UEZ Posted October 12, 2013 Posted October 12, 2013 Here one more: Global $read1 = 4, $read2 = 4, $read3 = 4, $read4 = 4, $read5 = 4, $read6 = 4 If BitAND($read1 = 4, $read2 = 4, $read3 = 4, $read4 = 4, $read5 = 4, $read6 = 4) Then MsgBox(0, "Test", "Bingo") EndIf Br, UEZ Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply! Selection of finest graphical examples at Codepen.io The own fart smells best! ✌Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ
BrewManNH Posted October 12, 2013 Posted October 12, 2013 One thing to remember about using And in a comparison, as soon as the comparison returns false, the comparing stops. So if you have a very long set of variables to check, it would be faster to just use And in some cases. If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays. - ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script. - Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label. - _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file - SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor - GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI. - Latin Square password generator
BrewManNH Posted October 12, 2013 Posted October 12, 2013 I do not understand why. this line:If _IfAndOr($TerminateKey,"F1|F2|F3|F4|F5|F6|F7|F8|F9|F10|F11|F12","or") = 1 Thendoes not seem to you shorter than this line ?: If $ TerminateKey = "OFF" Or $ TerminateKey = "F1" Or $ TerminateKey = "F2" Or $ TerminateKey = "F3" Or $ TerminateKey = "F4" Or $ TerminateKey = "F5" Or $ TerminateKey = "F6" Or $ TerminateKey = "F8" Or $ TerminateKey = "F8" Or $ TerminateKey = "F9" Or $ TerminateKey = "F10" Or $ TerminateKey = "F11" Or $ TerminateKey = "F12" ThenBecause one line is shorter than calling a multi-line function from a single line, because you still have the multi-line function in your script. So, if you think 10 lines is shorter than 1 line then you and I have different opinions of what shorter means. MariusN 1 If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays. - ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script. - Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label. - _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file - SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor - GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI. - Latin Square password generator
junkew Posted October 12, 2013 Posted October 12, 2013 Naturally it depends on the context what is bad and what is good practice If not stringinstr((stringinstr("OFFF1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11F12", $TerminateKey)-1)/3,".") Then consolewrite("We matched " & @CRLF) EndIf Is more bulletproof but far away from more readable and if its about the shortest if line for the first question if a() then consolewrite("Yes its four") func a() If $read1 = 4 And $read2 = 4 And $read3 = 4 And $read4 = 4 And $read5 = 4 And $read6 = 4 Then return True else return false EndIf EndFunc Not sure what MariusN intention is. Seems to be more readibility FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
jdelaney Posted October 12, 2013 Posted October 12, 2013 (edited) one way: $bIs4 = True For $i = 1 To 6 If Eval("read" & $i) <> 4 Then $bIs4 = False ExitLoop EndIf Next If $bIs4 Then ConsoleWrite("All Are Four" & @CRLF) or dynamically (if you add more read variables in the same fashion) $bIs4 = True $iCounter = 1 While True If Eval("read" & $iCounter) <> 4 Then If @error Then ExitLoop $bIs4 = False ExitLoop EndIf $iCounter += 1 WEnd If $bIs4 Then ConsoleWrite("All Are Four" & @CRLF) If you have so many of the same type of variable, I would suggest adding them to an array. Then you can loop through Global $array[6]=[4,4,4,4,4,4] $bIs4 = True For $i = 0 To UBound($array) - 1 If $array[$i] <> 4 Then $bIs4 = False ExitLoop EndIf Next If $bIs4 Then ConsoleWrite("All Are Four" & @CRLF) Last one. You can get tricky with arrays, and enum the dims. So you know what dim correlates to what variable you are defining Global Enum $iObject1,$iObject2,$iObject3,$iObject4,$iObject5,$iObject6,$iObjectUBound Global $array[$iObjectUBound] ; where you add the proper value in for each array dim, somewhere in your code...this is just to populate for demo $array[$iObject1] = 4 $array[$iObject2] = 4 $array[$iObject3] = 4 $array[$iObject4] = 4 $array[$iObject5] = 4 $array[$iObject6] = 4 $bIs4 = True For $i = 0 To UBound($array) - 1 If $array[$i] <> 4 Then $bIs4 = False ExitLoop EndIf Next If $bIs4 Then ConsoleWrite("All Are Four" & @CRLF) Edited October 12, 2013 by jdelaney IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.
