Solution junkew Posted November 2, 2013 Solution Posted November 2, 2013 (edited) Run it from SCITE and Post the output you get to this forum and I can give more suggestions. Most likely you have a different language of Windows and as such you should change certain descriptions likeĀ _UIA_setVar("MACH3.mainwindow","classname:=Afx:00400000:b:00010003:00000006.*") _UIA_setVar("MACH3.mnuFile","name:=((File)|(Bestand)) index:=2") could be different on your system Make sure you kill mach3 in the process of the taskmanager It seems even if Mach3 is closed it stays in memory and then script is not running. Other things you could try is to put command like sleep(500) in between the actions (could be things are going to quick for Mach3) expandcollapse popupStarting system under test Starting : C:\Mach3\Mach3.exe /p Mach3Mill from C:\Mach3\SUT is started PID of SUT1 is 4140 *** Main script started *** Afx:00400000:b:00010003:00000006.* Found the Name is: <Mach3 CNC Demo> Class := <Afx:00400000:b:00010003:00000006:003204C9> controltype:= <50032> (0000C370) Storing in RTI as RTI.MACH3.mainwindow Action 1 focus on MACH3.mainwindow ***** Dumping tree ***** Title is: <Mach3 CNC Demo> Class := <Afx:00400000:b:00010003:00000006:003204C9> controltype:= <UIA_WindowControlTypeId> ,<50032> , (0000C370) , automationid:= <> Title is: <> Class := <AfxMDIFrame70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <59648> Title is: <> Class := <AfxFrameOrView70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <59648> Title is: <> Class := <MACHGLWINDOW> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8364> Title is: <Load Wizards> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8011> Title is: <NFS Wizards> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8012> Title is: <Load G-Code> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8013> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8093> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8094> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8121> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8140> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8141> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8142> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8143> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8144> Title is: <Spindle CW F5> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8145> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8146> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8147> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8148> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8149> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8150> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8151> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8152> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8153> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8154> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8155> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8156> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8157> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8158> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8159> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8160> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8161> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8162> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8163> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8164> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8187> Title is: <Jog ON/OFF Ctrl-Alt-J> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8188> Title is: <Remember> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8250> Title is: <Return > Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8251> Title is: <Last Wizard> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8254> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8255> Title is: <Reverse Run> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8256> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8273> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8279> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8280> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8281> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8282> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8283> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8284> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8285> Title is: <Auto Tool Zero> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8286> Title is: <Set Next Line> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8287> Title is: <Run From Here> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8288> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8289> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8290> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8291> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8292> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8293> Title is: <Single BLK Alt-N> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8294> Title is: <Rewind Ctrl-W> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8295> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8296> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8302> Title is: <Recent File> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8349> Title is: <Block Delete> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8350> Title is: <M1 Optional Stop> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8351> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8352> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8353> Title is: <Close G-Code> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8354> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8355> Title is: <On/Off> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8356> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8357> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8358> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8359> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8360> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8363> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8377> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8378> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8379> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8380> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8381> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8382> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8383> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8384> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8385> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8386> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8396> Title is: <Offsets (Alt-5)> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8416> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8430> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8465> Title is: <Settings (Alt-6)> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8471> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8476> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8487> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8488> Title is: <Edit G-Code> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8586> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8613> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8614> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8615> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8616> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8617> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8618> Title is: <Flood Ctrl-F> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8619> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8620> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8621> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8622> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8623> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8624> Title is: <Verticaal> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_ScrollBarControlTypeId> ,<50014> , (0000C35E) , automationid:= <NonClientVerticalScrollBar> Title is: <Regel omhoog> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <UpButton> Title is: <Positie> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_ThumbControlTypeId> ,<50027> , (0000C36B) , automationid:= <ScrollbarThumb> Title is: <Pagina omlaag> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <DownPageButton> Title is: <Regel omlaag> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <DownButton> Title is: <Diagnostics (Alt-7)> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8625> Title is: <Tool Path (Alt-4)> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8626> Title is: <MDI (Alt-2)> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8627> Title is: <Program Run (Alt-1)> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8628> Title is: <> Class := <Static> controltype:= <UIA_TextControlTypeId> ,<50020> , (0000C364) , automationid:= <8631> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8639> Title is: <M-Codes> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8640> Title is: <G-Codes> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8641> Title is: <History> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8642> Title is: <Clear> Class := <Button> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <8643> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8644> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8645> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8875> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8876> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8877> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8878> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8879> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8882> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8883> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8884> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8885> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8886> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8889> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8890> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8891> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8948> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8949> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8950> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8951> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8952> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8968> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8969> Title is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId> ,<50033> , (0000C371) , automationid:= <8970> Title is: <> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_TitleBarControlTypeId> ,<50037> , (0000C375) , automationid:= <> Title is: <Systeem> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_MenuBarControlTypeId> ,<50010> , (0000C35A) , automationid:= <MenuBar> Title is: <Systeem> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_MenuItemControlTypeId> ,<50011> , (0000C35B) , automationid:= <> Title is: <Minimaliseren> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <> Title is: <Maximaliseren> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <> Title is: <Sluiten> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_ButtonControlTypeId> ,<50000> , (0000C350) , automationid:= <> Title is: <Toepassing> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_MenuBarControlTypeId> ,<50010> , (0000C35A) , automationid:= <MenuBar> Title is: <File> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_MenuItemControlTypeId> ,<50011> , (0000C35B) , automationid:= <> Title is: <Config> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_MenuItemControlTypeId> ,<50011> , (0000C35B) , automationid:= <> Title is: <Function Cfg's> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_MenuItemControlTypeId> ,<50011> , (0000C35B) , automationid:= <> Title is: <View> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_MenuItemControlTypeId> ,<50011> , (0000C35B) , automationid:= <> Title is: <Wizards> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_MenuItemControlTypeId> ,<50011> , (0000C35B) , automationid:= <> Title is: <Operator> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_MenuItemControlTypeId> ,<50011> , (0000C35B) , automationid:= <> Title is: <PlugIn Control> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_MenuItemControlTypeId> ,<50011> , (0000C35B) , automationid:= <> Title is: <Help> Class := <> controltype:= <UIA_MenuItemControlTypeId> ,<50011> , (0000C35B) , automationid:= <> Edit G-Code Found the Name is: <Edit G-Code> Class := <Button> controltype:= <50000> (0000C350) Action 2 left on MACH3.editgCode Notepad Found the Name is: <Naamloos - Kladblok> Class := <Notepad> controltype:= <50032> (0000C370) Storing in RTI as RTI.NOTEPAD.mainwindow Action 3 focus on NOTEPAD.mainwindow Edit Found the Name is: <> Class := <Edit> controltype:= <50004> (0000C354) Action 4 sendkeys on NOTEPAD.edit ((File)|(Bestand)) Found the Name is: <Bestand> Class := <> controltype:= <50011> (0000C35B) Action 5 left on NOTEPAD.mnuFile ((Save.*)|(Opslaan.*)) Found the Name is: <Opslaan Ctrl+S> Class := <> controltype:= <50011> (0000C35B) Action 6 left on NOTEPAD.mnuSave ((Filename:)|(Bestandsnaam:)) Found the Name is: <Bestandsnaam:> Class := <AppControlHost> controltype:= <50003> (0000C353) Action 7 sendkeys on NOTEPAD.dlgSave.edtFilename ((Save)|(Opslaan)) Found the Name is: <Opslaan> Class := <Button> controltype:= <50000> (0000C350) Action 8 left on NOTEPAD.dlgSave.btnSave ((Yes)|(Ja)) Found the Name is: <Ja> Class := <CCPushButton> controltype:= <50000> (0000C350) Action 9 left on NOTEPAD.dlgSave.btnYes ((Close)|(Sluiten)) Found the Name is: <Sluiten> Class := <> controltype:= <50000> (0000C350) Action 10 left on NOTEPAD.btnClose ((File)|(Bestand)) Found the Name is: <File> Class := <> controltype:= <50011> (0000C35B) Action 11 left on MACH3.mnuFile Load.* Found the Name is: <Load G-Code> Class := <> controltype:= <50011> (0000C35B) Action 12 left on MACH3.mnuOpen ((Filename:)|(Bestandsnaam:)) Found the Name is: <Bestandsnaam:> Class := <Edit> controltype:= <50004> (0000C354) Action 13 sendkeys on MACH3.dlgOpen.edtFilename Open* Found the Name is: <Openen> Class := <Button> controltype:= <50000> (0000C350) Action 14 left on MACH3.dlgOpen.btnOpen 8140 Found the Name is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <50033> (0000C371) Action 15 left on MACH3.btnStop 8295 Found the Name is: <Rewind Ctrl-W> Class := <Button> controltype:= <50000> (0000C350) Action 16 left on MACH3.btnRewind 8142 Found the Name is: <> Class := <AfxWnd70s> controltype:= <50033> (0000C371) Action 17 left on MACH3.btnCycleStart Edited November 2, 2013 by junkew FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt,Ā Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
Ravi1stop Posted November 2, 2013 Author Posted November 2, 2013 Thank you so much Junkew. It now works. There were 2 issues. First win7 user security stopped mach3 from loading. Second the class number as you suggested was different for my computer. Once I fixed them both it works. Thanks so much for your help.
JohnOne Posted November 2, 2013 Posted November 2, 2013 For the record, the best answer is that of junkew. AutoIt Absolute BeginnersĀ Ā Require a serialĀ Ā Pause ScriptĀ Ā Video Tutorials by MorthawtĀ Ā ipifyĀ Monkey's are, like, natures humans.
Moderators Melba23 Posted November 2, 2013 Moderators Posted November 2, 2013 JohnOne,As is now the case. M23 JohnOne 1 Ā AnyĀ of myĀ own codeĀ posted anywhere on the forumĀ isĀ available for use by others without any restrictionĀ of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSortĀ ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- AĀ highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort,Ā edit and colourĀ ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area Ā
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