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FileWriteLog unable to append log at beginning of file

Go to solution Solved by abberration,

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I'm facing a problem to get the file compile properly. It indicate with error:

$iFlag: possibly used before declaration,

$iFlag: undeclared global variable.

Below is my code.

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <File.au3>

Global $file, $sPath, $hFile, $vPath, $sDrive

$file = FileOpen("backup-path.txt", 0) ; Open the directory file in read only mode. The directory path until $sPath only.
$hFile = FileOpen("backup-sync.log", 1) ; Open the logfile in write mode.

; Check if file opened for reading OK
If $file = -1 Then
    MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")
ElseIf FileExists("I:\") Then
    MsgBox(0, "Error", "I:\ drive not found")
    _FileWriteLog($hFile, 'I:\ drive not found', $iFlag <> -1) ; Write to the logfile with section ending
    _FileWriteLog($hFile, '*****', $iFlag <> -1) ; Write to the logfile with section ending

Func sync()
$vPath = InputBox("Define folder name", "Enter folder name", "WWxx dd-mm-yyyy", "", 200, 130)
SplashTextOn("", "Syncing files. Please wait.", 250, 50, -1, -1, 16, "", 10)
; Read in lines of text until the EOF is reached
While 1

    DirCreate("I:\" & $vPath)
    Local $line = FileReadLine($file)
    If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop
    FileCopy($line, "I:\" & $vPath, 1)
    _FileWriteLog($hFile, 'Copied;'&@ComputerName&';'&$line, $iFlag <> -1) ; Write to the logfile passing the filehandle returned by FileOpen.
    _FileWriteLog($hFile, '*****', $iFlag <> -1) ; Write to the logfile with section ending.
    FileClose($hFile) ; Close the log file.
    FileClose($file) ; Close the directory file.
    MsgBox(0,"", "Sync completed.")
  • Solution

Welcome to AutoIt!

The statement "$iFlag <> -1" shouldn't be used in that manner. The help file is only using $iFlag to let you know how it will process a -1 in that location or anything other than a -1. Basically, it is a way of telling your script to write your newest  log entry to the top of the file or the bottom. If you put in a -1 (which is default), it will write it to the bottom. If you put anything else, it will write it to the top. So, the question you have to ask yourself is if you always want your newest entry on top or in chronological order.

Examples that should work:

_FileWriteLog($hFile, 'I:\ drive not found', -1); writes to the end of the file
_FileWriteLog($hFile, 'I:\ drive not found', 1); writes to the beginning of the file

Thank you very much abberration. I'm able to compile the script now. However, the file doesn't append on top but happens at the end of the file. I try with value 1, 0, -2. None working.


Welcome to AutoIt!

The statement "$iFlag <> -1" shouldn't be used in that manner. The help file is only using $iFlag to let you know how it will process a -1 in that location or anything other than a -1. Basically, it is a way of telling your script to write your newest  log entry to the top of the file or the bottom. If you put in a -1 (which is default), it will write it to the bottom. If you put anything else, it will write it to the top. So, the question you have to ask yourself is if you always want your newest entry on top or in chronological order.

Examples that should work:

_FileWriteLog($hFile, 'I:\ drive not found', -1); writes to the end of the file
_FileWriteLog($hFile, 'I:\ drive not found', 1); writes to the beginning of the file
Posted (edited)

It works as expected here. Please run the following script and post the result:

#include <File.au3>
_FileWriteLog("C:\temp\test.log", "First Message")
_FileWriteLog("C:\temp\test.log", "Message at the End", -1)
_FileWriteLog("C:\temp\test.log", "Message at the Top", 1)
Edited by water

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Updated: 22/04/2018


Could you please describe the problem that led to the undesired result?

So it might be helpful for others in the future.

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