swstrau118 Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 I am trying to create a script that can Clear the cache/ close IE/ run a batch file on the remote computer. Here is the Remote Code that I have used in the past - I have got this from someone a long time ago - This runs really well but How can I insert more commands at the bottom (Clear cahce)? Also could someone walk me through part of the code, especially all the Global Const code. Thanks! expandcollapse popupGlobal Const $gui_event_close = -3 Global Const $gui_event_minimize = -4 Global Const $gui_event_restore = -5 Global Const $gui_event_maximize = -6 Global Const $gui_event_primarydown = -7 Global Const $gui_event_primaryup = -8 Global Const $gui_event_secondarydown = -9 Global Const $gui_event_secondaryup = -10 Global Const $gui_event_mousemove = -11 Global Const $gui_event_resized = -12 Global Const $gui_event_dropped = -13 Global Const $gui_rundefmsg = "GUI_RUNDEFMSG" Global Const $gui_avistop = 0 Global Const $gui_avistart = 1 Global Const $gui_aviclose = 2 Global Const $gui_checked = 1 Global Const $gui_indeterminate = 2 Global Const $gui_unchecked = 4 Global Const $gui_dropaccepted = 8 Global Const $gui_nodropaccepted = 4096 Global Const $gui_acceptfiles = $gui_dropaccepted Global Const $gui_show = 16 Global Const $gui_hide = 32 Global Const $gui_enable = 64 Global Const $gui_disable = 128 Global Const $gui_focus = 256 Global Const $gui_nofocus = 8192 Global Const $gui_defbutton = 512 Global Const $gui_expand = 1024 Global Const $gui_ontop = 2048 Global Const $gui_fontitalic = 2 Global Const $gui_fontunder = 4 Global Const $gui_fontstrike = 8 Global Const $gui_dockauto = 1 Global Const $gui_dockleft = 2 Global Const $gui_dockright = 4 Global Const $gui_dockhcenter = 8 Global Const $gui_docktop = 32 Global Const $gui_dockbottom = 64 Global Const $gui_dockvcenter = 128 Global Const $gui_dockwidth = 256 Global Const $gui_dockheight = 512 Global Const $gui_docksize = 768 Global Const $gui_dockmenubar = 544 Global Const $gui_dockstatebar = 576 Global Const $gui_dockall = 802 Global Const $gui_dockborders = 102 Global Const $gui_gr_close = 1 Global Const $gui_gr_line = 2 Global Const $gui_gr_bezier = 4 Global Const $gui_gr_move = 6 Global Const $gui_gr_color = 8 Global Const $gui_gr_rect = 10 Global Const $gui_gr_ellipse = 12 Global Const $gui_gr_pie = 14 Global Const $gui_gr_dot = 16 Global Const $gui_gr_pixel = 18 Global Const $gui_gr_hint = 20 Global Const $gui_gr_refresh = 22 Global Const $gui_gr_pensize = 24 Global Const $gui_gr_nobkcolor = -2 Global Const $gui_bkcolor_default = -1 Global Const $gui_bkcolor_transparent = -2 Global Const $gui_bkcolor_lv_alternate = -33554432 Global Const $gui_ws_ex_parentdrag = 1048576 Global Const $ws_tiled = 0 Global Const $ws_overlapped = 0 Global Const $ws_maximizebox = 65536 Global Const $ws_minimizebox = 131072 Global Const $ws_tabstop = 65536 Global Const $ws_group = 131072 Global Const $ws_sizebox = 262144 Global Const $ws_thickframe = 262144 Global Const $ws_sysmenu = 524288 Global Const $ws_hscroll = 1048576 Global Const $ws_vscroll = 2097152 Global Const $ws_dlgframe = 4194304 Global Const $ws_border = 8388608 Global Const $ws_caption = 12582912 Global Const $ws_overlappedwindow = 13565952 Global Const $ws_tiledwindow = 13565952 Global Const $ws_maximize = 16777216 Global Const $ws_clipchildren = 33554432 Global Const $ws_clipsiblings = 67108864 Global Const $ws_disabled = 134217728 Global Const $ws_visible = 268435456 Global Const $ws_minimize = 536870912 Global Const $ws_child = 1073741824 Global Const $ws_popup = -2147483648 Global Const $ws_popupwindow = -2138570752 Global Const $ds_modalframe = 128 Global Const $ds_setforeground = 512 Global Const $ds_contexthelp = 8192 Global Const $ws_ex_acceptfiles = 16 Global Const $ws_ex_mdichild = 64 Global Const $ws_ex_appwindow = 262144 Global Const $ws_ex_composited = 33554432 Global Const $ws_ex_clientedge = 512 Global Const $ws_ex_contexthelp = 1024 Global Const $ws_ex_dlgmodalframe = 1 Global Const $ws_ex_leftscrollbar = 16384 Global Const $ws_ex_overlappedwindow = 768 Global Const $ws_ex_right = 4096 Global Const $ws_ex_staticedge = 131072 Global Const $ws_ex_toolwindow = 128 Global Const $ws_ex_topmost = 8 Global Const $ws_ex_transparent = 32 Global Const $ws_ex_windowedge = 256 Global Const $ws_ex_layered = 524288 Global Const $ws_ex_controlparent = 65536 Global Const $ws_ex_layoutrtl = 4194304 Global Const $ws_ex_rtlreading = 8192 Global Const $wm_gettextlength = 14 Global Const $wm_gettext = 13 Global Const $wm_size = 5 Global Const $wm_sizing = 532 Global Const $wm_user = 1024 Global Const $wm_create = 1 Global Const $wm_destroy = 2 Global Const $wm_move = 3 Global Const $wm_activate = 6 Global Const $wm_setfocus = 7 Global Const $wm_killfocus = 8 Global Const $wm_enable = 10 Global Const $wm_setredraw = 11 Global Const $wm_settext = 12 Global Const $wm_paint = 15 Global Const $wm_close = 16 Global Const $wm_quit = 18 Global Const $wm_erasebkgnd = 20 Global Const $wm_syscolorchange = 21 Global Const $wm_showwindow = 24 Global Const $wm_wininichange = 26 Global Const $wm_devmodechange = 27 Global Const $wm_activateapp = 28 Global Const $wm_fontchange = 29 Global Const $wm_timechange = 30 Global Const $wm_cancelmode = 31 Global Const $wm_setcursor = 32 Global Const $wm_mouseactivate = 33 Global Const $wm_childactivate = 34 Global Const $wm_queuesync = 35 Global Const $wm_getminmaxinfo = 36 Global Const $wm_painticon = 38 Global Const $wm_iconerasebkgnd = 39 Global Const $wm_nextdlgctl = 40 Global Const $wm_spoolerstatus = 42 Global Const $wm_drawitem = 43 Global Const $wm_measureitem = 44 Global Const $wm_deleteitem = 45 Global Const $wm_vkeytoitem = 46 Global Const $wm_chartoitem = 47 Global Const $wm_setfont = 48 Global Const $wm_getfont = 49 Global Const $wm_sethotkey = 50 Global Const $wm_gethotkey = 51 Global Const $wm_querydragicon = 55 Global Const $wm_compareitem = 57 Global Const $wm_getobject = 61 Global Const $wm_compacting = 65 Global Const $wm_commnotify = 68 Global Const $wm_windowposchanging = 70 Global Const $wm_windowposchanged = 71 Global Const $wm_power = 72 Global Const $wm_notify = 78 Global Const $wm_copydata = 74 Global Const $wm_canceljournal = 75 Global Const $wm_inputlangchangerequest = 80 Global Const $wm_inputlangchange = 81 Global Const $wm_tcard = 82 Global Const $wm_help = 83 Global Const $wm_userchanged = 84 Global Const $wm_notifyformat = 85 Global Const $wm_cut = 768 Global Const $wm_copy = 769 Global Const $wm_paste = 770 Global Const $wm_clear = 771 Global Const $wm_undo = 772 Global Const $wm_contextmenu = 123 Global Const $wm_stylechanging = 124 Global Const $wm_stylechanged = 125 Global Const $wm_displaychange = 126 Global Const $wm_geticon = 127 Global Const $wm_seticon = 128 Global Const $wm_nccreate = 129 Global Const $wm_ncdestroy = 130 Global Const $wm_nccalcsize = 131 Global Const $wm_nchittest = 132 Global Const $wm_ncpaint = 133 Global Const $wm_ncactivate = 134 Global Const $wm_getdlgcode = 135 Global Const $wm_syncpaint = 136 Global Const $wm_ncmousemove = 160 Global Const $wm_nclbuttondown = 161 Global Const $wm_nclbuttonup = 162 Global Const $wm_nclbuttondblclk = 163 Global Const $wm_ncrbuttondown = 164 Global Const $wm_ncrbuttonup = 165 Global Const $wm_ncrbuttondblclk = 166 Global Const $wm_ncmbuttondown = 167 Global Const $wm_ncmbuttonup = 168 Global Const $wm_ncmbuttondblclk = 169 Global Const $wm_keydown = 256 Global Const $wm_keyup = 257 Global Const $wm_char = 258 Global Const $wm_deadchar = 259 Global Const $wm_syskeydown = 260 Global Const $wm_syskeyup = 261 Global Const $wm_syschar = 262 Global Const $wm_sysdeadchar = 263 Global Const $wm_initdialog = 272 Global Const $wm_command = 273 Global Const $wm_syscommand = 274 Global Const $wm_timer = 275 Global Const $wm_hscroll = 276 Global Const $wm_vscroll = 277 Global Const $wm_initmenu = 278 Global Const $wm_initmenupopup = 279 Global Const $wm_menuselect = 287 Global Const $wm_menuchar = 288 Global Const $wm_enteridle = 289 Global Const $wm_menurbuttonup = 290 Global Const $wm_menudrag = 291 Global Const $wm_menugetobject = 292 Global Const $wm_uninitmenupopup = 293 Global Const $wm_menucommand = 294 Global Const $wm_changeuistate = 295 Global Const $wm_updateuistate = 296 Global Const $wm_queryuistate = 297 Global Const $wm_ctlcolormsgbox = 306 Global Const $wm_ctlcoloredit = 307 Global Const $wm_ctlcolorlistbox = 308 Global Const $wm_ctlcolorbtn = 309 Global Const $wm_ctlcolordlg = 310 Global Const $wm_ctlcolorscrollbar = 311 Global Const $wm_ctlcolorstatic = 312 Global Const $wm_ctlcolor = 25 Global Const $mn_gethmenu = 481 Global Const $nm_first = 0 Global Const $nm_outofmemory = $nm_first - 1 Global Const $nm_click = $nm_first - 2 Global Const $nm_dblclk = $nm_first - 3 Global Const $nm_return = $nm_first - 4 Global Const $nm_rclick = $nm_first - 5 Global Const $nm_rdblclk = $nm_first - 6 Global Const $nm_setfocus = $nm_first - 7 Global Const $nm_killfocus = $nm_first - 8 Global Const $nm_customdraw = $nm_first - 12 Global Const $nm_hover = $nm_first - 13 Global Const $nm_nchittest = $nm_first - 14 Global Const $nm_keydown = $nm_first - 15 Global Const $nm_releasedcapture = $nm_first - 16 Global Const $nm_setcursor = $nm_first - 17 Global Const $nm_char = $nm_first - 18 Global Const $nm_tooltipscreated = $nm_first - 19 Global Const $nm_ldown = $nm_first - 20 Global Const $nm_rdown = $nm_first - 21 Global Const $nm_themechanged = $nm_first - 22 Global Const $wm_mousemove = 512 Global Const $wm_lbuttondown = 513 Global Const $wm_lbuttonup = 514 Global Const $wm_lbuttondblclk = 515 Global Const $wm_rbuttondown = 516 Global Const $wm_rbuttonup = 517 Global Const $wm_rbuttondblck = 518 Global Const $wm_mbuttondown = 519 Global Const $wm_mbuttonup = 520 Global Const $wm_mbuttondblck = 521 Global Const $wm_mousewheel = 522 Global Const $wm_xbuttondown = 523 Global Const $wm_xbuttonup = 524 Global Const $wm_xbuttondblclk = 525 Global Const $wm_mousehwheel = 526 Global Const $ps_solid = 0 Global Const $ps_dash = 1 Global Const $ps_dot = 2 Global Const $ps_dashdot = 3 Global Const $ps_dashdotdot = 4 Global Const $ps_null = 5 Global Const $ps_insideframe = 6 Global Const $lwa_alpha = 2 Global Const $lwa_colorkey = 1 Global Const $rgn_and = 1 Global Const $rgn_or = 2 Global Const $rgn_xor = 3 Global Const $rgn_diff = 4 Global Const $rgn_copy = 5 Global Const $errorregion = 0 Global Const $nullregion = 1 Global Const $simpleregion = 2 Global Const $complexregion = 3 Global Const $transparent = 1 Global Const $opaque = 2 Global Const $ccm_first = 8192 Global Const $ccm_getunicodeformat = ($ccm_first + 6) Global Const $ccm_setunicodeformat = ($ccm_first + 5) Global Const $ccm_setbkcolor = $ccm_first + 1 Global Const $ccm_setcolorscheme = $ccm_first + 2 Global Const $ccm_getcolorscheme = $ccm_first + 3 Global Const $ccm_getdroptarget = $ccm_first + 4 Global Const $ccm_setwindowtheme = $ccm_first + 11 Global Const $ga_parent = 1 Global Const $ga_root = 2 Global Const $ga_rootowner = 3 Global Const $sm_cxscreen = 0 Global Const $sm_cyscreen = 1 Global Const $sm_cxvscroll = 2 Global Const $sm_cyhscroll = 3 Global Const $sm_cycaption = 4 Global Const $sm_cxborder = 5 Global Const $sm_cyborder = 6 Global Const $sm_cxdlgframe = 7 Global Const $sm_cydlgframe = 8 Global Const $sm_cyvthumb = 9 Global Const $sm_cxhthumb = 10 Global Const $sm_cxicon = 11 Global Const $sm_cyicon = 12 Global Const $sm_cxcursor = 13 Global Const $sm_cycursor = 14 Global Const $sm_cymenu = 15 Global Const $sm_cxfullscreen = 16 Global Const $sm_cyfullscreen = 17 Global Const $sm_cykanjiwindow = 18 Global Const $sm_mousepresent = 19 Global Const $sm_cyvscroll = 20 Global Const $sm_cxhscroll = 21 Global Const $sm_debug = 22 Global Const $sm_swapbutton = 23 Global Const $sm_reserved1 = 24 Global Const $sm_reserved2 = 25 Global Const $sm_reserved3 = 26 Global Const $sm_reserved4 = 27 Global Const $sm_cxmin = 28 Global Const $sm_cymin = 29 Global Const $sm_cxsize = 30 Global Const $sm_cysize = 31 Global Const $sm_cxframe = 32 Global Const $sm_cyframe = 33 Global Const $sm_cxmintrack = 34 Global Const $sm_cymintrack = 35 Global Const $sm_cxdoubleclk = 36 Global Const $sm_cydoubleclk = 37 Global Const $sm_cxiconspacing = 38 Global Const $sm_cyiconspacing = 39 Global Const $sm_menudropalignment = 40 Global