Guest Posted October 12, 2013 Posted October 12, 2013 (edited) Because one line is shorter than calling a multi-line function from a single line, because you still have the multi-line function in your script. So, if you think 10 lines is shorter than 1 line then you and I have different opinions of what shorter means. But in fact you always use multi-line functions. The difference is that these functions are Included in autoit and you don't see them in the editor. for example when shorting it with stringregexp() or BitOr() or something else then i fact you still "calling a multi-line function from a single line" but the difference is that you don't see them.. but for the compiler if think that what i do and what you do is the same thing.. the compiler will have to write the BitOr() or stringregexp() or my my function in a machine code.. Edited October 12, 2013 by Guest
Guest Posted October 12, 2013 Posted October 12, 2013 (edited) Improved function: expandcollapse popup;================= Example 1 ========================== $IfAndOr = _IfAndOr("a|b|c|d|e","f|g|h|i|k","and") ; This equal to: ; If "a" = "f" And "b" = "g" And "c" = "h" And "d" = "i" And "e" = "k" Then ; EndIf If $IfAndOr = 1 Then MsgBox(0,"Example 1","Condition exist") Else MsgBox(0,"Example 1","Condition Not exist") EndIf ;================= END Example 1 ======================= ;================= Example 2 =========================== $IfAndOr = _IfAndOr("a,b,c,d,e","a,b,c,d,e","and",",") ; This equal to: ; If "a" = "a" And "b" = "b" And "c" = "c" And "d" = "d" And "e" = "e" Then ; EndIf If $IfAndOr = 1 Then MsgBox(0,"Example 2","Condition exist") Else MsgBox(0,"Example 2","Condition Not exist") EndIf ;================= END Example 2 ======================= ;================= Example 3 =========================== $IfAndOr = _IfAndOr("a!b!c!d!e","x!w!c!g!n","or","!") ; This equal to: ; If "a" = "x" Or "b" = "w" Or "c" = "c" Or "d" = "g" Or "e" = "n" Then ; EndIf If $IfAndOr = 1 Then MsgBox(0,"Example 3","Condition exist") Else MsgBox(0,"Example 3","Condition Not exist") EndIf ;================= END Example 3 ======================= ;================= Example 4 =========================== $IfAndOr = _IfAndOr("a|b|c","a","or") ; This equal to: ; If "a" = "a" Or "a" = "b" Or "a" = "c" Then ; EndIf If $IfAndOr = 1 Then MsgBox(0,"Example 4","Condition exist") Else MsgBox(0,"Example 4","Condition Not exist") EndIf ;================= END Example 4 ======================= ;================= Example 5 =========================== $IfAndOr = _IfAndOr("a","a|b|c","and") ; This equal to: ; If "a" = "a" And "a" = "b" And "a" = "c" Then ; EndIf If $IfAndOr = 1 Then MsgBox(0,"Example 5","Condition exist") Else MsgBox(0,"Example 5","Condition Not exist") EndIf ;================= END Example 5 ======================= ;Do not do Exampels: ; _IfAndOr("a|b|c|d","a|b|c","and") <= will Return -1 because it's improper use ; _IfAndOr("a|b|c","a|b|c|d","and") <= will Return -1 because it's improper use ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _IfAndOr ; Description ...: function to shorten and / or conditions ; Syntax ........: _IfAndOr($Variables1, $Variables2, $mode[, $SplitVar = "|"]) ; Parameters ....: $Variables1 - Group of variables/one variable ; $Variables2 - Group of variables/one variable ; $mode - condition can be "and" or "or" ; $SplitVar - [optional] the split letter that will be use to process groups of the $Variables. Default is "|". ; Return values .: Return 1 if True , Return 0 if False , Return -1 if the parameters are incorrect ; Author ........: gil900 ; Modified ......: yes ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/155336-is-there-a-shorter-way/page-2 ; Example .......: yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IfAndOr($Variables1,$Variables2,$mode,$SplitVar = "|") Local $Output = 0 , $count = 0 $var1 = StringSplit($Variables1,$SplitVar,1) $var2 = StringSplit($Variables2,$SplitVar,1) If $var1[0] = $var2[0] Then For $a = 1 To $var1[0] If $var1[$a] = $var2[$a] Then $count = $count+1 If $mode = "and" And $count = $var1[0] Then $Output = 1 ElseIf $mode = "or" Then $Output = 1 ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next Else If $var1[0] = 1 Or $var2[0] = 1 Then If $var1[0] > 1 Then $max = $var1[0] $maxvar = $var1 $mainvar = $var2[1] Else $max = $var2[0] $maxvar = $var2 $mainvar = $var1[1] EndIf For $a = 1 To $max If $mainvar = $maxvar[$a] Then $count = $count+1 If $mode = "and" And $count = $max Then $Output = 1 ElseIf $mode = "or" Then $Output = 1 ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next Else $Output = -1 EndIf EndIf Return $Output EndFunc Edited October 12, 2013 by Guest
junkew Posted October 14, 2013 Posted October 14, 2013 @gil900: I doubt if below wil work $read1=4 $read2=4 _IfAndOr("$read1|$read2","4|4","and") then FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
Guest Posted October 14, 2013 Posted October 14, 2013 @gil900: I doubt if below wil work $read1=4 $read2=4 _IfAndOr("$read1|$read2","4|4","and") then It should not work. This should work: $read1=4 $read2=4 $test = _IfAndOr($read1&"|"&$read2,"4|4","and") ConsoleWrite($test&@CRLF)
BrewManNH Posted October 14, 2013 Posted October 14, 2013 But in fact you always use multi-line functions. The difference is that these functions are Included in autoit and you don't see them in the editor. for example when shorting it with stringregexp() or BitOr() or something else then i fact you still "calling a multi-line function from a single line" but the difference is that you don't see them.. but for the compiler if think that what i do and what you do is the same thing.. the compiler will have to write the BitOr() or stringregexp() or my my function in a machine code.. But the OP asked for a shorter way to write a comparison, you method isn't any shorter to write. What happens "under the hood" has no meaning here, what matters here is that your function takes just as much to write out as his comparison, with perhaps a couple of less characters. Plus, it makes troubleshooting it a lot harder because of the way it's written. If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays. - ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script. - Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label. - _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file - SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor - GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI. - Latin Square password generator
Guest Posted October 14, 2013 Posted October 14, 2013 (edited) But the OP asked for a shorter way to write a comparison, you method isn't any shorter to write. What happens "under the hood" has no meaning here, what matters here is that your function takes just as much to write out as his comparison, with perhaps a couple of less characters. Plus, it makes troubleshooting it a lot harder because of the way it's written. the OP really do not need it.It is important to note that I also mentioned my problem in this thread and then I came up with a solution.There are cases that the use of my function will lead to shorter code. if someone nead to write a lot of very long conditions and he want to short the conditions then maybe it can be a good idea to use my function even if my function is have 44 lines. but it is important to know that using my function can lead to a slowdown. Edited October 14, 2013 by Guest
