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Can be very useful here too. Once in a while I try to automate something with print queues and ports. I will have it a go in a few days.

Thanks jguinch

  • 5 months later...

I just came across this UDF and it looks very promising. I'd like to have some documentation on it. For instance, when adding a printer to a computer and I know the driver is not present on the machine, do I use the _AddPrinter or do I use the _AddPrinterDriver followed by the _AddPrinter? Do I need to install the driver first? If so, why is the final parameter only limited to the OS options of Win9x, Win351, NT40 and Win2k?

I'm trying to automate adding printers in various locations that do not have servers. All the clients are 64-bit Windows 7 and all printers will be direct TCP/IP port printing to a Canon imageRUNNER (various models).

Who lied and told you life would EVER be fair?


Thank you for your interest.

Yes, you must install the driver first (with _AddPrinterDriver).

The default value for $sVersion parameter is 3 : it seems Windows 2000 and upper (in your case, I think). You will rarely have to install an old driver on a recent System... So you can use the default value.

For the $sDriverPlatform value, the values can be Windows NT x86 or Windows x64. (depending of the type of driver that you want to install).


  • 1 month later...

I made a script to get a list of all printers then remove them all. which works for the most part, but some printers are not removed and get greyed out with a yellow triangle on their icon. the property page is blank.

What is what? What is what.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Biatu : what type are printers that have not been removed ? Shared ?

In _RemovePrinter, you must use serverprinterShare for shared printers.


Nope, they are not shared, or network printers. they are connected via USB port. I test various printers, and the printer list gets pretty full so I run the script.

The issue used to be printer jobs from other users, so i made a func to remove all jobs from all printers.

Then another dell status service was locking some printers (afaik) so i stop the service.

that didnt work completely,so now I restart the spooler service, which remove most. all except for the "Dell 5330 Mono Laser MFP"

The env is win7 enterprise x64.

Edited by Biatu

What is what? What is what.


_AddPrinter is not working either, i keep getting error dialog...

Error Number: -2147352567

WinDescription: Exception occurred.

Description: Generic Failure

Source: $WbemObjectEx

#Include <Printers.au3>

$Driver="Dell 2335dn MFP,3,Windows x64"


What is what? What is what.


Hello Guys,


I am new to autoit. I want  to run a program called PrinterInfo.exe, search for the the specific word " STATUS_PAPEROUT", if found then send email to desired recipient.

So far I have only able to run program, take a window capture save the window capture and then email the window capture to the recipient. But this is not what i want.


I have read posts which suggest that I should use WinGetText to retrieve the word, however I have still no idea as to how to search for the specific word " STATUS_PAPEROUT" and if present then send email.


Please help

Posted (edited)

I use this to determine the printer type:

http://<Printer IP>:5200/Printer.xml

then i use the printer's network interface for everything else.

Currently i am doing research with PCL, SNMP, etc.

Edited by Biatu

What is what? What is what.


Biatu, you have to install the driver before installing the printer : it could be done with _AddPrinterDriver (look at the example above).

Next, you have to know the port on which you want to install the printer (if needed, create a network port with _AddTCPIPPrinterPort.

And finally, you can add the printer...

I just downlod the Dell 2335dn MFP driver, so the installation can be done like this :

#Include "printers.au3"

Local $sPrinterName = "My Dell 2335dn Printer"
Local $sDriverName = "Dell 2335dn MFP"
Local $sPortIP = ""
Local $sPortName = "IP_192.168.1.250"
Local $iPortnumber = 9100

_AddPrinterDriver($sDriverName, "Windows x64", @ScriptDir & "\Printer\PCL\WINXP_VISTA_64\", @ScriptDir & "\Printer\PCL\WINXP_VISTA_64\sdf1m.INF")
_AddTCPIPPrinterPort($sPortName, $sPortIP, $iPortnumber)
_AddPrinter($sPrinterName, $sDriverName, $sPortName)

If I remove a printer using your func will I still need to remove port, or is that auto?


What is what? What is what.


_RemovePrinter does not remove the port. You must do it after.

Same thing for the driver.

Tried that, gives error. So i left it out, and the port does not show up on ports list when new printer is added or on the existing ones. So i assume that it's removed automatically

What is what? What is what.

  • 9 months later...

Hmm, is this a global (all users) add/delete of local (current profile)?

Speaking exclusively of printserver printers that normally only add per user, unlike local printesr that default to all users. 

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