Const $sm_penwindows = 41 Global Const $sm_dbcsenabled = 42 Global Const $sm_cmousebuttons = 43 Global Const $sm_secure = 44 Global Const $sm_cxedge = 45 Global Const $sm_cyedge = 46 Global Const $sm_cxminspacing = 47 Global Const $sm_cyminspacing = 48 Global Const $sm_cxsmicon = 49 Global Const $sm_cysmicon = 50 Global Const $sm_cysmcaption = 51 Global Const $sm_cxsmsize = 52 Global Const $sm_cysmsize = 53 Global Const $sm_cxmenusize = 54 Global Const $sm_cymenusize = 55 Global Const $sm_arrange = 56 Global Const $sm_cxminimized = 57 Global Const $sm_cyminimized = 58 Global Const $sm_cxmaxtrack = 59 Global Const $sm_cymaxtrack = 60 Global Const $sm_cxmaximized = 61 Global Const $sm_cymaximized = 62 Global Const $sm_network = 63 Global Const $sm_cleanboot = 67 Global Const $sm_cxdrag = 68 Global Const $sm_cydrag = 69 Global Const $sm_showsounds = 70 Global Const $sm_cxmenucheck = 71 Global Const $sm_cymenucheck = 72 Global Const $sm_slowmachine = 73 Global Const $sm_mideastenabled = 74 Global Const $sm_mousewheelpresent = 75 Global Const $sm_xvirtualscreen = 76 Global Const $sm_yvirtualscreen = 77 Global Const $sm_cxvirtualscreen = 78 Global Const $sm_cyvirtualscreen = 79 Global Const $sm_cmonitors = 80 Global Const $sm_samedisplayformat = 81 Global Const $sm_immenabled = 82 Global Const $sm_cxfocusborder = 83 Global Const $sm_cyfocusborder = 84 Global Const $sm_tabletpc = 86 Global Const $sm_mediacenter = 87 Global Const $sm_starter = 88 Global Const $sm_serverr2 = 89 Global Const $sm_cmetrics = 90 Global Const $sm_remotesession = 4096 Global Const $sm_shuttingdown = 8192 Global Const $sm_remotecontrol = 8193 Global Const $sm_caretblinkingenabled = 8194 Global Const $blackness = 66 Global Const $captureblt = 1073741824 Global Const $dstinvert = 5570569 Global Const $mergecopy = 12583114 Global Const $mergepaint = 12255782 Global Const $nomirrorbitmap = -2147483648 Global Const $notsrccopy = 3342344 Global Const $notsrcerase = 1114278 Global Const $patcopy = 15728673 Global Const $patinvert = 5898313 Global Const $patpaint = 16452105 Global Const $srcand = 8913094 Global Const $srccopy = 13369376 Global Const $srcerase = 4457256 Global Const $srcinvert = 6684742 Global Const $srcpaint = 15597702 Global Const $whiteness = 16711778 Global Const $dt_bottom = 8 Global Const $dt_calcrect = 1024 Global Const $dt_center = 1 Global Const $dt_editcontrol = 8192 Global Const $dt_end_ellipsis = 32768 Global Const $dt_expandtabs = 64 Global Const $dt_externalleading = 512 Global Const $dt_hideprefix = 1048576 Global Const $dt_internal = 4096 Global Const $dt_left = 0 Global Const $dt_modifystring = 65536 Global Const $dt_noclip = 256 Global Const $dt_nofullwidthcharbreak = 524288 Global Const $dt_noprefix = 2048 Global Const $dt_path_ellipsis = 16384 Global Const $dt_prefixonly = 2097152 Global Const $dt_right = 2 Global Const $dt_rtlreading = 131072 Global Const $dt_singleline = 32 Global Const $dt_tabstop = 128 Global Const $dt_top = 0 Global Const $dt_vcenter = 4 Global Const $dt_wordbreak = 16 Global Const $dt_word_ellipsis = 262144 Global Const $rdw_erase = 4 Global Const $rdw_frame = 1024 Global Const $rdw_internalpaint = 2 Global Const $rdw_invalidate = 1 Global Const $rdw_noerase = 32 Global Const $rdw_noframe = 2048 Global Const $rdw_nointernalpaint = 16 Global Const $rdw_validate = 8 Global Const $rdw_erasenow = 512 Global Const $rdw_updatenow = 256 Global Const $rdw_allchildren = 128 Global Const $rdw_nochildren = 64 Global Const $wm_renderformat = 773 Global Const $wm_renderallformats = 774 Global Const $wm_destroyclipboard = 775 Global Const $wm_drawclipboard = 776 Global Const $wm_paintclipboard = 777 Global Const $wm_vscrollclipboard = 778 Global Const $wm_sizeclipboard = 779 Global Const $wm_askcbformatname = 780 Global Const $wm_changecbchain = 781 Global Const $wm_hscrollclipboard = 782 Global Const $hterror = -2 Global Const $httransparent = -1 Global Const $htnowhere = 0 Global Const $htclient = 1 Global Const $htcaption = 2 Global Const $htsysmenu = 3 Global Const $htgrowbox = 4 Global Const $htsize = $htgrowbox Global Const $htmenu = 5 Global Const $hthscroll = 6 Global Const $htvscroll = 7 Global Const $htminbutton = 8 Global Const $htmaxbutton = 9 Global Const $htleft = 10 Global Const $htright = 11 Global Const $httop = 12 Global Const $httopleft = 13 Global Const $httopright = 14 Global Const $htbottom = 15 Global Const $htbottomleft = 16 Global Const $htbottomright = 17 Global Const $htborder = 18 Global Const $htreduce = $htminbutton Global Const $htzoom = $htmaxbutton Global Const $htsizefirst = $htleft Global Const $htsizelast = $htbottomright Global Const $htobject = 19 Global Const $htclose = 20 Global Const $hthelp = 21 Global Const $color_scrollbar = 0 Global Const $color_background = 1 Global Const $color_activecaption = 2 Global Const $color_inactivecaption = 3 Global Const $color_menu = 4 Global Const $color_window = 5 Global Const $color_windowframe = 6 Global Const $color_menutext = 7 Global Const $color_windowtext = 8 Global Const $color_captiontext = 9 Global Const $color_activeborder = 10 Global Const $color_inactiveborder = 11 Global Const $color_appworkspace = 12 Global Const $color_highlight = 13 Global Const $color_highlighttext = 14 Global Const $color_btnface = 15 Global Const $color_btnshadow = 16 Global Const $color_graytext = 17 Global Const $color_btntext = 18 Global Const $color_inactivecaptiontext = 19 Global Const $color_btnhighlight = 20 Global Const $color_3ddkshadow = 21 Global Const $color_3dlight = 22 Global Const $color_infotext = 23 Global Const $color_infobk = 24 Global Const $color_hotlight = 26 Global Const $color_gradientactivecaption = 27 Global Const $color_gradientinactivecaption = 28 Global Const $color_menuhilight = 29 Global Const $color_menubar = 30 Global Const $color_desktop = 1 Global Const $color_3dface = 15 Global Const $color_3dshadow = 16 Global Const $color_3dhighlight = 20 Global Const $color_3dhilight = 20 Global Const $color_btnhilight = 20 Global Const $hinst_commctrl = -1 Global Const $idb_std_small_color = 0 Global Const $idb_std_large_color = 1 Global Const $idb_view_small_color = 4 Global