bybordo Posted November 2, 2013 Posted November 2, 2013 i want enbale and disable connection with autoit. i searched in forum but codes doesn't work.
FireFox Posted November 2, 2013 Posted November 2, 2013 i searched in forum but codes doesn't work. You didn't see >this one then.
bybordo Posted November 2, 2013 Author Posted November 2, 2013 You didn't see >this one then. i tried doesn't work too
bybordo Posted November 2, 2013 Author Posted November 2, 2013 ShellExecute("ipconfig.exe","/release *") ; switch off Sleep(15000) ShellExecute("ipconfig.exe","/renew *") ; switch on it is working in scite editor but not working when i compile it.
gruntydatsun Posted November 2, 2013 Posted November 2, 2013 Works fine compiled on my end on win7 32bit using normal stable AutoIT, not beta What are you doing to confirm that it's not working. If your computer has been setup with a static IP, this will not disable your connection. Your releasing your DHCP lease here and then renewing it. Sorry if this is already known to you, can't tell much from your post.
Starstar Posted November 3, 2013 Posted November 3, 2013 try this Run('netsh interface set interface "Local Area Connection" DISABLED') Run('netsh interface set interface "Local Area Connection" ENABLED') Life is like a coin. You can spend it Anyway as you wish and for your kind information. "you can spend it only once."
AutID Posted November 4, 2013 Posted November 4, 2013 (edited) In case you are talking about wifi connection here you go:expandcollapse popupGlobal $hDLL = DllOpen("wlanapi.dll"), $tGUID = DllStructCreate("byte[16]") OnAutoItExitRegister("_End") Local $hClientHandle, $abGUIDs, $pGUID, $avNetworks, $sSSID = "wifi123" ; enter your profile name here $hClientHandle = _GetClientHandle() $abGUIDs = _GetInterfaces($hClientHandle) $pGUID = _SelectInterface($abGUIDs[0]) $avNetworks = _GetNetworkList($hClientHandle, $pGUID, 0) $disconnect = _Disconnect($hClientHandle, $pGUID) ConsoleWrite("Disconnected from: " & $sSSID & @CRLF) $connect = _Connect($sSSID) If Not @error Then ConsoleWrite("Connected to: " & $sSSID & @CRLF) Func _GetClientHandle() Local $aResult = DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanOpenHandle", "dword", 2, "ptr", 0, "dword*", 0, "hwnd*", 0) If @error Or $aResult[0] Then ConsoleWrite("WlanOpenHandle Failed" & @CRLF) Exit EndIf Return $aResult[4] EndFunc ;==>_GetClientHandle Func _Disconnect($hClientHandle, $pGUID) $aResult = DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanDisconnect", "hwnd", $hClientHandle, "ptr", $pGUID, "ptr", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) If $aResult[0] Then SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_Disconnect Func _Connect($sSSID) Local $tSSID, $tParameters Local Const $WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE_PROFILE = 0 Local Const $DOT11_BSS_TYPE_INFRASTRUCTURE = 1, $DOT11_BSS_TYPE_INDEPENDENT = 2 Local Const $WLAN_CONNECTION_HIDDEN_NETWORK = 1, $WLAN_CONNECTION_ADHOC_JOIN_ONLY = 2 $tSSID = DllStructCreate("WCHAR[32]") DllStructSetData($tSSID, 1, $sSSID) $tParameters = DllStructCreate("dword Mode; ptr SSID; ptr; ptr; dword BSSType; dword Flags") DllStructSetData($tParameters, "Mode", $WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE_PROFILE) DllStructSetData($tParameters, "SSID", DllStructGetPtr($tSSID)) DllStructSetData($tParameters, "BSSType", $DOT11_BSS_TYPE_INFRASTRUCTURE) DllStructSetData($tParameters, "Flags", 0) $aResult = DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanConnect", "hwnd", $hClientHandle, "ptr", $pGUID, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tParameters), "ptr", 0) If @error Or $aResult[0] Then If @error Then ConsoleWrite("DllCall failure - WlanConnect" & @CRLF & "ERROR: " & @error & @CRLF & "EXTENDED: " & @extended & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite("API error - WlanConnect" & @CRLF & "ERROR: " & $aResult[0] & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Connect Func _GetProfile($hClientHandle, $pGUID, $SSID) Local $XMLProfile, $Profile[11], $ProfileAttributes, $TMP $XMLProfile = _GetProfileXML($hClientHandle, $pGUID, $SSID) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, $XMLProfile) $ProfileAttributes = StringSplit('<name>|<connectionType>|<connectionMode>|<authentication>|<encryption>|<useOneX>|<keyType>|<keyMaterial>|<keyIndex>|<Type xmlns="">|<ConfigBlob>', "|") For $i = 1 To UBound($ProfileAttributes) - 1 $TMP = StringRegExp($XMLProfile, $ProfileAttributes[$i] & "([^<]{0,})<", 1) If IsArray($TMP) Then $Profile[$i - 1] = $TMP[0] If $TMP[0] == "ESS" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "Infrastructure" If $TMP[0] == "IBSS" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "Ad Hoc" If $TMP[0] == "auto" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "Automatic" If $TMP[0] == "manual" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "Manual" If $TMP[0] == "open" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "Open" If $TMP[0] == "shared" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "Shared Key" If $TMP[0] == "WPAPSK" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "WPA-PSK" If $TMP[0] == "WPA2PSK" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "WPA2-PSK" If $TMP[0] == "none" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "Unencrypted" If $TMP[0] == "true" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "802.1x Enabled" If $TMP[0] == "false" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "802.1x Disabled" If $TMP[0] == "networkKey" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "Network Key" If $TMP[0] == "passPhrase" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "Pass Phrase" If $TMP[0] == "13" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "TLS" If $TMP[0] == "25" Then $Profile[$i - 1] = "PEAP" EndIf Next If Not $Profile[2] And $Profile[1] Then $Profile[2] = "Automatic" If Not $Profile[7] Then $Profile[6] = "No Key Material" If Not $Profile[7] Then $Profile[7] = "No Key Material" If $Profile[8] Then $Profile[8] += 1 If Not $Profile[8] Then $Profile[8] = "No Key Index" If Not $Profile[10] Then $Profile[9] = "No Blob" If Not $Profile[10] Then $Profile[10] = "No Blob" Return $Profile EndFunc ;==>_GetProfile Func _GetProfileXML($hClientHandle, $pGUID, $SSID) $aResult = DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanGetProfile", "hwnd", $hClientHandle, "ptr", $pGUID, "wstr", $SSID, "ptr", 0, "wstr*", 0, "ptr*", 0, "ptr*", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) If $aResult[0] Then Return SetError(1, $aResult[0], 0) Return $aResult[5] EndFunc ;==>_GetProfileXML Func _GetInterfaces($hClientHandle) Local $aResult, $pInterfaceList, $tInterfaceList, $iInterfaceCount, $pInterface, $tInterface $aResult = DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanEnumInterfaces", "hwnd", $hClientHandle, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", 0) If @error Or $aResult[0] Then ConsoleWrite("WlanEnumInterfaces Failed" & @CRLF) Exit EndIf $pInterfaceList = $aResult[3] $tInterfaceList = DllStructCreate("dword", $pInterfaceList) $iInterfaceCount = DllStructGetData($tInterfaceList, 1) If Not $iInterfaceCount Then ConsoleWrite("no interfaces were found" & @CRLF) Exit EndIf Local $abGUIDs[$iInterfaceCount] For $i = 0 To $iInterfaceCount - 1 $pInterface = Ptr(Number($pInterfaceList) + ($i * 532 + 8)) $tInterface = DllStructCreate("byte GUID[16]; wchar descr[256]; int State", $pInterface) $abGUIDs[$i] = DllStructGetData($tInterface, "GUID") ConsoleWrite("Found Interface: " & DllStructGetData($tInterface, "descr") & @CRLF) Next DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanFreeMemory", "ptr", $pInterfaceList) ;free memory Return $abGUIDs EndFunc ;==>_GetInterfaces Func _SelectInterface($bGUID) DllStructSetData($tGUID, 1, $bGUID) Return DllStructGetPtr($tGUID) EndFunc ;==>_SelectInterface Func _GetNetworkList($hClientHandle, $pGUID, $iFlags) Local $aResult, $pNetworkList, $tNetworkList, $iNetworkCount, $pNetworkItem, $tNetworkItem $aResult = DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanGetAvailableNetworkList", "hwnd", $hClientHandle, "ptr", $pGUID, "int", $iFlags, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", 0) If @error Or $aResult[0] Then ConsoleWrite("WlanGetAvailableNetworkList Failed" & @CRLF) Exit EndIf $pNetworkList = $aResult[5] $tNetworkList = DllStructCreate("dword", $pNetworkList) $iNetworkCount = DllStructGetData($tNetworkList, 1) If Not $iNetworkCount Then ConsoleWrite("no networks were found" & @CRLF) Exit EndIf Local $avNetworks[$iNetworkCount][20] For $i = 0 To $iNetworkCount - 1 $pNetworkItem = Ptr(Number($pNetworkList) + ($i * 628 + 8)) $tNetworkItem = DllStructCreate("wchar ProfName[256]; dword SSIDLen; char SSID[32]; dword BSSType; dword NoBSSIDs; dword Connectable; dword RsnCode; dword NoPhyTypes; " & _ "dword PhyTypes[8]; dword MorePhyTypes; dword Signal; dword SecEnabled; dword Auth; dword Ciph; dword Flags", $pNetworkItem) $avNetworks[$i][0] = DllStructGetData($tNetworkItem, "ProfName") $avNetworks[$i][1] = DllStructGetData($tNetworkItem, "SSID") $avNetworks[$i][2] = DllStructGetData($tNetworkItem, "Signal") If DllStructGetData($tNetworkItem, "SecEnabled") Then $avNetworks[$i][3] = "Secure" Else $avNetworks[$i][3] = "Not Secure" EndIf ConsoleWrite("Found Network: " & $avNetworks[$i][1] & " [" & $avNetworks[$i][2] & "%]" & "-" & $avNetworks[$i][3] & @CRLF) Next DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanFreeMemory", "ptr", $pNetworkList) ;Free memory Return $avNetworks EndFunc ;==>_GetNetworkList Func _End() DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanCloseHandle", "ptr", $hClientHandle, "ptr", 0) DllClose($hDLL) EndFunc ;==>_End_Connect function was made by MattyD.He actually has an entire UDF about wlan.api. Check the Example Scipt forum Edited November 4, 2013 by AutID
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