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Go to solution Solved by soonyee91,

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For a new project i need to lookup all the available .pdf files in a certain directory.

The pdf format looks like below









The above mentioned pdf file names are all the available variations that can occur, but it is also possible
that there are only one or two of the the file's mentioned above.

My goal:

I want to read all the available filenames(without) the extension and

the prefix "material-1a_" (and so on for the next files), and store the value in an array? or each file in a different variable?,

but in a way that material-1a is always available in the same variable or array position, so i can use
them to place the value in an excell sheet.

Is this possible or are there better/smarter ways to do this.


Thanks in advance!



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Posted (edited)

You can use Melba's RecFileListToArray to do what you're after. Regardless of the number of files, it will put them into an array for you. You can then manipulate the array as you see fit.

Edit: forgot the link


Edited by JLogan3o13

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Posted (edited)

i would recommend 


==> helpfile (click on the functions) for the beginning and then all the nice String* functions.


Edited by Edano

[color=rgb(255,0,0);][font="'comic sans ms', cursive;"]FukuLeaks[/color][/font]



There are many ways to do it.

1. To allow user to choose multiple files from a directory("use fileopendialog or Melba's RecFileListToArray")

2. To obtain filenames, use pathsplit function or other similar function

3. stringsplit function can be use to split the strings into array by specify delimeters >>>show in example below

#include <Array.au3>
Local $result[8],$result1
; below is just some example for you to start
;you can use fileopendialog to retrieve multiple pdf files from certain directory
; then you convert the return value(obtained from fileopendialog) into array
; use pathsplit to obtain filenames only

$result[0] = "material-1a_124567.pdf"

For  $i =0 to 7

Hope this can help you to start with your project!


no. op doesn't want to choose the filles, but wants automatically lists them to array. and it doesn't need _pathsplit to strip awway the ".pdf"

[color=rgb(255,0,0);][font="'comic sans ms', cursive;"]FukuLeaks[/color][/font]


My goal:

I want to read all the available filenames(without) the extension and

the prefix "material-1a_" (and so on for the next files), and store the value in an array? or each file in a different variable?,



and it doesn't need _pathsplit to strip awway the ".pdf"

Actually, that was one of the conditions.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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Posted (edited)

Ok, this is one of the way to write the prefix "material-1a, material-1b & etc" to excel range A1 in column order:

#include <Array.au3>
#include <Excel.au3>
Local $result[8],$result1
; below is just some example for you to start
;you can use fileopendialog to retrieve multiple pdf files from certain directory
; then you convert the return value(obtained from fileopendialog) into array
; use pathsplit to obtain filenames only

$result[0] = "material-1a_124567.pdf"

Local $oExcel=_ExcelBookNew()

For  $i =0 to 7


Msgbox(0,"","Write to excel file complete! Excel will close without saving!")


Edited by soonyee91

it doesn't seem the op is still interested in solutions....

[color=rgb(255,0,0);][font="'comic sans ms', cursive;"]FukuLeaks[/color][/font]

Posted (edited)

#include <File.au3>

$aFiles = _FileListToArray(@ScriptDir, '*.pdf', 1)

For $i = 1 To $aFiles[0]
    $iFilelength = StringLen($aFiles[$i])
    ConsoleWrite($aFiles[$i] & @LF)
    $sTrimmed = StringMid($aFiles[$i],13, $iFilelength - (12 + 4))
    ConsoleWrite($sTrimmed & @LF)

Edited by JohnOne

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Monkey's are, like, natures humans.


@edano and the rest, i'am still very interested in the given solutions, but time is my biggest
problem at this moment, i did not have time to read them until now..... :shifty:

This weekend i'am gonna try all the possible solutions given, and comment on this
great forum.

Thnx a lot for the support!




One more version

#include <array.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Excel.au3>

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; create these files in @scriptdir\test\ for testing
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local $result[8]


for $1 = 0 to ubound($result) - 1
    fileopen(@scriptdir & '\test\' & $result[$1],10)

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; start of script that you'll use
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; list all .pdf type files from a specific directory
$atemp_Files = _FileListToArray(@ScriptDir & '\test\', '*.pdf', 1)

; create final result array with 2 dimensions
local $aFiles[ubound($atemp_Files)][2]

; populate 1ST dimension of final result array with complete file name (not path)

for $1 = 0 to ubound($atemp_Files) - 1
    $aFiles[$1][0] = $atemp_Files[$1]

; populate 2ND dimension of final result array with stripped out file name

local $aTmp
for $1 = 1 to ubound($aFiles) - 1
    $aTmp = stringregexp($aFiles[$1][0],'[^_]*_(.*)\.pdf',3)
    if isarray($aTmp) then $aFiles[$1][1] = $aTmp[0]


; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; create spreadsheet (shamelessly plagarized from soonyee91)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Local $oExcel=_ExcelBookNew()

For $1 = 0 to ubound($aFiles) - 1

Msgbox(0,"","Write to excel file complete! Excel will close without saving!")




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"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill



Lol, you did not consider as plagarized as you have quoted my name... by the way, your code teach me how to deal with 2nd dimension array(learning array part in process)... 


@JohnOne, sooyee91, kylomas (very nice regexpression, how do you build them?)

You solution works fine, but how to get the values
on a fixed place in the array? or in a fixed variable

I need this because not allways all the pdf documents will be needed.

