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Posted (edited)

1/22/2014: re-Uploaded a new SciTE4AutoIt3.exe installer with the new SciTE v3.3.7 release.

This version contains a version of AutoIt3Wrapper and SciTEConfig which are recompiled with AutoIt3 v to avoid te hardcrash with Athlon CPU's.

There are a couple of major changes:
- Updated our version of SciTE from 3.3.6 to 3.3.7

- AutoIt3Wrapper will now use  "c:users<userName>AppdataLocalAutoit v3Aut2Exe" as Temp directory.

- Updated syntax files.


Addition/Changes/Fixes in the current installer:

*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v2.1.4.5 (Jos)
    - Fixed issue with undecleared variable error when using /Versioning_Commit
    - Recompiled with version because could give a hardcrash.
*** Updated SciTEConfig v1.6.11.1 (Jos)
    - Recompiled with version because could give a hardcrash.

*** Fixed missing SciTEConfig in SciTE4AutoIt3 installer.
*** Merged the updates of SciTE v 3.3.7 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE. (Jos)
*** Updated Production config files to
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v2.1.4.0 (Jos)
    - Use "c:\users\<userName>\Appdata\Local\Autoit v3\Aut2Exe" as Temp directory for compiling and resource updating like aut2exe.
    - Fixed issue with Compile both and Pragma(x64,true)
    - Fixed inputfile in case Obfuscator needs to run but is skipped due to unsupported utf format.
    - Fixed UPX selection option to default to N and adding the Directive when checkbox is checked.
*** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.31.1 (Jos)
    - Changed the code to leave #include statements that include a a3x file.
*** Merged the updates of SciTE v 3.3.6 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE. (Jos)
    - Added check to avoid double shelling of the script via shortcuts of the tools menu items.
    - Added Properties option to set the default encoding of new files:
    - Fixed issue in AU3 lexer to show the last correctly when the previous line is a commentline, commentblock, Special and Directives.
*** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v2.1.3.0 (Jos)
    - Fixed issue where a tempfile was left behind when files was checked by au3check and UTF encoded.
    - Added support for the #PRAGMA statement to avoid any conflicts. Warnings are now displayed in the Console output.
    - Added SciTE version to the displayed info in the Console Output.
    - Added #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Remove (wraithdu)
    - Added File compression for Resource Files (wraithdu)
        #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=%in%, 10, UNCOMPRESSED
        #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=%in%, -10, COMPRESSED
    - Updated option to change the TempDir in the INI file. Default changed to @UserProfileDir. (wraithdu)
    - Fixed adding /Beta to the Obfuscator line when using the /Beta on the commandline of Autoit3wrapper.
    - Fixed to ensure UPX is ran when needed.
    - Fixed: Allow | in run_before and Run_After directives.
*** Updated Tidy v2.4.0.0 (Jos)
    - Added support for 3.3.9.x changes.
    - Changed default EOF setting to add the CRLF. (End_With_NewLine=1)
    - Fixed removal of spaces for new Var/Func notation
    - Fixed crash caused by Function table load.
*** Updated SciTEConfig v1.6.11.0
    - Updates for Abbrev manager and User Calltip Manager (Melba23)
*** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.31.0 (Jos)
    - Fixed ensure #pragma statements are not stripped.
    - Fixed Regression internal code cleanup done before. The Obfuscation was broken
    - Fixed #include logic for #Include not first checking the Directory where the file containing the include is located.
    - Added check for max 4100 character record len without causing a crash.
*** Added support for personal LUA functions. Look at "PersonalTools.lua" in your @UserProfileDir subdir for details.
*** Updated SciTEJump to the latest version v2.13.103.227 (guinness)

==> ScitillaHistory page containing all SciTE/Scintilla updates.
==> Visit the SciTE4AutoIt3 Download page for the latest versions
==> Check the online documentation for an overview of all extra's you get with this installer.

Edited by Jos

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Signature beginning:
Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules *
ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Codefor other useful stuff click the following button:


Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. 

My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST APIErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *


My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane

Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette *  Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * 

Wiki: Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * 

OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX

IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskSchedulerIE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related:How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11

I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions *  EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *

I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code:  * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuffOnHungApp handlerAvoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor

winhttp.au3 related : * https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/206771-winhttpau3-download-problem-youre-speaking-plain-http-to-an-ssl-enabled-server-port/

"Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer
"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"
:naughty:  :ranting:, be  :) and       \\//_.

Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty."

