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Posted (edited)

Hello all, this script(wrapper) uses Alternative Data Streams to store INI formatted data in the active executable even while it is running. This is great for standalone executables, or storing data you don't want a user being able to edit!

There are four simple commands:

Func _iniwrite($section, $key, $value, $stream = "DEFAULT")
    return IniWrite(@ScriptFullPath&":"&$stream, $section, $key, $value)

Func _iniread($section, $key, $default = "", $stream = "DEFAULT")
    return IniRead(@ScriptFullPath&":"&$stream, $section, $key, $default)

Func _inidelete($section, $key = "", $stream = "DEFAULT")
    if $key <> "" Then
    Return IniDelete(@ScriptFullPath&":"&$stream, $section, $key)
    Return IniDelete(@ScriptFullPath&":"&$stream, $section)

Func _inirenamesection($section, $newsection, $flag = 0, $stream = "DEFAULT")
    return IniRenameSection(@ScriptFullPath&":"&$stream, $section, $newsection, $flag)

Simply copy and paste these functions into your script!

Edited by nullschritt

Struggling here to think of a use.

To me, you might as well use regular variables.

Unless I'm missing something.

I personally use the method to store product keys of programs which require an active subscription to work.

Not to mention it quite literally associates the data with the exe, so programs that store user data can be made completley standalone, and still have redundant setting storage.

And there's also the fact that the user can't delete or edit the data directly, so as not to cause any errors by invalid config settings.

I know it's a really simple wrapper, but it does have practical uses.


Of course this has its limitations.

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Updated: 22/04/2018


Of course this has its limitations.

Yes, Alternative Data Streams only work with NTFS file system (which is can be a positive as well as a negative) [data is lost when the file is copied to another pc] *(under MOST conditions)

But that's the only "limitation" I can think of (:


Thanks for submitting this. I have used INI's off and on. I have hidden them within the OS or create a temp INI and then kill if off. This makes it much more straightforward.



As I know nothing about Alternative Data Streams, if the idea is what I think it is, it could be a great and simple way to store .ini at the .exe

1- how do I embeb my ini lines at the .exe, supposing I have a previous .ini? This data becomes part of the .exe?

2- once embebed it will stay there? Even betwen runs?

3- if I copy this .exe to another PC, you told that the data will not be at the other PC. Can you tell why?





googling "Alternative Data Streams" would answer all your 3 questions, and more.

This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.
Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe here
RegExp tutorial: enough to get started
PCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta.

SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.
SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.
An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.
SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)
A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!
SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)

Posted (edited)

As I know nothing about Alternative Data Streams, if the idea is what I think it is, it could be a great and simple way to store .ini at the .exe

1- how do I embeb my ini lines at the .exe, supposing I have a previous .ini? This data becomes part of the .exe?

2- once embebed it will stay there? Even betwen runs?

3- if I copy this .exe to another PC, you told that the data will not be at the other PC. Can you tell why?



1)If you want to copy a previous INI to the exe, you will have to write a code to read the previous ini file then write then to current exe using some sort of loop. The data is not actually stored inside the executable code, but rather along side it.

2)Yes the data is persistent between runs.

3)The data is only lost when the exe file is copied to a filesystem which doesnt support Alternative Data Streams (webservers, most flash drives, and discs)

Ex: Copying from point A to point B on the same pc wouldnt cause data loss, but coping from pc1 to pc2 would.

Hope this helps!

Edited by nullschritt

1)If you want to copy a previous INI to the exe, you will have to write a code to read the previous ini file then write then to current exe using some sort of loop. The data is not actually stored inside the executable code, but rather along side it.

2)Yes the data is persistent between runs.

3)The data is only lost when the exe file is copied to a filesystem which doesnt support Alternative Data Streams (webservers, most flash drives, and discs)

Ex: Copying from point A to point B on the same pc wouldnt cause data loss, but coping from pc1 to pc2 would.

Hope this helps!

Thanks nullscritt, it become clear

Do you think there is a way to include the .ini, and also images/icons, (used in gui´s for example) and even sounds in the .exe?

I mean, to have just one file (.exe) with all these items, so if I send this .exe file, for example, zipped thru an email, it will work?

Better, if I do not have to modify my gui created with Koda, for example



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