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I need a little help- I have an ActiveX control that requires a run-time license.  I do have the license.  I've searched the forums extensively and only see a few fleeting references to this.

I'm not sure where to go from here.  From what I can see, other programming languages just have the functionality to supply the built in.  I have a large-ish project I want to use these controls in, so switching languages is not really feasible.



I'll admit this is above my head, but some research seems to suggest that you can simply add the license to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTLicenses without having to worry about a .lic file.  That is of course, if I don't have a misunderstanding of the question/issue, which is a very good possibility :P


I believe that the .LIC file/registry entry is for design-time licensing.  From what I understand, run-time licensing appears to require that the license key (a code which I do have) be supplied when the COM object is instantiated, but AutoIT doesn't look to have any ability to supply that.

I think it is possible to use an ActiveX object directly without registering it via DLLCall, and I'm wondering if that's the way forward?  Just a bit over my head, unfortunately.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for looking.

This is one of the controls: http://www.exontrol.com/exgantt.jsp

Here's their FAQ section on instantiating a run-time licensed control: http://www.exontrol.com/gfaq.jsp#runax

This is the MSDN information on licensed controls: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa751973(v=vs.85).aspx

It looks like other language's design tools will retrieve the run-time key from the active X control using the design-time key, and embed it in the EXE.

The FAQ shows how to supply it when you instantiate it yourself in languages that don't support the automatic inclusion.  I have the run-time key values (the control's supplier gave them to me).  Because I have purchased this I can re-distribute the DLL but I believe I cannot share the run-time key.

EDIT: I mean share as in post it up here, obviously I have to be able to include it in my program or it would be useless.

Edited by Hostage

I phrased a bit of that wrong.  The FAQ shows how to supply the run time key when you programmatically create the control- since there is no designer to do the heavy lifting for you.


I guess it really comes down to some method of using IClassFactory2 when instantiating the COM object.  My gut feeling is that AU3 can't do it.  I should maybe have tried that before buying $1k worth of COM objects for this project... woops...


I guess it really comes down to some method of using IClassFactory2 when instantiating the COM object.  My gut feeling is that AU3 can't do it.  I should maybe have tried that before buying $1k worth of COM objects for this project... woops...

Don't lose hope yet, it's likely that somebody that knows a lot more than me will stop by and give you a firm answer one way or the other.

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