Signature last update: 2023-04-24



but - there are no "PersonalTools.lua" in the AutoIt3SciTELUA subdir :sweating:

*** Added support for personal LUA functions. Look at "PersonalTools.lua" in the LUA subdir for details.
  • Developers
Posted (edited)



but - there are no "PersonalTools.lua" in the AutoIt3SciTELUA subdir :sweating:

*** Added support for personal LUA functions. Look at "PersonalTools.lua" in the LUA subdir for details.


I need to update that statement because the "PersonalTools.lua" is now located in %USERPROFILE% (@UserProfileDir).


Edited by Jos

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thank you very much!

i just never understood why these type of announcements reside in the forum section "General -> Developer Chat".

the description reads: "General coding talk. Scripting, programming, C++, etc."

there's a much more suitable forum section: "Administration -> Announcements and Site News",

where the description reads: "AutoIt releases and site announcements."


Well Unofficial/Official tools, in that those which are recognised as being endorsed by the Dev/MVP team.

UDF List:

_AdapterConnections()_AlwaysRun()_AppMon()_AppMonEx()_ArrayFilter/_ArrayReduce_BinaryBin()_CheckMsgBox()_CmdLineRaw()_ContextMenu()_ConvertLHWebColor()/_ConvertSHWebColor()_DesktopDimensions()_DisplayPassword()_DotNet_Load()/_DotNet_Unload()_Fibonacci()_FileCompare()_FileCompareContents()_FileNameByHandle()_FilePrefix/SRE()_FindInFile()_GetBackgroundColor()/_SetBackgroundColor()_GetConrolID()_GetCtrlClass()_GetDirectoryFormat()_GetDriveMediaType()_GetFilename()/_GetFilenameExt()_GetHardwareID()_GetIP()_GetIP_Country()_GetOSLanguage()_GetSavedSource()_GetStringSize()_GetSystemPaths()_GetURLImage()_GIFImage()_GoogleWeather()_GUICtrlCreateGroup()_GUICtrlListBox_CreateArray()_GUICtrlListView_CreateArray()_GUICtrlListView_SaveCSV()_GUICtrlListView_SaveHTML()_GUICtrlListView_SaveTxt()_GUICtrlListView_SaveXML()_GUICtrlMenu_Recent()_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemImage()_GUICtrlTreeView_CreateArray()_GUIDisable()_GUIImageList_SetIconFromHandle()_GUIRegisterMsg()_GUISetIcon()_Icon_Clear()/_Icon_Set()_IdleTime()_InetGet()_InetGetGUI()_InetGetProgress()_IPDetails()_IsFileOlder()_IsGUID()_IsHex()_IsPalindrome()_IsRegKey()_IsStringRegExp()_IsSystemDrive()_IsUPX()_IsValidType()_IsWebColor()_Language()_Log()_MicrosoftInternetConnectivity()_MSDNDataType()_PathFull/GetRelative/Split()_PathSplitEx()_PrintFromArray()_ProgressSetMarquee()_ReDim()_RockPaperScissors()/_RockPaperScissorsLizardSpock()_ScrollingCredits_SelfDelete()_SelfRename()_SelfUpdate()_SendTo()_ShellAll()_ShellFile()_ShellFolder()_SingletonHWID()_SingletonPID()_Startup()_StringCompact()_StringIsValid()_StringRegExpMetaCharacters()_StringReplaceWholeWord()_StringStripChars()_Temperature()_TrialPeriod()_UKToUSDate()/_USToUKDate()_WinAPI_Create_CTL_CODE()_WinAPI_CreateGUID()_WMIDateStringToDate()/_DateToWMIDateString()Au3 script parsingAutoIt SearchAutoIt3 PortableAutoIt3WrapperToPragmaAutoItWinGetTitle()/AutoItWinSetTitle()CodingDirToHTML5FileInstallrFileReadLastChars()GeoIP databaseGUI - Only Close ButtonGUI ExamplesGUICtrlDeleteImage()GUICtrlGetBkColor()GUICtrlGetStyle()GUIEventsGUIGetBkColor()Int_Parse() & Int_TryParse()IsISBN()LockFile()Mapping CtrlIDsOOP in AutoItParseHeadersToSciTE()PasswordValidPasteBinPosts Per DayPreExpandProtect GlobalsQueue()Resource UpdateResourcesExSciTE JumpSettings INISHELLHOOKShunting-YardSignature CreatorStack()Stopwatch()StringAddLF()/StringStripLF()StringEOLToCRLF()VSCROLLWM_COPYDATAMore Examples...

Updated: 22/04/2018

Posted (edited)

i noticed the installer uses a new display version as discussed >here:
it is now reading:


however, seeing it for the first time "live" i'm now wondering if some additional optimization could be done.