Const $idb_view_large_color = 5 Global Const $idb_hist_small_color = 8 Global Const $idb_hist_large_color = 9 Global Const $startf_forceofffeedback = 128 Global Const $startf_forceonfeedback = 64 Global Const $startf_runfullscreen = 32 Global Const $startf_usecountchars = 8 Global Const $startf_usefillattribute = 16 Global Const $startf_usehotkey = 512 Global Const $startf_useposition = 4 Global Const $startf_useshowwindow = 1 Global Const $startf_usesize = 2 Global Const $startf_usestdhandles = 256 Global Const $cdds_prepaint = 1 Global Const $cdds_postpaint = 2 Global Const $cdds_preerase = 3 Global Const $cdds_posterase = 4 Global Const $cdds_item = 65536 Global Const $cdds_itemprepaint = 65537 Global Const $cdds_itempostpaint = 65538 Global Const $cdds_itempreerase = 65539 Global Const $cdds_itemposterase = 65540 Global Const $cdds_subitem = 131072 Global Const $cdis_selected = 1 Global Const $cdis_grayed = 2 Global Const $cdis_disabled = 4 Global Const $cdis_checked = 8 Global Const $cdis_focus = 16 Global Const $cdis_default = 32 Global Const $cdis_hot = 64 Global Const $cdis_marked = 128 Global Const $cdis_indeterminate = 256 Global Const $cdis_showkeyboardcues = 512 Global Const $cdis_nearhot = 1024 Global Const $cdis_othersidehot = 2048 Global Const $cdis_drophilited = 4096 Global Const $cdrf_dodefault = 0 Global Const $cdrf_newfont = 2 Global Const $cdrf_skipdefault = 4 Global Const $cdrf_notifypostpaint = 16 Global Const $cdrf_notifyitemdraw = 32 Global Const $cdrf_notifysubitemdraw = 32 Global Const $cdrf_notifyposterase = 64 Global Const $cdrf_doerase = 8 Global Const $cdrf_skippostpaint = 256 Global Const $gui_ss_default_gui = BitOR($ws_minimizebox, $ws_caption, $ws_popup, $ws_sysmenu) Func _arrayadd(ByRef $avarray, $vvalue) If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Local $iubound = UBound($avarray) ReDim $avarray[$iubound + 1] $avarray[$iubound] = $vvalue Return $iubound EndFunc Func _arraybinarysearch(Const ByRef $avarray, $vvalue, $istart = 0, $iend = 0) If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) Local $iubound = UBound($avarray) - 1 If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $iubound Then $iend = $iubound If $istart < 0 Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Local $imid = Int(($iend + $istart) / 2) If $avarray[$istart] > $vvalue OR $avarray[$iend] < $vvalue Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) While $istart <= $imid AND $vvalue <> $avarray[$imid] If $vvalue < $avarray[$imid] Then $iend = $imid - 1 Else $istart = $imid + 1 EndIf $imid = Int(($iend + $istart) / 2) WEnd If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) Return $imid EndFunc Func _arraycombinations(ByRef $avarray, $iset, $sdelim = "") If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $in = UBound($avarray) Local $ir = $iset Local $aidx[$ir] For $i = 0 To $ir - 1 $aidx[$i] = $i Next Local $itotal = __array_combinations($in, $ir) Local $ileft = $itotal Local $aresult[$itotal + 1] $aresult[0] = $itotal Local $icount = 1 While $ileft > 0 __array_getnext($in, $ir, $ileft, $itotal, $aidx) For $i = 0 To $iset - 1 $aresult[$icount] &= $avarray[$aidx[$i]] & $sdelim Next If $sdelim <> "" Then $aresult[$icount] = StringTrimRight($aresult[$icount], 1) $icount += 1 WEnd Return $aresult EndFunc Func _arrayconcatenate(ByRef $avarraytarget, Const ByRef $avarraysource, $istart = 0) If NOT IsArray($avarraytarget) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If NOT IsArray($avarraysource) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If UBound($avarraytarget, 0) <> 1 Then If UBound($avarraysource, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf If UBound($avarraysource, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Local $iuboundtarget = UBound($avarraytarget) - $istart, $iuboundsource = UBound($avarraysource) ReDim $avarraytarget[$iuboundtarget + $iuboundsource] For $i = $istart To $iuboundsource - 1 $avarraytarget[$iuboundtarget + $i] = $avarraysource[$i] Next Return $iuboundtarget + $iuboundsource EndFunc Func _arraycreate($v_0, $v_1 = 0, $v_2 = 0, $v_3 = 0, $v_4 = 0, $v_5 = 0, $v_6 = 0, $v_7 = 0, $v_8 = 0, $v_9 = 0, $v_10 = 0, $v_11 = 0, $v_12 = 0, $v_13 = 0, $v_14 = 0, $v_15 = 0, $v_16 = 0, $v_17 = 0, $v_18 = 0, $v_19 = 0, $v_20 = 0) Local $av_array[21] = [$v_0, $v_1, $v_2, $v_3, $v_4, $v_5, $v_6, $v_7, $v_8, $v_9, $v_10, $v_11, $v_12, $v_13, $v_14, $v_15, $v_16, $v_17, $v_18, $v_19, $v_20] ReDim $av_array[@NumParams] Return $av_array EndFunc Func _arraydelete(ByRef $avarray, $ielement) If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iubound = UBound($avarray, 1) - 1 If NOT $iubound Then $avarray = "" Return 0 EndIf If $ielement < 0 Then $ielement = 0 If $ielement > $iubound Then $ielement = $iubound Switch UBound($avarray, 0) Case 1 For $i = $ielement To $iubound - 1 $avarray[$i] = $avarray[$i + 1] Next ReDim $avarray[$iubound] Case 2 Local $isubmax = UBound($avarray, 2) - 1 For $i = $ielement To $iubound - 1 For $j = 0 To $isubmax $avarray[$i][$j] = $avarray[$i + 1][$j] Next Next ReDim $avarray[$iubound][$isubmax + 1] Case Else Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndSwitch Return $iubound EndFunc Func _arraydisplay(Const ByRef $avarray, $stitle = "Array: ListView Display", $iitemlimit = -1, $itranspose = 0, $sseparator = "", $sreplace = "|", $sheader = "") If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $idimension = UBound($avarray, 0), $iubound = UBound($avarray, 1) - 1, $isubmax = UBound($avarray, 2) - 1 If $idimension > 2 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If $sseparator = "" Then $sseparator = Chr(124) If _arraysearch($avarray, $sseparator, 0, 0, 0, 1) <> -1 Then For $x = 1 To 255 If $x >= 32 AND $x <= 127 Then ContinueLoop Local $sfind = _arraysearch($avarray, Chr($x), 0, 0, 0, 1) If $sfind = -1 Then $sseparator = Chr($x) ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf Local $vtmp, $ibuffer = 64 Local $icollimit = 250 Local $ioneventmode = Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0), $sdataseparatorchar = Opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar", $sseparator) If $isubmax < 0 Then $isubmax = 0 If $itranspose Then $vtmp = $iubound $iubound = $isubmax $isubmax = $vtmp EndIf If $isubmax > $icollimit Then $isubmax = $icollimit If $iitemlimit < 1 Then $iitemlimit = $iubound If $iubound > $iitemlimit Then $iubound = $iitemlimit If $sheader = "" Then $sheader = "Row " For $i = 0 To $isubmax $sheader &= $sseparator & "Col " & $i Next EndIf Local $avarraytext[$iubound + 1] For $i = 0 To $iubound $avarraytext[$i] = "[" & $i & "]" For $j = 0 To $isubmax If $idimension = 1 Then If $itranspose Then $vtmp = $avarray[$j] Else $vtmp = $avarray[$i] EndIf Else If $itranspose Then $vtmp = $avarray[$j][$i] Else $vtmp = $avarray[$i][$j] EndIf EndIf $vtmp = StringReplace($vtmp, $sseparator, $sreplace, 0, 1) $avarraytext[$i] &= $sseparator & $vtmp $vtmp = StringLen($vtmp) If $vtmp > $ibuffer Then $ibuffer = $vtmp Next Next $ibuffer += 1 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_dockborders = 102 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_dockbottom = 64 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_dockheight = 512 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_dockleft = 2 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_dockright = 4 Local Const $_arrayconstant_gui_event_close = -3 Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvif_param = 4 Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvif_text = 1 Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_getcolumnwidth = (4096 + 29) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_getitemcount = (4096 + 4) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_getitemstate = (4096 + 44) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_insertitemw = (4096 + 77) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_setextendedlistviewstyle = (4096 + 54) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvm_setitemw = (4096 + 76) Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvs_ex_fullrowselect = 32 Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvs_ex_gridlines = 1 Local Const $_arrayconstant_lvs_showselalways = 8 Local Const $_arrayconstant_ws_ex_clientedge = 512 Local Const $_arrayconstant_ws_maximizebox = 65536 Local Const $_arrayconstant_ws_minimizebox = 131072 Local Const $_arrayconstant_ws_sizebox = 262144 Local Const $_arrayconstant_taglvitem = "int Mask;int Item;int SubItem;int State;int StateMask;ptr Text;int TextMax;int Image;int Param;int Indent;int GroupID;int Columns;ptr pColumns" Local $iaddmask = BitOR($_arrayconstant_lvif_text, $_arrayconstant_lvif_param) Local $tbuffer = DllStructCreate("wchar Text[" & $ibuffer & "]"), $pbuffer = DllStructGetPtr($tbuffer) Local $titem = DllStructCreate($_arrayconstant_taglvitem), $pitem = DllStructGetPtr($titem) DllStructSetData($titem, "Param", 0) DllStructSetData($titem, "Text", $pbuffer) DllStructSetData($titem, "TextMax", $ibuffer) Local $iwidth = 640, $iheight = 480 Local $hgui = GUICreate($stitle, $iwidth, $iheight, Default, Default, BitOR($_arrayconstant_ws_sizebox, $_arrayconstant_ws_minimizebox, $_arrayconstant_ws_maximizebox)) Local $aiguisize = WinGetClientSize($hgui) Local $hlistview = GUICtrlCreateListView($sheader, 0, 0, $aiguisize[0], $aiguisize[1] - 26, $_arrayconstant_lvs_showselalways) Local $hcopy = GUICtrlCreateButton("Copy Selected", 3, $aiguisize[1] - 23, $aiguisize[0] - 6, 20) GUICtrlSetResizing($hlistview, $_arrayconstant_gui_dockborders) GUICtrlSetResizing($hcopy, $_arrayconstant_gui_dockleft + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockright + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockbottom + $_arrayconstant_gui_dockheight) GUICtrlSendMsg($hlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_setextendedlistviewstyle, $_arrayconstant_lvs_ex_gridlines, $_arrayconstant_lvs_ex_gridlines) GUICtrlSendMsg($hlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_setextendedlistviewstyle, $_arrayconstant_lvs_ex_fullrowselect, $_arrayconstant_lvs_ex_fullrowselect) GUICtrlSendMsg($hlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_setextendedlistviewstyle, $_arrayconstant_ws_ex_clientedge, $_arrayconstant_ws_ex_clientedge) Local $aitem For $i = 0 To $iubound If GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($avarraytext[$i], $hlistview) = 0 Then $aitem = StringSplit($avarraytext[$i], $sseparator) DllStructSetData($tbuffer, "Text", $aitem[1]) DllStructSetData($titem, "Item", $i) DllStructSetData($titem, "SubItem", 0) DllStructSetData($titem, "Mask", $iaddmask) GUICtrlSendMsg($hlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_insertitemw, 0, $pitem) DllStructSetData($titem, "Mask", $_arrayconstant_lvif_text) For $j = 2 To $aitem[0] DllStructSetData($tbuffer, "Text", $aitem[$j]) DllStructSetData($titem, "SubItem", $j - 1) GUICtrlSendMsg($hlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_setitemw, 0, $pitem) Next EndIf Next $iwidth = 0 For $i = 0 To $isubmax + 1 $iwidth += GUICtrlSendMsg($hlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_getcolumnwidth, $i, 0) Next If $iwidth < 250 Then $iwidth = 230 $iwidth += 20 If $iwidth > @DesktopWidth Then $iwidth = @DesktopWidth - 100 WinMove($hgui, "", (@DesktopWidth - $iwidth) / 2, Default, $iwidth) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hgui) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $_arrayconstant_gui_event_close ExitLoop Case $hcopy Local $sclip = "" Local $aicuritems[1] = [0] For $i = 0 To GUICtrlSendMsg($hlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_getitemcount, 0, 0) If GUICtrlSendMsg($hlistview, $_arrayconstant_lvm_getitemstate, $i, 2) Then $aicuritems[0] += 1 ReDim $aicuritems[$aicuritems[0] + 1] $aicuritems[$aicuritems[0]] = $i EndIf Next If NOT $aicuritems[0] Then For $sitem In $avarraytext $sclip &= $sitem & @CRLF Next Else For $i = 1 To UBound($aicuritems) - 1 $sclip &= $avarraytext[$aicuritems[$i]] & @CRLF Next EndIf ClipPut($sclip) EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hgui) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", $ioneventmode) Opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar", $sdataseparatorchar) Return 1 EndFunc Func _arrayfindall(Const ByRef $avarray, $vvalue, $istart = 0, $iend = 0, $icase = 0, $ipartial = 0, $isubitem = 