junkew Posted October 14, 2013 Posted October 14, 2013 (edited) So to make things shorter we "miss" in AutoIT the IN and ANY operator in IF expressions and the EQ condition (in doubt if this is fully equal to IN operator) if _IF($a,$b,$c,"eq", 4,4,4) = if _IF($a,$b,$c,"eq", 4) = if $a=4 and $b=4 and $c=4 if _IF($a,"in", $b,$c) = if $a=$b or $a=$c if _IF($a, $b, "any", $c,$d) = if $a=$c or $b=$d if _IF($a, $b, "any", $c) = if $a=$c or $b=$c if _IF($a, "any", $c, $d) = false although it could be rewritten as if $a=$c or $a=$d Alternative function that handles constants and variables only handles up to about 10 variables (easy to extend to more) handles not all logical combinations expandcollapse popupfunc _IF($v1 = 0, $v2 = 0, $v3 = 0, $v4 = 0, $v5 = 0, $v6 = 0, $v7 = 0, $v8 = 0, $v9 = 0, $v10 = 0, _ $v11 = 0, $v12 = 0, $v13 = 0, $v14 = 0, $v15 = 0, $v16 = 0, $v17 = 0, $v18 = 0, $v19 = 0, $v20=0) #forceref $v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $v5, $v6, $v7, $v8, $v9, $v10, $v11, $v12, $v13, $v14, $v15, $v16, $v17, $v18, $v19, $v20 const $cOPin=1 const $cOPeq=2 const $cOPeqS=3 const $cOPany=4 const $cOPanyS=5 Local $tValue ;- Temporary value local $op ;~ operator ;~ consolewrite("Pcount " & @numparams & @CRLF) ;~ for $i=1 to @NumParams ;~ consolewrite(" var " & $i & eval("v"&$i) & @CRLF) ;~ Next $tValue=stringupper(eval("v" & (@numparams-1))) $tMidValue=(@numparams/2) + 0.5 ;~ consolewrite("Value is " & $tValue & @CRLF) ;~ consolewrite("MidValue is " & $tMidValue & @CRLF) ;~ consolewrite("modValue is " & mod(@numparams,2) & @CRLF) if $tValue="EQ" then $op=$cOPeqS if $tValue="ANY" then $op=$cOPanyS if stringupper($v2)="IN" Then $op=$cOPin if mod(@numparams,2)=1 Then $tValue=stringupper(eval("v" & $tMidValue)) if $tValue="EQ" then $op=$cOPeq if $tValue="ANY" then $op=$cOPany EndIf switch $op case $op=$cOPin for $i=3 to @NumParams if eval("v"&$i)=$v1 then return True Next case $op=$cOPeqS $tVal1=eval("v"&@NumParams) ;~ consolewrite("Value 2 is" & $tValue & @CRLF) for $i=1 to @NumParams-2 $tVal2=eval("v"&$i) if $tVal1=$tVal2 then return True Next case $op=$cOPeq for $i=1 to $tMidValue-1 $tVal1=eval("v"&$i) $tVal2=eval("v"&$i+$tMidValue) ;~ consolewrite($i & "Value EQ compare is [" & $tVal1 & "][" & $tVal2 & "]" & @CRLF) if $tVal1<>$tVal2 then return false Next return True case $op=$cOPany for $i=1 to $tMidValue-1 $tVal1=eval("v"&$i) $tVal2=eval("v"&$i+$tMidValue) ;~ consolewrite($i & "Value ANY compare is [" & $tVal1 & "][" & $tVal2 & "]" & @CRLF) if $tVal1=$tVal2 then return true Next return false case $op=$cOPanyS $tVal2=eval("v"&@NumParams) for $i=1 to @NumParams-2 $tVal1=eval("v"&$i) ;~ consolewrite($i & "Value ANY compare is [" & $tVal1 & "][" & $tVal2 & "]" & @CRLF) if $tVal1=$tVal2 then return true Next return false endswitch return false EndFunc some examples of usage expandcollapse popup$read1=4 $read2=4 $read3=4 $read4=4 $read5=4 $read6=4 $terminatekey="OFF" if _IF($terminatekey, "in", "OFF","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","F10","F11","F12") Then consolewrite("Yes we have a match" & @CRLF) else consolewrite("Yes we have NOT a match" & @CRLF) EndIf if _IF($read1,$read2,$read3, "EQ", 4) Then consolewrite("Yes we have a match" & @CRLF) Else consolewrite("Yes we have NOT a match" & @CRLF) EndIf if _IF($read1,$read2,$read3, "EQ", 4,4,4) Then consolewrite("Yes we have a match" & @CRLF) Else consolewrite("Yes we have NOT a match" & @CRLF) EndIf if _IF($read1,$read2,$read3, "EQ", 4,5,6) Then consolewrite("Yes we have a match" & @CRLF) Else consolewrite("Yes we have NOT a match" & @CRLF) EndIf if _IF($read1,$read2,$read3, "ANY", 4,5,6) Then consolewrite("Yes we have a match" & @CRLF) Else consolewrite("Yes we have NOT a match" & @CRLF) EndIf if _IF($read1,$read2,$read3, "ANY", 4) Then consolewrite("Yes we have a match" & @CRLF) Else consolewrite("Yes we have NOT a match" & @CRLF) EndIf Exit and i learned that EVAL function does not recognize/need the $ sign when evaluating variables Edited October 14, 2013 by junkew FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