SciTE4AutoIt3 is to be installed on top of the AutoIt 3.x series.
so maybe the "3" should also be reflected / retained in the installer of SciTE4AutoIt3.

here's one proposal:

!define /date MyDate "%y%m.%d"
!define MyVersion "3.${MyDate}"

this would make it: 3.YYMM.DD

example: 3.1311.14

Edited by francoiste
  • Moderators



there's a much more suitable forum section: "Administration -> Announcements and Site News"

Only Admin, Devs and Mods can post in that section, so it is far from "suitable" for hosting a thread such as this. :)

And, because Jos is far too nice to say so and I have had a bastard of a week, as a relative newcomer why not just appreciate the work that he and others have put into creating the SciTE4Autoit3 package for the whole community rather than continually moaning that it is not exactly as YOU want it? ;)


Public_Domain.png.2d871819fcb9957cf44f4514551a2935.png Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind

Open spoiler to see my UDFs:


ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area


  • Developers

The project (installer/SciTE/Tidy/Ofuscator/AutoIt3Wrapper/SciTEconfig+ other tools) has been here since its start and it is my personal project for this community.

It did grow into what it is today with its own Sub-web in the website and a lite version on request of Jon for inclusion in the AutoIt3 installer.

The SciTE source is now maintained in Jon's AutoIt3 source library, but the installer and it's tools are still maintained in my environment with me as the sole developer/maintainer.

There are of course a number of contributors, like mentioned in the credits section, which have supplied tools which are included in the Installer.

I would have no issues with a separate forum but is also fine in this place ...  whatever works. :)

to add on to Melba23's statements:

It is strange to see how people mostly take all the work we/I put in for granted, considering this thread was posted over a week ago and seeing the responses till now.

Guess the only credit these days one can get from doing development is not getting too much complaints after releasing a new version at contain shitload of modifications to accommodate the many changes made in the recent AutoIt3 syntax changes.

This is something I knew already being all my working life in IT, but just wanted to throw it out there. ;)


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Eh, why is it that mentioning something which could make bug reporting/scite4au3 announcements even more organized be a sign of taking all of this for granted?  I for one highly appreciate your work and would not have continued to use AutoIt after all these years if it were not for SciTE4Au3.  But give it three minutes and my post here will be all but forgotten.  Maybe we should have a thread just for expressing our gratitude?

Posted (edited)

i'm afraid Melba23 and Jos got it "all wrong":

why not just appreciate the work that he and others have put into creating the SciTE4Autoit3 package for the whole community rather than continually moaning that it is not exactly as YOU want it?


It is strange to see how people mostly take all the work we/I put in for granted, considering this thread was posted over a week ago and seeing the responses till now.


there has been absolutely no moaning or complaining.
instead, there is appreciation expressed, indeed.

suggesting an "official announcement" and dedicated sub-forum just translates to:
"wow, this is great stuff! it deserves to be officially announced and officially discussed. what a pity it still treated as something semi-official, only."

suggesting an improved version number is not something an individual wants.
it is an ultra tiny little "contribution" - an idea how to improve it to add value.
caring about the project and making such suggestions could also be seen as appreciation, can't they?

regarding the concern "It is strange (...) considering this thread was posted over a week ago and seeing the responses till now":

a) is it you dislike the contents of the responses so far?
i hope i was able to clarify the positive intent.

also you may have overlooked the previous: "thanks", "10x!" and "thank you very much!".

B) is it you are disappointed by the little amount of responses?
maybe it's because not many forum members have "found" or "run accross" this thread because it resides in some suboptimal location :)


anyways, just in case you have not been able to read the appreciation between the lines i'll explicitly repeat:

thanks a ton!! you are awesome.
please keep up the good work.


Edited by francoiste

thanks a ton!! you are awesome.

please keep up the good work.



With all my heart and all my mind, I agree with the previous speaker.
And although I do not have such skills and abilities as you Dev / Mod / MVP,
if necessary, recommend myself as a volunteer to help.
:ILA2:  and of course SciTE4AutoIt3

Signature beginning:
Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules *
ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Codefor other useful stuff click the following button:


Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. 

My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST APIErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *


My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane

Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette *  Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * 

Wiki: Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * 

OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX

IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskSchedulerIE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related:How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11

I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions *  EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *

I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code:  * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuffOnHungApp handlerAvoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor

winhttp.au3 related : * https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/206771-winhttpau3-download-problem-youre-speaking-plain-http-to-an-ssl-enabled-server-port/

"Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer
"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"
:naughty:  :ranting:, be  :) and       \\//_.

Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty."

