themax90 Posted September 3, 2005 Posted September 3, 2005 (edited) Well I was stilling down one day and said, DAMN! AutoIt can control peoples computers really easy without them knowing. Well what if I made a remote control server for when people go on vacation and stuff! Yah! But how do I tell the computer what to do, TCP!WARNING!This code if used wrongly can infect computers without knowing, use at your own risk and please do not tamper with this code!By downloading and reading this Topic you agree that whatever you do to change or compromise this code may lead to consquences and that you will hold yourself responsible for all legal action and consquences held against you. AutoIt,, Max Gardner, and any of there associates to not claim responsiblity for your actions. By continuing you agree to the above!Sorry that is needed for security reasons I ran tests and this can be easily used to exploit programs. I just deleted that part and will not release examples. If anyone in the autoit community find this offensive then please state so.This is relitivly untested on open net, I am not sure if it will even work! It works on default address, and the IP addresses may need to be rewritten but what do I know, I dont have internet at my Main Location. So I hope it works, just not quite sure yet!Run server.exe on the server computer to control and then run client anywhere on a non routered internet connection. And the rest is self explainitory, I got bored and never finished the api send file or the command view in the client, but the command info is below.:EDIT: Re added the code Clientexpandcollapse popupUDPStartUp () TCPStartup () Dim $RecvSocket = -1, $SendSocket = -1 #include <GuiConstants.au3> $gui = GUICreate ("Client-Side Remote Control", 300, 295, (@DesktopWidth - 300) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 295) / 2, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $ipset = GUICtrlCreateInput ("", 10, 10, 140, 20) $reflist = GUICtrlCreateList ("", 10, 70, 160, 225) $refinfo = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Click on a command to receive information.", 180, 70, 110, 215, $SS_SUNKEN) $engage = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Engage", 10, 40, 60, 20) $disengage = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Disengage", 80, 40, 70, 20) $openconsole = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Open Console", 160, 40, 130, 20) $funlabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Current Status: Idle", 160, 12.5, 130, 15, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) GUISetState () GUICtrlSetState ($disengage, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($openconsole, $GUI_DISABLE) $console = GUICreate ("Console", 300, 430, (@DesktopWidth - 300) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 430) / 2, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, 0, $gui) $transfer = GUICtrlCreateEdit ("", 10, 10, 280, 380, $WS_VSCROLL + $ES_READONLY) $data = GUICtrlCreateInput ("", 10, 400, 230, 20) $send = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Send", 245, 400, 50, 20) GUISetState (@SW_HIDE, $console) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg (1) If $msg[0] = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE And $msg[1] = $gui Then ExitLoop ElseIf $msg[0] = $engage And $msg[1] = $gui Then $ip = GUICtrlRead ($ipset) $ips = StringSplit ($ip, ".") If $ip = "" Or StringIsDigit ($ips[1]) = 0 Or StringIsDigit ($ips[2]) = 0 Or StringIsDigit ($ips[3]) = 0 Or StringIsDigit ($ips[4]) = 0 Then MsgBox (48, "INVALID!", "You have given an invalid Ip Address to engage!") Else SplashTextOn ("Engaging.....", "Enroute to engage computer.", 220, 20) GUICtrlSetState ($disengage, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($openconsole, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($engage, $GUI_DISABLE) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW, $console) $SendSocket = UDPOpen ($ip, 33158) Sleep (2000) $RecvSocket = TCPConnect ($ip, 33158) SplashOff () UDPSend ($SendSocket, "~~hello-" & @IPAddress1) EndIf ElseIf $msg[0] = $disengage And $msg[1] = $gui Then UDPSend ($SendSocket, "~~bye") GUICtrlSetState ($disengage, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($openconsole, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($engage, $GUI_ENABLE) GUISetState (@SW_HIDE, $console) GUICtrlSetData ($transfer, "") UDPCloseSocket ($SendSocket) TCPCloseSocket ($RecvSocket) UDPShutdown () TCPShutdown () UDPStartUp () TCPStartup () MsgBox (0, "Reset", "Communications reset!") ElseIf $msg[0] = $openconsole And $msg[1] = $gui Then GUISetState (@SW_SHOW, $console) ElseIf $msg[0] = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE And $msg[1] = $console Then GUISetState (@SW_HIDE, $console) ElseIf $msg[0] = $send And $msg[1] = $console Then $outdata = GUICtrlRead ($data) If $outdata <> "" And $outdata <> "~~bye" And $outdata <> "_Exit()" And $outdata <> "_Clr" Then GUICtrlSetData ($data, "") UDPSend ($SendSocket, $outdata) GUICtrlSetData ($transfer, GUICtrlRead ($transfer) & @CRLF & "Out<" & $outdata) ElseIf $outdata = "~~bye" Then UDPSend ($SendSocket, "~~bye") GUICtrlSetData ($data, "") GUICtrlSetState ($disengage, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($openconsole, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($engage, $GUI_ENABLE) GUISetState (@SW_HIDE, $console) GUICtrlSetData ($transfer, "") UDPCloseSocket ($SendSocket) TCPCloseSocket ($RecvSocket) UDPShutdown () TCPShutdown () UDPStartUp () TCPStartup () MsgBox (0, "Reset", "Communications reset!") ElseIf $outdata = "_Exit()" Then GUICtrlSetData ($data, "") $true = MsgBox (4, "Really?", "Doing this will disable the computer PERMANENTLY, are you sure you want to do this?") If $true = 6 And $true <> 7 Then UDPSend ($SendSocket, $outdata) GUICtrlSetState ($disengage, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($openconsole, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($engage, $GUI_ENABLE) GUISetState (@SW_HIDE, $console) GUICtrlSetData ($transfer, "") UDPCloseSocket ($SendSocket) TCPCloseSocket ($RecvSocket) UDPShutdown () TCPShutdown () UDPStartUp () TCPStartup () EndIf ElseIf $outdata = "_Clr" Then GUICtrlSetData ($data, "") GUICtrlSetData ($transfer, "") EndIf EndIf If $RecvSocket <> - 1 Then $indata = TCPRecv ($RecvSocket, 100) $indata2 = StringSplit ($indata, "-") If $indata <> "" Then If $indata = "~~send" Then FileDelete (@ScriptDir & "\temp.txt") While 1 $data2 = TCPRecv ($RecvSocket, 500) If $data2 <> "" And $data2 = "~~done" Then ExitLoop ElseIf $data2 <> "" And $data2 <> "~~done" Then FileWriteLine (@ScriptDir & "\temp.txt", $data2) EndIf WEnd ElseIf $indata2[1] = "~~ready" Then FileDelete("temp." & $indata2[2]) While 1 $b = TCPRecv ($RecvSocket, 1000000000) If @error Then Exit If $b <> "" Then ExitLoop WEnd $c = "" While 1 $c = $c & $b $b = TCPRecv ($RecvSocket, 10000000000) If @error Or $b == "" Then ExitLoop WEnd $z = _APIFileOpen(".\temp." & $indata2[2]) _APIFileWrite($z, $c, 1) _APIFileClose($z) Else $read = GUICtrlRead ($transfer) If $read = "" Then GUICtrlSetData ($transfer, "In>" & $indata) Else GUICtrlSetData ($transfer, $read & @CRLF & "In>" & $indata) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf WEnd Exit Func OnAutoItExit() UDPCloseSocket ($SendSocket) TCPCloseSocket ($RecvSocket) UDPShutdown () TCPShutdown () EndFunc;==>OnAutoItExitServerexpandcollapse popup; =======================================================; ; AutoIt Remote Control Server v 1.0 ; ; By : Max Gardner ; ;========================================================; ; To control any personal computer wherever you are. ; ; Use the client to send a message in this format: ; ; _$commandname($commandpref[0],$commandpref[1],etc...); ; Please make sure there is a underscore (_) followed; ; by the command name. Then an enclosure, with the ; ; prefs, NO SPACES, comma's seperating. ; ;========================================================; ;========================; ; Commands and Calls ; ; ~~setfile-(filename); ; ~~hello-(@clientsip); ; ~~bye ; ; ~~sendfile-($filename); ; ~~apisend-(filename)*; ; ~~issetfile ; ; * in testing/not work.; ;========================; #include <file.au3> #include <inet.au3> Dim $ConnectedSocket = -1 Global $file = -1 ;Break(0) ;#NoTrayIcon ;==============; ; Start Server; ;==============; UDPStartUp () TCPStartup() Global $MainSocket = UDPBind("", 33158) Global $SendSocket = TCPListen("", 33158) ;======================; ; Main While Statement; ;======================; ; This gives special; ; commands and calls.; ;======================; While 1 If $ConnectedSocket = -1 Then Global $ConnectedSocket = TCPAccept($SendSocket) EndIf $data = UDPRecv($MainSocket, 100) $data2 = StringLeft($data, 1) If $data <> "" And $data2 = "_" Then $data = StringSplit($data, "(") $command = $data[1] $data[2] = StringTrimRight($data[2], 1) $cmdpref = StringSplit($data[2], ",") If StringIsDigit($cmdpref[0]) And $cmdpref[0] <> "" And $cmdpref[0] >= 1 And $cmdpref[1] <> "" Then $preftoini = 1 IniWrite($file, $command, "Prefs", $cmdpref[0]) While $preftoini <> $cmdpref[0] + 1 IniWrite($file, $command, $preftoini, $cmdpref[$preftoini]) $preftoini = $preftoini + 1 WEnd EndIf Call($command) ElseIf $data <> "" And $data2 <> "_" Then $data2 = StringSplit($data, "-") If $data2[1] = "~~setfile" Then Global $file = $data2[2] IniWrite($file, "MainInfo", "Remote Server By:", "Max