See the examples below


material-1a_124567.pdf - always 1th record
material-1b_12345_12345.pdf - always 2th record
material-1c_12345_nesting.pdf - always 3th record
material-1d_us_04030-2010-09-03.pdf - always 4th record
material-1e_z35_SL1020_01.pdf - always 5th record
material-1f_W1305050.pdf - always 6th record
material-1g_SL1025_02.pdf - always 7th record
material-1h_painting.pdf- - always 8th record


material-1b_12345_12345.pdf - always 2th record
material-1c_12345_nesting.pdf - always 3th record
material-1f_W1305050.pdf - always 6th record
material-1g_SL1025_02.pdf - always 7th record
I also need to remove:
_us_ from the 4th record
_z35_ from the 5th record

Thanx again :-)




I think I can't really get what you want to do.

if you obtain the file names using fileopendialog/any similar function. The files that stored in the array will be according to "window's sorting condition". You may sort them to your own prefrence using arraysort function.

If you use arraydelete to remove certain array position it will reorganise the index hence not the fixed position you want. Or you can try set that array position to nothing.

For example:

array[0] ="" ; means for the first term set it to nothing.

By the way, there are alot of ways to do it. Can't really give you example as I can't understand your criteria well, perhaps kylomas can...XD)

By the way, there are alot of ways to do it. Can't really give you example as I can't understand your criteria well, perhaps kylomas can...XD)

This is the time where you put up code showing what you are doing. 

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"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill



The following returns fle name segments between the last "_" and the first ".pdf" found in the file name. There is also an example of looking for a value in the file name segment and writing it to the console.

#include <array.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Excel.au3>

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; create these files in @scriptdir\test\ for testing
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

local $result[8]


for $1 = 0 to ubound($result) - 1
    fileopen(@scriptdir & '\test\' & $result[$1],10)

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; start of script that you'll use
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; list all .pdf type files from a specific directory
$atemp_Files = _FileListToArray(@ScriptDir & '\test\', '*.pdf', 1)

; create final result array with 2 dimensions
local $aFiles[ubound($atemp_Files)][2]

; populate 1ST dimension of final result array with complete file name (not path)

for $1 = 0 to ubound($atemp_Files) - 1
    $aFiles[$1][0] = $atemp_Files[$1]

; populate 2ND dimension of final result array with stripped out file name

local $aTmp
for $1 = 1 to ubound($aFiles) - 1
    ;$aTmp = stringregexp($aFiles[$1][0],'[^_]*_(.*)\.pdf',3)
    $aTmp = stringregexp($aFiles[$1][0],'.*_(.*)\.pdf',3)
    if isarray($aTmp) then $aFiles[$1][1] = $aTmp[0]


; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; iterate array looking for element with "paint" in the name
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

for $1 = 0 to ubound($aFiles) - 1
    if stringinstr($aFiles[$1][1],'paint') > 0 then
        ConsoleWrite('Found "paint" in element ' & $1 & ' of array' & @LF)

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; create spreadsheet (shamelessly plagarized from soonyee91)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

;~ Local $oExcel=_ExcelBookNew()

;~ For $1 = 0 to ubound($aFiles) - 1
;~  _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel,$aFiles[$1][0],$1,1)
;~  _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel,$aFiles[$1][1],$1,5)
;~ next

;~ Msgbox(0,"","Write to excel file complete! Excel will close without saving!")

;~ _ExcelBookClose($oExcel,0)

;~ $oExcel=""


Forum Rules         Procedure for posting code

"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill


I think I can't really get what you want to do.

Let me explain again in another way what my goal is with this application.

Read all the pdf file's in a certain directory and put a part of the pdf filenames into an array or variable(s).

It depends on the job how many pdf files there will be, sometimes there are 8 pdf files, sometimes there are 3 pdf files, or even 1 pdf file is possible.

From the prefix of the pdf file (material-1a) i know what type of document it is, and where to place its value

after the prefix "material-1a_" in the excell sheet.

When there are 8 pdf file's the array is filled from 1 to 8 with the values, so i know wich value is on array position 8, or 7

and so on.

When there are (for example) 3 pdf file's i don't know how to determine the values in the array.


material-1a_124567.pdf - always 1th record in array
material-1b_12345_12345.pdf - always 2th record in array
material-1c_12345_nesting.pdf - always 3th record in array
material-1d_us_04030-2010-09-03.pdf - always 4th record in array
material-1e_z35_SL1020_01.pdf - always 5th record in array
material-1f_W1305050.pdf - always 6th record in array
material-1g_SL1025_02.pdf - always 7th record in array
material-1h_painting.pdf- - always 8th record in array


material-1b_12345_12345.pdf - first record in array - with 8 pdf files this is the 2nd record in the array
material-1c_12345_nesting.pdf - second record in array - with 8 pdf files is this the 3th record in the array
material-1f_W1305050.pdf - 3th record in array - with 8 pdf files is this the 6th record in the array
So i need to know on which position in the array "material-1a" and so on is, which ofcourse depends on how may pdf files there are in the directory.




The following returns fle name segments between the last "_" and the first ".pdf" found in the file name. There is also an example of looking for a value in the file name segment and writing it to the console.


The "looking for a value" could be the solution, i need to know on which position in the

array the value for material-1a or material-1b and so on is, so that i always take the correct value to place int the excell sheet.

I think i solved it with the code below. (only for looking up 1a)

For $1 = 0 To UBound($aFiles) - 1
    If StringInStr($aFiles[$1][0], '-1a') > 0 Then
        ConsoleWrite('Found "1a" in element ' & $1 & ' of array' & @LF)

Is there a smart way to search from 1a to 1f ?

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