0) $istart = _arraysearch($avarray, $vvalue, $istart, $iend, $icase, $ipartial, 1, $isubitem) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, -1) Local $iindex = 0, $avresult[UBound($avarray)] Do $avresult[$iindex] = $istart $iindex += 1 $istart = _arraysearch($avarray, $vvalue, $istart + 1, $iend, $icase, $ipartial, 1, $isubitem) Until @error ReDim $avresult[$iindex] Return $avresult EndFunc Func _arrayinsert(ByRef $avarray, $ielement, $vvalue = "") If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $iubound = UBound($avarray) + 1 ReDim $avarray[$iubound] For $i = $iubound - 1 To $ielement + 1 Step -1 $avarray[$i] = $avarray[$i - 1] Next $avarray[$ielement] = $vvalue Return $iubound EndFunc Func _arraymax(Const ByRef $avarray, $icompnumeric = 0, $istart = 0, $iend = 0) Local $iresult = _arraymaxindex($avarray, $icompnumeric, $istart, $iend) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") Return $avarray[$iresult] EndFunc Func _arraymaxindex(Const ByRef $avarray, $icompnumeric = 0, $istart = 0, $iend = 0) If NOT IsArray($avarray) OR UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) Local $iubound = UBound($avarray) - 1 If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $iubound Then $iend = $iubound If $istart < 0 Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Local $imaxindex = $istart If $icompnumeric Then For $i = $istart To $iend If Number($avarray[$imaxindex]) < Number($avarray[$i]) Then $imaxindex = $i Next Else For $i = $istart To $iend If $avarray[$imaxindex] < $avarray[$i] Then $imaxindex = $i Next EndIf Return $imaxindex EndFunc Func _arraymin(Const ByRef $avarray, $icompnumeric = 0, $istart = 0, $iend = 0) Local $iresult = _arrayminindex($avarray, $icompnumeric, $istart, $iend) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") Return $avarray[$iresult] EndFunc Func _arrayminindex(Const ByRef $avarray, $icompnumeric = 0, $istart = 0, $iend = 0) If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) Local $iubound = UBound($avarray) - 1 If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $iubound Then $iend = $iubound If $istart < 0 Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Local $iminindex = $istart If $icompnumeric Then For $i = $istart To $iend If Number($avarray[$iminindex]) > Number($avarray[$i]) Then $iminindex = $i Next Else For $i = $istart To $iend If $avarray[$iminindex] > $avarray[$i] Then $iminindex = $i Next EndIf Return $iminindex EndFunc Func _arraypermute(ByRef $avarray, $sdelim = "") If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $isize = UBound($avarray), $ifactorial = 1, $aidx[$isize], $aresult[1], $icount = 1 For $i = 0 To $isize - 1 $aidx[$i] = $i Next For $i = $isize To 1 Step -1 $ifactorial *= $i Next ReDim $aresult[$ifactorial + 1] $aresult[0] = $ifactorial __array_exeterinternal($avarray, 0, $isize, $sdelim, $aidx, $aresult, $icount) Return $aresult EndFunc Func _arraypop(ByRef $avarray) If (NOT IsArray($avarray)) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Local $iubound = UBound($avarray) - 1, $slastval = $avarray[$iubound] If NOT $iubound Then $avarray = "" Else ReDim $avarray[$iubound] EndIf Return $slastval EndFunc Func _arraypush(ByRef $avarray, $vvalue, $idirection = 0) If (NOT IsArray($avarray)) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $iubound = UBound($avarray) - 1 If IsArray($vvalue) Then Local $iubounds = UBound($vvalue) If ($iubounds - 1) > $iubound Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If $idirection Then For $i = $iubound To $iubounds Step -1 $avarray[$i] = $avarray[$i - $iubounds] Next For $i = 0 To $iubounds - 1 $avarray[$i] = $vvalue[$i] Next Else For $i = 0 To $iubound - $iubounds $avarray[$i] = $avarray[$i + $iubounds] Next For $i = 0 To $iubounds - 1 $avarray[$i + $iubound - $iubounds + 1] = $vvalue[$i] Next EndIf Else If $idirection Then For $i = $iubound To 1 Step -1 $avarray[$i] = $avarray[$i - 1] Next $avarray[0] = $vvalue Else For $i = 0 To $iubound - 1 $avarray[$i] = $avarray[$i + 1] Next $avarray[$iubound] = $vvalue EndIf EndIf Return 1 EndFunc Func _arrayreverse(ByRef $avarray, $istart = 0, $iend = 0) If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $vtmp, $iubound = UBound($avarray) - 1 If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $iubound Then $iend = $iubound If $istart < 0 Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) For $i = $istart To Int(($istart + $iend - 1) / 2) $vtmp = $avarray[$i] $avarray[$i] = $avarray[$iend] $avarray[$iend] = $vtmp $iend -= 1 Next Return 1 EndFunc Func _arraysearch(Const ByRef $avarray, $vvalue, $istart = 0, $iend = 0, $icase = 0, $ipartial = 0, $iforward = 1, $isubitem = -1) If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If UBound($avarray, 0) > 2 OR UBound($avarray, 0) < 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Local $iubound = UBound($avarray) - 1 If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $iubound Then $iend = $iubound If $istart < 0 Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Local $istep = 1 If NOT $iforward Then Local $itmp = $istart $istart = $iend $iend = $itmp $istep = -1 EndIf Switch UBound($avarray, 0) Case 1 If NOT $ipartial Then If NOT $icase Then For $i = $istart To $iend Step $istep If $avarray[$i] = $vvalue Then Return $i Next Else For $i = $istart To $iend Step $istep If $avarray[$i] == $vvalue Then Return $i Next EndIf Else For $i = $istart To $iend Step $istep If StringInStr($avarray[$i], $vvalue, $icase) > 0 Then Return $i Next EndIf Case 2 Local $iuboundsub = UBound($avarray, 2) - 1 If $isubitem > $iuboundsub Then $isubitem = $iuboundsub If $isubitem < 0 Then $isubitem = 0 Else $iuboundsub = $isubitem EndIf For $j = $isubitem To $iuboundsub If NOT $ipartial Then If NOT $icase Then For $i = $istart To $iend Step $istep If $avarray[$i][$j] = $vvalue Then Return $i Next Else For $i = $istart To $iend Step $istep If $avarray[$i][$j] == $vvalue Then Return $i Next EndIf Else For $i = $istart To $iend Step $istep If StringInStr($avarray[$i][$j], $vvalue, $icase) > 0 Then Return $i Next EndIf Next Case Else Return SetError(7, 0, -1) EndSwitch Return SetError(6, 0, -1) EndFunc Func _arraysort(ByRef $avarray, $idescending = 0, $istart = 0, $iend = 0, $isubitem = 0) If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iubound = UBound($avarray) - 1 If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $iubound Then $iend = $iubound If $istart < 0 Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Switch UBound($avarray, 0) Case 1 __arrayquicksort1d($avarray, $istart, $iend) If $idescending Then _arrayreverse($avarray, $istart, $iend) Case 2 Local $isubmax = UBound($avarray, 2) - 1 If $isubitem > $isubmax Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If $idescending Then $idescending = -1 Else $idescending = 1 EndIf __arrayquicksort2d($avarray, $idescending, $istart, $iend, $isubitem, $isubmax) Case Else Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc Func __arrayquicksort1d(ByRef $avarray, ByRef $istart, ByRef $iend) If $iend <= $istart Then Return Local $vtmp If ($iend - $istart) < 15 Then Local $vcur For $i = $istart + 1 To $iend $vtmp = $avarray[$i] If IsNumber($vtmp) Then For $j = $i - 1 To $istart Step -1 $vcur = $avarray[$j] If ($vtmp >= $vcur AND IsNumber($vcur)) OR (NOT IsNumber($vcur) AND StringCompare($vtmp, $vcur) >= 0) Then ExitLoop $avarray[$j + 1] = $vcur Next Else For $j = $i - 1 To $istart Step -1 If (StringCompare($vtmp, $avarray[$j]) >= 0) Then ExitLoop $avarray[$j + 1] = $avarray[$j] Next EndIf $avarray[$j + 1] = $vtmp Next Return EndIf Local $l = $istart, $r = $iend, $vpivot = $avarray[Int(($istart + $iend) / 2)], $fnum = IsNumber($vpivot) Do If $fnum Then While ($avarray[$l] < $vpivot AND IsNumber($avarray[$l])) OR (NOT IsNumber($avarray[$l]) AND StringCompare($avarray[$l], $vpivot) < 0) $l += 1 WEnd While ($avarray[$r] > $vpivot AND IsNumber($avarray[$r])) OR (NOT IsNumber($avarray[$r]) AND StringCompare($avarray[$r], $vpivot) > 0) $r -= 1 WEnd Else While (StringCompare($avarray[$l], $vpivot) < 0) $l += 1 WEnd While (StringCompare($avarray[$r], $vpivot) > 0) $r -= 1 WEnd EndIf If $l <= $r Then $vtmp = $avarray[$l] $avarray[$l] = $avarray[$r] $avarray[$r] = $vtmp $l += 1 $r -= 1 EndIf Until $l > $r __arrayquicksort1d($avarray, $istart, $r) __arrayquicksort1d($avarray, $l, $iend) EndFunc Func __arrayquicksort2d(ByRef $avarray, ByRef $istep, ByRef $istart, ByRef $iend, ByRef $isubitem, ByRef $isubmax) If $iend <= $istart Then Return Local $vtmp, $l = $istart, $r = $iend, $vpivot = $avarray[Int(($istart + $iend) / 2)][$isubitem], $fnum = IsNumber($vpivot) Do If $fnum Then While ($istep * ($avarray[$l][$isubitem] - $vpivot) < 0 AND IsNumber($avarray[$l][$isubitem])) OR (NOT IsNumber($avarray[$l][$isubitem]) AND $istep * StringCompare($avarray[$l][$isubitem], $vpivot) < 0) $l += 1 WEnd While ($istep * ($avarray[$r][$isubitem] - $vpivot) > 0 AND IsNumber($avarray[$r][$isubitem])) OR (NOT IsNumber($avarray[$r][$isubitem]) AND $istep * StringCompare($avarray[$r][$isubitem], $vpivot) > 0) $r -= 1 WEnd Else While ($istep * StringCompare($avarray[$l][$isubitem], $vpivot) < 0) $l += 1 WEnd While ($istep * StringCompare($avarray[$r][$isubitem], $vpivot) > 0) $r -= 1 WEnd EndIf If $l <= $r Then For $i = 0 To $isubmax $vtmp = $avarray[$l][$i] $avarray[$l][$i] = $avarray[$r][$i] $avarray[$r][$i] = $vtmp Next $l += 1 $r -= 1 EndIf Until $l > $r __arrayquicksort2d($avarray, $istep, $istart, $r, $isubitem, $isubmax) __arrayquicksort2d($avarray, $istep, $l, $iend, $isubitem, $isubmax) EndFunc Func _arrayswap(ByRef $vitem1, ByRef $vitem2) Local $vtmp = $vitem1 $vitem1 = $vitem2 $vitem2 = $vtmp EndFunc Func _arraytoclip(Const ByRef $avarray, $istart = 0, $iend = 0) Local $sresult = _arraytostring($avarray, @CR, $istart, $iend) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return ClipPut($sresult) EndFunc Func _arraytostring(Const ByRef $avarray, $sdelim = "|", $istart = 0, $iend = 0) If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") Local $sresult, $iubound = UBound($avarray) - 1 If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $iubound Then $iend = $iubound If $istart < 0 Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") For $i = $istart To $iend $sresult &= $avarray[$i] & $sdelim Next Return StringTrimRight($sresult, StringLen($sdelim)) EndFunc Func _arraytrim(ByRef $avarray, $itrimnum, $idirection = 0, $istart = 0, $iend = 0) If NOT IsArray($avarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($avarray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $iubound = UBound($avarray) - 1 If $iend < 1 OR $iend > $iubound Then $iend = $iubound If $istart < 0 Then $istart = 0 If $istart > $iend Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) If $idirection Then For $i = $istart To $iend $avarray[$i] = StringTrimRight($avarray[$i], $itrimnum) Next Else For $i = $istart To $iend $avarray[$i] = StringTrimLeft($avarray[$i], $itrimnum) Next EndIf Return 1 EndFunc Func _arrayunique($aarray, $idimension = 1, $ibase = 0, $icase = 0, $vdelim = "|") Local $iubounddim If $vdelim = "|" Then $vdelim = Chr(1) If NOT IsArray($aarray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If NOT $idimension > 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Else $iubounddim = UBound($aarray, 1) If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If $idimension > 1 Then Local $aarraytmp[1] For $i = 0 To $iubounddim - 1 _arrayadd($aarraytmp, $aarray[$i][$idimension - 1]) Next _arraydelete($aarraytmp, 0) Else If UBound($aarray, 0) = 1 Then Dim $aarraytmp[1] For $i = 0 To $iubounddim - 1 _arrayadd($aarraytmp, $aarray[$i]) Next _arraydelete($aarraytmp, 0) Else Dim $aarraytmp[1] For $i = 0 To $iubounddim - 1 _arrayadd($aarraytmp, $aarray[$i][$idimension - 1]) Next _arraydelete($aarraytmp, 0) EndIf EndIf EndIf Local $shold For $icc = $ibase To UBound($aarraytmp) - 1 If NOT StringInStr($vdelim & $shold, $vdelim & $aarraytmp[$icc] & $vdelim, $icase) Then $shold &= $aarraytmp[$icc] & $vdelim Next If $shold Then $aarraytmp = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($shold, StringLen($vdelim)), $vdelim, 1) Return $aarraytmp EndIf Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndFunc Func __array_exeterinternal(ByRef $avarray, $istart, $isize, $sdelim, ByRef $aidx, ByRef $aresult, ByRef $icount) If $istart == $isize - 1 Then For $i = 