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include image file into executable ?

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I use bitmaps to display this on buttons, like the follwoing code:

$backID = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Back", 0, 692, 142, 57, $BS_BITMAP)

GUICtrlSetImage (-1, "arrow-left.bmp")

After compiling the *.au3 to *.exe I must have the bitmap-File available on the client PC. Is there a possibility to compile / save / include the bitmap-File into the *.exe, that I have only one executable file to transfer to the destination system?




mocro is correct. To go into a little more detail, the best way you can implement this is to FileInstall() the image into the user's Temp folder and use it from there, deleting it when you exit your script:

fileInstall("myBitmap.bmp", @tempDir & "\myBitmap.bmp")
guiCtrlCreatePic(@tempDir & "\myBitmap.bmp", 12, 12)
fileDelete(@tempDir & "\myBitmap.bmp")

Actually, if you only place the picture on your window once then you can get away with deleting the file immediately after the GUICtrlCreatePic(). The image will remain visible in your window until you delete the control or the window.

Posted (edited)

Another way to use it:

$1 = _TempFile()

FileInstall("test.jpg", $1)


$gui = GUICreate("Test", 500, 500, -1, -1,)
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Close")


$test = GUICtrlCreatePic($1, 25, 206, 169, 23)


Func Close()
Edited by JoshDB
Ha, I haven't been on these forums since... 2006, almost. Behold, my legacy signature:My AutoIt idol is Valuater. You know you love him, too.My Stuff: D&D AGoT Tools Suite


The function FileInstall() ist the solution. Now I can rollout only one compiled file.


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