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Getting control on elements inside Internet Explorer_Server

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I need to get an control in 3rd party application witch use Internet Explorer_Server class. 

It is online installer that use IE for displaying.

I saw an few snippets with _IEAttach but I am not sure how to make them suitable to my installer.

Could you help with it?

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http://www.winzip.com/downauto.cgi?ads=y&avg=y&lang=en&o=1&file=http://download.winzip.com/winzip180.exe&email=&er=&os=win&sid= - here is link for download, it is WinZip 180.

When you rin it there is a dialog box with ok, button and i have no idea how to take control of button located there. 

I try _IEAttach but without resilt.Also i find some useful information using AU3info but there was just class:Internet Explorer_Server...

Thanks for respons

P.s. sorry for my English )

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 This UI Automation works on installer of WinZIP

'?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>

Sample to get thru first step of installer (find window and click next button)

You could have been doing this


compared to my preference of giving first a logical name and in the actual script use the logical name

_UIA_setVar("WinZIP.Next","name:=Next >")
#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <constants.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
#include <debug.au3>
#include "CUIAutomation2.au3"
#include "UIAWrappers.au3"
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

;~ Turn debugging UIA on by default, dumps most details to consolewindow for the moment, later will use a logfile
;~ _UIA_setVar("Global.Debug",true)
;~ _UIA_setVar("Global.Highlight",true) ;- Highlights object when found

;~ Set the system under test variables
_UIA_setVar("SUT1.Fullname", _UIA_getVar("SUT1.Folder") & "\"& _UIA_getVar("SUT1.EXE"))

_UIA_setVar("SUT1.Fullname", _UIA_getVar("SUT1.Folder") & "\"& _UIA_getVar("SUT1.EXE"))

;~ Set the system under test objects to recognize and abstract logical and physical names for readability in main script

;~ _UIA_setVar("WinZIP.mainwindow","name:=WinZip 18.0")

_UIA_setVar("WinZIP.Next","name:=Next >")

;~ Start system under test
_UIA_DEBUG("Starting system under test" & @CRLF)
_UIA_DEBUG("SUT is started" & @CRLF)

_UIA_DEBUG("PID of SUT1 is " & _UIA_getVar("SUT1.PID") & @CRLF)

;~ Main script
_UIA_DEBUG("*** Main script started ***" & @CRLF)

;~ _UIA_DumpThemAll(_UIA_getVar("RTI.WinZip.MAINWINDOW"),$treescope_subtree)

_UIA_action("WinZIP.next", "left")

; The End
Func Terminate()
;~  Exit 0
EndFunc   ;==>Terminate
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you need to provide more info

1. run it from SCITE

2. what do you see as output on the consolewindow

Which language and version of Windows are you using

3.Start from the UIA thread in the first post the simple spy

4. Start the winzip installer

5. Once you see the screen hover with the mouse to the window and press the shortkey ctrl+w and post what you see as based on that you can see the controls getting highlighted and from the properties I can determine the description you have to use

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  • Solution

Just follow that specific thread and wait for updates/documentation and ask your request(s) in the UIA thread and I will answer them

For the moment its just by reading that specific thread and the sourcecode of the UDF. UIA is a large framework and with the UDF I am trying to simplifying it (and leave the power to the powerusers that can read the UDF)

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