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Local $k = 0 , $v = 1, $d = "|||", $us , $emotion, $what
Local $info = "We|||Love|||autoit|||"
$pairs = StringSplit($info, $d ,2)

Alright my whole thread is changing, because no matter how long you look at something until you post it you will never get it. At this point I have what I wanted working to an extent. But String Split leaving weird spaces in the in the array. Any way to prevent this ? 

Edited by USMCGalloway
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you used:

$pairs = StringSplit($info, $d ,2)

but you want to split the string with string delimiter, and if you still want to disable return of item count as first element you would have to use this:

$pairs = StringSplit($info, $d ,2+1)

And finally, you would have to use this:

for $i = 0 To UBound($pairs)-1 ;instead of for $i = 0 To UBound($pairs) step 1

because of the zero-index counting.



EDIT: You have changed your first post, but did you even look at the explanation I gave you?

Edited by dragan
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It is in your benefit to leave posts in tact as originally written and amend info using notation such as "edit: - " followed by change/explanation.

This avoids confusion for anyone following the thread who may be able to help.  You may also refer back to this thread in the future and forget what you changed.


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Local $k = 0 , $v = 1, $d = "|||", $us , $emotion, $what
Local $info = "We|||Love|||autoit|||"
$pairs = StringSplit($info, $d ,2)
Alright my whole thread is changing, because no matter how long you look at something until you post it you will never get it. At this point I have what I wanted working to an extent. But String Split leaving weird spaces in the in the array. Any way to prevent this ? 













Run this example and see comments in this example.

#include <Array.au3> ; For _ArrayDisplay purposes only

Local $d = "|||"
Local $info = "We|||Love|||autoit|||"

If StringRight($info, StringLen($d)) = $d Then $info = StringTrimRight($info, StringLen($d)) ; Remove trailing $d if present.
If StringLeft($info, StringLen($d)) = $d Then $info = StringTrimLeft($info, StringLen($d)) ; Remove leading $d if present.

; See StringSplit function parameter "flag"
; flag = 1, entire delimiter string is needed to mark the split
; flag = 2, disable the return the count in the first element - effectively makes the array 0-based (must use UBound() to get the size in this case).
; (flag 1 + flag 2 = flag 3)
Local $aPairs = StringSplit($info, $d, 3) ; flag 3
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If $pairs[$i] = "" Then ContinueLoop
In your for loop at the top of it.

Local $d = "|||"
Local $info = "We|||Love|||autoit|||"
$pairs = StringSplit($info, $d , 2)
For $i = 0 To UBound($pairs) - 1
    If $pairs[$i] = "" Then ContinueLoop
    ConsoleWrite($pairs[$i] & @CRLF)


If you put a hole in a bucket only so that you can fix it , then here is another fix.

Local $d = "|||"
Local $info = "We|||Love|||autoit|||"
$pairs = StringSplit($info, $d, 2)
For $i = 0 To UBound($pairs) - 2 Step Stringlen($d)
    ConsoleWrite($pairs[$i] & @CRLF)
Edit: Changed "Step 3"


"Step Stringlen($d)"

alluding to the fact that the flag 2 parameter of the StringSplit function is the cause of all the extra blank elements added to the resultant array.

Edited by Malkey
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