Return -1 ElseIf $iLnX > $iLnY Then Return 1 Else If $sX < $sY Then Return -1 ElseIf $sX > $sY Then Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>__BigNum_DivComp Func __BigNum_DivAdd($sX, $sY) Local $iTmp = StringLen($sX), $iLen = StringLen($sY), $iCar = 0, $sRet = "" If $iLen < $iTmp Then $iLen = $iTmp For $i = 1 To $iLen Step 18 $iTmp = Int(StringRight($sX, 18)) + Int(StringRight($sY, 18)) + $iCar $sX = StringTrimRight($sX, 18) $sY = StringTrimRight($sY, 18) If ($iTmp > 999999999999999999) Then $sRet = StringRight($iTmp, 18) & $sRet $iCar = 1 Else $iTmp = StringRight("000000000000000000" & $iTmp, 18) $sRet = $iTmp & $sRet $iCar = 0 EndIf Next $sRet = StringRegExpReplace($iCar & $sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) Return $sRet EndFunc ;==>__BigNum_DivAdd Func __BigNum_DivSub($sX, $sY) Local $iTmp = StringLen($sX), $iLen = StringLen($sY), $iCar = 0, $sRet = "" If $iLen < $iTmp Then $iLen = $iTmp For $i = 1 To $iLen Step 18 $iTmp = Int(StringRight($sX, 18)) - Int(StringRight($sY, 18)) - $iCar $sX = StringTrimRight($sX, 18) $sY = StringTrimRight($sY, 18) If $iTmp < 0 Then $iTmp = 1000000000000000000 + $iTmp $iCar = 1 Else $iCar = 0 EndIf $sRet = StringRight("0000000000000000000" & $iTmp, 18) & $sRet Next $sRet = StringRegExpReplace($iCar & $sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) Return $sRet EndFunc ;==>__BigNum_DivSub Func __BigNum_IsValid($sX) Return StringRegExp($sX, "^-?\d*\.?\d*$") EndFunc ;==>__BigNum_IsValid Func __BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator($sX, $iDec, $iD = 18) If $iD = 0 And $iDec = 0 Then Return $sX Local $sRet = StringRegExpReplace(StringRight(StringFormat("%0" & String($iDec) & "u", "") & $sX, $iDec), "0+$", "\1", 1) $sX = StringTrimRight($sX, $iDec) If $sX = "" Then $sX = "0" $sRet = StringLeft($sRet, $iD) If $sRet = "" Or $sRet = "0" Then Return $sX Return $sX & "." & $sRet EndFunc ;==>__BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator Func __BigNum_StringIsDecimal(ByRef $sX, ByRef $sY) If StringLeft($sX, 1) = "." Then $sX = "0" & $sX If StringLeft($sY, 1) = "." Then $sY = "0" & $sY Local $iPsX = StringInStr($sX, ".", 0, 1) - 1, $iPsY = StringInStr($sY, ".", 0, 1) - 1 $sX = StringRegExpReplace($sX, "\D", "") $sY = StringRegExpReplace($sY, "\D", "") Local $iLnX = StringLen($sX), $iLnY = StringLen($sY) If $iPsX <= 0 Then $iPsX = $iLnX If $iPsY <= 0 Then $iPsY = $iLnY If $iLnX - $iPsX > $iLnY - $iPsY Then For $iCnt = $iLnY - $iPsY To $iLnX - $iPsX - 1 $sY &= "0" Next Return $iLnX - $iPsX ElseIf $iLnX - $iPsX < $iLnY - $iPsY Then For $iCnt = $iLnX - $iPsX To $iLnY - $iPsY - 1 $sX &= "0" Next Return $iLnY - $iPsY EndIf Return $iLnX - $iPsX EndFunc ;==>__BigNum_StringIsDecimal Func __BigNum_CheckNegative(ByRef $sX, ByRef $sY) Local $bNgX = False, $bNgY = False While StringLeft($sX, 1) = "-" $bNgX = Not $bNgX $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, 1) WEnd While StringLeft($sY, 1) = "-" $bNgY = Not $bNgY $sY = StringTrimLeft($sY, 1) WEnd $sX = StringRegExpReplace($sX, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) $sY = StringRegExpReplace($sY, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) If $sX = "" Then $sX = "0" If $sY = "" Then $sY = "0" If $bNgX = True And $bNgY = True Then Return 3 ElseIf $bNgX = True And $bNgY = False Then Return 1 ElseIf $bNgX = False And $bNgY = True Then Return 2 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>__BigNum_CheckNegative #EndRegion Internal Functions Edited December 18, 2013 by jchd This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe hereRegExp tutorial: enough to get startedPCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta. SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
funkey Posted December 18, 2013 Share Posted December 18, 2013 You could use GMP library for use with big numbers to speed up calculation: Programming today is a race between software engineers striving tobuild bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universetrying to produce bigger and better idiots.So far, the Universe is winning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jchd Posted December 18, 2013 Share Posted December 18, 2013 True, but at this rate, it's even easier to use GP/Pari and enjoy the power of a number theory dedicated library. My attempt was by using no external tool/library. This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe hereRegExp tutorial: enough to get startedPCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta. SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue5099 Posted December 18, 2013 Author Share Posted December 18, 2013 All of these examples have been great help and informative. I wanted something fast and easy with lower primes and Lark's example of Seives seems to fit my simple needs much faster. I shouldn't run into maxing out the array. On a side note... Anyone see the largest prime number unconfirmed? Over 17 million digits long. Even trying to calculate from 2^P -1 in autoit it just returns #INF lol. They say its a 22Mb text file. My projects: Inventory / Mp3 Inventory, Computer Stats Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jchd Posted December 18, 2013 Share Posted December 18, 2013 I find the hunt for titanic primes quite boring. In fact, it only serves as a pretext for research in new number theoritic algorithms. czardas 1 This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe hereRegExp tutorial: enough to get startedPCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta. SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
czardas Posted December 18, 2013 Share Posted December 18, 2013 (edited) I contemplated using strings and realised it would be too slow to be practical, so I gave that idea up. I thought of only registering the positions primes occur, or rather the gaps between them, but couldn't quite see the advantage. It should produce some compression, but would be a difficult system to work with. Then I ran out of ideas. I learned a few things along the way, so it's still been a useful and interesting exercise. The problem is that there are no limits to primes, so you have to make a decision when to quit (this is absolutely forced because no infinite data storage systems exist). This should also be obvious. Edited December 18, 2013 by czardas operator64 ArrayWorkshop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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