Gardner") TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Main ini file set to " & $file) ElseIf $data2[1] = "~~sendfile" Then If FileExists($data2[2]) Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "~~send") Sleep(500) $lines = _FileCountLines($data2[2]) $a = 1 While $a <> ($lines + 1) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, FileReadLine($data2[2], $a)) $a = $a + 1 WEnd Sleep(100) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "~~done") Sleep(500) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "File sending complete!") Else TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "File does not exist!") EndIf ElseIf $data2[1] = "~~issetfile" Then If $file = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Master data file is not set.") Else TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Master data file is set.") EndIf ElseIf $data2[1] = "~~apisend" Then $ext = StringSplit($data2[2], ".") TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "~~ready-" & $ext[2]) Sleep(1000) $z = _APIFileOpen($data2[2]) $a = _APIFileRead($z, FileGetSize($data2[2]), 1) _APIFileClose($z) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, $a) Sleep(1000) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "File sending complete.") ElseIf $data2[1] = "~~hello" Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Hello " & $data2[2] & "! We are now engaged.") ElseIf $data2[1] = "~~bye" Then TCPCloseSocket($ConnectedSocket) TCPCloseSocket($SendSocket) UDPCloseSocket($MainSocket) UDPShutdown () TCPShutdown() UDPStartUp () TCPStartup() Global $MainSocket = UDPBind("", 33158) Global $SendSocket = TCPListen("", 33158) $ConnectedSocket = -1 EndIf EndIf WEnd Func OnAutoItExit () UDPCloseSocket($MainSocket) UDPShutDown () TCPCloseSocket($SendSocket) TCPCloseSocket($ConnectedSocket) TCPShutdown() EndFunc ;==>OnAutoItExit ;=================================; ; Functions for internal computer; ;=================================; Func _Exit () Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit Func _CD () $oc = IniRead($file, "_CD", "1", -1) $drive = IniRead($file, "_CD", "2", -1) If $oc = -1 Or $drive = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else If $oc = "o" Then CDTray($drive, "Open") ElseIf $oc = "c" Then CDTray($drive, "Close") EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CD Func _DirCopy () $source = IniRead($file, "_DirCopy", "1", -1) $dest = IniRead($file, "_DirCopy", "2", -1) If $source = -1 Or $dest = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else DirCopy($source, $dest) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Directory copied.") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DirCopy Func _DirCreate () $dir2create = IniRead($file, "_DirCreate", "1", -1) If $dir2create = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else DirCreate($dir2create) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Directory created.") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DirCreate Func _DirExists () $dir2check = IniRead($file, "_DirExists", "1", -1) If $dir2check = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else $exists = DirGetSize($dir2check, 1) $exists = IsArray($exists) If $exists = 1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Directory does exists.") ElseIf $exists = 0 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Directory does not exists.") EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DirExists Func _DirMove () $source = IniRead($file, "_DirMove", "1", -1) $dest = IniRead($file, "_DirMove", "2", -1) If $source = -1 Or $dest = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else DirMove($source, $dest) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Directory moved.") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DirMove Func _DirList () $dir = IniRead($file, "_DirList", "1", -1) $output = IniRead($file, "_DirList", "2", -1) If $dir = -1 Or $output = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else $array = _FileFindAll($dir, "*.*", "") If $array = 0 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Directory does not exist.") Else FileDelete($output) $a = 0 While $a <> $array[0] + 1 FileWriteLine($output, $array[$a]) $a = $a + 1 WEnd TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Output to " & $output) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DirList Func _DirRemove() $dir2delete = IniRead($file, "_DirRemove", "1", -1) If $dir2delete = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else DirRemove($dir2delete, 1) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Directory deleted.") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DirRemove Func _ChangeWorkDir() $dir2change = IniRead($file, "_ChangeWorkDir", "1", -1) If $dir2change = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else FileChangeDir($dir2change) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Directory changed to " & $dir2change & ".") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ChangeWorkDir Func _FileCopy() $source = IniRead($file, "_FileCopy", "1", -1) $dest = IniRead($file, "_FileCopy", "2", -1) If $source = -1 Or $dest = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else FileCopy($source, $dest) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "File Copied!") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FileCopy Func _FileDelete() $file2delete = IniRead($file, "_FileDelete", "1", -1) If $file2delete = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else FileDelete($file2delete) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "File Deleted!") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FileDelete Func _FileExists() $file2check = IniRead($file, "_FileExists", "1", -1) If $file2check = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else $exists = FileExists($file2check) If $exists = 1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "File does exists.") ElseIf $exists = 0 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "File does not exists.") EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FileExists Func _FileMove() $source = IniRead($file, "_FileMove", "1", -1) $dest = IniRead($file, "_FileMove", "2", -1) If $source = -1 Or $dest = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else FileMove($source, $dest) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "File Moved!") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FileMove Func _ProcessKill() $process = IniRead($file, "_ProcessKill", "1", -1) If $process = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else ProcessClose($process) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Process Closed!") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ProcessKill Func _ProcessList() $output = IniRead($file, "_ProcessList", "1", -1) If $output = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else $array = ProcessList() $a = 0 FileDelete($output) While $a <> $array[0][0] + 1 FileWriteLine($output, $array[$a][0] & " " & $array[$a][1]) $a = $a + 1 WEnd TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Output to " & $output) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ProcessList Func _Run() $filename = IniRead($file, "_Run", "1", -1) If $filename = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else Run($filename) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Program Excuted.") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Run Func _Shutdown() $code = IniRead($file, "_Shutdown", "1", -1) If $code = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else Shutdown($code) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Shutdown Func _Time() TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "The local time is " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) EndFunc ;==>_Time Func _WinList() $output = IniRead($file, "_WinList", "1", -1) FileDelete($output) If $output = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else $array = WinList() $a = 0 While $a <> $array[0][0] + 1 FileWriteLine($output, $array[$a][0] & " " & $array[$a][1]) $a = $a + 1 WEnd TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Output to " & $output) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_WinList Func _WinKill() $win = IniRead($file, "_WinKill", "1", -1) If $win = -1 Then TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Invalid number of parameters.") Else WinKill($win) TCPSend($ConnectedSocket, "Window Closed.") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_WinKill ;=================================================================; ; DirList functions, not made by me, many thanks for making dude!; ;=================================================================; Func _FileFindAll($Path, $Mask = '*', $AttribFilter = 'dhs') ;Returns an array fo files in $Path matching $Mask and fitting $AttribFilter Dim $FileList[20], $FileListSize = 0, $hndFile_Search, $CurFile If _FileIsDir($Path) Then;Path exists and is a directory $hndFile_Search = FileFindFirstFile(_FileJoinPath($Path, $Mask)) If $hndFile_Search <> - 1 Then; at least 1 file/directory exists $CurFile = FileFindNextFile($hndFile_Search) While Not @error;loop through found files If _FileFilterAttrib(_FileJoinPath($Path, $CurFile), $AttribFilter) And $CurFile <> '.' And $CurFile <> '..' Then;file passes attribute filter $FileListSize = $FileListSize + 1 If $FileListSize >= UBound($FileList) Then ReDim $FileList[$FileListSize * 2];increase list size $FileList[$FileListSize] = $CurFile