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How to read part of line?

Go to solution Solved by czardas,

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ok sso im trying to build my ownn small coding language and i just started...

i ran into a big problem....

$Location = InputBox("Location", "Please enter the location of the file you wish to compile:")
            $file = $Location
            For $i = 1 to _FileCountLines($file)
                $Line = FileReadLine($file, $i)
                Switch $Line
                    Case "MsgBox"
                        MsgBox(0, "", "LOL")

so now m program can read the "MsgBox" BUT how does my program read the following two strings for the title and text?

Can you post an example script?


StringSplit using the comma as the delimiter.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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Look in the help file for StringSplit, there's an example in there. It's pretty simple to use.

BTW, why are you trying to write your own coding language in AutoIt? It's going to be painfully slow. If you are new to AutoIt, I don't think a script interpreter is the thing to start with.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag Gude
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well, im not THAT new to AutoIt. I know all the basics and gui and stuff, so yeah...

Btw can you help me out here? ive seen the example but how do i use it in my place?

Posted (edited)

$sLocation = FileOpenDialog("Location", "", "All (*.*)")
$hFile = FileOpen($sLocation)
If $hFile <> -1 Then
    While 1
        $sLine = FileReadLine($hFile)
        If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop
        If $sLine = "MsgBox" Then
            $sTitle = FileReadLine($hFile)
            $sMsg = FileReadLine($hFile)
            MsgBox(0, $sTitle, $sMsg)

Edited by Djarlo

Guys thats not what i am looking for exactly. i want for example to be able to read this: msg LOL, LOL2 for example and the make a message with title LOL and msg LOL2. any ideas?


I can only repeat what BrewManNH said:

If you want to write something complex as a "coding language" you should be able to solve such easy problems yourself. And you have already been given the solution by pointing you to the help file.

$sLine = "LOL, LOL2"
$aSplit = StringSplit($sLine, ",")
MsgBox(0, $aSplit[1], $aSplit[2])

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Posted (edited)


I can only repeat what BrewManNH said:

If you want to write something complex as a "coding language" you should be able to solve such easy problems yourself. And you have already been given the solution by pointing you to the help file.

$sLine = "LOL, LOL2"
$aSplit = StringSplit($sLine, ",")
MsgBox(0, $aSplit[1], $aSplit[2])

Thanks but some times i just dont understand the help file examples. btw what i am askig is what if the "LOL" and "LOL2" are ANYTHING else typed by the user. it could be "sdgsafsdfdfs" that is my main problem.


Offtopic: and my dream since i was small was to design my own programming language :P

Edited by Rafaelinio

Try it yourself. Set $sLine to ""sdgsafsdfdfs, xljfpjpjsfdapi" and see what happens.

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Posted (edited)


Thanks but some times i just dont understand the help file examples. btw what i am askig is what if the "LOL" and "LOL2" are ANYTHING else typed by the user. it could be "sdgsafsdfdfs" that is my main problem.


Offtopic: and my dream since i was small was to design my own programming language :P

The example you quoted does that.

PS you're rather writing a interpreter then a actual language it seems ;-)

Edited by Djarlo

Try it yourself. Set $sLine to ""sdgsafsdfdfs, xljfpjpjsfdapi" and see what happens.

Yeah but i want those values to be changed from the notepad file. for instance, if the notepad file writes: msg fsfsfdfsfs, reteterrwerfdsfdsf then to make a msgbox with that title and message


Then a few questions:

Why Notepad?

When do you want the MsgBox to appear? When the user hits Enter ...?

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1)Notepad for now. Later on ill use a program i make myself

2)when the user saves the file. im trying to make a program that can read the .txt file so that it can generate the msgbox


I suggest not to go with Notepad - creating a GUI only takes a few minutes.

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Posted (edited)

First the syntax of the language has to be clear. Lay out full rules. You have msg (followed by) space (followed by) title (followed by) comma (followed by) text. Look for msg space and comma. Get rid of msg (followed by) space and then split the rest.

Edited by czardas

Yup but i want to be able to make the file runnable with just the complie thingy that i  made so it can be more easy to run the file from other computers. and im stuck to that problem of reading the part of the line


First the syntax of the language has to be clear. Lay out full rules. You have msg (followed by) space (followed by) title (followed by) comma (followed by) text. Look for msg space and comma. Get rid of msg (followed by) space and then split the rest.

yeah umm, thats what im trying to do here XD

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