Signature last update: 2023-04-24

Posted (edited)

some feedback on the 2013-11-14 release and UPX:

  • from SciTE invoke the "compile" command
  • AutoIt3Wrapper GUI ( opens
  • enable the checkbox "Use UPX"
  • click on "compile script"

effect: script is compiled including UPX-compression. good.

however, this setting is not persisted.
it's required to manually add this directive to the source:


i thought the wrapper GUI would persist all settings by automatically updating the directives in the source?

Edited by francoiste
  • Developers
Posted (edited)

Funny to see that 2 people report this to me today while it has been an issue for a while now since the default changed in AUT2EXE. :)

Anyway; it is fixed in the current Beta version of AutoIt3Wrapper available in the Beta directory.



ps: Directives are removed in case they reflect the default setting. in this case when #AutoIt3Wrapper_UserUpx is set to N.

Edited by Jos

SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page   - Beta files       Read before posting     How to post scriptsource   Forum etiquette  Forum Rules 
Live for the present,
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Learn from the past.

Is the AutoItWrapper can add a new directive that after you execute Obfuscator.exe, will perform additional changes to the file ... _obfuscated.au3
#EndRegion Run Obfuscator
If $INP_Run_Obfuscator = "y" Then
Func _ReplaceScriptLineNumber($hFile)
    Local $sFileContent = FileRead($hFile)
    Local $delim = ' @' & 'ScriptLineNumber'

    Local $aFileContent = StringSplit($sFileContent, $delim, 1)
    Local $sFileOut = ''
    If IsArray($aFileContent) = 1 And $aFileContent[0] > 1 Then
        Local $vFileContentRows = UBound($aFileContent, 1)
        Local $vLineOffset = 1
        For $i = 1 To $vFileContentRows - 2
            StringReplace($aFileContent[$i], @CRLF, @CRLF)
            $vLineOffset += @extended
            $sFileOut &= $aFileContent[$i] & ' ' & $vLineOffset
        $sFileOut &= $aFileContent[$vFileContentRows - 1]
        $sFileOut = $sFileContent
    Local $fFileWrite = FileOpen($hFile, 2)
    FileWrite($fFileWrite, $sFileOut)
EndFunc   ;==>_ReplaceScriptLineNumber
#Region Compile the script
I added it as you can see in the example, and I did some testing for me works well, except that it would be better if it were a separate directive.
Best regards

Signature beginning:
Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules *
ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Codefor other useful stuff click the following button:


Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. 

My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST APIErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *


My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane

Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette *  Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * 

Wiki: Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * 

OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX

IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskSchedulerIE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related:How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11

I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions *  EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *

I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code:  * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuffOnHungApp handlerAvoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor

winhttp.au3 related : * https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/206771-winhttpau3-download-problem-youre-speaking-plain-http-to-an-ssl-enabled-server-port/

"Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer
"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"
:naughty:  :ranting:, be  :) and       \\//_.

Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty."

Signature last update: 2023-04-24

  • Developers

What are you trying to do with that added code you are showing?

I am very reluctant to support a request to make changes to the output source from Obfuscator before the Compilation as a standard feature as that will only create confusion.


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I understand your approach to this matter.
Is so that can I count on adding new directive, something like RunAfterObfuscator ?

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Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules *
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My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane

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Wiki: Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * 

OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX

IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskSchedulerIE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related:How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11

I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions *  EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *

I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code:  * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuffOnHungApp handlerAvoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor

winhttp.au3 related : * https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/206771-winhttpau3-download-problem-youre-speaking-plain-http-to-an-ssl-enabled-server-port/

"Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer
"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"
:naughty:  :ranting:, be  :) and       \\//_.

Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty."

Signature last update: 2023-04-24

I'm thinking about the possibility of changes in the combined file I mean ...._obfuscated.au3
This applies not only need to change the @ScriptLineNumber on the proper line in order to be able to use the line number in the compiled script.
I also wonder at the possibility of tracing the course of execution of the script by determining which function was used, something like a chronology of the use of the function.
For this, however, I need to be able to change the above mentioned file.
If you wish, I can manually prepare an example showing what I want to achieve.

Signature beginning:
Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules *
ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Codefor other useful stuff click the following button:


Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. 

My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST APIErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 *


My contribution to others projects or UDF based on  others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF  * POP3.au3 UDF *  RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane

Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette *  Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * 

Wiki: Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * 

OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX

IE Related:  * How to use IE.au3  UDF with  AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskSchedulerIE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related:How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11

I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions *  EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *

I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code:  * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuffOnHungApp handlerAvoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors  * HTML editor

winhttp.au3 related : * https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/206771-winhttpau3-download-problem-youre-speaking-plain-http-to-an-ssl-enabled-server-port/

"Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer
"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming"
:naughty:  :ranting:, be  :) and       \\//_.

Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty."

Signature last update: 2023-04-24

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