EndIf $CurFile = FileFindNextFile($hndFile_Search) WEnd FileClose($hndFile_Search) $FileList[0] = $FileListSize ReDim $FileList[$FileList[0] + 1] Return $FileList EndIf EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_FileFindAll Func _FileIsDir($Path) ;This function checkes to see if $FileName exists and if it is a Directory If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($Path), 'D') Then Return 1 Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_FileIsDir Func _FileJoinPath($FileName1, $FileName2) Dim $PP1 = _FileParsePath($FileName1) Dim $PP2 = _FileParsePath($FileName2) If $PP2[0] <> '' Then Return $FileName2 If StringLeft($PP2[1], 1) = '\' Then Return $PP1[0] & $PP2[1] & $PP2[2] & $PP2[3] If StringRight($FileName1, 1) <> '\' Then Return $FileName1 & '\' & $FileName2 Else Return $FileName1 & $FileName2 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FileJoinPath Func _FileParsePath($filename) Dim $Return[4];Drive, Path, Name, Extension Dim $Len If StringMid($filename, 2, 1) = ":" Then $Return[0] = StringLeft($filename, 2) $filename = StringRight($filename, StringLen($filename) - 2) Else $Return[0] = '' EndIf $Len = StringInStr($filename, "\", 0, -1) $Return[1] = StringLeft($filename, $Len) $filename = StringRight($filename, StringLen($filename) - $Len) $Len = StringInStr($filename, ".", 0, -1) $Return[2] = StringLeft($filename, $Len - 1) $filename = StringRight($filename, StringLen($filename) - $Len + 1) $Return[3] = $filename Return $Return EndFunc ;==>_FileParsePath Func _FileFilterAttrib($filename, $Attrib) ;Checks $FileName against attributes listed in $Attrib ;Returns True/False Dim $Return = 0 If FileExists($filename) Then Dim $FileAttrib, $i, $ch $Return = -1 $FileAttrib = FileGetAttrib($filename) For $i = 1 To StringLen($Attrib) $ch = StringMid($Attrib, $i, 1) If StringIsUpper($ch) Then ;This attribute must be on the list If Not StringInStr($FileAttrib, $ch) Then $Return = 0 Else ;This attribute must not be on the list If StringInStr($FileAttrib, StringUpper($ch)) Then $Return = 0 EndIf Next EndIf Return $Return EndFunc ;==>_FileFilterAttrib Edited November 16, 2005 by AutoIt Smith
LxP Posted September 3, 2005 Posted September 3, 2005 DAMN! AutoIt can control peoples computers really easy without them knowing.···_CD($OC, $Drive)  This will Open or Close $Drive  If $OC = O Then Open  If $OC = C Then CloseI'm sorry to have to ask but if this script is designed for people to install on their own computers and to use from another location then why is it designed to install/run without any prompts and why have you included a function to open/close the CD drive?
themax90 Posted September 3, 2005 Author Posted September 3, 2005 Just have, it's really incomplete. I just started making it for no reason. The Client and command info.txt should be all you need to know. No idea why I had the CD command, just felt like screwing around one time and added, do you like my server at all? AutoIt Smith
LxP Posted September 3, 2005 Posted September 3, 2005 (edited) Actually, it doesn't appear to exhibit any questionable form of stealthiness like lack of tray icon, etc. I got the wrong idea when I read 'This code if used wrongly can infect computers without knowing' from your initial post. It's actually harmless in this respect (or at least the source code is).I like the way it doesn't hog 100% CPU. You may or may not be interested in changing some of your If..ElseIf...EndIf blocks to Select..EndSelect which would make the code slightly more coherent.It would be nice to be able to press Enter after typing a command into the client console and perhaps some simpler keywords would be better, like time instead of _Time()...Hope you find some of those ideas useful!Edit: Typo. Edited September 3, 2005 by LxP
themax90 Posted September 3, 2005 Author Posted September 3, 2005 yah but it was a useless bored script so I dont think much will be done with it
theguy0000 Posted September 5, 2005 Posted September 5, 2005 (edited) lol yeah ive written plenty of those useless scripts when im bored (this post makes it so that i am the author of the most recent post in every topic in the v3 cripts&scraps Edited September 5, 2005 by theguy0000 The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
Valik Posted September 5, 2005 Posted September 5, 2005 this post makes it so that i am the author of the most recent post in every topic in the v3 cripts&scraps section...lolYes, and its very annoying that you are. Nobody really likes it when they see unread forum posts and then see that they are all by the same person making the same pointless comment in every thread. Its nice that you like these author's work but was it necessary to tell all of them all at once?
