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problem with send fuction

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so I have a script, and it contains

Send("{RCTRL down}") ;Holds the right control key

this seems to work fine, and that's half the problem.

The other half is this

Send("{RCTRL up}") ;Releases the right control key

This does not seem to be working, cause after I run this script, my system seems to act as if right control is forever engaged, I'm forced to log out then back in to get rid of it.

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Which application do you try to automate? Often there is a more reliable way to do what you want.

Edited by water

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Sending {Modifier up/down} often results in stuck keys - a possible solution is described in the Wiki FAQ.

Another solution is to action the modifier at the same time as the key being modified rather then leaving it pressed for a long period. That is what FireFox was asking - why do you need to have the Ctrl key pressed for so long? :huh:


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so I have a script, and it contains

Send("{RCTRL down}") ;Holds the right control key

this seems to work fine, and that's half the problem.

The other half is this

Send("{RCTRL up}") ;Releases the right control key

This does not seem to be working, cause after I run this script, my system seems to act as if right control is forever engaged, I'm forced to log out then back in to get rid of it.


How does you seem. Ctrl is not pressed.Ctrl is a combination key. it does not work alone.

Send("^a") to a text file then see. is it select all or not?
Edited by adnanbaloch

Life is like a coin. You can spend it Anyway as you wish and for your kind information. "you can spend it only once."

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