jchd Posted October 15, 2013 Posted October 15, 2013 BTW I question the need to test that many variables/conditions in any single real-world test (barring extremely poor code structure). This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe hereRegExp tutorial: enough to get startedPCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta. SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)
MariusN Posted October 15, 2013 Author Posted October 15, 2013 (edited) Holy macaroni guys...with all THESE codes...we build ourselfes a new WINDOWS 9 here! LMAO PS: thx anyways for all your input :-) Edited October 15, 2013 by MariusN
Guest Posted October 15, 2013 Posted October 15, 2013 (edited) Junkew good job. I also thought that i missed another operators. I guess you did not write this function if I did not I think of that idea. A few points: What about those operators - "<" , ">" , "<>" ?it will be good if you also add those operators.. I would prefer to call the operators with regular names.. i mean that i prefer "=" then "eq" "or" then "in" .. There is a scenario in which the use of your function would be problematic. if the user have the following group of words that he need to check and in that group one of the words: "in" , "any" , "eq" are included in his group then how do you think he can write his condition with your function? for example let's assume the user has to write to write this condition: if "abc" = $var1 or "in" = $var2 then. So write it in your way: _IF("abc","in","in",$var1,$var2) is problematic and I do not need to explain why. You see it yourself. What if the user decided to call to the operators as variable? for example he can create $Operator variable that can be in one case "in" and in other case "eq" so if he writes that then it can look like this: _IF($aVar1,$aVar2,$aVar4,$aVar5,$Operator,$bVar1,bVar2,bVar3,bVar4,bVar5)to me it seems a bit hard to read especially if the condition will be very long. so i think that you should place the operator at the start or at the end of your function as i did. good work Junkew good job. I also thought that i missed another operators. I guess you did not write this function if I did not I think of that idea. A few points: What about those operators - "<" , ">" , "<>" ?it will be good if you also add those operators.. I would prefer to call the operators with regular names.. i mean that i prefer "=" then "eq" "or" then "in" .. There is a scenario in which the use of your function would be problematic. if the user have the following group of words that he need to check and in that group one of the words: "in" , "any" , "eq" are included in his group then how do you think he can write his condition with your function? for example let's assume the user has to write to write this condition: if "abc" = $var1 or "in" = $var2 then. So write it in your way: _IF("abc","in","in",$var1,$var2) is problematic and I do not need to explain why. You see it yourself. What if the user decided to call to the operators as variable? for example he can create $Operator variable that can be in one case "in" and in other case "eq" so if he writes that then it can look like this: _IF($aVar1,$aVar2,$aVar4,$aVar5,$Operator,$bVar1,bVar2,bVar3,bVar4,bVar5)to me it seems a bit hard to read especially if the condition will be very long. so i think that you should place the operator