theguy0000 Posted September 5, 2005 Posted September 5, 2005 lol...sorry i was just i went throughand download and tested out a bunch of scripts The cake is a is currentlyUP is currentlyUP all other * sites are DOWN
DaLiMan Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Hi, I was trying your script but there seems to be something missing at the end if the script..... >Running AU3Check...C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTe\Defs\Unstable\Au3Check\au3check.dat P:\Test\TestScripts\_ProbeerUit2.au3(427,57) : ERROR: syntax error "long", BitOR($GENERIC_READ, $GENERIC_WRITE) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ P:\Test\TestScripts\_ProbeerUit2.au3(95,60) : ERROR: _APIFileRead(): undefined function. $a = _APIFileRead($z, FileGetSize($data2[2]), 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ P:\Test\TestScripts\_ProbeerUit2.au3(96,29) : ERROR: _APIFileClose(): undefined function. _APIFileClose($z) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
themax90 Posted November 1, 2005 Author Posted November 1, 2005 That is saposta be all coments. I never figured out how to send files to the server or to the remote computer that wernt script and text files
Jabberwock Posted November 16, 2005 Posted November 16, 2005 does this script work for anyone? everytime i try to run it, i get errors Line 1 (File "C:\client.au3"): UPDStartUp () ^ ERROR Error: Unknown function name. and this on the server Line 425 (File "C:\server.au3"): $AFO_h = DllCall( "kernal32.dll", "CreateFile", "str", $szFile, "long", BitOR($GENERIC_READ, $GENERIC_WRITE), & Error: "Func" statement has no matching "EndFunc".
themax90 Posted November 16, 2005 Author Posted November 16, 2005 Code seems fine, try copy and pasting again.
bigred Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 This is actually a pretty cool little script. In my work I use a lot of remote management programs, this script could be pretty useful with some additions like file transfers.
JSThePatriot Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 does this script work for anyone? everytime i try to run it, i get errors Line 1 (File "C:\client.au3"):UPDStartUp ()^ ERRORError: Unknown function name.and this on the serverLine 425 (File "C:\server.au3"):$AFO_h = DllCall( "kernal32.dll", "CreateFile", "str", $szFile, "long", BitOR($GENERIC_READ, $GENERIC_WRITE), &Error: "Func" statement has no matching "EndFunc".From looks of things you arent using the latest beta to run through this.JS AutoIt Links File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008Â Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out. ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006 External Links Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)
Jabberwock Posted December 1, 2005 Posted December 1, 2005 (edited) Would this be this correct way to execute a command ? _testsendthings code i added. Func _testsendthings() Run("notepad.exe") Sleep(500) Send("This is a test") EndFunc Before i even added this, i got this error, and i am running the beta, the most recent beta to my knowledge Line 50 (File "C:\server.au3"): $data[2] = StringTrimRight($data[2], 1) $data[2] = StringTrimRight(^ ERROR Error: Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded. Edited December 1, 2005 by Jabberwock
Jabberwock Posted December 1, 2005 Posted December 1, 2005 Actually, it doesn't appear to exhibit any questionable form of stealthiness like lack of tray icon, etc. I got the wrong idea when I read 'This code if used wrongly can infect computers without knowing' from your initial post. It's actually harmless in this respect (or at least the source code is).I like the way it doesn't hog 100% CPU. You may or may not be interested in changing some of your If..ElseIf...EndIf blocks to Select..EndSelect which would make the code slightly more coherent.It would be nice to be able to press Enter after typing a command into the client console and perhaps some simpler keywords would be better, like time instead of _Time()...Hope you find some of those ideas useful!Edit: Typo.i agree that it kinda gets annoying to have to press send instead of pressing enter.
themax90 Posted December 2, 2005 Author Posted December 2, 2005 Ok guys, listen up just abit I wrote this 2 - 3 months ago and when I finish the ITS chat server and get it stable for a official 1.0 release then I will go back and redo most of this server okay You can just add If _IsPressed('0D') Then Send(Blah)
Skrip Posted December 3, 2005 Posted December 3, 2005 Ya, heres another error, Line 268 (File "C:\AutiIt3\rm.au3"): Func OnAutoItExit () Error: Duplicate function name. [left][sub]We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine.[/sub][sup]And the machine is bleeding to death...[/sup][sup][/sup][/left]
themax90 Posted December 3, 2005 Author Posted December 3, 2005 All of this has been taken care of and since people seem to love this so much I will rebuild it into a Official v1.0 release for you guys. Please do not post anymore errors until the next version is done.
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