0 To $isize - 1 $aresult[$icount] &= $avarray[$aidx[$i]] & $sdelim Next If $sdelim <> "" Then $aresult[$icount] = StringTrimRight($aresult[$icount], 1) $icount += 1 Else Local $itemp For $i = $istart To $isize - 1 $itemp = $aidx[$i] $aidx[$i] = $aidx[$istart] $aidx[$istart] = $itemp __array_exeterinternal($avarray, $istart + 1, $isize, $sdelim, $aidx, $aresult, $icount) $aidx[$istart] = $aidx[$i] $aidx[$i] = $itemp Next EndIf EndFunc Func __array_combinations($in, $ir) Local $i_total = 1 For $i = $ir To 1 Step -1 $i_total *= ($in / $i) $in -= 1 Next Return Round($i_total) EndFunc Func __array_getnext($in, $ir, ByRef $ileft, $itotal, ByRef $aidx) If $ileft == $itotal Then $ileft -= 1 Return EndIf Local $i = $ir - 1 While $aidx[$i] == $in - $ir + $i $i -= 1 WEnd $aidx[$i] += 1 For $j = $i + 1 To $ir - 1 $aidx[$j] = $aidx[$i] + $j - $i Next $ileft -= 1 EndFunc Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) example() Func example() Local $button_1, $button_2, $button_3, $button_4 Local $halt, $msg Local $aleg_ini, $bleg_ini, $cleg_ini, $dleg_ini, $host Opt("GUICoordMode", 1) GUICreate("IE Killer", 140, 260, $ws_ex_topmost) $button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("A Leg", 20, 20, 100, 40) $button_2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("B Leg", 20, 80, 100, 40) $button_3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("C Leg", 20, 140, 100, 40) $button_4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("D Leg", 20, 200, 100, 40) $aleg_ini = IniReadSection("ALeg_ini.ini", "ALeg") $bleg_ini = IniReadSection("BLeg_ini.ini", "BLeg") $cleg_ini = IniReadSection("CLeg_ini.ini", "CLeg") $dleg_ini = IniReadSection("DLeg_ini.ini", "DLeg") Local $arraleg[$aleg_ini[0][0]] Local $arrbleg[$bleg_ini[0][0]] Local $arrcleg[$cleg_ini[0][0]] Local $arrdleg[$dleg_ini[0][0]] For $i = 1 To $aleg_ini[0][0] $arraleg[$i - 1] = $aleg_ini[$i][1] Next GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $gui_event_close Exit Case $msg = $gui_event_minimize Case $msg = $gui_event_maximize Case $msg = $button_1 For $host In $arraleg Run(@ComSpec & "\\" & $host & " RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 255", '', @SW_SHOW) Next Case $msg = $button_2 For $host In $arrbleg Run(@ComSpec & " /c taskkill /s \\" & $host & " /F /IM iexplore.exe", '', @SW_SHOW) Next Case $msg = $button_3 For $host In $arrcleg Run(@ComSpec & " /c taskkill /s \\" & $host & " /F /IM iexplore.exe", '', @SW_SHOW) Next Case $msg = $button_4 For $host In $arrdleg Run(@ComSpec & " /c taskkill /s \\" & $host & " /F /IM iexplore.exe", '', @SW_SHOW) Next Case $halt = $msg EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete() EndFunc I am not sure that the Code I put in to Clear the cache is working (see below): Run(@ComSpec & "\\" & $host & " RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 255", '', @SW_SHOW)
markyrocks Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 well all im gona say is the "global const" part is where all the variables are declared.  you have alot of functions in there but i couldn't find one called, so it basically does nothing as it sits.  Besides that if you don't know much about it you need to start at the basics and work your way up. Spoiler  "I Believe array math to be potentially fatal, I may be dying from array math poisoning"
swstrau118 Posted December 13, 2013 Author Posted December 13, 2013 Would you know how to run a clear cache command? I have the taskkill IE working? I'm researching more about how this program works
markyrocks Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 I'd guess it would be something like this here... '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> Mind you it took me less than 30 seconds to Google that and look at post and post it Spoiler  "I Believe array math to be potentially fatal, I may be dying from array math poisoning"
swstrau118 Posted December 16, 2013 Author Posted December 16, 2013 I'd guess it would be something like this here... '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> Mind you it took me less than 30 seconds to Google that and look at post and post it I was able to find how to clear the cache and temp internet folder the Problem I am having is being able to execute that remotely because when I run the command it clears the IE cache on my computer or doesn't work at all.Â
lewisg Posted December 16, 2013 Posted December 16, 2013 The code you supplied in your post seems to be from the Includes "GUIConstantsEx" and "Array". Other then that, much like markyrocks posted above, I don't see any code to do anything.
swstrau118 Posted December 16, 2013 Author Posted December 16, 2013 (edited) The code you supplied in your post seems to be from the Includes "GUIConstantsEx" and "Array". Other then that, much like markyrocks posted above, I don't see any code to do anything. Hmm I am wondering why the following code: Run(@ComSpec & " /c taskkill /s \\" & $host & " /F /IM iexplore.exe", '', @SW_SHOW) works really well but can't do a simple clear cache remotely. I tried putting the code markyrocks suggested in but it want to run on my computer not the remote computer Edited December 16, 2013 by swstrau118
BrewManNH Posted December 16, 2013 Posted December 16, 2013 Taskkill will run on a remote computer, your code will not, it will run wherever the script is being executed from, as I told you in your other thread. swstrau118 1 If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator
markyrocks Posted December 16, 2013 Posted December 16, 2013 The post that I pointed you to wasn't meant to be a cure all end all. Just a nudge in (what I thought) was the right direction. Spoiler  "I Believe array math to be potentially fatal, I may be dying from array math poisoning"
Bert Posted December 17, 2013 Posted December 17, 2013 You may want to look at ccleaner. (www.ccleaner.com) The pro version supports command line. It may make your support role MUCH easier. If you decide it is for you it is a real simple matter to make an autoit script to kick it off. The Vollatran project  My blog: http://www.vollysinterestingshit.com/
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