at the start or at the end of your function as i did. good work Holy macaroni guys...with all THESE codes...we build ourselfes a new WINDOWS 9 here! LMAO PS: thx anyways for all your input :-) without people like him, functions as BitOr, BitAnd was not exist. BTW I question the need to test that many variables/conditions in any single real-world test (barring extremely poor code structure). Our brain uses a lot of very long variables/conditions. so yes, ther is a such machine in the real world and if some one(I'm not the one) want to write a code for complicated robat with autoit then yes, he would have to write very long conditions and a lot of conditions Edited October 15, 2013 by Guest
MariusN Posted October 15, 2013 Author Posted October 15, 2013 ...still LOVE AutoIt though...In my line of work (IT, but a "non-programmer"), this is a 100% proggy for me
junkew Posted October 15, 2013 Posted October 15, 2013 fun part on this function is that you have on left hand side of operator 1,n variables and also on the right hand side.you have 1,n variables as a possibility (and yes this can lead to complex scenarios) operators in beginning or the end is a matter of taste you could also use fortran operators with a dot before and after like .EQ., .NEQ.,, made the function in such a way you can choose yourself what you want If i put the operator in the beginning as first variable like _IF("=",a,b,c,d) then the intention could be if a=b and a=c and a=d then ... but also could mean if a=c and b=d then .... or means if a=d and b=d and c=d then .... I am still in doubt if I like this syntax yes/no as it becomes very confusing when and logic is better than or logic or in which way the combinations should work _if(a,b,"=",c,d) could be defined as 1. if a=c and b=d then ... 2. if a=c and a=d and b=c and b=d then ... but _if(a,b,c, "=", d, e) it actually is equal to if a=d and a=e and b=d and b=e and c=d and c=e _if(a,b,c, "ANY", d, e) it actually is equal to if a=d or a=e or b=d or b=e or c=d or c=e These on the other hand are easier then writing it out _if(a,b,"=", 4) looks easy enough _if(a,"in", "F1","F2") looks easy enough ok new function (needs more testing to see if logic is good enough) supporting "=", "<>", "!=", ">","<",">=","<=","IN", "ANY", "BETWEEN" expandcollapse popupfunc _IF($v0 = 0, $v1 = 0, $v2 = 0, $v3 = 0, $v4 = 0, $v5 = 0, $v6 = 0, $v7 = 0, $v8 = 0, $v9 = 0, $v10 = 0, _ $v11 = 0, $v12 = 0, $v13 = 0, $v14 = 0, $v15 = 0, $v16 = 0, $v17 = 0, $v18 = 0, $v19 = 0) #forceref $v0, $v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $v5, $v6, $v7, $v8, $v9, $v10, $v11, $v12, $v13, $v14, $v15, $v16, $v17, $v18, $v19 const $cOPeq=1, $cOPne=2, $cOPgt=3, $cOPlt=4, $cOPge=5, $cOPle=6, $cOPin=7, $cOPany=8, $cOPbetween=9 local $operators[10] = ["=", "<>", "!=", ">","<",">=","<=","IN", "ANY", "BETWEEN"] local $opconst[10] = [ 1 , 2 , 2, 3 , 4, 5 , 6 , 7 , 8, 9] local $opConstant local $v[20] local $i, $j ;~ consolewrite("Pcount " & @numparams & @CRLF) ;~ for $i=1 to @NumParams ;~ consolewrite(" var " & $i & eval("v"&$i) & @CRLF) ;~ Next ;~ So first determine the operator and put all variables in an array for easier manipulation $operator=-1 for $i=0 to 19 $v[$i]=eval("v" & $i) if $operator = -1 Then for $j=0 to ubound($operators)-1 if stringupper($v[$i])=stringupper($operators[$j]) Then $operatorLoc=$i $operator=stringupper($operators[$j]) $opconstant=$opConst[$j] exitloop EndIf next endif Next ;~ Determine the middle one $tMidValue=(@numparams/2) - 0.5 switch $opconstant case $cOPeq, $cOPne, $cOPgt, $cOPlt, $cOPge, $cOPle,$cOpIn, $cOpIn ;~ If the operator is in the middle do an a=c and b=d comparison (n vars on the left compared with n vars on the right) if ($tMidValue=$operatorloc) Then for $i=0 to $operatorloc-1 $tVal1=$v[$i] $tVal2=$v[$i+$tMidValue+1] consolewrite($i & " Value compare is [" & $tVal1 & "][" & $tVal2 & "]" & $opconstant & $operator & @TAB) $retval=True switch $opconstant case $cOPeq if $tVal1<>$tVal2 then return false case $cOPne if $tVal1=$tVal2 then return false case $cOPgt if $tVal1<=$tVal2 then return false case $cOPlt if $tVal1>=$tVal2 then return false case $cOPge if $tVal1<$tVal2 then return false case $cOPle if $tVal1>$tVal2 then return false case $cOPin $retval=False for $j=$operatorloc+1 to @numparams-1 $tVal2=$v[$j] if $tVal1=$tVal2 then return true next case $cOPany $retval=False if $tVal1=$tVal2 then return true endswitch Next return $retVal Else for $i=0 to $operatorloc-1 for $j=$operatorloc+1 to @numparams-1 $tVal1=$v[$i] $tVal2=$v[$j] consolewrite($i & $j & " Value compare is [" & $tVal1 & "][" & $tVal2 & "]" & $opconstant &$operator& @TAB) $retval=True switch $opconstant case $cOPeq if $tVal1<>$tVal2 then return false case $cOPne if $tVal1=$tVal2 then return false case $cOPgt if $tVal1<=$tVal2 then return false case $cOPlt if $tVal1>=$tVal2 then return false case $cOPge if $tVal1<$tVal2 then return false case $cOPle if $tVal1>$tVal2 then return false case $cOPin $retVal=false if $tVal1=$tVal2 then return true case $cOPany $retVal=false if $tVal1=$tVal2 then return true endswitch Next Next return $retval EndIf case $cOPbetween for $i=0 to $operatorloc-1 $tVal1=$v[$i] $tVal2=$v[$operatorloc+1] $tVal3=$v[$operatorloc+2] consolewrite($i & $j & " Value compare is [" & $tVal1 & "][" & $tVal2 & "]" & "][" & $tVal3 & "]" & $opconstant &$operator& @TAB) if not (($tval1>=$tval2) and ($tval1 <=$tval3)) then return False next return true EndSwitch return false EndFunc and some testing code / examples expandcollapse popup$read1=4 $read2=4 $read3=4 $read4=4 $read5=4 $read6=4 $terminatekey1="F15" $terminatekey2="OFF" $terminatekey3="F3" _unitTest_IF("TC1a in ",_IF($terminatekey1,$terminatekey2, "in", "OFF","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","F10","F11","F12")) _unitTest_IF("TC1b in ",_IF($terminatekey1, "in", "OFF","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","F10","F11","F12")) _unitTest_IF("TC1c in ",_IF($terminatekey3, "in", "OFF","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","F10","F11","F12")) _unitTest_IF("TC2a = ",_IF($read1,$read2,$read3, "=", 4) ) _unitTest_IF("TC2b = ",_IF($read1,$read2,$read3, "=", 4,4,4)) _unitTest_IF("TC2c = ",_IF($read1,$read2,$read3, "=", 4,5,6)) _unitTest_IF("TC2d = ",_IF($read1,$read2,$read3, "=", 4,5,6)) _unitTest_IF("TC2e = ",_IF($read1,$read2,$read3, "=", 4) ) _unitTest_IF("TC2f = ",_IF($read1, $read2, "=",4, $read3)) _unitTest_IF("TC2g = ",_IF($read1, "=",4, $read2, $read3)) _unitTest_IF("TC2h = ",_IF(1, 2, 3, "=",4)) _unitTest_IF("TC2i = ",_IF(1, 2, "=", 1,5)) _unitTest_IF("TC2j = ",_IF(1, "=",1, 1, 1)) _unitTest_IF("TC3a = ",_IF(1, 2, 3, "!=",1,2,3)) _unitTest_IF("TC3b = ",_IF(1, 2, "!=", 1,5)) _unitTest_IF("TC3c = ",_IF(1, "!=",1, 1, 1)) _unitTest_IF("TC3d = ",_IF(1, 2, 3, "!=",4)) _unitTest_IF("TC3e = ",_IF(1, 2, "!=", 1,5)) _unitTest_IF("TC3f = ",_IF(1, "!=",1, 1, 1)) _unitTest_IF("TC3g = ",_IF(1, "!=",1, 1, 1)) _unitTest_IF("TC4a = ",_IF(2,3, "between",1, 4)) _unitTest_IF("TC4b = ",_IF(2,3, "between",1, 1)) _unitTest_IF("TC4c = ",_IF(2,3, "between",1, 2)) _unitTest_IF("TC4d = ",_IF(2, "between",1, 3)) ;~ _unitTest_IF("TC2 eq ", ;~ _unitTest_IF("TC2 eq ", func _unitTest_IF($t,$v) if $v Then consolewrite(@CRLF & $t & "TRUE " & @CRLF) else consolewrite(@CRLF & $t & "FALSE " & @CRLF) EndIf EndFunc Exit FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
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